Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 154

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Seohaksa Temple revealed its true face.

As soon as he showed his life, the dignified and benevolent face from before disappeared everywhere. As expected, Seohaksa quickly smelled blood, as most villains do.

“If that filthy bastard survived until now, there must be a good reason, right?”

Hearing Seohaksa’s words, I looked around and said.

“I guess it’s mainly because he bites the back of the neck of an unsuspecting opponent, right?”

“Is that really the case?”

“Well, it doesn’t matter if it’s not.”

Although there was quite a lot of noise outside, this room was very well soundproofed.

It was a room designed to prevent conversations from going outside, but conversely, it was difficult to hear outside sounds. Perhaps he usually hated being disturbed.

It was a room suitable for someone who was very concerned about keeping his secrets.

“Anyway, you sneaked all the way here like a rat. “That’s amazing.”

“Why do you think you went into hiding? “It could have been a rat that bit them all and killed them all.”

Then Seohaksa laughed. It was a smile that meant that it could never happen. Considering the people I had cut down, that attitude was natural.

He thought of me as an assassin with excellent stealth skills.

He pressed the head of the small unmanned statue placed in his place. It was probably an emergency bell calling for a subordinate from outside.

But no one came.

It was already a late attempt. When news got out that I had broken into the outside world, I should have evacuated him.

But they didn’t do that. Because it was their first time experiencing this situation, they were unable to deal with it properly. If it were a large-scale battle, I would have never imagined that one person would penetrate this far. I was caught off guard because there were so many experts.

Even one part was big.

When no one came, Seohaksa became nervous and doubtful.

“Who sent it?”

“Does anyone have any guesses?”

“There are so many.”

“Then it must be one of them.”

After speaking, I immediately drew my sword. I had no intention of taking any more time.

As I revealed my will to live in earnest, morale gushed out from Seohaksa’s body.

As I heard, it was a very strange energy. For a martial artist experiencing this kind of energy for the first time, this energy alone could have robbed him of his victory. This is because my body became heavy and my mood sank, as if I had fallen into a swamp.

However, I have dealt with several boat masters who exude similar energy.

When I was completely unaffected by his scam, someone spoke from behind me.

“It’s pretty good.”

When I turned around in surprise, the person who spoke was, surprisingly, Seohaksa. Another Seohaksa Temple was standing there, like twins.

But that was just the beginning.

“Everyone is short-tempered these days.”

The third Seohaksa appeared from behind the desk.

It was a kind of self-immolation technique, but it didn’t look fake at all. It was my first time performing such an elaborate and realistic self-immolation technique.

These are all fake and illusions, but the attack may be real. That was the scary thing about self-immolation.

“It’s going to be the most fun fight I’ve had in a while.”

“We have to kill all the rats.”

Seohaksa continued to appear, saying one word at a time. I looked at them with interest.

“This room is too small for fighting.”

At the fifth’s words, the sixth clone spoke.

“Then let’s go to a spacious place.”

The next moment, the surroundings changed.


Suddenly a sandstorm blew from somewhere. I and the seven Seohaksa were standing in a wasteland with no end in sight.


I looked around in deep admiration. The world here was decorated so well that it could be considered that a high-level true law had been activated. I knew his magic was amazing, but I had no idea it was this sophisticated.

Moreover, I couldn’t tell which of the seven Western scholars who surrounded me was real.

The Seohaksa in front asked me.

“How do you feel?”

“It’s really amazing.”

I expressed my honest feelings.

“Are you afraid?”

“That’s fascinating.”

“Hehe, are you going to leave the room?”

“Will you teach me how to do it? Because I also need alter egos. “With one I cook, with one I clean up the backroom, and with one I catch a dirty bastard.”

The expressions on the faces of the seven Seohaksa all distorted.

With one, he dominates the world, with one, he gets the world’s most beautiful woman, and with one, he becomes the world’s greatest wife. If there was something about killing themselves at the end of this, they wouldn’t have been angry.

However, their value is compared to cooking rice and cleaning up after the house.

The seven Seohaksa spoke in one voice.

“Kill! Kill it! “Kill it!”

Even though the voices were the same, they resonated in a strange way, as if several voices were combined.


Seohaksa flew in from the front and began the attack.

The one who attacked me stabbed me in the eye with his finger.



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I turned my body to avoid the attack and slashed at him. He used the strength of his wrist to cut it lightly.


Seohaksa disappeared in a puff of red smoke.

The moment the acrid smoke entered my nostrils, I knew it was extremely poisonous.

The previous attack was sharp, but the real attack was this poisonous attack.

I stumbled and fell as if I had been poisoned.

The Seohaksa came rushing in and looked down at me. Eyes filled with mockery and contempt gathered together.

“He’s nothing special.”


“Let’s tear off all his limbs before he dies completely!”

“Is this guy weird?”


Before I knew it, I was looking up at them calmly.

The moment I grinned, my sword spun quickly.


The ankles of several people were cut off in the first attack, and the torsos of those who fell were severed in the second attack.

pop! Pow! pop!

Those who escaped the attack were in the same situation.

At least he wasn’t at a level where he could avoid my attack with his sword skills.

pop! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

They burst out, each emitting poisonous smoke of different colors. There were black colors, and there were also green and blue colors. They were all different deadly poisons.

As a person who is not immune to poison, I was not affected at all.

Even the last one burst into smoke. Surprisingly, they were all fake. There were clearly six clones that appeared, but perhaps the real one disappeared as the wasteland was created and a new one was added.

It was a very elaborate trick that was inevitable.

When the various colors of toxic smoke disappeared, the scenery there changed again.

Tokyo was erected everywhere.

