Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 143

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When time gathers in Danjeon (1)

A few days before the coronation ceremony, military leaders gathered in Wuhan.

There was no room to step because of the crowd of people. As people gathered, merchants also gathered together.

I and Gal Sa-ryang were drinking tea at the blue bar run by Cheonmanghoeju and watching people outside the window on the side of the road. Normally, this place would have been crowded, but Cheonmanghoeju Banseojeong closed the door to Daru for a while.

So the only guests here were Gal Sa-ryang and me.

“It seems like there are several times more people gathered than when Ma Bong-gi ascended the throne.”

I responded to Galsaryang’s words.

“It’s probably because of the fear of the demonic cult.”

This coronation ceremony of Majeolgun clearly showed that the stronger the external enemy is, the more united the internal forces are.

At that time, Ban Seo-jeong asked for my understanding and spoke to Gal Sa-ryang.

“Would you like me to look at you for a moment?”

“Let’s do that.”

The two people went to the front of the kitchen. They spoke in a whisper, but thanks to my sensitive hearing, I could hear their entire conversation.

“You decided to introduce me to your new friend today, right?”

“I did.”

“I think it’s past the agreed upon time. When are you coming?”

Gal Sa-ryang smiled strangely.

Ban Seo-jeong, who had been staring at him for a moment, was startled.

“no way?”

Her head slowly turned this way. I felt eyes on me, but I pretended not to notice and was looking out the window.

I heard her speak again.

“No, right?”

“That’s right.”

“oh my god!”

She looks really surprised. She was the type of person who rarely revealed her true feelings about anything, but this time was different. Her surprise and excitement were conveyed here.

Perhaps it was because I thought that I was absolutely not the lord of Galsaryang.

I was a member of the Byeokridan of the Shandong Byeok clan checkpoint. Is there no way that Gal Sa-ryang would accept the young successor of a local sect as his master? This is also a new soldier who officially entered Jeongjeongak.

She walked over carefully and sat down in front of me.

My gaze, which was looking out the window, turned towards her.

She studied my face as if I were a contemplative.

I revealed my true prayer, which was different from how I had treated her until now. She became the lord of Gal Sa-ryang, not the military leader in charge.

As I intentionally prayed, the air around me changed. An air current began to flow around me.

Her expression gradually changed as she felt a power that overwhelmed others that had never been seen in me before.

“I was confident that I knew more about Kangho than anyone else, but you have made me realize that my pride was in vain.”

It also meant that their first impression of me was not bad.

“I would like to greet you formally. “It is an anti-lyojeong of Cheonmanghoeju.”

“This is the Byeokridan of the Byeok Clan Gate.”

“An outstanding hero has been produced from the Shandong Byeok Clan Gate. Please take care of me in the future.”

“That’s what I’m telling you.”

Gal Sa-ryang came and sat next to her.

“Honestly, I was surprised when I heard that Galgunsa would be serving a new lord. That fact was surprising, but he was this young?”

“It’s thanks to Lord Gal’s favor.”

Then Ban Seo-jeong glanced at Gal Sa-ryang and said.

“Master Gal doesn’t look good on anyone. “He is a very cold-hearted person.”

Ban Seo-jeong’s own dissatisfaction was expressed in a playful way. Gal Sa-ryang only smiled faintly.

Ban Seo-jeong said what he wanted to ask.

“There is something I heard from Galgunsa.”

I told Galsaryang the other day that if an emergency arises, you can deny our relationship.

“I don’t doubt your generosity toward our association, but I’m curious as to why you made that decision.”

“It’s simple. “Galgunsa cherishes Cheonmanghoe.”


Of course, there were many other reasons. But is there any need to tell you why? It would be a much better choice to give strength to Galsaryang than to gain the benefit of revealing the reasons in detail.

Gal Sa-ryang spoke quickly.

“Because what we need is information, not your loyalty.”

I said this out of embarrassment, and Ban Seo-jeong told me to look at it.

“You know, right? “This person here is not a person who looks favorably on anyone.”


I laughed happily.

Ban Seo-jeong looked at me and Gal Sa-ryang for a moment, then took out several sheets of paper from his arms.

