Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 163

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Who are you?(5)

“Get away from Confucius!”

The person who came out shouting was Ilho.

I know that my skills are no match for mine, but as a member of this organization, I couldn’t just watch Cheon So-seon suffer.

Next to him was Chilho. She just watched the situation in silence. I would never have dreamed that I would kill Lee Seon and subdue Cheon Soseon. Lim Yeon-jeong was also surprised.

“You have a loyal subordinate. “Under normal circumstances, he would have already run away.”

Cheon So-seon reacted cynically to my words.

“Then what are you going to do? It’s not of any help. Instead, it just gets on my nerves.”

“Shall I get rid of it?”

Cheon So-seon did not respond to the comment that was thrown as a joke. Even if I didn’t know exactly what he was thinking, at least one thing was certain that even if I killed them, he wouldn’t be sad at all.

I could feel it. Perhaps, Cheon So-seon’s emotions are much more dry than Chil-ho, who was raised emotionless in a secret organization.

You must have grown up enjoying all kinds of wealth and fame. On the other hand, Chilho must have endured the worst situation in a hellish place.

Perhaps the person who raised Cheon So-seon hoped that he would grow up to be this cold-blooded person.

Well, if it weren’t for this kind of mind-reading, how would one be able to handle this conspiracy? Would they be able to treat their subordinates as mere expendable items and kill children to achieve their will? The person who raised Cheon So-seon must also be of this type.

“You have incredible courage.”

I walked towards Ilho with great strides.

He waited for me without even thinking about pulling out his sword. He did not run away even when the rock fell to crush the egg. I could see the despair of the final moments in his eyes.

But I had no intention of killing him.

Swish. Swish.

I blew out two gusts of earth wind and suppressed his demon blood.

He subdued the demonic blood of Chilho and Lim Yeonjeong who were standing next to him. Their identities were not revealed until the last moment.

There is no need to show off and show off just because you have defeated your opponent.

The satisfaction and pleasure I get from letting him know that we are on the same side is something very momentary and small.

On the other hand, unexpected twists and turns are everywhere. If you don’t know how this situation will end, it would be wise to hide it until the last possible moment.

After subduing them, he returned to Cheon So-seon. The conversation, which had been briefly interrupted by Ilho’s appearance, continued again.

“I know that Gal Sa-ryang is beneath you.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Because there’s no way a person of your caliber is just a swordsman.”

“Let’s put it that way.”

I was still in a difficult situation, but I had the initiative.

“Now, should we talk about the soul that resides in that child?”

After speaking, I looked at Cheon So-seon’s expression.

Does he really know who that spirit is?

“I don’t know.”

I felt like I knew it. However, as if it was a secret that could never be told, Cheon So-seon kept her mouth shut like a clam.

It was right then.

The door to the temple opened and someone walked out.

Surprisingly, the person who came out was a child covered in bandages. Behind the open door, I could see Jeongso sleeping, leaning against the wall. It appears that Lim Yeon-jeong was put to sleep with a blood transfusion when she came out earlier.

Of course, now it looked like the child had overpowered him.

Both Cheon So-seon and I were surprised by the unexpected situation.

Of the two children, the one who came out was Jang Geun. Those eyes were not those of a child. Now that I woke up, I was a different being.

The child asked, staring at me.

“Who the hell are you?”

The moment Lim Yeon-jeong, who was standing in front of the temple, heard the child’s voice, she was startled. At least her voice was the same.

I quickly sent her a message. Fortunately, it was before she screamed ‘Geun-ah’.

-If you want to save your son, stay still. Please believe me.

I didn’t have time or space to persuade her any longer. The person I was dealing with was the soul residing in the child’s body and it was Cheon So-seon.

Lim Yeon-jeong didn’t say anything. I couldn’t even guess how complicated her mind was. Fortunately, she believed in me even during this time.

She was shaken by the feeling of betrayal by the organization and felt like she would collapse at any moment, but she was holding on as well as she could.

Of course, now her eyes were only on the child.

The fact that his child had another soul also meant that his child would die within a few days.

It would not have been strange for her to do anything out of shock, but she was strong. As strong as she was, her faith in me was as strong.

I said to the child.

“I guess that’s what I should ask.”

My gaze toward the child, or rather toward the being within the child, became more intense.

“Who the hell are you?”

* * *

An old man was entering somewhere.

This was also a cave, but it was a different cave than the one where the child was.

It was a dirty and humid place where poisonous insects seemed ready to crawl up and bite my hands. It was a place I didn’t want to be in, even for a moment.

The old man walked slowly to the end of the cave. Then he placed his palm in the middle of the dead wall.


The moment when you lightly inject your energy.


The door hidden in the wall opened. It was an organ that only responded to the inner energy of the elderly.

Often, these doors have a separate plate for pressing the palm of your hand. However, the old man simply placed his hand on the uneven wall and injected energy into it.

Just by looking at this, one could guess how outstanding the skills of the person who created the institution were.


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The old man went inside. This was a place that even Cheon So-seon had never been to.

It was bizarre inside.

It felt like I was in the stomach of a living creature. There were things that looked like water bags hanging down from the ceiling, and when people passed by, they wriggled as if they were alive.

The floor was uneven, as if there were round stones embedded in it, but when I looked closely, I saw that it was made of a human skull.

The wall had dozens of lines drawn on it, creating strange shapes, and was painted in various colors. The intense primary colors that cannot be seen in everyday life made the place even more bizarre and mysterious.

No matter how much experience you had, it was a place where you would be surprised and shocked when you entered this place.

There was one person there.

