Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 147

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When tears come to our eyes (3)

Gal Sa-ryang’s last words were decisive.

“Then I will assume that you understand what I mean and then I will leave. “I’ll see you outside later.”

From what Magungtae heard, Galsaryang and Mayanghwa seemed to have planned it out.

Moreover, the Jinbeop was activated and I was trapped here.

Ma Gong-tae glared at Ma Yang-hwa with scary eyes. Magungtae knew. Originally, Mayanghwa was a person who was excellent at taking care of his own interests and would never do anything to lose money.

Since the relationship started with suspicion and restraint, a true alliance never existed in the first place.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell your brother, but… … Take my word for it. “I just came out to listen to what Gal Sa-ryang has to say.”

But Magungtae’s heart had already cooled.

“Okay. I believe it. “Hurry and let us out.”

“I don’t know how to get out!”

Magungtae snorted. Before leaving, Gal Si-ryang spoke clearly. I’ll see you outside later. But you don’t know how to get out?

The trembling feeling of betrayal eventually led me to one conclusion.

‘You’re wasting time trying to kill me.’

There was no doubt that he had intentionally leaked the time and place of this meeting in order to kill himself in the first place.

Magungtae sent a message to Mujeongsipgaek and Shinbichang.

-We must surprise those underlings and eliminate them all, and make that bitch kneel before me. Because you know the way out.

Sensing that the other person’s prayer was changing, this time Poison Eye Sword sent a message to Mayanghua.

-They’re trying to attack us. I think we should strike first.

Mayanghwa was almost astonished. Only then did she realize.

‘It was a trap. A trap to create this situation in the first place.’

However, I did not have the time or confidence to persuade Magungtae. A sense of crisis that if we didn’t kill them, we would die was engulfing both camps.

Sensing the other person’s prayers becoming more urgent, Dok-Eyanggeom urged.

-Hurry up and give the order. If we get a preemptive strike, we’ll all die.

In the end, Mayanghwa gave an order that should not have been given.

-Get rid of them all!

* * *

After half an inspection, when Jinbeop disappeared, the place was full of corpses.

The only person who survived was Magungtae.

Although it was Mayanghwa’s side that struck first, the fight unfolded evenly. In the end, the masters of both sides fought fiercely and retreated together.

Ma Gong-tae, who survived until the end, tortured Ma Yang-hwa, and she committed suicide because she could not bear the pain.

“You bastard! “Are you the same as that bitch?”

An excited Magungtae came out and rushed towards Galsaryang. He was out of his mind, covered in blood all over his body.


I quickly cut off his head with my sword.

Even if I attack him with all my concentration, I can’t win, but since he attacked me in a half-crazy state, I had no choice but to become an intellectual.

When cutting off his head, he did not use the Chuhonsura swordsmanship technique, but regular swordsmanship.

Now there is no one left alive here. Afterwards, if the Murim Alliance comes and investigates the cause of their deaths, it will be found that they died fighting each other.

Galsaryang and I left the place after removing all traces of the camp, including stones and pieces of wood.

* * *

“Damn it! “What a bunch of stupid things!”

When Ma-ryeong-in heard the news that Mayang-hwa and Magung-tae committed suicide during a fight, he was furious.

No matter how greedy and pathetic they are, how can they fight among themselves and fall to the ground when the enemy is in front of them?

I checked several times to see if I had fallen into a trap, but the coroner’s opinion was the same. They must have died fighting with each other.

Moreover, because the definitive cause of death for May Yang-hwa was suicide, there was even speculation that she may have committed suicide out of guilt in the end.

‘That greedy bitch can’t do that!’

In any case, it was decided that their deaths would be announced after the inauguration ceremony.

Whether it was because they fell into a trap by the wildlings, or whether the idiots died doing something pitiful, this incident was a complete failure.

Only by killing Gal Sa-ryang would he have been able to hear from Cheon So-seon about the fourth way to become a leader.


