Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 168

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On the island we (1)

It was an exciting drinking party after a long time.

Everyone drank heavily and had fun. At least at this moment, I didn’t have to worry about anything else.

It was also the moment when Song Hwa-rin, Chil-ho, and Lim Yeon-jeong gathered together for the first time to drink and talk.

It was an endlessly awkward situation.

However, they did not have an emotional fight over Byeokridan.

Instead, I tried to have a sense of belonging.

Now everyone was on the same side. As we realized that we would live together even if we died, the eyes we looked at each other became soft.

Song Hwarin noticed that the two women had some personal feelings for Byeokridan.

Those feelings were not something that could be hidden by trying to hide them. She may not know if her feelings for Byuk Lidan have faded, but now her feelings for Byuk Lidan are deeper than ever.

‘but. If not, I wouldn’t be here today.’

Honestly, it would be a lie if I said it doesn’t bother me.

Because both women were attractive. She was such a beautiful and handsome woman that even Lim Yeon-jeong with her son was there.

But Song Hwarin knows. That winning someone’s heart is not easy, nor is it something that can be forced. There are even cases where no matter how hard you try, it doesn’t work.

‘Just follow the flow of your heart.’

Because of that, he was able to treat Chil-ho and Lim Yeon-jeong in a friendly manner and take good care of them.

On the other hand, seeing her like that made Suran feel upset.

“Our baby is so withdrawn.”

These were words spoken softly to Gwangdu who was next to him.

“It’s not that you’re soft, it’s that you have a big heart, right?”

“joy! Don’t push it like that. “If you fall into that trap, you will become more and more withdrawn.”

“If your mind becomes wider, traps will be of no use. “Because when you do something half-heartedly, you get hurt the most.”

Suran didn’t say anything more to Gwangdu’s words. Instead, I looked at Gwangdu with an unexpected feeling. The more I looked, the more I found a new side of Gwangdu. My eyes keep falling on him.

Meanwhile, Chilho was quietly drinking and thinking about what to do next. At this moment, neither Byeokridan nor Song Hwarin were thinking. He was only thinking about himself. What position should I take in this new organization?


On the other hand, Lim Yeon-jeong glanced at Byeok-ridan even while she was busy taking care of Geun-i.

On the day of divorce, I realized that Byeokridan was an unknown group. At the time, he couldn’t think of anything else because he had to save his son, but now that he had some free time, his mind became a little more complicated.

When we met through the Unknown Great Association, I was reminded of what happened with the Byeokridan.

It was an unforgettable encounter in her life, where she had only ever cared for children.

‘It’s a relationship that can’t be achieved.’

He had a son, was treated as his lord, and most of all, he knew Chilho’s feelings.

This was her conclusion.

‘I have to leave it as a good memory.’

As each person’s thoughts deepened, the night on the island also deepened.

* * *

After the drinking party, Gal Sa-ryang and I took a walk around the manor alone.

I mainly talked to Galsaryang at drinking parties. The three women didn’t care. It will continue to be so. It was because I thought I should let them handle the matter between them.

If you get involved clumsily, things will only become more complicated and conflicts may arise that did not exist.

Gal Sa-ryang looked at the battle unfolding in the front yard of the manor and said as if something suddenly occurred to him.

“By the way, Sojeong Song is very talented in Jinbeopjutsu.”

“Haha, you’re so smart.”

“Even though he is still young, he puts in a lot of effort in everything he does.”

“He is someone I have a lot to learn from.”

Galsaryang also nodded as if he agreed with what I said.

Being stimulated by someone and gaining enlightenment is not a matter of whether you are old or young. Right now, I was born into Byeokridan and learned a lot from Gwangdu.

The same goes for Song Hwarin. In particular, this is what I can learn from her.

The desire for change and the effort to achieve it are connected to my efforts in this life.

“I have one question.”

“Please speak.”

“Are the two new women trustworthy?”


“How much can you trust?”


What should I answer? Emotionally, I wanted to answer until the end. But I couldn’t do that.

“I don’t know either.”

Then Gal Sa-ryang smiled.

“Why are you smiling?”

“It’s because I think you should do that. “No one should be trusted easily.”

“And my faith with you?”

“of course. Faith is a virtue that requires a very long time. It is human to betray even for a long time. So don’t trust anyone.”

It was pessimistic and cold advice. I could see how Gal Sa-ryang was saying these words.

I wasn’t saying not to trust them or to give up trust in people. However, it means that you should be careful when trusting someone and avoid being disappointed.

We had a similar conversation in a past life, when we were young and not long after we had met.

I probably would have said this first at that time. Don’t trust people.

Now that I think about it, those words were something I said vaguely without any deep reflection on faith.

But what Gal Sa-ryang is saying to me now is different. Even though it was the same thing, it was real advice based on his lifetime of experience.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”


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“thank you.”

“I have something important to say to the soldier.”

The place where we were standing now was also a place where it didn’t matter if anyone eavesdropped.

“Didn’t I tell you not to trust anyone?”

Galsaryang chuckled at my words.

“Please go inside the camp.”

“Let’s do that.”

Gal Sa-ryang and I entered the camp. In fact, there is no better place than this place to have intimate conversations.

It was a place where I knew exactly how to live and how to live, and because I knew how this place was created, I also felt comfortable with the method.

Gal Sa-ryang asked with a slightly nervous expression.

“What’s going on?”

“This time, we found out who the soul they transferred was.”

“Who is that?”

A person who must be mentioned so secretly.

“It was a heavenly horse.”

At the word Cheonma, Galsaryang widened her eyes and was astonished.

“Is that true?”

“exactly. “They succeeded in reincarnating the Heavenly Demon.”

“oh my god!”

