Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 142

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This is my strength (4)

“Even the female archer died.”

Cheon So-seon did not say anything to Baek Seok’s report. He predicted that with Yunnan Samsu and Amgung, he would be able to kill Gal Sa-ryang.

It was not because they were exceptional compared to the troops that had entered so far. It was because of the combination.

If an expert of the Yunnan Sansui takes the lead and fights, and the female archer, who was hiding and waiting for an opportunity, makes an assassination attempt at the perfect moment, who on earth can stop the attack?

There couldn’t be a better combination than this to assassinate a person.

But the mission failed. If everyone doesn’t come back, it means everyone is dead.

The surprising thing was that even the female archer died. He was a man with a divine skill as great as archery. There was no way he could close the distance and kill Amgung. He didn’t even know how he died because they had even disposed of his body.

“Are you saying that the person who is attached to Gal Saryang is the best person in the world?”

After saying this, I felt an eerie feeling. It was something I said out of anger, but I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all.

Baekseok spoke cautiously.

“Now, I think it is pointless to pour out troops carelessly.”

It certainly was.

However, Cheon So-seon remembered the grandfather she met in the cave the other day.

To become truly strong, you must become simple. Don’t enjoy foolish risks.

He said that he would destroy them by pushing them with tremendous force. It seemed like advice, but it was an order. An absolute command that must be obeyed. Now is not the time to retreat, it is the time to push forward.

“Yeah, it’s nothing to think about. “There’s no law that says we have to pump out our own well to put out a fire.”

Cheon So-seon said to Baek Seok.

“Contact the demon spirit.”

* * *

A carriage ran down a forest road.

There were three people in the carriage. They were Malyeongin, Mayanghwa, and Magungtae.

Ma Yang-hwa and Ma Gung-tae looked quite nervous.

The two went to see the demon again and earnestly prayed for him to tell them how to survive.

Then the devil put the two people in a carriage and set off somewhere.

I couldn’t bear to argue with the situation in which I was asking for help, but I couldn’t hide my anxious feelings.

In the end, Magungtae couldn’t bear it anymore and asked.

“Where on earth are you taking us?”

Mayanghwa gave him a look to stop provoking her, but she was just as curious.

The demon spirit looked at the two people. The smile on his lips clearly revealed that he was enjoying the current situation.

“I’m on my way to teach you the third method.”

When the first two people came to visit, they said that there were two ways to survive even if Macheolgun becomes the leader. He either becomes the ruler of the Heavenly Capital, or he abandons everything and goes into the mountains.

Ma Gung-tae and May Yang-hwa looked at each other and exchanged glances. The intention was to join forces, no matter what the method.

A look of humor passed over the Demon Spirit’s lips. This was because he knew better than anyone else how easily that union could be broken.

The sound of a flute was heard from somewhere.

As if that was a signal, the carriage slowed down and eventually stopped.

When the three people got off the carriage, there was a man sitting on a rock in front of them, playing a flute. He was none other than Cheon So-seon.

Mayanghwa was amazed at his handsome appearance.


It was truly my first time seeing such a handsome man. Moreover, the performance of the sad melody was excellent.

After a while, when the performance ended, the devil bowed deeply to him and spoke politely.

“long time no see.”

Ma Gung-tae and May Yang-hwa were surprised. This was the first time the Demon Spirit showed such politeness to someone. He did not behave this politely not only to Ma Cheol-gun but also to his father, Ma Bong-gi.

Just that sight alone made me feel fearful of Cheon So-seon.

The demon spirit looked at the two people and said.

“He is the one who will tell you the third method.”

Although they didn’t show it on the outside, the two were honestly confused. They didn’t know that someone who would help them would be someone so young.

Ma Gung-tae and May Yang-hwa greeted each other with sweeping arms.

“This is Mayanghwa.”


Chen Xiaoxian said with a smile.

“It’s Cheon So-seon. “Nice to meet you.”

As soon as he finished saying hello, Magungtae asked.

“It’s not our time to chat, so I’ll ask you straight. Are you telling us how to live?”

“Is that possible?”


“If something comes, then something goes, right? Then, I will ask you directly. “Do you really want to live?”

There was no immediate answer. It was quite humiliating to say that I wanted to live with someone I was meeting for the first time.

