Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 139

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This is my strength (1)

Baekseok was walking across the yard.

Just like Joo Cheol-ryong in the past, Baek-seok was also very nervous.

I naturally feel nervous when I come here.

The servant who ran the yard was stronger than him, and he was not confident that he would win in a fight with Sibi who brought the tea.

There was Cheon So-seon in this place where it was impossible to know how many masters there were.

Today he was sitting in his backyard with his eyes closed, like a monk meditating.

Even though Baekseok arrived, he did not open his eyes. Baekseok stood next to him, holding his breath, waiting for him to open his eyes.

Time passed, but Cheon So-seon showed no reaction.

There was a possibility that Baekseok would be angry and ask someone what he was doing, but Baekseok didn’t show it at all.

At first glance, Cheon So-seon appears to be a handsome late member of a prestigious family who is good at playing the flute, but I could definitely say that that was the biggest mistake in the world.

Cheon So-seon was by no means an easy person. Not only was he not easy, but he was also someone who didn’t know where he would end up. Baekseok knew that fact better than anyone else.

Half an hour passed, then an hour passed.

Until then, Cheon So-seon remained like a stone statue. I was so worried that I might have been the victim of a poison spell.

However, if you are the Cheon So-seon you know, you will never have to worry about that.

‘shit! Are you punishing me?’

Baekseok had no choice but to interpret it that way.

It was almost two o’clock before Cheon So-seon opened her eyes. Until then, Baekseok stood there motionless.

The next moment, Cheon So-seon stretched out his finger into the air.


From his fingertips, a blue-black energy like sword energy was released. It flew from the tip of his finger, stretched out, and flew into the sky.

Baekseok, who was watching, opened his mouth wide. While living as a strongman, he experienced the hardships of many masters. I have seen experts pierce the opponent’s heart with a single ray of wind many times.

However, the move that Cheon So-seon showed now was something I had never seen before.

It flew so far away that I couldn’t even see it. It was so fast that it wasn’t even visible to the eye. How many people in this river can avoid that river?

“Have you waited long? “If you come, please at least make an appearance.”

“no. “Just arrived.”

“I guess so.”

How could Baekseok not know that he arrived two o’clock before the hour?

This was exactly how Cheon So-seon treated people.

“How are the preparations going?”

“Everything is going well. Lim Yeon-jeong arrived safely and is preparing the Great Law.”

“What about the lord’s coronation ceremony?”

“It will proceed without a hitch.”

I was able to report up to that point with confidence. The problem was:

“How much is it?”

Baekseok’s head bowed.

“We haven’t found the mastermind behind it yet.”

“Is this what Gal Sa-ryang has kept hidden? Or is Baek Seok incompetent?”

Baekseok swallowed his saliva and bowed his head even more. He knew very well that a single word could cost him his life.

“Even if you look at the faces of our experts who were attacked by this guy, he is not someone you can take lightly.”

Cheon So-seon’s eyes were cold.

“So let’s keep making it difficult? Why, why don’t you just bring Galsaryang and make him our soldier?”


Baekseok bowed his head. I really wanted to do it if I could.

I got a disapproving look, but it didn’t lead to my life. Cheon So-seon also knew that Baek Seok was not an easy opponent to deal with.

It was then. A priest came and sent a message.

“The elder is looking for Confucius.”

Cheon So-seon said as he walked out of there.

“You go back and help Lim Yeon-jeong with her work.”

“yes. “I will do my best.”

When Cheon So-seon left there, Baek-seok finally breathed a sigh of relief. After Heukseok died, every day feels like walking on thin ice.

Sometimes, I feel envious of the black stone that went first… … No, I’m not jealous. No matter how difficult it is, this dog poop field is better.

* * *

I was standing in an empty space filled with silence.

It was a space with no end in sight. There was nothing around. There was not a single stone or a blade of grass. An extremely artificial space.

This was a space created using Jinbeop. It was an advanced training method called Heukamgeohaejin (黑闇鋸骸陣) that Galsaryang was making in his spare time in addition to training.

The dark giant was installed in the front yard of the newly built residence near the main altar.

Once the date for the coronation ceremony was set, Galsaryang became free.

Of course, Jeongjeongak was still busy. However, it was mostly the work of subordinate soldiers and not the work of the general military.

In addition, there was even more leeway because there was talk publicly that the new military would change.

The Jinbeop was installed in the front yard of the residence, and the moment you step into the yard when the Jinbeop is activated, you enter this space.

I was using this place for one purpose. This is where martial arts training took place.

It was perfect for martial arts training in that you could utilize the vast space without paying attention to your surroundings.

Of course, Chuhonsura Sword Technique was trained using only herbivorous energy without using internal energy.

If the Dark Geohaejin Technique has been completed, the Chuhonsura Sword Technique will not work either. The stronger your martial arts skills, the more helpful it will be in finding the Saengmun, but it cannot be destroyed by force alone.

However, it is currently in the midst of the process of being created, so if too strong an internal force is exerted, the formation could be destroyed.

After completing one training session, I started walking.


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After arriving at a specific spot, I started walking at a set pace.

Six steps forward, two steps to the left, seven steps forward again, twelve steps to the right… …

As I walked along the path, the scenery in front of me suddenly changed.

This time I was standing on the road between two huge walls.

As I walked along the path between the walls, I knocked on the bricks on both sides in order.

How much did you knock like that?

The moment the final brick was knocked, the tall walls on both sides disappeared like a lie.

