Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 170

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On the island we (3)

“How do you feel?”

To the old man’s question, the child, or rather the now-unidentified Cheonma Baek Cheon-gwang, answered.

“Not bad.”

“If you wait a little while, we will carry out the final Great Law.”

The first reincarnation method was completely successful.

But when the child turned three, a side effect occurred. The child’s body could not bear it.

The reincarnation itself was successful, but the fact that the soul being transferred was not an ordinary person was not taken into account.

After that, I had to continue to file for divorce. Fortunately, he found a body where he no longer had to deal with divorce.

“You’ll have to try it to find out.”

The old man asked, responding more skeptically than usual.

“Do you care about him?”

“Well… … “He wasn’t an ordinary guy.”

“I felt that way too. However, in big things, great difficulties and adversaries inevitably appear. “Didn’t you also experience it in your past life?”

Baek Tian-gwang smiled bitterly.

“It did.”

Cheon Ha-jin.

He was a person who literally appeared like a comet in the world, broke all kinds of records, and even wiped out his own life. She was a disaster and a natural disaster for Safa and Maqiao.

When I think of my last fight with him, I still get goosebumps all over my body.

But when I heard the news that he had died, I also felt regret and sadness. This is because I wanted to become stronger and beat him this time.

“I wanted to kill you with my own hands.”

“That would have happened if he were alive.”

Could that really have been possible?

Baek Cheon-gwang could not be confident. That’s how strong Cheon Ha-jin was. To the extent that he does not easily allow even the vaguest imaginary victory.

“Now that I have his body, my magic power will also be restored.”

“We will spare no effort in providing all support.”

Baek Cheon-gwang said something suggestive.

“You won’t be able to handle me by then, right?”

“No martial arts person can recover everything in an instant.”

“I will be different.”

“Thanks to you, this old man’s eyes will heal.”

Baek Tian-gwang narrowed his eyes as he looked at the still relaxed old man.

“You have a plan to tie me up.”

“There is nothing like that. A new Dafa expert will arrive soon. “Please be patient until then.”

The old man changed the topic. He never revealed his true feelings.

When asked why he reincarnated himself in the first place, he answered that he needed an absolute strongman to rule over the powerful.

At first, Baek Cheon-gwang believed that. Otherwise, wouldn’t he have any reason to revive himself?

However, after going through several divorce proceedings, I realized that that may not be true.

The old man was not someone who needed his strength. He had the power to take over this powerhouse on his own.

‘Then why did you reincarnate me?’

It was a fact that I still could not find out even after going through my sixth divorce.

* * *

Except for Baekpyo, everyone else had a peaceful rest for the first time in a while.

The comfort this island provides was incomparable to any other place.

Lim Yeon-jeong was immersed in the time she spent with her son. He stuck around all day.

Jang Geun also loved his mother, whom he had not seen in a long time, and did not know what to do.

I could sense that the reason they were sticking around without resting for a moment was because of some kind of anxiety.

What if we break up again?

Even young children feel this anxiety.

But you don’t have to worry.

The two will never be separated, and even if they are forced to separate, Jang Geun will be safely protected.

In the distance, Lim Yeon-jeong looked this way and waved her hand.

I also waved at her.

At that time, I heard a voice coming from behind.

“look good.”

When I turned around, I saw Song Hwa-rin walking towards me.

“I know.”

Song Hwa-rin, standing next to me, watched for a moment as Lim Yeon-jeong and Jang Geun ran around laughing.

“How will it feel to have my own child?”


That was a question I couldn’t answer.

“It would probably be an amazing experience, right?”

“I guess so.”

I turned to her and gave her a playful look.

“Maybe you too?”

I expected him to be embarrassed and ask what he was saying to an unmarried girl.

“I’m not confident.”


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She answered seriously.

“If something like Lim So-jeo had happened, I would have gone crazy because I was so worried.”

I could see how he felt. That would be the same for me too. But worry is just worry.

“But the reality may be different from what you worry about.”

“Is that really true?”

“of course. “If you had experienced the same thing, you would have endured it just as well as Lim So-je.”

“How can you be sure?”

“At that time, it won’t be Song Hwa-rin, but it will be my mother.”


She let out a short exclamation.

“You really… … Strange.”


“How can you think like this? “You’re the same age as me?”

“That’s because I’m more mature than you.”

When I answered with a grin, she gave me a puzzled look. I completely understand her feelings. There will never be a young old person like this.

Then, an unexpected sight appeared over her shoulder.

“There are people who should worry about their children before us?”

“What are you talking about?”

Song Hwa-rin looked back.

In the distance, Gwangdu and Suran were walking side by side. The way they talked about various things felt like lovers.

It was a combination that didn’t seem like they would go together at all, but unexpectedly, the sight of them walking together wasn’t bad.

“I have a good feeling? I hope it goes well.”

I hope it turns out like she said, but my hunch wasn’t that good.

Gwangdu was hurt by a woman.

Can poached eggs really heal those wounds? You seem to have a strong personality for that.

Song Hwa-rin spoke as if she had read my mind.

“You don’t know about gender issues.”

* * *

Gal Sa-ryang brought the news he had been waiting for.

“I received a call from the owner of Cheonmanghoe. “I found out about Yang Jeonghoe’s whereabouts.”

“When will you arrive in Wuhan?”

“Six days later.”

“They have already lost a Dafa expert once. “I will make every preparation so that I never lose him again.”

“I guess so.”

Even if there is no need to emphasize the need to be careful, Galsaryang will communicate with Cheonmanghoeju and coordinate well.

“Their leader personally confirmed the lord. “Maybe he was on edge because it was more than he thought.”

Actually, it was the same here too. The Heavenly Demon was a Heavenly Demon, but the old man was more problematic.

