Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 159

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Who are you?(1)

Lim Yeon-jeong and Chil-ho were sitting across from each other and eating.

A few days have passed since Byeokridan visited. From that day on, she became stronger. She ate well and didn’t worry about her son. She was worried, but at least she didn’t show it outwardly.

“I just decided to trust him.”

“Yes, you did well.”

Even though Chil-ho took it for granted, she was surprised by her change and once again realized the power that a person named Byeokridan gave her.

“Don’t misunderstand that.”


“I’m saying this out of an old heart, but I have no personal feelings toward Prince Byeok. “The only man in my life is my son.”

Chil-ho quietly looked at Lim Yeon-jeong. The fact that he says something like that first is probably proof that Byeokridan is perceived as a man to some extent.

“You can have personal feelings.”

“I said no. “Don’t misunderstand.”

“does not matter. Anyway, me too… … .”

Because men don’t even think about it.

Even if she didn’t say what was on her mind, I could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her expression.

“You can’t do that. “I want my brother to be happy.”

Chilho smiled slightly. The word happiness is always an unfamiliar feeling.

Lim Yeon-jeong told a story she had never told before.

“That person was the leader of this organization.”

Chilho knew. She said she wanted to talk to her child and father.

“He was someone who was dispatched to help me with my work. Just like my younger brother now. “It was only a few months, but we really loved each other.”

Deep longing and regret flowed from Lim Yeon-jeong’s eyes.

“At that time, I did not regret belonging to this organization for the first time. No, rather, I thought I had joined this organization well. “I was really happy.”

She smiled brightly.

Chilho asked.

“Where is he now?”

“He’s dead. “He died while on another mission.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“no. “It’s okay now.”

Lim Yeon-jeong was really calm. He believed that one day, when he died, he would meet him. She was the one who sublimated her sadness like that.

“I don’t regret meeting that person. Sometimes I don’t even regret the moment I regret it. “I hope my younger brother does the same.”

There was a reason why she brought up the story buried deep in her heart. From her heart that she does not want to be misunderstood, and from her heart that she wishes Chilho well.

I thought friendship wasn’t a matter of whether it was a woman or a man. It wasn’t a matter of age or whether you had a lot of money or not. I didn’t think it was a matter of how long we had been dating.

One day, this feeling suddenly comes.

I want to get along well with this person, I want this person to do well, I don’t want to disappoint this person, I want to protect this person.

Chilho was a friendship that suddenly came to Lim Yeon-jeong like this.

At that time, I saw people coming across the yard in the distance outside the window.

“Someone came.”

At Chil-ho’s words, I looked outside and saw two people coming in, following Baek-seok.

“What about them?”

Lim Yeon-jeong was surprised.

“Do you know who these people are?”

“It’s inspection and winding.”

“Are you sure they are called Ethan?”

Chilho had also heard about Lee Seon. They were very famous experts within the organization. They were truly experts among experts.

Lim Yeon-jeong’s eyes trembled. Just a moment ago, she was full of faith in Li Dan, but when she saw Yi Xian, her whole body trembled.

Everyone in a certain position in the organization knew about Ethan. The fact that they came probably means that this Dafa is that important.

The more important this Dafa is, the more dangerous you will be.

At that time, Chilho held her hand.

Lim Yeon-jeong was startled and looked back at Chil-ho. She gave Chilho a look telling him not to worry. He felt a sense of concern for himself. I felt trust in Byeokridan.

Lim Yeon-jeong knew something about Chil-ho’s personality. No matter how much he had feelings, he wasn’t the type to do something like this.

“You’ve changed a lot, little brother.”

“is that so?”

“Yes, it has really changed a lot.”

Lim Yeon-jeong smiled and nodded.

At least in this moment, no words or actions were needed.

* * *

In a forest near Daebyeolsan Mountain in Hanam.

The Black Panthers were hiding in the trees and forests everywhere, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings.

In the middle, Baekpyo was standing with his arms crossed.