Dozens of mirrors were erected at different angles. My image was reflected from all directions. I felt dizzy from seeing so many things. It was not an ordinary yearning, but a mirror that radiated morale.


When I broke the mirror nearby, two mirrors appeared in its place.


When I broke it again, it was the same. Two mirrors appeared again. The more mirrors there were, the more dizzy I became.

It was truly a strange and great magic trick.

As if this wasn’t the end, Hexul launched a new attack.


The self in the mirror came out and swung a sword at me. This time my alter ego is attacking me.


The attack I saw in the mirror was real. Fortunately, it wasn’t as strong as the real me outside the mirror.


I who attacked disappeared. But my image slowly began to appear again in the empty mirror.

Another me emerged from other mirrors. This time it wasn’t one, but three.

I cut them down again in succession.

I was calm. The first time this happens, you will be very embarrassed. It was not at all easy to block one’s own attacks while feeling dizzy and possessed by a ghost.

But I remained calm. When you become an expert like me, you mentally compete against yourself. So cutting yourself is not an unfamiliar thing.

As I blocked the attack, I looked closely at each mirror. They all looked the same, but I was sure there was a different version of me.

It was thanks to recent study of Jinbeop that I came up with this method of destruction.

This is because I learned firsthand that the more flashy and ambiguous things are, the more they are made with the simplest principles, and that there is always a law of destruction.

Cutting, looking. Cut again, search again.

Finally I found it.

A yearning filled with different faces. It was me with eyes wandering and a somewhat stiff expression.

However, it was a very subtle difference, so I would never have been able to find it if I had not had a great observation ability that was incomparable to anyone else’s, a martial arts skill that could lightly deal with incoming attacks, and the certainty that it would definitely exist.

I threw myself at the mirror.

As if to prove that it was a weakness, all of them jumped out of the other mirrors and tried to stop me.

But I was one step faster.

It flew as fast as the wind and stabbed me in the mirror.


There was a different sound than before, which was a clanging sound.

The me in the mirror slowly began to change and turned into Seohaksa.

My sword pierced Seohaksa’s chest.

“please… … help me.”

I spoke to Seohaksa, who was gushing blood from his mouth.

“Save your plea. “You’ll have to go to hell and do it a lot.”


As he twisted his sword up, Seohaksa’s body was cut into pieces.

When he died, things changed around him. The mirrors that were everywhere had disappeared. This was the first room.

He poured oil into the lamp and lit it.

I said as I looked at his body that was starting to burn.

“I can’t let you live once you see my secret technique.”

It was something he might have said when he killed other researchers.

Not long after I came out, the old building was immediately engulfed in flames.

* * *

“We’re in big trouble.”

Cheon So-seon rushed into the cave.


The old man turned around and pretended to be quiet.

The child who had been suffering from a headache had just fallen asleep.

This was the first time that Chen Xiaoxian had looked so rushed and surprised, but the old man remained calm.

He walked slowly and only when he was far away from the bed did he ask.

“What’s going on?”

“Seohaksa is dead.”


He was an old man who would not blink even if the sky fell, but this time he was surprised.

Cheon So-seon repeated again in a trembling voice.

“Even those who protected Seohaksa Temple were all killed.”

Ahead of Dafa, something that really should not have happened happened.

“We are currently investigating whether it was Gal Sa-ryang’s act or Ma Cheol-gun’s act.”

The old man’s eyes became even deeper. I thought that the various failures so far were just variables that naturally follow big things.

“It’s not like Galsaryang or Macheolgun.”

Now the old man knew. That another great destiny had arisen to change his own fate.

“If you go against the will of the heavens, there’s no way the heavens will just stand there.”

After saying something incomprehensible, the old man calmly asked.

“Are all those involved in Dafa also dead?”

“no. “The two people who will help Seohaksa are still alive.”

“Bring them in. “We have to save them first.”

“yes. But they alone cannot implement Dafa.”

“I guess so. “Leave the matter to me, and you save them.”

“All right.”

Cheon So-seon jumped up and flew towards the entrance of the cave.

The old man left alone walked to his bed.

The child was still asleep.

He sighed lightly and repeated what he had said earlier, alluding to Ma Cheol’s situation.

“Things in the world don’t go the way you want.”

* * *

“Look over there.”

At Chilho’s words, Lim Yeonjeong walked to the window.

Baekseok was hurriedly entering the manor there. He and Ilho were talking about something in the yard. He couldn’t hear what was being said, but he knew something serious had happened.

Looking at that scene, Chilho spoke in a trembling voice.

“I think he did it.”

Lim Yeon-jeong looked at her.

“no way? already?”


Chilho was convinced of that. Confidence went one step further.

“I think I know now why I trusted him.”


“Because he was a trustworthy person.”

Although it was a strange statement in terms of results, Chilho felt that it was most accurate to explain it this way.

Lim Yeon-jeong didn’t say anything.

Suddenly, he remembered that there was one such person in his life.

Anonymous Grand Hyeop.

This is the man who saved his life and left.

I felt like I knew what it felt like for Chilho to trust Byeokridan. If the opponent was an unknown Daehyup, he would have had the same trust as Chilho.

Ilho’s voice came from outside.

“Can I come in for a moment?”

Lim Yeon-jeong answered.

“Come on in.”

Ilho came in and spoke quickly.

“I need to move the location.”

“What happened?”

“An urgent order has come from above. “Let’s avoid the body first.”

“Of course.”

A carriage was waiting outside.

The two people got into the carriage and Ilho drove the carriage and ran out.

The carriage was speeding up like crazy, showing how urgent this matter was.

As the carriage picked up speed, Chilho’s smile as he looked out the window became deeper.

‘He succeeded.’

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