Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 14

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Where my sword is heading (3)

“You bitch. Come and suck it.”

Yang Ki-gang exuded nervous energy. In fact, his life was much more vicious than when he was healthy.

Shibi approached him, trembling.

I was reminded of the controversy earlier that he died by having his throat torn off. Maybe he was killed because he refused to do this?

But I really hated it. That hideous thing that I don’t even want to look at… … .

“I think I’m going to rip your crotch. Do you think I’m funny too? okay? “You two bitches!”

“No, no. young master.”

I fell down in place. Tears fell on the floor.

“Please forgive me! I, I… … “I have someone to marry.”

The face of the person I had promised to marry next year came to mind. He was working hard at a small street store, and now he had saved up enough money to buy a small room. He looked so happy.

When I heard the rumor that my wife, who had been serving me before, had died, I should have run away with him at night. He even wondered if that was really the case.

However, it was not easy to leave the place where I had lived my whole life overnight. I couldn’t do that for the person who had just established himself.

“Should I call him? “Are you saying you can’t do it because you feel empty because you don’t have a man?”


Shibi raised his head.

Yang Qigang’s face was shining with cruelty. She shouted, looking at the snake eyes that showed she would do anything to torment others.

“No! Please don’t do that!”

“Then come here.”

As Yang Ki-gang was lying down, he couldn’t hold back his rising s*xual desire. Her mind was filled with only the desire to violate and kill someone.

The woman came staggering forward. Her tear-covered face actually stimulated Yang Qi River’s s*xual desires.

“Come on, do it!”

The woman lowered her head and opened her mouth. Her whole body trembled.

‘sorry. I’m so sorry.’

Tears flowed endlessly from my tightly closed eyes.

It was right then.

Someone covered her mouth from behind.

The goal was not to prevent the child from screaming, but to force the child to naturally close his or her mouth.

He knew that the touch would not harm him. It’s not just that it’s such a friendly and gentle touch.

Yang Ki-gang opened his eyes and swore.

“You bastard!”

The hand that covered the woman’s mouth now covered her eyes.

Next moment.


With the sound of the cool wind.



The woman could tell from the terrible scream that came out as if she was being squeezed. That the cargo of the Yanggi River has been cut off.

Wow, the blood spurted out for a moment.

Sigh! Crack.

This time, the sound of the sword penetrating the flesh and sinking into the bone was heard.


Again, before the screams could even come out.


The sound of flesh being torn was accompanied by an angry scream.

This was the first time the woman knew that so many different screams could come from one person.


Every time the sword was inserted and pulled out, a groan of pain followed.

“please… … .”

A cold voice comes from behind Yang Ki-gang’s plea.

“Then you should have listened to her when she begged.”

The moment the words end!

Sigh! Phew! Sigh! Pooh wow!

The sound of a sword tearing flesh was heard one after another. It was literally the sound of being beaten.

The only reason the woman could endure this terrible sound was because the person who screamed every time she was stabbed by the sword was Yang Ki-gang.

The screaming stopped and the hacking stopped.

Because the person standing behind her was still covering her eyes, the woman was unaware of the situation unfolding before her eyes. However, I could tell that Yang Ki-gang was no longer from this world.

At that time, a low voice sounded in my ear.


Unlike when dealing with Yang Ki-gang, his tone was so gentle that I almost answered yes.

“Not all men in the world are like this. There will be times in your life when you get bitten by a crazy dog. But there is no need to treat all dogs in the world as crazy dogs, right? So forget everything about today and live happily with your fiancé.”

Those were such loving and gentle words. It was a young voice, and it sounded like her grandfather was speaking to her granddaughter.

As soon as those words were finished, sleep swept over me. She may have been overpowered by a blood transfusion, but it was because of her natural touch that she didn’t know.

The moment she was gently laid down on the floor, she could hear the last words sound like a dream.

“You will not be harmed for being here. “Everyone who deserves it will die today.”

* * *

“Please reconsider, Lord Ark. “If you really attack Byeok Clan Gate, you will incur the public wrath of the powerful people.”


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The person making the earnest request was Yang So-bang’s deputy lord Jeong Yeo. He found out later that this was happening.

“Community? “Did you just say it was public anger?”


“My son almost died. But why would you say something like that? “Who on earth is angry?”

“Gong Yang… … .”

I couldn’t continue saying that I had done something worthy of being beaten. He couldn’t even tell me not to cover the sky with my palm.

This was because Yang Ki-cheol was glaring at him with a murderous look in his eyes.

“Please reconsider.”

“It’s not until it recedes like this. Tsutsu.”


Jeong Yeo did not think that she had lived according to the agreement. She thought that she was somewhere between a charlatan and a villain, and that she was a moderately worldly person.

No, to be honest, it was closer to evil. There were many times when I turned a blind eye to the evil deeds committed by the Ark.

But evil deeds are evil deeds, no matter how much I think about it, this was not the case. Without going crazy, would you think of hiring a ronin to push out a sect just because your child was beaten?

“Please consider this.”

At that time, another man in the room spoke. He was the blood dog that Yang Ki-cheol called.