“This is the first piece of information we’re giving you.”

If the first impression of me was bad, this information may not have been passed on to us.

No matter how much of a relationship she has with Gal Sa-ryang, she is also a strong person who has gone through many hardships, and her organization will be her top priority. It’s hard for her to trust the leader of the other party, so how could she give away information without permission?

He took the paper and spoke to her confidently.

“You won’t regret joining hands with us.”

* * *

The information she gave was related to the coronation ceremony of the current leader.

In particular, it was information about the recent movements of families related to Macheolgun, and Galsaryang found something suspicious among them.


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“Here’s something to keep an eye on.”

“What is it?”

“The point is that Hwangjong (黃鍾), the single-eyed swordsman, has come to participate in the coronation ceremony.”

“Why is that strange?”

“Mongolia has never appeared at such an official event. “He really dislikes places where many people gather, so he didn’t even come to Ma Bong-gi’s coronation ceremony last time.”

Of course, Gal Sa-ryang did not bring up the story just for that reason.

“The problem is that he is Mayang Hua’s man.”

“If you are Mayanghwa, then you are one of the successors of Heavenly Daemon.”

“Not only the single-eyed sword, but also the outer double sword and the small white sword are coming. “All of them are Mayanghwa’s descendants or have a deep relationship with him.”

“It’s definitely something to keep an eye on.”

“yes. I thought something was unusual, so I looked into the information from the trinocular angle and found that it wasn’t just Mayanghwa that was moving. The masters led by Magungtae also moved together. “They are the Heartless Ten Guests and the Mysterious Chang (God?槍).”

The masters mentioned were among the best in the world.

“Two people who were pushed out of the succession structure mobilized their best players? “I probably didn’t call you to congratulate Ma Cheol.”

Gal Sa-ryang spoke with confidence in what I said.

“There is no doubt that they are trying to kill Macheolgun or are targeting us.”

I could feel it instinctively.

“I think they’re targeting us.”

A while ago, a master of Yunnan Samsu and archery died by my hands. It was probably another assassination attempt as an extension of that attack.

“I think it’s time to break this chain of continued attacks.”

“There are two ways. Either sink deep beneath the surface of the water or float above the surface.”

I was worried for a moment. Clearly, both decisions will have pros and cons.

The conclusion I came to was this.

“I think it’s time to surface.”

It didn’t mean I was making my presence known to the neighborhood.

Rather than just being attacked, we will show that we can attack first. This means that if you touch me, I will warn you that I will actively touch you.

“But before that, there is one thing I must do.”

“What is that?”

“This is what my skills are like right now. You have to reach the third point… … .”

Galsaryang received my words.

“You can use the six-second type of apocalypse.”

I nodded. I’m still strong enough, but there was a big difference between being able to use all my martial arts and not being able to use them.

What if my inner strength reaches 3 gapja and I can freely use my martial arts?

“Then they will be the ones who will have to sink.”

After being lost in thought for a moment, Galsaryang remembered something.

Soon he spoke with a strange smile.

“There is a way to solve the internal problem.”

* * *

A carriage was speeding down Guandu.

The person driving the carriage at the coach station was Gwangdu.

“Is there anything uncomfortable about you?”

In response to Gwangdu’s shout, a woman’s voice was heard from the carriage cabin at the back.

“I’m fine.”

The main character of the voice was none other than Song Hwarin. The people riding the carriage were Song Hwa-rin and Suran.

Suran said, sticking her head out the window.

“If you’re having a hard time, switch shifts with me.”

“No, I’m still okay.”

The three of them were on their way to Wuhan to attend the Emperor’s coronation ceremony.

Gwangdu, who heard that Song Hwa-rin was going to Wuhan on behalf of Song Jajang, asked if he wanted to go with her, and Song Hwa-rin readily accepted.

Gwangdu spoke loudly again.

“Young master will be really happy to see you.”

“well. “Do you think they want to see me?”

“If you don’t want to see the lady, she must have been taken away by demons somewhere and transformed into a woman.”