“I felt like there was no need to reincarnate the Heavenly Demon. “It was that strong.”

“There may be another purpose.”

I had a feeling that that purpose would have a big impact on my future work.

“Have you thought about what happens next?”

“yes. Since their power is stronger than ours, it is not time to fight openly.”

“That is correct.”

“I have two suggestions. First, we are going back to Shandong like this. They don’t know Confucius’ identity. I live as the successor to Byeok Clan Gate. “We are building the strength to deal with them starting from Shandong.”

“Then what about Galgunsa?”

“I just have to live as someone else. “If I shave my head and beard and put on a little makeup, no one will recognize me.”

Gal Sa-ryang pointed out what I was worried about.

“It may be a cruel thing to say, but don’t worry any more about the child who has the soul of the Heavenly Demon. If you become obsessed with your child, they will try to take advantage of you. If that happens, the child will be at greater risk.”

It was a statement that struck the core.

“That is correct.”

“Leave that child’s life to that child’s fate.”

I asked the old man for a favor that day. Even if you do Dafa, save the child. He said that if he could be saved but didn’t, wouldn’t it be too much of a waste?

“But even if it’s not a child, there’s another problem.”

I knew exactly the problem.


“Yes, that’s right. If you leave him alone, he will grow incredibly strong. Also, if Daebeop is used against Demon Lord as I expected, Heavenly Demon will become the Murim Lord.”

Moreover, Ma Cheol-gun will also die. This is the final Great Law, so the moment you succeed in the Great Law, Majeolgun’s soul will disappear. In other words, the success of Dafa meant the death of Ma Cheol-gun.

“What is the second way?”

“The child is taken away before the Great Law. “And then we use the great method of escape from spirit to forcibly remove the Heavenly Demon’s soul from the child’s body.”

“Is there anyone who can do that?”

“There is someone I know. “If I ask, you will definitely help me.”

“How do you plan to find out the child’s whereabouts?”

“Don’t we know that Yang Jeonghoe is their Dafa expert? If we track him down, we may be able to find out the child’s whereabouts. But there are problems with this method as well.”

“What is it?”

“First of all, getting the child out will be a difficult task, close to impossible.”

It will be so. There was a possibility that the old man might have come in person this time.

“Even if the child is taken out safely, the preparation process and costs for divorce will be significant.”

“If you ask me whether it is worth spending a lot of money to save a child, my answer is yes.”

“I knew you would. The last problem is that divorced marriage is a very dangerous law. “Many variables can occur in the process or results.”

Gal Sa-ryang looked at me as if his role had ended here. Now is the moment for me to make a decision.

I was worried for a moment.

Both methods had very big problems. It seemed as if it clearly showed how dangerous and difficult the enemy I had to face was.

Eventually I made a decision.

“I’ll take the second option.”

I concluded that it was impossible to leave Cheonma alone, as other people might not know.

“After dealing with the Heavenly Demon, I will choose the first method. Let’s go back to Shandong then and strengthen our strength.”

Gal Sa-ryang lowered his head and said.

“I follow your orders.”

* * *

I danced with Baekpyo again.

I didn’t ask what I felt and learned in the last meeting. As soon as she just met she started rubbing.

Today, Baekpyo did his best from the beginning.

I didn’t say anything and just pushed Baekpyo like the first day. Despite the fight the previous day, Baekpyo fought harder today.

The dancing continued the next day, and the day after that.

On the fifth day, after the dance, I asked Baekpyo.

“How is it?”

It was the first time I spoke to him since I started dancing five days ago.

Baekpyo, who was lost in thought for a moment, raised his head.

“I think I vaguely understand.”

“Then that’s it.”

Baekpyo realized that his guess was correct and his face brightened. It seemed like his skills had improved, but he wasn’t sure.

However, during a short conversation with me, he noticed a change in his skills.

I was able to confirm that Baekpyo’s skills improved in today’s dance. It was thanks to the continuous bimu that pushed it to its limits.

Of course, it was not possible to demonstrate next level skills right away. A small path to the next step has only been opened.

It’s up to Baekpyo whether he can get through there safely. Of course, a white mark will pass that path just fine.

“Thank you very much, my lord.”

Baekpyo bowed loudly on the spot. I left it as is. Because it was a lesson worth receiving at least once.

If you can take this learning well and make it your own, you will now be able to defeat the veterans of the Murim League Senate.

When Baekpyo retreated, Galsaryang appeared.

“It paid off.”

“Isn’t he an excellent warrior?”

“Isn’t that more difficult? “You’re telling me to improve my excellent skills even more in just a few days?”

“Actually, I had some success.”

“yes? “My lord?”

I smiled brightly. The secret art of Seonhak has reached great heights. In fact, my Seonhak secret technique reached Daeseong on the third day after starting the dance.

It wasn’t that I fought in a particularly different way or that I had any new realizations. Instead, it was a very difficult fight for me too. It had to be a fight that pushed a talented person of Baekpyo’s level to the limit while avoiding injury to each other.

When I finished praying on the third day, I naturally found out. The secret art of Seonhak has reached great heights.

Now, Seonhak’s secret arts have become more sophisticated and stronger.

But it had a more important meaning than that.

Now, by using the two completed martial arts, Chuhonsura Swordsmanship and Seonhak Secret Art, together, I have the opportunity to think about and study the harmony of two martial arts that do not go well with each other.

I just hope that I can find the path to Simgeom on that road. If not, I hope you can find at least a small milestone.

“I give you a reduction, my lord.”

“Thank you.”

After giving my sincere congratulations, Gal Sa-ryang told me with a determined look in his eyes that it was time.

“Yang Jeonghoe arrives in Wuhan tomorrow.”

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