Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 156

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Whose side is heaven on?(2)

The setting sky turned red.

I was sitting on a hill having a lucky breakfast.

In fact, in my case, my self-respect was always on display except when I was sleeping. This means that your strength is steadily accumulating on a daily basis.

However, although it goes without saying that doing the fortune-telling meal while formally sitting cross-legged like this was much more effective. Because it was the first time in a long time that I had concentrated on my fortune training, I practiced my fortune continuously for ten weeks.

While doing the last prayer, I remembered the fight when I went to kill Seohaksa.

All enemies inside the building were defeated using Seonhak secret techniques. Even now that I think about it, we fought very effectively inside the small building.

But unfortunately, the fight did not lead to any martial arts achievements.

Currently, Seonhak’s secret art has reached its composition.

It seemed like we could reach Daeseong if we just stretched out our hands, but the reality was not that easy.

An ordinary martial artist would constantly refine his Seonhak secret techniques and wait for the opportunity to achieve greatness, but my case was a little different.

I needed an opportunity. There was a need for an opportunity to feel again the power of Seonhak’s secret arts or to think again about new facts that one did not know.

You may encounter an extremely powerful enemy, or something completely unexpected may have an impact.

While I was wondering what it was like, I suddenly remembered something I heard as a joke during my days as a leader.

“The martial artist is as shy as a woman, so if you keep looking at her, she runs away.”

Of course, it was something someone I couldn’t even remember now had said as a joke to my subordinate at the banquet hall, and it suddenly came to mind.

This means that if you pay too much attention to achieving something, it will actually have the opposite effect.

Yes, this was what I needed right now. So my instinct naturally came to mind.

Deep in my heart, I was nervous that only if I achieved great success in Seonhak’s secret techniques would I be able to influence Chuhonsura swordsmanship and furthermore, reach the state of mind and sword. Even though I knew it was a feeling that needed to be thrown away, I couldn’t.

Opportunities and realizations should flow naturally like water. Even the thought that comes to mind must be washed away in the water.

I got out of my thoughts and stood up.

In the distance, I could see the manor where the two women had entered. The place where I was praying was right nearby.

When it gets dark, I’ll sneak in there. Because I needed to meet Lim Yeon-jeong. Because in order for her to save her son from Lim Yeon-jeong, she had to get information about her son from her.

I waited for night to come with a relaxed mind.

* * *

After Cheon So-seon passed away, the person in charge of the manor became Baek Seok.

Around evening, Baekseok called Lim Yeonjeong and Jeongso.

“A new order has arrived.”

Lim Yeon-jeong was nervous inside. This is because they had no idea that an order would come to them so quickly.

“You must practice divorce law.”

The two people were surprised to hear the word divorce law.

“You mean the two of us?”

Baekseok nodded to Jeongso’s question.


Still looking surprised, Jeong So asked Lim Yeon-jeong.

“Have you ever tried divorce law?”

Lim Yeon-jeong shook her head. The divorce law was truly a dangerous and difficult law. When it comes to transferring a person’s soul to another person, how could it be simple?

Jeongso said to Baekseok.

“I have never practiced divorce law before. But how can the two of us unfold it?”

Baekseok then spoke as if he had been waiting.

“You don’t have to worry. There is a set method to perfectly implement the divorce law. The two of you can just do it accordingly.”

Lim Yeon-jeong and Jeong So could not hide their embarrassment. I thought this Great Law would be postponed for a considerable period of time due to the death of Seohaksa. However, an unexpected task was entrusted to them.

Baekseok spoke to the two once again.

“With your skills, you can do it.”

The organization has already succeeded in five divorce cases. The secrets learned in the process were completed in a way that does not fail.

Literally, the two people just have to become practitioners and do as instructed.

“Who is subject to Dafa?”

In response to Lim Yeon-jeong’s question, Baek Seok spoke clearly.

“I can’t tell you.”

Lim Yeon-jeong was angry inside. Why on earth does this damn organization have so many secrets?

As if to appease her, Baekseok held out a letter from his arms.

“Oh, please take this.”

Lim Yeon-jeong’s expression brightened when she saw the letter.

Baekseok knew who this letter came from.

‘What can you do?’

Even though she knew his obvious intentions, Lim Yeon-jeong accepted it with care.

* * *

“Do you have any concerns?”

In response to Chil-ho’s question, Lim Yeon-jeong silently held out a letter.

“It’s from my child.”

Her expression was even darker.

“Can I read it?”

Lim Yeon-jeong nodded. Contrary to the dark expression, the contents of the letter were nothing special. He was doing well where he belonged.

“Is there a problem?”

“The handwriting is different from before.”

Then he held out another letter. Chilho compared the two books. To himself, he could not feel the difference in the writing style of the two books.

“I don’t know.”


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“no. Something is strange. “The font and the content.”

Chilho read the manuscript again, but could not find anything strange in its contents.

However, Lim Yeon-jeong felt a certain sense of discomfort in this manuscript.

I felt hesitation and fear in my son’s story. Because she was a mother, there was something she could feel.

“If it’s your sister, then yes.”

When Chilho said that, Lim Yeonjeong sighed. In fact, she wasn’t entirely sure herself. It occurred to her that she may be feeling that way because of the burden and psychological pressure of having to deal with Bachelor Seo’s death and her divorce.

“I am willing to give my life for my son.”

Chilho was jealous. I wasn’t jealous of Lim Yeon-jeong, who had a son like that, but I was jealous of his son, who had a mother like that.

