Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 150

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A brief glimpse through the clouds (2)

It was a somewhat provocative question.

However, Chilho was not excited at all. If he was angry, he would have said this first.

Is it true of me to just shut up and do what I’m told?

Chilho was really curious. What does Ilho think of himself? At the same time, he was surprised at himself. The fact that he is showing these thoughts and attitudes.

Yes, Ilho is right. I am not myself now.

Fortunately, Ilho did not dig in persistently.

“no. “Let’s go.”


Chilho left the room.

Ilho, who was looking at her, turned back. A picture on the window caught my eye. She said she would have said a word and she did.

“I thought I put that picture on the wall out of frustration.”

In the old secret room, this picture was pasted on a windowless wall. It must have looked like it was put there to keep people from feeling stuffy.

But now the picture was covering the window.

It was a situation where someone could say something.

So naturally, I wanted to talk about this painting and about my father who drowned.

But I felt like it was all in vain. No, Ilho laughed self-mockingly at the thought that it was not an expectation but a delusion.

These were not words to say to her, these were words to say to himself.

‘shit… … It’s really not like me.’

Meanwhile, Chil-ho, who was walking down the hallway after leaving Il-ho’s room, stopped.

Suddenly, I felt frustrated and dizzy. The hallway twisted and spun like she was drunk. It felt as if both walls were about to surge in and attack me at any moment.

At that time, I saw Lim Yeon-jeong’s visit in that twisted space.

I gritted my molars, thinking that I had to protect her. She let out her breath repeatedly several times in short bursts.

When I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them, the hallway had returned to its original state.


On the outside, he acted like nothing was wrong, but he seemed to have felt burdened and pressured by the recent changes in himself and what he had to do in the future.

What would you have done if this had been your crisis? What if Seohaksa is trying to kill himself?

Rather, I thought that I would not have felt this much pressure.

If not, you just die.

Because I had this thought deep in my heart.

It was a slightly different mindset than just saying whatever happens, happens. It was just closer to having no aversion to death.

But it’s different now.

Because I found a desire to protect someone deeper inside than the desire to die.

‘There must be a way.’

She walked briskly again and left the hallway. The thought of drinking came to her mind, but she held it back. Because there was something I had to do right away.

After leaving the manor, Chil-ho put his bamboo hat on his head and visited the Wuhan branch of the Cheonmanghoe. The information fee was expensive, as was the reputation of the Cheonmanghoe.

“It’s 5,700 nyang.”

The moment Chilho heard the price, he left the Cheonmanghoe branch without a word.

The information she wanted to obtain was about Seohaksa Temple.

What kind of person is he and what kind of martial arts does he use? What does he like, what does he dislike, when does he eat and how many times a day does he poop… … Everything was needed.

But the information fee was too expensive. She might think that information about a person who is a scholar of the West would not be that expensive, but at least she did not have a huge sum of 5,700 nyang right now.

If you add up all the money you have saved so far, it is less than 1,000 nyang. Even that was managed by the organization. If you needed money, you applied for it, checked what it was going to be used for, and then gave it as much as needed.

There was a rumor that he would be paid a large sum of money when he left the organization and retired. It was a rumor, not a promise, and Chilho thought it was an illusion created by vain hope.

Will I be able to leave this organization alive?

‘Anyway, where do I get this guy’s information?’

According to Lim Yeon-jeong, his martial arts skills were so strange that they were close to witchcraft. I needed solid information about him. Only then will he be able to find his weak points and find the opportunity to kill him.


Ilho might be able to easily find out information about Seohaksa Temple.

But there’s no way I can tell him this or let him know that I’m talking about it. He knows he cares about himself, but this is a betrayal of the organization.

‘I see. I am now betraying the organization.’

Until now, I had not been able to think deeply about this before my desire to help Lim Yeon-jeong.

I never thought I would betray the organization like this, for this reason. If your betrayal is discovered, you will die a truly miserable and painful death.

She raised her head slightly.

Sunlight briefly shined through the clouds in the distance. The sun was hanging slightly at the end of the clouds, and it looked like it would disappear behind the clouds at any moment.

After standing there for a moment, basking in the barely shining sunlight, she started walking again.

‘I have to get the money somehow.’

* * *

After hearing that Chilho had left the manor, I also left the residence.

In the past, I followed her and Lim Yeon-jeong and found out the location of the manor where they were staying.

Because he planned to approach Lim Yeon-jeong, he sent his subordinates to monitor the manor. He said, of course, that he should only report on great deeds from afar.

After hearing that Chilho had stopped by Cheonmanghoe to seek information, I immediately went to see Ban Seo-jeong, the head of Cheonmanghoe. Through his subordinates, Ban Seo-jeong informed Chil-ho what information he was seeking.

If the information store that Chilho stopped by was not Cheonmanghoe, I would not have been able to find out the information she wanted to know. Even if we figured it out, it would have taken quite a bit of time.

“The information she was trying to get was about Seohaksa Temple.”

“Who is Seohaksa?”

“Seohaksa is a Dafa expert and a very famous person in his field. He is known to be able to skillfully practice numerous great methods practiced in the Demonic Cult and the Four Sects.”

I was able to guess that Lim Yeon-jeong’s coming to Wuhan was related to some kind of Great Law.

But why is Chilho trying to get information about Seohaksa? We’d be on the same side.


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She held out an envelope.

“Here is information about Seohaksa Temple.”

This was the very information that Chilho could not buy.

“However, the whereabouts of Seohaksa Temple are unknown. Shall we find out at this meeting?”

“no. This is enough. Please do not intervene any further.”


If such a famous Dafa expert has been mobilized, they must be carrying out a very important Dafa. In many ways, it would be safer if I handled this matter myself.