Galsaryang was shocked and made a blank expression. He had experienced all kinds of ups and downs and ups and downs in Kangho, but this time he was really surprised. Didn’t Gal Sa-ryang and I wage a long war with Cheonma? I really don’t even think about fighting the demonic religion again.

You won’t like it.

“This was my sixth divorce. I ordered him to be reincarnated, but there seems to have been a problem. So, I had to file divorce proceedings several times. “I think Seohaksa, whom I killed earlier, was trying to unleash his final divorce law.”

“In other words, you found the right body.”


“Yang Jeonghoe, who is coming this time, will completely revive the Heavenly Demon.”

It will be so. Because Yang Jeong-hoe was a new Dafa expert with skills comparable to that of Seohaksa.

I am in the process of asking the head of the Cheonmanghoe to find out his whereabouts.

“What do you plan to do now?”

In response to Galsaryang’s question, I relaxed and said playfully.

“The Galgunsa was brought in to make that decision. Please think about what to do next and report back.”

Gal Sa-ryang smiled.

“All right. I’ll report back soon. Until then, rest well.”

“Thank you.”

“I will think about it for a moment and then leave. “Please leave first.”

It seemed that Gal Sa-ryang was now more comfortable in the formation.

When I came out of the camp, Chilho was waiting outside. Looking up at her moon, she looked similar to the way she had looked down at the pond long ago.

“Are you waiting for me?”

“Yes, I have something to tell you.”

“Let’s take a short walk.”

I walked through the flower garden with her.

“First of all, I would like to formally thank you once more for saving Geun.”

“It was nothing. “Of course it has to be done.”

“Now, even that ‘natural’ has become so precious.”

At times like this, she naturally speaks well.

She stopped walking. The expression looking back at me was serious. As expected, something unexpected came out of her mouth.

“I will serve you as my master from now on.”

From her firm words, I could tell that she had already made up her mind.

“Don’t do that.”

“What if I don’t?”

“Let’s stay friends.”

I was sincere too. I have no desire to make her my subordinate. A thought suddenly occurred to me. Why was I attracted to her?

I don’t know if she reminded me of my past life.

From that lonely figure staring at the pond.

There was Galsaryang and Baekpyo, but we couldn’t get along with them as well as we do in our current life. His loyalty and trust were the same, but he was unable to express them.

At that time, I… … I think I was lonely.

Chilho looked at me for a moment.

What is she looking at in me? What does she feel about me?

A smile appeared on her lips.

“Thank you for saying that. Thank you very much.”

Without any time to stop her, she formally bowed to me.

“I formally greet you, my lord. This poor life is now yours. No matter where I tell you to go or what I tell you to do, I will definitely carry it out and protect it.”

I took her hand and helped her up.

“White Lotus, no matter what you say, you are my friend.”

“Yes, from now on I am White Lotus, not Seven Tigers. “I will live the rest of my life with this name my lord gave me.”

She was stubborn until the end and I didn’t back down either.

“We are not masters, we are friends.”

“Sir, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She turned and walked away. The white lotus that was walking away looked back at me and said.

“By the way, go to sponsorship now.”

When I went to Huwon, Song Hwarin was there.

“uh? “What’s going on here?”

Considering that she didn’t know I was coming, I could tell that Baekryun was trying to get me to meet Song Hwa-rin, not because Song Hwa-rin asked for it.

“I came here to talk to Galgunsa.”

“Oh, I see. “I couldn’t sleep so I was getting some air.”

“Let’s go out.”


We passed the Jinbeop and left the manor. The two of us took a walk around the island.

“Galgunsa praised me for having a talent for fighting.”

“I guess that’s just what you say.”

“He’s not such a friendly person?”

“You were kind to me?”

“Galgunsa is also a man, a man.”

“haha! Nonsense!”

She smiled happily.

We walked side by side along the lakeside.

“It’s really good.”

“I know.”

This peace, this seclusion, put people’s minds at ease.

She said, looking at the calm lake bathed in moonlight.

“Honestly, I lived thinking I was unhappy for a while.”

Probably so. The pressure of trying to act as his son, the master’s work, and Li Dan’s actions and failures in the beginning.


“now… … “I don’t feel unhappy now, but I feel more anxious.”

I asked in surprise because it was something I had never thought of.


She looked back at me and said.

“Just because the intensity gets stronger doesn’t mean you become more unhappy, right? Because it is determined by how happy you were before you were unhappy. “The happier you are, the greater the misfortune to come.”

Although he said it with concern, in the end he said he was very happy right now.

I said with a smile.

“But that happiness may also give you the strength to overcome misfortune. “Because I know what happiness is, I will work harder to get it back.”

This time she smiled at me. She was truly beautiful under the moonlight.

“Since I have already received compliments from Galgunsa, can I learn a little more about the fighting techniques?”

I actually felt sorry for asking so carefully. I’d like to stay a little longer, but I’m afraid it might interfere with my work.

“You can stay as long as you want.”


“of course.”

“thank you.”

“Maybe Galgunsa will like it too.”

“Then I’m glad. “I wonder if I’m bothering someone who is busy for no reason.”

“Galgunsa is also a man. “Don’t worry.”


She laughed again at my joke.

“Instead, I want you to stay here in the safe house. “Because we are dealing with quite dangerous people right now.”

“I will.”

I opened my arms wide to her.

She was startled and hesitated for a moment, then her face turned red and she fell into my arms.

I hugged her tightly. Her breasts touched my chest. But what preceded her strange feelings was a sense of relief, and her desire to protect her.

In my past life, I tried to protect Kang-ho.

I won’t do that anymore.

Just as I protected Lim Yeon-jeong’s child, I will now protect this warm embrace. Starting with small things around me.

This life will be lived like that.

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