What made me even more angry was that the outcome of this incident was a very good one for Ma Cheol. Macheolgun would have tried to eliminate the two people anyway.

As a result, he was able to take on that difficult and difficult task with his own hands. It was given as a commemorative gift for tomorrow’s inauguration ceremony.

The devil eventually realized that there was only one way left.

“I guess I’ll have to step forward myself.”

At that time, a voice was heard from behind.

“That’s not possible.”

When I turned around in surprise, Cheon So-seon had already entered the room.

“How on earth?”

Ma-ryeong-in could not sense any sign of Cheon So-seon entering the room.

“I’m taking my hands off Galsaryang for the time being.”

Cheon So-seon spoke as if giving an order.

“What do you mean?”

“This is his work.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

If so, the word work could be used. In this short period of time, Ma Yang-hwa and Ma Gong-tae fought each other and committed suicide.

“He really is of a different class.”


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“Yes, it shows what kind of person the general military who ruled the world is. “Cheon Ha-jin was in the great shadow, so we forgot what kind of person he was.”

“shit! “Then I guess I won’t be able to hear the fourth method.”

“You can hear it.”

“Even if I failed?”

“Failure happens to everyone, right?”

The devil looked at Cheon So-seon with an expression of incomprehension.

A little while ago, I used the expression that Gal Sa-ryang was of a different level, but in fact, those words also applied to Cheon So-seon.

He is young, and you are young. In his heart, he was proud that he could fly and fly, but when he saw Cheon So-seon, he felt intimidated for some reason. The demonic people thought it was a difference in level.

“Have you ever thought about why I try to save you even though you made a mistake?”

“Because I have value?”

“I’ll say it again, you’re not that good.”

“But there’s no need to kill morale by saying that.”

“haha. “I’m sorry if I offended you.”

The Demon Spirit asked with a serious expression.

“Tell me why.”

“I’ll tell you later.”

“shit! If you say something, you should let me know! “That’s a dirty habit!”

Cheon So-seon stood up first.

“Wait. “A person who wants to do something big must also know how to wait.”

A white light seemed to come out of Cheon So-seon’s eyes, but it soon disappeared.

Boom! Boom!

The Demon Spirit hit the table repeatedly. The shattered table was scattered on the floor.

“Bog, you are relaxed and mysterious.”

* * *

Chilho suddenly stood up. He had a dream. The last words were still echoing in my head.

“Our young lady is engaged to Prince Pyeok.”

She rarely dreams, but it was her first dream in a long time.


Chilho sighed lightly.

I’ve been feeling a bit complicated lately, but I thought it was better.

‘He was someone I had no relationship with anyway.’

One thing that was strange was the tears I shed that day.

Of course, it wasn’t the first tear I shed since I was born. She shed many tears during training. She cried even when she was hiding so as not to be seen by others, and she cried even when it was really hard and painful.

But the tears that day were different.

It wasn’t because of pain, sadness, or loneliness like the tears I shed before.

There was no change in my emotions, but the tears suddenly flowed, and I felt good when I saw them. Although I was embarrassed to shed tears in front of Byeokridan, the tears themselves were definitely good.

What should I say? I can cry for other reasons too. It occurred to me that I am not a person who only sheds tears over bad things.

At that time, Lim Yeon-jeong’s voice was heard outside.

“Can I come in?”


Lim Yeon-jeong came inside.

“are you okay?”


“I felt like I was having a nightmare.”

Did he even scream? It seemed like her own voice could be heard in the next room.

“No, it’s okay.”

“What’s going on?”


I felt like I wanted to tell Lim Yeon-jeong about that day. Because I wanted to tell someone how I felt and receive comfort. I also wanted to talk about tears.

But it didn’t happen. As much as liking people, saying such things to someone was something so unfamiliar to me.

Although she didn’t hear anything, Lim Yeon-jeong spoke to her as if she had heard the whole story.