“Are you here?”

The young man who greeted me had an unusual appearance. Her face was as white as powdered and had no eyebrows. Her features were also small and thin, making it look as if she was wearing a white mask. She felt that the man was both foreign and strange to this strange space.

It suited me.

“What about the test?”

“It ended safely.”

Perhaps because of the special nature of the space, the voices of the two people rang out in a way that made their voices completely unrecognizable.

“Thank goodness.”

“It is past time for you to go in. “Hurry this way.”

The man guided the old man to one side.

There was something white and round there. It looked like a chair or a bed, but it looked like a large bird’s egg cut in half.

The old man was lying there, reclining at an angle.


Inside was an unknown drug. The old man looked cheerful. I felt comfortable as if I had entered my mother’s womb.


“You look very tired.”

“I paid a lot of attention to Dafa.”

“It’s dangerous to stay out for too long.”

“Be careful.”

The man brought a strangely shaped small bottle. When I opened her cap, a strange smell wafted out.

The old man gulped down what was inside.

“Whew, good.”

After drinking everything inside, I gave it back to the man. his man asked as he took the bottle.

“Dafa must have started by now.”

“I guess so.”

“I heard that a variable has arisen.”

Then the old man nodded obediently.

“How could Ma not be involved in something like this?”

“Is there a devil greater than us?”

“Ekki, you guy.”

“Since Cheongongja has come forward with Lee Seon, Dafa will end safely.”

“I guess so.”

The smiling man spoke with a somewhat cautious expression.

“I received a call from them.”

At that moment, the old man’s expression frowned slightly. Soon he closed his eyes with an annoyed expression, as if expressing his inner thoughts.

“I’m tired.”


As soon as he closed his eyes, the old man snored and fell asleep.

The man touched the device on the side. Then a lid began to cover the place where the old man was lying.

The area where the old man was lying turned into an egg, and the man returned to his seat.

* * *

The child did not identify himself.

I could feel that the person belonging to the child was not an ordinary person. What I felt in his eyes was very grand and amazing… … It wasn’t unfamiliar.

no way? Is this something I know?

The child asked me.

“How did you know I existed?”

“There are no secrets in Gangho.”

I acted as if I had not come because of the child, but because of the being in front of me.

I glanced back at Cheon So-seon and said.

“I asked why you wanted to take the child away? “To kill that guy.”

A certain agitation was felt on Cheon So-seon’s face. My life was precious, but I could feel that that existence was just as precious.

The soul could tell that this was something that the organization behind it had been preparing for a very long time.

And at the same time I realized:

You can only save a child if you try to kill him.

I walked towards the child with long strides.

Lim Yeon-jeong felt surprised. Fortunately, no one was paying attention to her now.

I sent her a message.

-Trust me.

Perhaps Chilho also sent a similar message to her.

I got right in front of the child. The being inside the child knew that he might die, but he was more calm than anyone else.

Was there anyone like this among the people I met?

The child stared at me quietly and tapped his head with his finger.

“What are you going to do with the other child in here? Are you planning to kill that child too?”

For a moment, I was startled. To be precise, he pretended to be agitated.

Soon I spoke coldly.

“You must sacrifice for the greater good.”

Of course, it wasn’t something I had in mind.

The child said calmly.

“big? What is it? Killing me? Am I greater than this child? This is glorious. ha ha ha.”

The child who was laughing out loud suddenly stopped laughing.

“Anyway, you political sects got this wrong. Whatever fits into what you guys are trying to do. “Rather than cover it up with that kind of bullshit, it’s better to just kill them all and say that there will be no repercussions.”

Political faction bastards? In other words, it means the soul of Sapana Demonicism.

The child looked at me again and said.

“You’re not even that kind of person.”

“You are inviting death.”

“Then, try killing somewhere.”

The child was calm.

I raised my hand in an attempt to smash his head.

Lim Yeon-jeong shouted.


Of course, the dissuasion did not seem strange at all. Because she was in charge of Dafa.

The child laughed, looking up at the hand that could not be put down.

“You have a weak heart.”

I said, lowering my hand.

“I don’t have a weak heart for you.”

“ha ha ha.”

The child laughed out loud. The next moment, he suddenly collapsed on the spot. I quickly picked up the child. The child had already lost consciousness.

Although I couldn’t see the child’s face or expression because he was wrapped in bandages, he felt extremely peaceful.

I entrusted the child to Lim Yeon-jeong. Lim Yeon-jeong went inside holding the child.

I walked towards Cheon So-seon.

“How can I save my child?”

“We are carrying out Dafa.”

“You think I’m a fool. “After Dafa is over, that child will die.”

“I guess that’s normal. “But isn’t this a special case?”

“Is there a way to survive even after Dafa ends?”

“exactly. “If you save me, I will save that child too.”

“How can I trust you?”

“Then how can I trust you? “My life is in your hands anyway, and I don’t want to die like this.”

“good. save the child Instead, the soul is transferred to the author.”

I pointed to No. 1.

Cheon So-seon shook her head.

“It’s impossible. “I think the divorce law is something that can be done to just anyone, but the conditions have to be right.”

Of course I knew. Because I knew through Baekpyo that they even created a small group for that reason.

However, if the infection is transferred to another child in the temple, that child will also die within a year.

“Either you become the author, or you die. “Choose.”

Anyway, I was in charge. I didn’t care what happened to the soul that was taken from the child.

However, Cheon So-seon was also not an easy opponent. He was well aware that our interests were complexly intertwined.

“Then there will be no way to save that child.”

It was time to make a choice again.

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