What kind of person is the blood dog? I was able to describe him very simply in one line.

A person who would kill his parents and children for money.

It made me think that he might have exchanged his wife and children, who died young, for money.

However, Yang Ki-cheol called him when there was something that needed to be handled secretly. One thing he did was as certain as his greed.

-You need to give me more money. I found out that the reputation of the owner there was very good.

-Since when do you care about the reputation of those who kill?

-It happens naturally as you get older. I wonder if he’s matured.

-How much do you want me to raise?

-I need to get 20,000 nyang.

-As I got older, I didn’t become more mature, I just became more greedy.

-Just tell me whether it is acceptable or not. We’re not joking around, are we?

In the end, it was decided to give 20,000 nyang, twice as much as the original amount.

Instead, the blood dog promised to provide a means to turn this incident around. He promised to use a suitable ronin to deal with him for killing Byeok Geommun along with his colleagues.

I decided to use Byeokridan. He raped her woman, and her lover, Ronin, killed her to take revenge. The plan was to pretend that the ronin who had massacred committed suicide there.

For this plan, rumors were being spread that Byeokridan had raped the woman.

Overnight, the Byeok clan becomes a trash sect that deserves to be exterminated, and Yang Ki-gang becomes a charlatan who was injured while trying to stop it.

This is the power of money.

Everything was going smoothly, but at the last moment, Vice Lord Jeong Yeo found out. It was done secretly because it was certain that they would stop it.

The blood dog that was listening let out a sigh.

“Why are you acting so nice? “A guy who doesn’t seem that nice?”

Jeongyeo looked at him and frowned.

“It’s none of your business.”

There was a lot of tension between the two people.

The blood dog smiled and lightened the mood. It wasn’t that I was pushed by the momentum, it was a feeling like ‘I don’t need to be with someone like you’.

“It’s jammed.”

Then he looked back at Yang Ki-cheol and said.

“This matter must be resolved quickly and resolved. As you know, Ronin are people who have no sense of belonging. If you put it off day after day, secrets will be leaked. If you don’t give me a clear answer now, I will disband immediately. “Of course, you won’t get your down payment back.”

“That won’t happen. “We will proceed as planned.”

After nailing it down like that, I persuaded Jeong Yeo.

“Although the Byeok clan’s power has declined, there are many places where they exercise influence. “If we take over all of that place, we will be able to double our power.”

If you do that, you will gain hundreds of thousands of nyang in the long run. 20,000 nyang is nothing but money.

“The reason why Byeokgeonmun’s influence is so great in the Shandong region is because the warriors here deeply trust Byeokmunju.”

Then Yang Ki-cheol showed a sad look.

“It sounds as if my personality is worse than his.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“trust? There is nothing like that in this river. There are only two things that exist in this river. The strong and the weak. The strong rule and the weak are ruled. “The strong survive, and the weak die.”

Jeongyeo didn’t say anything. She knew very well that her master was greedy for her. But she didn’t know that it would be this extent of her ugly greed.

“If you attack Byeok Clan Gate, I will no longer serve you, Lord Ark.”

It was his last move. It has been twenty years since he joined Yang Fire Department. He has been through all sorts of things together. I can say for sure. He said that if it weren’t for him, Yang Fire Station wouldn’t have grown like this.

I thought that if I tried to stop him like this, he would eventually give up and pretend that he couldn’t win.

However, Yang Ki-cheol’s reaction was merciless.

“How dare you impose such conditions? “Get out of here before I kill you in one hit.”

Jeongyeo was out of breath.

Get out before I kill you? Disappointment washed over me like a storm as I heard abusive language for the first time in my life.

‘What the hell am I…’ … ‘What have I been doing with my life so far?’

My anger at myself for being foolish took precedence over my hatred for him.

I felt like I was going to cry any longer, so I got up.

“Remain quiet until called again!”

I left the room without answering anything.

The sound of a blood dog giggling could be heard from behind.

“It shouldn’t be possible for someone to open the door of Byeok Clan and come out that day.”

“Don’t worry. “I will dry up not only the person with the last name Byeok but also the dog he owns.”

Jeong Yeo clenched her fists as she heard the conversation before the door closed. I really wanted to jump in right away and kill those two guys.

Then you will die.

That’s it. The moral sense and capabilities that a human being like myself can demonstrate.

However, I have no intention of staying here any longer. After this incident, Yang Ki-cheol will comfort himself again with sweet words.

I will leave before then. Because you will be left even more miserable later.

‘shit! I wanted to grow Yangsobang into the best room in the world.’

As I was trudging along with the agony of having to leave the place I had spent my entire life, I felt an unexplainable sense of discomfort.

When I looked up, I saw a young man sitting on the roof. The blood dripping from his dangling sword contrasted vividly with the blue sky stretching out behind him.

“Who are you?”

Who is it?

It was me.

Jeongyeo reflexively tried to pull out her sword.

“Are you going to act like an asshole until the end?”

He was startled by my words and stopped his actions.

“Do you really want to end your life by dying trying to protect a guy like that?”

A heavy silence came down between me and him.

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