Song Hwa-rin burst into laughter. Suran shook her head and spoke loudly.

“Stop talking nonsense and drive the carriage well!”


Suran lowered her voice and said.

“You’re really good at saying nonsense?”

“So isn’t it pleasant?”

“Yes, but.”

This was something that the poached eggs also acknowledged. At first, Suran was opposed to Gwangdu going with him. Because I thought that traveling with a foreigner would be uncomfortable in many ways.

But as we went together, it wasn’t that bad. Thanks to this, there were a lot of things to laugh about, and although the words were foolish, the people were not foolish. Rather, Gwangdu’s actions were quick and he was polite in dealing with people. How should I really relate to people?

I could feel that it was someone I knew well.

“That person is no ordinary servant.”

“I think so.”

Song Hwarin had a high opinion of Gwangdu. Of course, she is the person that Byeok Lidan cares about the most, so she gives her a higher rating, but through this journey, she has become convinced that Guangdu is also a very attractive person.

“Lady, I heard that a huge crowd of people flocked to this coronation ceremony. “You must be very careful when you arrive.”

“Okay, don’t worry.”

Byeok Do-jun, the father of Byeokridan, and Song Woo-kyung, the father, were very dissatisfied with the new leader. Ma Bong-gi did the same before, and this time Ma Cheol-gun also believes that he is not qualified to become a leader. So I decided not to attend the coronation ceremony, Song Hwa-rin.

I decided to go instead.

I didn’t want to send Song Hwa-rin because there was a problem with the Demonic Cult and I heard rumors that people were flocking there, but when I told her that I would meet Byeokridan in Wuhan and come, I gave permission.

Longing filled Song Hwa-rin’s eyes as she looked outside the carriage.

Song Hwarin missed Byeokridan so much.

I have already dreamed of the day we kissed several times. Some days, I dreamed that the kiss went a bit further. On days like that, there was nothing to do all day.

To be honest, I had no interest in the coronation ceremony.

* * *

Galsaryang and I arrived at Somangpyeong, south of Wuhan.

There were many pagodas built there, and this was a place where people made wishes by building pagodas.

This place had a deep connection with me. The reason this place was named Somangpyeong was because of me.

On the day of the final battle between me and the leader of the Church of Blood, everyone in the vicinity of Wuhan gathered here and prayed for my victory.

After I killed the Demon Cult leader and won, this place was later called Somangpyeong and became a place to make wishes.

“There is a safe house here for the Lord. “Only the leader of the squadron and I know this place.”

There were many safe houses throughout the central plains for me, the Murim lord. It was a place to prepare for when a rebellion broke out or when the enemy lost his military service due to serious injury.

“This is a special place among safe houses. “If a normal safe house is just a place to hide, this is a special safe house that can help you overcome a crisis.”


“Yes, you will know when you go in.”

Gal Sa-ryang walked between the towers. There were thousands of tall and low towers piled up, so it was not easy to find your way to where you were.

However, Galsaryang walked exactly to the destination as if he was walking a known path.

As I followed him, I remembered the day I heard about this place. About how he should find a safe house.

In fact, it is true that when I was a leader, I did not have much interest in the safe house. I was confident in my martial arts skills, and I was confident that I would never have to find a safe house in my life.

There were standard towers specially built by Gal Sa-ryang, based on giant trees in the distance. Again, there was a rule to move back and forth and left and right around the tower.

Even though it was made a long time ago, Galsaryang accurately remembered the location of the safe house.

After going back and forth between the stone towers, we stood in front of one stone tower. At first glance, it was no different from any other tower.

Gal Sa-ryang took out the stone stuck in the center. The stone that didn’t seem like it would fall out suddenly fell out.

“Only the leader can enter this place. The door will only open if you inject the master’s inner energy. And my lord who has learned the same martial arts can also enter.”

In short, it is an organ that can only be opened with a specific inner strength.

I put my hand into the hole, placed my hand on a flat stone, and then injected my energy into it.

Then the floor opened with a clatter, revealing a staircase leading down.

“Please go, I will be waiting here.”

“I understand.”

I slowly walked down the stairs into the darkness.

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