Cheon So-seon waited for an answer, as if she would definitely hear what he said.

The two people looked at the demon spirit. The magician shrugged his shoulders and said.

“Each person decides whether to believe it or not. “After all, it’s your life.”

The answer that seemed like it was no big deal actually increased trust in Cheon So-seon.

In the end, it was Mayang-hwa who answered first.

“I want to live.”

Magungtae spoke next.

“I want to live.”

Cheon So-seon looked at the two people in turn and said.


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“If you kill Galsaryang, I will take responsibility and save you. Even if Macheolgun becomes the leader, he will never kill you. “You will continue to live in power as you do now.”

Mayanghwa and Magungtae looked back at Demonyeongin again. The devil answered earnestly, asking if I could believe those words.

“I told you earlier, right? Please judge for yourself. Just let me tell you one thing. “This man here made his father a leader.”

Mayanghwa and Ma Gongtae were surprised. They weren’t fools either, so they guessed that someone powerful had helped their father.

But this person?

Judging by the atmosphere, it wasn’t a lie.

After Mayanghwa and Magongtae exchanged a few words, they made a decision.

“great. “We kill the gals.”

If Mayang-hwa spoke to Cheon So-seon, Ma Gong-tae spoke while looking at Ma Ling-in.

“If you don’t keep your promise, I will kill you first.”

The demon spirit just snorted.

Cheon So-seon said to them.

“Many masters will gather for the lord’s coronation ceremony. Then mobilize everything you can. Just to warn you, there are really great experts around Galsaryang. “If he takes it easy, you too will die.”

After a while, Ma Yang-hwa and Ma Gung-tae left, leaving only Cheon So-seon and Ma Ryeong-in.

“Even though they are pathetic, the power they have is still amazing. “They will definitely kill Galsaryang in order to survive.”

Contrary to Maryeongin’s confidence, Cheon So-seon was negative.

“On the other hand, they could die.”

“Well, that could be the case.”

“As expected, it’s heartless.”

“Isn’t that what the succession battle is all about?”

The politeness that had been shown earlier in the Demon Spirit had disappeared. Cheon So-seon also treated him with a different attitude than before.

“If you don’t have lips, your teeth will get cold.” You could be next after them. “Aren’t you anxious?”

“Isn’t life such that you can get hit by a rock falling from a carriage on the road or die from an icicle falling on you?”

Cheon So-seon, who was quietly staring at the demonic spirit, laughed out loud.

“ha ha ha.”

When he smiled like that, he thought he was really cool, even for a man like him. Because I was jealous.

Cheon So-seon stopped laughing and spoke as if reprimanding.

“Why did such a smart person do such a thing?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why did you arbitrarily try to kill Lord Macheol? “And by bringing in outsiders?”

“Because I couldn’t just open my eyes and have my place taken away. Didn’t you promise when you brought me in? “He said he would give me the best position.”

“As much as your patience is lacking, you still lack the qualities to become a leader.”

“You have to make up for the shortcomings. Otherwise, why would I be loyal to you?”

The gazes of the two people intertwined in midair.

Ma Ling-in was not afraid of Cheon So-seon. It wasn’t that he couldn’t tell heaven and earth. She could feel the demon spirit. The other person wasn’t the type for flattery. He rather despised servile opponents.

Say what you have to say, and thoroughly do what needs to be done. They instinctively know that if they act confidently like that, they are more likely to survive.

“There are some things that cannot be filled with manpower.”

“It’s a lack of ability on the part of those making up for it. “Because I’m not that good.”

“Where on earth does your baseless confidence come from?”

Chen Xiaoxian laughed again.

I liked the evil nature of the Demon Spirit. At least this guy’s evil wasn’t clumsy.

“I sacrificed those two, so you should let me know.”

What the Demon Spirit wanted was not just to survive.

“The fourth way I can become a leader.”

Chen Shaoxian nodded and spoke meaningfully.

“yes. “There is always a fourth way.”

Meanwhile, Ma Ryeong-hwa and Ma Gung-tae, who were leaving, could feel that they were facing the biggest crisis of their lives.

“Do you believe in spirit people?”

“Are you crazy?”

In response to Mayanghwa’s question, Magungtae raised his voice.

“Me too. But that person named Cheon So-seon… … “I felt like I could trust it.”