And Lim Yeon-jeong would know where Seohaksa Temple is. It was faster for me to find out through Chilho.

“Thank you. “I will not forget this incident.”

“Just say the word at any time.”

It wasn’t just about giving information. If it were discovered that customer information had been leaked, it would be fatal to the reputation of Cheonmanghoe. They took that risk and gave me the information.

Before leaving there, I delivered some news to Ban Seo-jeong.

“Galgunsa is in a safe place. “I’m really into studying Jinbeop these days.”

“He’s the type of person who gets hooked when he falls in love with one thing. “There will be a great Jinbeop artist coming out soon.”

“Haha, I think so too.”

“Thank you for giving us the news.”

I thought as I saw her smiling brightly. Maybe this news is more precious to her than her money.

* * *

Lim Yeon-jeong was at the old building in the dirty alley she had visited earlier.

“I’m going to trust you this time.”

Seohaksa said, looking at Lim Yeon-jeong with extremely serious and earnest eyes.

“It’s not enough, but I’ll do my best.”

If Lim Yeon-jeong didn’t know what kind of person he was, she would have been fooled by his sincere attitude.

“There are many things I have learned. “It was fate that we met like this, so I will teach you everything through this Dafa.”

“thank you.”

Lim Yeon-jeong got goosebumps. After deceiving people in this way and receiving help, they would have killed rats and birds without anyone knowing after the Great Law was over. It would have been a little less heinous if he had smelled like a villain from the beginning.

“When will the Great Law come into effect?”

“The first Great Law will begin soon.”

“Who is the target?”

“You will find out that day. Now, read this first.”

Seohaksa handed out a booklet.

“The area marked in red is the area you need to take charge of.”


Lim Yeon-jeong sat next to him and read a book. Although key parts were missing, most of the information needed for this Dafa was written. As expected, I was able to feel that he had great skills.

‘If I had trained younger students with this great ability, I would have received a lot of respect.’

But what he chose was gold. The value that only you can do will raise the highest price.

“It’s really amazing.”

At Lim Yeon-jeong’s admiration, Seohaksa smiled brightly and said,

“Explore and learn to your heart’s content.”

* * *

The next place Chilho visited was Ronin Market.

“There is only one thing that can earn you 3,000 nyang in a short period of time.”

“What is it?”

The man lifted the blade of his hand and slit his own throat. She didn’t say it, but she knew what it was.

It was an assassination.

Chilho’s expression hardened slightly under the bamboo ribs. Have you ever killed someone outside of your duties? Also killing people for money?

“Is the target a villain?”

Then the man chuckled.

“If you want to find evildoers, go to the Murim Alliance. “You’ll get a list of hundreds of people.”

However, finding and killing the villain with the bounty on it was very time consuming. Moreover, it was impossible while he was in charge of protecting Lim Yeon-jeong. I’m still worried about going out today.

“Is there anything we can do right now?”

The man shook his head resolutely.

“Even if there is work, why would we trust you to entrust it to you? “Our work also has set steps and procedures.”

Well, I wouldn’t entrust someone with something as important as assassination. After building trust by doing the work step by step and establishing a trustworthy relationship, I will entrust it to you.

“I’ll come next time.”

When Chilho turned around, the man behind him spoke.

“I expected you to turn out like this. But do you know why I told you in detail?”


“For some reason, I think you would be good at our job. “I’ll see you next time.”

Chilho left without answering.

After leaving Nangin Market, Chilho sat down at a bar and drank alone.

For the first time, I realized that it was difficult to find money.

He wasn’t interested in money. The fact that he was not interested in money meant that he was not interested in reality, which also meant that he did not think about the future.

I just lived my life following the orders of the organization. She had no choice but to live like that. Because the organization was never easy. We double- and triple-monitored and managed them to see if they betrayed us.

She emptied her glass again. She wanted to drink earlier, so the alcohol went down like water.

At that time, she was surprised to see someone entering the bar.

“you are?”

The person she discovered was me.

“We meet again.”

I greeted her warmly and approached her seat.

“I was passing by and thought of having a drink, so I came in and this is how we met. If you don’t mind, would you like to drink together?”

After hesitating for a moment, Chilho nodded.

“Of course.”

You might think it was a coincidence, but of course this meeting was not a coincidence.

It hasn’t been long since she arrived, and she’s already on her second bottle. Moreover, Anju hadn’t even touched her at all.

He clearly seemed worried. It is probably related to Seohaksa Temple.

“Your fiancé is very beautiful.”

“I get surprised sometimes when I see it too.”

She was fed up with my joke.

Since the first conversation went smoothly, the conversation continued naturally.

I talked to her about various things. Of course, she spoke and answered briefly, but at least it wasn’t an awkward atmosphere.

She said as soon as she finished drinking.

“Shall we go there and have a drink?”


Me and her bought some drinks and went to the old field.

As I felt the cool breeze, I thought it was a good idea to come here.

We had a drink there. She had been drinking more than usual.

“I went to Ronin Market earlier.”

“Why did you come?”

“I want to make a living.”

She said it as if it were a joke and smiled. The emotion in her smile was sadness.

She finished her last glass of wine and stood up.

“Then see you next time.”

“for a moment.”

I got up and followed her.

After looking at her for a moment, I blurted out.

“White lotus.”

Her eyes widened when her name was suddenly called. There was a tense silence and she swallowed her saliva.

I said with an extremely serious expression.

“I’ll hire you.”

She looked at me silently.

What is she thinking now? I knew something about her. The problem is her feelings for Byeokridan. How will this proposal be accepted?

Eventually she broke the silence.

“If you want to use people, you have to meet the conditions. “What are the conditions?”

I told her seriously. These were the words that would completely change her relationship with herself.

“It’s your new life.”

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