Because I grew up not knowing the existence of a mother.

‘Is my mother still alive somewhere? ‘How did I get dragged in?’

It was something I had never thought about until I heard that Lim Yeon-jeong had a son. Because he was raised that way.

“Do you know what the antinomy is?”

“What is it?”

“I could die for my son, but I am afraid to die because of my son. He felt so… so sad to die and leave that child behind. … “I’m afraid.”

This was her honest feeling. She didn’t want to die and leave her child behind. She wanted to protect her child until the end and see him grow up well.

Chilho knew the surest way to solve this problem.

“You have to tell him.”

Lim Yeon-jeong knew that the person Chilho meant was Byeokridan.

“but… … .”

“I have to save my son and leave this organization. You know, right? “No one will be safe in this organization.”

Lim Yeon-jeong agreed with that. Because I have experienced many times how harshly this organization treats people.

Even if he didn’t know it, he had to get his son out of the organization. Ultimately, it was because of him that his son joined this organization. The moment I had decided would happen someday had finally arrived.

“We have to ask Byeokgun for help.”

Lim Yeon-jeong asked Chil-ho’s words.

“We are trapped here, how?”

There must be guards around this manor. Whether to protect themselves or to monitor them.

Chilho showed absolute trust in Byeokridan.

“If we wait, he will come find us.”

* * *

The old man and Chen Xiaoxian were looking down at the child.

The child was sound asleep. She looked so innocent that you could never have imagined that she had another soul in her.

“The divorce law will be implemented in five days.”

“I will prepare.”

Cheon So-seon’s answer was forceful, as if there were no problems.

“It won’t be a problem, right?”

“of course. A new body is coming here now, and with Lim Yeon-jeong and Jeong So’s skills, they can handle the Great Law.”


The old man walked over and sat down in his seat next to him. It was a place where I could clearly see the child in the bed.

“Have you found out anything about the person who did this?”

Cheon So-seon slowly walked towards there and answered.

“The body that died outside the building had been stabbed, and the body that died inside had no traces of sword wounds.”

“A person who uses martial arts? “Maybe there are two intruders?”

“no. He seems to be someone who uses both swordsmanship and martial arts. “This time too, considering that there were no special marks of martial arts left on the body, it is expected to be a person from the Galsaryang group who dealt with us so far.”

They were believed to be the same person in terms of their method and skills in disposing of corpses.

“I am not a person under Galsaryang. He is the one who rules over Galsaryang. “You should never think of yourself as just a swordsman.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“What are the movements of Macheolgun?”

“He is focused on creating a new organization. “We have spread the news to each faction in the central region, and it looks like we will be making an official recruitment announcement soon.”

“Unlike my father, you are really diligent.”

“No matter how hard we try, he’s in our hands.”

“Are you sure?”


Cheon So-seon answered confidently, but the old man added a request.

“But make sure you don’t neglect it.”

“Don’t worry.”

At that time, the child who was lying down moaned. The child also seemed to be having a nightmare.

The old man got up and walked to the bed. I wiped the child’s sweat with a cloth that was placed next to the bed.

“If things continue like this, we won’t be able to last long. “The Dafa after five days must be successful.”

“Grandpa, there is one thing I want to ask you.”

It was a friendly tone, different from before. It is not a public question, but a question as a matter of flesh and blood.

“Try it.”

“Why do you keep him alive? Now that Cheon Ha-jin is dead, you don’t need him anymore, right?”

Then the old man smiled and said.

“I do this to see whose side the sky is on.”

These words were part of the conversation the old man had with the child yesterday.

Of course, Cheon So-seon knew very well that that was not the reason. Because he wasn’t the type of person to take all this risk for that reason.

If so, there was definitely a reason he hadn’t thought of, but his grandfather didn’t tell him.

‘What on earth is the reason?’

* * *


Lim Yeon-jeong woke up calling someone’s name.


She let out a long sigh as if she was having a nightmare and was startled.

He found me standing on the side of the room.

I quickly sent her a message.

-Shh. I was rude because I had to come in secretly. Forgive me.

Fortunately, she realized it was me before she made a sound. She answered in full voice.

-are you okay.

-The situation is like this, so let’s just get to the point. Just lie down and listen.

-Of course.

She sent a message while lying on her bed.

-Before I start talking, let me ask you one thing.

-Please speak.

-How much do you trust me?

She hesitated to answer. I know by her feel that she trusts me a lot. Nevertheless, this question was asked precisely for this reason.

-Will you leave your son’s work to me?

The issue of blood relations is something that others cannot arbitrarily determine or judge. In this part, she must make her own decision. If she makes a mistake, she will be punished forever.

-I’m not forcing it.

-Force? I know very well that you are saying this for my own benefit.

-If you refuse, I will not care about my son. If that happens, you will have to stay in this organization.

-I guess so.

-I’ll give you time to think. Think slowly.

-all right.

She thought for a moment. It’s not easy for me to say this either. Because she’s not sure which path is for her.

But I am at least certain that this organization is in the wrong place. She believes that her stay in such a place will not end well, so she tries to save herself and her son.

Saving thousands of people and saving a strong person is not the only cause or cause. There are times when you have to risk your fate to save just one person.

Eventually, she made up her mind.

-Actually, I was waiting for Byeokgun.

-You mean me?

-Yes, but I can’t help but feel worried.

-I understand.

-Master Byeok.


-Please save my son.

That one word was enough.

-Thank you for trusting me.

The moment I rescue my son, she will also join my organization.

-Now tell me everything about your son.

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