“Even if you regret it, don’t deceive your heart.”

Chilho suddenly asked her as she turned around.

“Sister… … .”

Lim Yeon-jeong smiled brightly at the mention of sister. It was at that moment that a very small side door opened slightly with a creaking sound under the huge tightly closed iron door.

“Didn’t you deceive your heart?”

It was because what he had told himself earlier seemed like something Lim Yeon-jeong had experienced.

“I didn’t cheat. “I followed my feelings.”

“Don’t you regret that decision?”

“No, I regret it.”

The gazes of the two people intertwined in midair.

Lim Yeon-jeong said.

“It may sound strange, but I regret my choice… … “I don’t regret that regret.”

Chilho answered briefly.

“It doesn’t sound strange at all.”

* * *

I attended the Maengju inauguration ceremony with everyone, including Song Hwa-rin.

Suran glared at me with a disapproving look, but I pretended not to see it. It was only natural for her to think so highly of Song Hwa-rin.

“There are so many people. “It’s my first time seeing so many people gathered in one place.”

As Song Hwarin said, a huge crowd gathered. We didn’t bother to get close and stood side by side at a distance.

Although it was relatively small, there were a lot of people here too. They were all excited.

“If the Great Demon Association becomes the leader, you will eliminate all the Demon Cultists.”

“Of course it is. “Because I will have to avenge my father.”

“Damn you damn demon cult bastards! “We must use this opportunity to dry up the seeds!”

“It’s finally starting!”

pop! Pow! pop!

Fireworks exploded in the sky. There was constant shouting and the sound of small fireworks coming from all directions.

Gwangdu said while looking at the podium in the distance.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to become the Murim Lord?”

“It would be nice.”

But that’s just for a little while. There are so many things to worry about and do in the position of Murim Lord. Of course, if you don’t work properly, there won’t be a position as good as mine.

His mood will vary depending on what kind of leader Macheolgun wants to become.

This time Song Hwarin asked me.

“Do you have any ambition to become a lord?”

“there is.”


She turned to me in surprise. She was so surprised that even the gwangdu and the poached eggs looked at me.

“Why are you so surprised? “It’s definitely a position that Kang Ho-in can dream of, right?”

Gwangdu said.

“Yes, but… … “When you said that, I thought I might actually be able to do it.”

Song Hwarin also looked at me with similar eyes.

I pretended not to notice and looked at the podium in the distance.

Murim lord.

I have absolutely no intention of becoming a leader again.

But only one possibility remained. What if the power of the Murim Alliance is needed to eliminate them? Well, that’s unlikely to happen.

When Ma Cheol-gun’s inauguration speech began, I moved to the back where Gal Sa-ryang was standing.

Gal Sa-ryang said while looking at Song Hwa-rin standing in front of him.

“I only heard that you are the best beauty in Shandong, but you are truly beautiful.”

“It’s pretty, though.”

“You two get along really well.”

I didn’t feel bad because they said it suited me well.

After talking about various things about Song Hwarin and myself for a while, the topic naturally turned to the forces behind it.

“Did they take our warning?”

“I think so.”

We may have noticed our involvement in their deaths.

“Now at least they won’t rashly try to kill us.”

This was how I dealt with evildoers in my past life.

It shatters with greater force.

Educate and persuade evildoers and make them truly feel sorry?

It’s just an ideal theory.

Most of the villains I’ve seen haven’t changed. Of course, maybe one out of ten people can change their minds.

However, considering the side effects of the evil deeds that the other nine will commit in the process, my conclusion is that it is better to ignore that one reformative act.

That’s why I was called the leader of Sangvis and the leader of punishment.

When dealing with evildoers, what ends up happening is that you deal with them clumsily. It’s because it’s clumsy and strong.

Now that I have regained my former martial prowess, I will treat them like villains. Very well.

“If tears come from our eyes, tears of blood will come from their eyes.”

martial arts,

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