A man was brought there. He was a military man dressed in military uniform, and he looked quite stern.

Baekpyo, who was waiting, asked.

“Is it interest?”

“yes. One of the instructors. “I caught him going out.”

The man was a training instructor of the Socheong Unit hidden here in Daebyeolsan Mountain. The place where Socheongdae was staying was like a fortress, so access was not easy. He was looking for an opportunity to infiltrate there, and luckily, he captured someone who came out alive.

The man glared at Baekpyo and spoke sternly.

“Do you think you know who I am and are doing this?”


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He was not at all discouraged by this situation.

Baekpyo calmly answered.

“That’s a very stupid question.”


“You should ask that question when the other person doesn’t know you. “It will definitely be effective if your opponent is weaker than you.”

The man felt that what he said was not wrong, so he could not protest. She ended up revealing her own insecurities by having her man yell at her.

“joy! If you kill me, the organization will take revenge. “I will find you all, one by one, and kill you all miserably.”

“You keep saying stupid things. What’s the point of such revenge after you’re dead? Do you think you’ll be happy in hell?”

Again the man said nothing.

At that time, Baekpyo suddenly asked.

“You know a boy named Jang Geun, right?”

Baekpyo did not miss the subtle change in the man’s expression. Only when you ask a question at an unexpected moment like this can you understand the true meaning of the response.

“It’s an unknown name.”

In response to the delayed reply, Baekpyo looked back at the men who had dragged the man and asked.

“How many instructors are there in total?”

“When observed from a distance, it appeared to be six or seven years old.”

“Then, besides this guy, there are five or six more people left who I can ask.”

Without hesitation, Baekpyo strongly pressed the man’s shoulder acupuncture point. It was a point-and-point technique that caused the opponent to feel extreme pain.


A scream came out of the man’s mouth. The pain of her shoulder being torn apart was overwhelming.

Without hesitation, Baekpyo pressed the other shoulder.

As the pain doubled, the screams got louder.

The man rolled around on the floor. Baekpyo and his subordinates just looked down with cold eyes. Baekpyo originally had a strong personality, but he became even more sharp in the process of raising the Black Panther.

“Ugh! please! please!”

“Please what?”

“… … “Please save me!”

Baekpyo pressed both of his shoulders again.

Only then did the man’s screams stop.

Baekpyo asked again.

“You know a boy named Jang Geun, right?”

When the man hesitated again, Baekpyo placed his hand on his shoulder again. The answer came out right away.

“I know.”

“Where is it?”

“That child was selected as a candidate a year ago.”

“Subject? “What does that mean?”

Then the man hesitated to answer again.

Baekpyo did not wait this time and pressed the acupoint without mercy.


The answer came only after I rolled around on the floor in pain again.

“You are subject to Dafa!”

Baekpyo was surprised.

“Tell me in detail.”

The man told me everything about the reason for the existence of this small group. It is said to be a place to rescue and raise children who comply with the Dafa laws implemented by the organization.

“In other words, they are using children as test subjects.”

The man could not deny it.

“Honestly, I’ve told you everything, so please save me!”

Instead of forgiveness, fists flew.


The man’s head was smashed and he was knocked upside down by Baekpyo’s strike.

Baekpyo called his subordinate in charge of communication and gave an order.

“Send an emergency message to your lord immediately.”

* * *

That night, Baekseok called Lim Yeonjeong.

When she arrived at the guesthouse, Jeong So and Lee Seon, who were to practice Dafa together, had arrived first and were waiting there.

Lee Seon was a neat old man in his sixties, and his energy was so sharp that it was difficult to make eye contact with him.

The two men had very different prayers; Geomseon was as calm as water, and Gwonseon was as intense as fire. They were not known figures in Gangho. They were experts whose prestige was prominent within the organization.

“Lee Seon came especially for this Dafa event.”

Lim Yeon-jeong waved her hand and greeted politely.

“long time no see.”

Geomseon calmly asked her greeting.

