Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 166

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Divorce Law (3)

I had many conversations with Cheon So-seon, but I couldn’t find out any information about the people who killed me.

I couldn’t coax him to open his mouth, but at least I could tell whether he knew the truth or not.

It was clear that Cheon So-seon also did not know who killed me.

“I’ll say it again, I can beat Cheon Ha-jin.”

“It’s impossible.”

“Your fantasy about Cheon Ha-jin is too big.”

“He was too great of a person to be disparaged by the word ‘fantasy.’ Oh, don’t get me wrong. “That doesn’t mean I like him or respect him.”

Anyway, one conclusion was that it wasn’t them who killed me.

Meanwhile, time continued to pass, and Dafa had now reached its end.

The various devices installed in the temple were working so aggressively that it seemed as if they would break down at any moment, and the smell of various drugs was vibrating inside. Numerous needles used in Dafa were left piled aside.

“Now, it’s important from now on.”

“Let’s focus.”

Lim Yeon-jeong and Jeong So were completely exhausted, but their minds were clear. They were concentrating all their attention on Dafa.

Jeong So had the purpose of making Dafa his own, and it goes without saying that it was Lim Yeon-jeong’s purpose as well.

“Now, this is the final step.”

Drugs flowed into the bodies of the two children through the device. Jeongso sat in front of him and began to read the magic-like words, and all the prepared incense began to bloom.

Both children convulsed at the same time.

“please! Please cheer up!”

Everyone in the room cheered for the children. Everyone had different goals and thoughts, but they all had the same wish for Dafa to succeed.

The words that a moment seems like an eon were words that should be used right now.

The children let out groans of pain.

I couldn’t imagine how Lim Yeon-jeong felt as she watched that scene.

At the moment when all the drugs were administered, both children’s bodies simultaneously bent like a bow. At that point, the convulsions slowly began to stop.

Lim Yeon-jeong ran over and checked the condition of the two children.

After a tense moment, she looked back and smiled brightly.

“It’s a success.”

The teaching that lasted twelve sessions was a success. Jang Geun’s soul was safely transferred to the child. The past five successes were now number six.

Tears welled up in Lim Yeon-jeong’s eyes. Fortunately, neither her Cheon Xiaosian nor her testes paid any attention to her.

A brief message was exchanged with her.

When I opened the door and went out, Jin was waiting outside. It was a situation where an order had been given in advance to come at the end of the Dafa meeting.

I pressed the acupuncture point again and woke up Chilho, who was sleeping.

“I will take these two women.”

Since both of them were women, there would not be much suspicion. She could have thought that he was going to take her hostage, or he could have thought that he was greedy for women.

But at least I won’t think it’s because those two people are mine.

Right now, Cheon So-seon was not concerned about the lives or deaths of others. He was only focused on saving his own life. Thanks to this, I was able to naturally take out the two people.

-Follow the warriors outside and wait.

I sent a message to the two women.

Lim Yeon-jeong did not look at me. He looked at the child.

-I will definitely take the child.

Lim Yeon-jeong was a smart woman. She knew that the better way for her child would be to be absent than to be present.


-I’ll do my best.

Jin, who was waiting outside, dragged the two people away like hostages. They will go to the island where the safe house is and wait for me.

The booklets used in Dafa were made available to Lim Yeon-jeong.

Jeongso’s eyes rolled over at that sight. The look in her eyes made Jeongso want to rush in and steal it from her if she could. No matter how smart she was, it was impossible for her to memorize all the teachings that were taught over the course of twelve sessions.

I immediately pointed out the testis transfusion. Jeongso fell asleep where Chilho was lying.

After the two women left with Jin, Jang Geun let out a short scream.


Jang Geun’s complexion turned pale and he began to breathe heavily. As soon as Dafa was finished, side effects began to appear.

Cheon So-seon and I approached Jang-geun.


“Of course. “Before that, let me ask you one thing.”

Cheon So-seon asked me with a serious expression.

“If I save this child, will you save me?”

“If the child survives.”

“Are you really going to save me?”

When he checked again, I said sarcastically.

“What is the importance of verbal promises?”

“It’s important to me.”


“At least you don’t seem like you’ll break your promise.”

It didn’t matter now what he thought of me or whether I kept my promise or not. The most important thing was for Cheon So-seon to save the child safely.

“If you were the highest leader of your organization, I honestly would not spare you. Are you that kind of person?”


“Then I guess I’ll live.”

Cheon So-seon made a subtle expression. He seemed happy, and he also seemed angry.


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“why? “Is your pride hurt?”

“no. “I’m actually glad you told me honestly.”

Cheon So-seon began treatment by pressing the child’s blood pressure points.

“How long will it take?”

“It won’t take that long.”

I stepped back without disturbing him.

Except for the two people who were asleep, there were now only me, Cheon So-seon, and the two children.

At that time, another child opened his eyes.

I could tell by the look in the child’s eyes. That it was not a child, but another soul that was in Geun’s head.

“How do you feel?”

In response to my question, the child pressed his fingers on both sides of his forehead and said,

“I feel it every time I do it, but it’s not very good.”

“How many times?”

“This is the sixth time.”

He answered honestly.

“You did a lot.”

What on earth is interest?

Doing this level of Dafa would cost a huge amount of money. I don’t know, but it will cost more than hundreds of thousands of nyang. It might have cost millions of nyang.

You’ve already done that kind of Dafa six times? Truly, the financial power of this organization was beyond imagination.

He asked me as he watched Cheon So-seon struggle to save Jang Geun.

“Are you planning to kill me if I save that child?

“What do you think?”

The child quietly stared into my eyes.

“I’m not sure.”

The child added quickly.

“At least I don’t feel anxious, so I won’t kill this child.”