This time, we came to a desert sandy beach, where a person was bent over and working on something.

He was Galsaryang.

“Are you here?”

Gal Sa-ryang straightened his back and greeted me.

He was creating a formation inside this place. When he created an advanced formation, he did not just install it from the outside. There were also things he had to create internally.

Even though Gal Sa-ryang was busy, he was busy making time to create a line. He later said that rather than knowing how to use it, he was purely fascinated by the charm of Jinbeop.

“The formation is gradually being completed.”

“It’s just the bare bones. “There is still a long way to go.”

The same was true for the spaces I passed through earlier.

When the formation is completed, each space will be a completely different space from what it is now. I didn’t know if it would be a maze, a sea with heavy rain, or a jungle full of poisonous insects and wild beasts. The two huge walls ahead were pushed into the middle and destroyed.

I didn’t know if it would crush the person standing there or if the wall would collapse.

At least one thing is certain: it will become a place of death that one can never escape from if one does not know the origin.

“It’s not just a defensive formation. “If we lure the enemies and trap them, we can inflict enormous damage.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard.”

“no. It’s just something I do as a pastime. “I feel healthier by moving my body like this after sitting all day.”

“I’m glad if that’s the case.”

“Now, please come here. “Follow my steps.”

I walked following the movements of Galsaryang exactly.

Then the surroundings changed again.

This time, a flower garden was opened with beautiful flowers in full bloom. There was a pavilion in the middle of it. It was my first time coming here. It looked like it had been rebuilt recently.

“If possible, let’s talk here.”

“I wonder how dangerous such a beautiful place could become.”

“It’s probably better you don’t know.”

“ha ha ha.”

Macheol-gun has notified that it will select Mr. Noh as the new commander-in-chief. Everything was as expected. Considering that the forces behind it did not stop the incident, it seemed that the use value of Galsaryang in the Murim Alliance had come to an end.

Now, they will try to use Macheolgun to plot a full-fledged plot.

I was very nervous, fearing that someone might try to assassinate Gal Sa-ryang, but Gal Sa-ryang, who was actually involved, was calm.

“Considering that they have left me alone so far, I don’t think they will touch me until the coronation ceremony. “It would be a big deal if the general dies before the coronation ceremony.”

“I’m still worried.”

“Maybe they feel embarrassed about killing me.”

The number of masters and troops that had been blown away while trying to kill Galsaryang so far was enormous. Now, you can’t just give an order to kill that guy just because it’s annoying.

The most certain way is to clearly demonstrate my strength.

But I think it’s still too early. If you try to eliminate us by mobilizing the Murim Alliance, it will result in unnecessary sacrifices.

Gal Sa-ryang said while looking at the butterflies flying among the flowers in the garden.

“What on earth is their purpose?”

I experienced various greed and desires. They went through so many things, but in the end, they didn’t have much of what they wanted.

Power and money.

The most common reasons were these two, and other reasons were infidelity and revenge.

What is the reason this time?

They have enough power to control the Murim Lord. Moreover, looking at the organization they mobilized, it was clear that a huge amount of capital was mobilized.

What if it is neither power nor money? Is it a passion? Is it revenge?

If not, is it more power and more money?

* * *

Chen Shaoxian walked into the cave.

In a place full of mysterious energy, stalactites that must have been created over a long period of time hung like icicles, and stalagmites and stone pillars created by water droplets that fell from the ceiling rose here and there.

There was one person who matched so well with the place that made it feel like time had passed.

He was an old man with wrinkles covering not only his face but even the backs of his hands, and he seemed to be at least a hundred years old. He was truly an old man whose age was difficult to guess.

Even Cheon So-seon cowered in front of the old man, who revealed his enormous presence.

“Are you here?”

Because it was a cave, voices echoed, adding to the even more mysterious feeling.

“Yes, grandfather.”

“Come closer.”


Chen Shaoxian approached the old man.

The old man brought his face close to Cheon So-seon’s face. The old man who was staring at Cheon So-seon with eyes that seemed to pierce his heart suddenly spoke.

“There’s a problem.”

“yes. “Something doesn’t work out.”

“If things were easy, people other than us would be here.”

This means that their work is difficult, and at the same time, it means that they think highly of themselves.

“When doing something big, many difficulties are bound to arise. “What did you tell me to do in a situation like this?”

“He told me not to think too deeply. “He told me not to try too hard.”

Those words were also what Cheon So-seon once said to Joo Cheol-ryong.

The old man finally smiled.

“yes. I remember correctly. But why are you building up your anger?”

“Someone is different from my intuition.”

“Get rid of it.”

The old man spoke quickly and firmly.

“Ruthlessly eliminate anyone who raises doubts. “With greater force, trample it down without even taking a breath.”

After a moment, Cheon So-seon answered.

“all right.”

The old man guessed why there was no answer right away.

“Are you reluctant because it’s such a simple solution? But you should know. Many ambitious people have failed because they failed to implement this simple solution. Showing off your pride and using your head in vain. “Those things will cost you your life.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“To become truly strong, you must become simple. “Don’t enjoy taking foolish risks.”

The old man walked slowly. Cheon So-seon walked behind him.

In the middle of the cave, there was a bed made of sapphire, and a naked boy was lying on it. He was asleep.

The eyes of the old man looking down at the boy were full of passion that could not be hidden.

“Especially when we are faced with something that no one in the history of powerhouses has ever achieved.”

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