“Have we ever met?”

“Yes, I saw you once a long time ago. When there was a primary study of the Bulhoe Demon Order in Cheonghae Fortress… … .”

“I see.”

Geomseon cut off the long words. It was a question closer to suspicion rather than confirmation out of joy. How on earth do you know us?

On the other hand, Jeongso expressed as much as she could that she was very happy and moved to meet them.

“I have heard of the great reputation of the two of you. Thank you for taking such a step forward for your underprivileged peers. “Meeting you today is truly the honor of my life.”

I bowed down on the spot. Jeongso hoped that this meeting would be helpful for his future. Despite the loud greeting, which clearly revealed his intentions, Lee Seon did not appear to be displeased.

Lim Yeon-jeong deep down thought they were pathetic.

‘but. ‘Power loves flattery.’

Even if you die while saying the right thing, it is difficult to find someone who dies while flattering you.

Lim Yeon-jeong once again felt the nature of the organization she belonged to. It is not easy to find an upright and normal person. Maybe others would see him that way too, but he felt grateful to Byeok Ridan for trying to save him.

After the greetings were over, Baekseok spoke softly to Lim Yeonjeong and Jeongso.

“Get ready, Dafa is tomorrow.”

* * *

The next day, two carriages left the manor.

Lee Seon and Baek Seok rode in the front carriage, and Lim Yeon-jeong and Jeong So rode in the back carriage.

The person driving the lead carriage was Ilho, and the person driving the rear carriage was Chilho.

Lim Yeon-jeong was staring out the window in silence.

This day was more important than anything I have ever experienced in this organization.

At this moment, Byeokridan is probably asking the person he trusts the most to save his son.

Even if she manages to rescue her son safely, if she dies, her young son will grow up alone. It was never what she wanted.

‘You must survive.’

Lim Yeon-jeong strengthened her resolve more than ever.

Jeongso seemed to be bored on the way, so he started talking to me.

“What type of Dafa would this be?”

“I don’t know either.”

“I was so excited about learning the method of divorce that I couldn’t sleep at all last night.”

Lim Yeon-jeong turned her head out the window again without saying a word.

‘That’s why I’m worried.’

It was a Dafa practice conducted by myself and Jeongso without a Dafa expert overseeing the entire Dafa process. In other words, it means that a great plan has been prepared, and that is what makes Jeong So’s heart flutter.

But if you think about it the other way around, it means that they are passing down such a wonderful method to us. In other words, it is revealing a great secret.

Does this organization really trust us that much?

After traveling for a long time, the carriage arrived at the foot of an unknown mountain.

Everyone got off the carriage and climbed the mountain under Baekseok’s guidance. After going up for a while, there was a hermitage in a remote place deep in the mountains.

Who would have thought there would be a hermitage in a place like this? It was a place that made me think like this.

Everyone entered the hermitage.

The person waiting at the hermitage was Cheon So-seon. When I saw him, I could feel that the day had finally come.

Cheon So-seon welcomed Lim Yeon-jeong and Jeong So.

“Did you have a good dream last night?”


“Come on, let’s go in.”

Cheon So-seon went inside with only two people.

There was a workshop set up in the temple, and preparations for Dafa had already been completely completed.

On one wall, dozens of containers were filled with various drugs, and devices with unknown purposes were installed here and there. Thin and thick tubes coming out of that strange device were connected here and there like tangled vines. Lim Yeon-jeong has several teachings.

I tried it, but this was my first time using such devices.

Various types of herbal medicine were placed in a row on a table on one wall. It was clear that they were to be used in order.

On the opposite wall were dozens of long and short needles.

The incense burning everywhere gave off a smell I had never smelled before. As I smelled it, I felt like I was getting dizzy.

There were two beds in the middle and two people were lying on them.

Lim Yeon-jeong slowly approached there. She shouted in surprise.

“They are children!”

Two children were asleep in the bed with their faces and bodies wrapped in bandages.

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