Magungtae also nodded. Her man had a certain unassailable authority.

“Even so, you have to be careful. “Because there is a demonic spirit involved.”

“okay. “Dividing us in a situation like this is like dancing to his tune.”


“We absolutely must join forces. “We must never stab each other in the back.”

Ma Gung-tae returned Mayang-hwa’s suspicions as they were.

“Of course. Please do the right thing, sister. I won’t let anyone get away with it if they break their promise, even if just for the slightest chance. “You know my temper well.”

After making that promise, the two began to bring in the best experts they could mobilize.

* * *

Time passed quickly.

The days when everyone in the Murim Alliance was busy passed, and it was the month of the coronation ceremony.

Military leaders gathered from all over the central plains to watch the coronation ceremony of the new leader. In the past, invitations were issued to allow only prominent figures to attend, but this was not the case this time. This allowed all strongmen to freely attend.

An incredibly large venue was needed for him, and it was decided that the coronation ceremony would be held outside rather than inside the Murim Alliance.

The Demonic Cult was quiet. It was as if they had promised not to cause any accidents in the meantime.

Galsaryang and I behaved as usual.

Gal Sa-ryang was immersed in the fighting techniques, and I also focused on martial arts training by looking over my shoulder and learning the fighting techniques.

I never left his side for even a moment outside of the camp.

Now we can talk comfortably about Cheon Ha-jin. Thanks to you, I remembered my past and reflected on myself.

Anyway, once the coronation ceremony is over and the new teacher becomes the new head of government, we will leave the Murim Alliance.

* * *

The person who waited the most for the coronation day was Ma Cheol-gun.

He couldn’t sleep properly for several days.

I couldn’t sleep at the thought of finally becoming the leader of my dreams. Really, all of this felt like a dream.

‘Am I the Murim Lord?’

Kang Ho-in will reach a position that he would have dreamed of at least once, but that exists only as a dream.

‘What if I become the leader?’

He will eliminate all those who tried to control him. He is different from his father. You will not be taken lightly. He believed so.

I couldn’t sleep so I decided to just have a drink, but the bottle was already empty.

Tomorrow too, there were many busy schedules starting from the morning. I needed to go to sleep quickly, but I couldn’t sleep at all.

At that time, someone spoke next to me.

“Now I will become the owner of this river.”

I was startled and turned my head to see a woman standing in the room. She was the beautiful woman who had previously told him the movements of her demonic religion.

“you! “How on earth!”

She came and went from her room like a ghost.

This was the gist of this action.

I can kill you at any time.

I felt really bad. But that anger was buried by her beauty. Even at this moment, her curiosity about her took precedence over her anger.

“What is your name?”

Then the woman smiled.

“Are names important?”

“Then what’s the big deal? “The fact that you could come into my room at any time and kill me?”

“Yes, those things are important. “The person who will become the leader should not think that a mere girl’s name is important.”

Ma Cheol-gun snorted. Because he was someone who was so unsuitable for the word ‘mere’.

To be honest, I felt scared.

Murim lord.

His dream is to become a leader like Cheon Ha-jin.

He was stronger than anyone else and was respected and feared just by mentioning his name. He wanted to become like that too.

However, just as you are about to ascend to that position, there are people who are trying to manipulate you like this.

“Could it be that you also manipulated Cheon Ha-jin like this?”

Because I already knew that my father had been manipulated by them.

Then the woman smiled strangely.

“What do you think it was like?”

“I asked first.”

“Cheon Ha-jin was a man who was not easily manipulated.”

Ma Cheol-gun shouted.

“Me too!”

My pride was hurt for no reason. Normally, my emotions would not be shaken by this level of provocation.

Was it because he was nervous? Or was it because she was such a beautiful woman? She got upset without realizing it.

“I know. “What kind of person you are.”

A woman approached with a smile.

Ma Cheol-gun inwardly flinched, but did not move from his spot. It was because I wanted to look bold.

She slowly held out her hand. The long, white fingers were truly beautiful. Her own hand seemed to come to her cheek, and she lifted her bottle and filled her empty glass.

“Congratulations on becoming the owner of Gangho.”

As she held out her glass for a toast, the words I desperately wanted to hear flowed from her small, pretty mouth.

“I told you this before, right? “You will become a better leader than Cheon Ha-jin.”

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