He used the expression ‘this child’ rather than ‘do not kill me’. That’s a smart response. At the same time as realizing that I was not the kind of person who would carelessly kill a child, I also emphasized once again that I was in the child’s body.

He was a man who trusted his instincts. He is probably someone who has lived his entire life following his instincts. Just like me. Who could it be?

Whose soul are you?

This time I asked.

“Can you tell me who you are?”

“That’s troublesome. “I promised not to tell.”

“with whom? “With that kid?”

“No way.”

Soon the child looked at me and tilted his head.

“You’re just a kid too… … .”


“It’s strange. “When I look at you, I feel something worn out.”

It felt like the phrase ‘just like me’ was omitted.

Anyway, he was someone who treated someone as small as Cheon So-seon as a child and had the power to see through my essence.

Among the people I dealt with in my past life, there was no one with this level of insight and presence.

No, there was one person.

The enemy I had the hardest time dealing with, the opponent I could only defeat by using the Apocalypse, was Cheonma, the leader of the Blood Heavenly God Church.

Cheonma Baekcheongwang (伯天光).

He was recorded as the strongest Heavenly Demon in the history of the Blood Heavenly God Church.

no way?

My eyes turned to the child again.

Did these crazy people really reincarnate the Heavenly Demon?

Probably not?

At that time, the child looked around the inside of the temple and said.

“It’s so stuffy here.”

The moment I heard those words, I suddenly remembered that day a long time ago.

“It’s so stuffy here.”

At Baek Cheon-gwang’s words, I looked at the broken window.

The building was left intact due to our fighting. The furniture inside was shattered and there were holes everywhere.

“It’s raining a lot. Will you be okay?”

Shoot aaaah.

Outside the building, cool rain was pouring down.

“It has charm. Wouldn’t it be better?”

“Okay. Let’s go out and fight this time.”

Baek Cheon-gwang and I walked out of the building. It’s been two days since he started a life-or-death struggle with him. We fought like crazy, but it wasn’t an easy victory.

We kept changing places and fighting. Fighting in the mountains, fighting in buildings, in the training hall, on the side of the road.

They really wanted to kill each other, but on the other hand, they were enjoying this fight.

I have never faced such a strong opponent. No matter how many methods were used, they could not kill him. Of course, so did he. Even with all the magic he had, I didn’t die.

The demonic power of the Blood Heavenly God Church was powerful. His German magicians were nothing compared to the magicians of the Black Path Thirteen Alliance that he had faced before the Demonic Cult.

If this wasn’t the peak of my martial arts career, I would have lost to him.

I had a premonition.

That this fight will be the hardest fight of my life. We will never meet such a strong person again. I will probably miss this fight for a very long time.

I’m not saying I miss him. What I will miss is this fight. This fight with him that I threw everything away to fight.

As a warrior, meeting my lifelong enemy could be said to be the greatest blessing.

Shoot aaaah.

Baek Cheon-gwang stood under the eaves for a moment. I stood side by side next to him. We didn’t surprise each other. I didn’t even think about making a surprise attack.

We have tried enough casual surprise attacks, at least not suited to this moment, both in the years since we started the war with him and in the past two days of fighting.

We spent our last moments watching the pouring rain.

After I became the Murim Lord and the war against the Demon Cult began, we hated and hated each other. They have been trying to kill each other somehow.

And now, as I felt that the final moment of the fight had arrived, my mind calmed down. It seemed like he did the same.

“If only I were ten years younger.”

He had a premonition of defeat.

“Now you’re using age as an excuse?”

When I scolded him, he sneered. However, it was not the unpleasant criticism or cynicism that had been thrown at each other until now. It was a conversation filled with faint smiles.

“Isn’t that so? “If you were ten years younger, you wouldn’t be even a fist away from me.”

“If I were ten years older, you would no longer be from this world.”

“Instead, after ten years, you will have become an old stooge of a political faction and have no sense of style.”

“I’ll still take it as a compliment that you’re cool.”

The corners of Baek Cheon-gwang’s mouth rose slightly.

Was it because of the rain? I also felt a little sentimental.

What if we were not enemies but met in the same camp, for example, if he was a warrior of the right faction or if I was born as a demon? I thought we might have become quite in touch with each other.

But we met each other as enemies who must be killed. For the sake of all those sacrificed in the war against the Demonic Cult, I will definitely kill him.

After watching the rain for a while, we finally started fighting.

I said, taking the first step.

“Come on, let’s go.”


I now plan to write the final herbivore, the great annihilation. It was a dangerous herbivore that would kill me if I failed to control my true energy. If successful, he will surely die and the long fight against the Demon Cult will come to an end.


Listening to the sound of thunder coming from afar, I slowly drew out my Sura Myeongwang sword.

Baek Cheon-gwang looked up at the dark sky with pouring rain, with even darker eyes.

“If I were to be born again… … .”

Was it because of the sound of pouring rain? Is it because he blurted out his backstory? Or was it because I wanted to end this long fight and was only focused on the great annihilation?

I didn’t hear what he said.

“What is your relationship with that child?”

The child’s question woke me up from my recollection.

“There is no relationship.”

“But why are you trying to save me?”

“Don’t you think that question itself is wrong?”

The child smiled and said at my words.

“Isn’t that something only old partisans of political factions say?”

Political party old man!

At those words, all the hair on my body stood up.

These are words that Baek Cheon-gwang, the Cheonma, used several times while fighting with me.

As I looked at the child, the child also looked at me.

I thought it was Baekcheon-gwang and looked at it, and I was able to see it.

The dark and deep abyss that cannot be hidden in a child’s eyes. The look in his eyes as he looked up at the rainy sky during the last fight.

It’s a heavenly horse. These people have reincarnated the Heavenly Demon.

You crazy bastards!

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