Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 137

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Full of tea scent (2)

There were three visitors to the Demon Spirit’s residence.

They were Mayang-hwa, Ma Gung-tae, and Ma Seong-hu, other successors of Cheon Do-mun.

They had been fighting for succession with the expectation that they would one day become the Murim lords, but they ended up like dogs chasing chickens.

“shit! “You’re lucky, brother.”

The person who grumbled and spoke was Magungtae. She was a muscular man with shaved head, and at first glance, she had an appearance that could be described as ‘fisted rather than verbal’.

However, although he had a hot-tempered personality, he was not ignorant.

It was Mayang-hwa who received Ma Gong-tae’s words.

“They say luck is also a skill, right? “My eldest brother has good skills.”

She was wearing a gorgeous, primary-colored gown and so much makeup that it was hard to tell what kind of face she had.

“joy! “You just got lucky, your skills are terrible!”

Ma Gung-tae slammed the table.

On the other hand, Ma Seonghu, the youngest among them, was sitting quietly to the side, picking up snacks from the table and eating them. He was still a teenager and looked very young.

“What is going down your throat right now in this situation?”

In response to Ma Gung-tae’s reprimand, Ma Seong-hu stood up, brushing away the crumbs from around his mouth.

“I will go back first. “I’ll just go and drink more of my mother’s milk and stay confined.”

“You don’t have a mother, do you? “Have you got a new mom?”

When Ma Gung-tae asked too seriously, Ma Seong-hu said as if he was dumbfounded.

“That’s what they say.”

“Baby. “Why are you making jokes like that?”

This conversation was possible because they were all half-brothers.

As if he didn’t want to deal with me any more, Ma Seonghu slammed the door and left the room.

“You little bastard!”

When Magungtae got angry, Malyeongin, who had been silent until then, finally opened his mouth.

“The young ones are the smartest. “I know that the moment I have to step forward will be in about twenty years.”

“Are you telling me to listen?”

“On the other hand, ignorant people have a lot of inferiority complex.”

“You heard me right! “Did these bastards collectively take drugs?”

Magungtae suddenly got up from his seat. He had a hot temper and was the most confident in his martial arts skills among the three people in this room.

Although Magungtae radiated deadly force, the demonic spirit was not afraid at all. She snorted at her with a rather laughable expression.

Magungtae and Maryeongin were of similar age, but Magungtae was originally older. But the devil never treated him like an older brother.

Mayanghwa came forward and stopped the two people. Among these, she was the oldest.

“Come on, we’re not here to fight, so stop.”

Magungtae huffed and sat down. Actually, he wasn’t that angry. He often took advantage of this hot-headed personality. If you behave like this, the other person will think you are ignorant. It is a good shield to hide yourself.

The demon asked the two people.

“So why did you come to see me?”

Ma Yanghua said in a good tone.

“Is this the end for us?”

In the end, with this problem, he came to see Ma-ryeong-in, who was known to be the most intelligent among his successors.

“It’s over. That too is the end. “Because we’re all going to fall apart.”

“what? What do you mean? “What does that mean?”

Mayanghwa and Ma Gongtae were surprised.

The demon spirit spoke as if it was no big deal.

“Even in this place where all the powerful forces are demanding that Macheolgun be their leader, they gather together like this and think of a stab in the back, but they will also kill the country.”

“Still, it’s blood, so do you have to kill it?”

In response to Mayanghwa’s belief, the magician spoke.

“You like blood. Honestly, we are worse than others. “If you become the leader, will you let me live?”

To those words, Mayanghwa could not readily answer. Ma Yang-hwa also has the attitude of Ma Gung, and once she becomes the leader, she will eliminate the rest of her successors. Even if he had the heart to forgive, he couldn’t do so considering his opponent’s maliciousness.

“Little brother, what should I do now?”

Mayanghwa said in an earnest tone.

The devil looked at Magungtae. The look in her eyes asked why she would be so stiff when she came to ask for help.

“shit! Damn it! sorry. I’m sorry! Are you done?”

Mayanghwa quickly helped out.

“Did it only happen yesterday or today that that guy’s personality got so bad? “You who have a big heart, be patient.”

I don’t know if these few words could have changed his mind, but it seemed like the Demon Spirit had intended to say a few words to them from the beginning.

“There are two ways to live.”


Mayang-hwa and Ma Gung-tae’s eyes sparkled.

“First, I will live if I become the lord of the Heavenly Island. “Someone of us must lead Cheondomun, and no matter how displeased we may be, we cannot kill the head of the family.”

The two people nodded. But they expected a second way. Becoming the Master of Heavenly Capitalism was not easy for both of them.

Ma Yang-hwa was a woman, and Ma Gung-tae was known to be a very hot-tempered person. Neither of them were suitable for the position of Lord Cheon Dao Mun.

Naturally, I expected the second method.

“The other way is to go and beg for your life. I’ll give everything I have, just ask for my life. I should say that I will go into the mountains and dig up medicinal herbs for a living. “If you make an official announcement and keep your promise, at least they won’t kill you.”

However, it was not easier than the first method.

“Isn’t there a third way?”

Instead of answering, the demon walked to the window. He didn’t say anything more. He seemed to have something, since he didn’t explicitly say he didn’t have it.

Mayanghwa and Magungtae looked at each other and exchanged glances. The intention was to leave for now.


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“I’ll come back again.”

Ma Gung-tae added a word that did not suit Ma Yang-hwa’s words.


It meant that it was that desperate.

After the two people left the room, the demon was left alone. He spoke to himself with a strange look in his eyes.

“… … “There is always a third way.”

* * *

There was no surprise.

The Murim Alliance elected Macheolgun as the new leader.

When it was officially announced, warriors from all over the Central Plains flocked to the headquarters of the Infinite Murim Alliance.

The atmosphere was different from when Ma Bong-gi became the leader. A large crowd of people gathered to congratulate him on becoming a leader.

They cheered and raised their voices.

“Macheol-gun! “Macheolgun!”

“Long live the new leader! Long live Cheondomun Gate! Long live Macheolgun!”

“Eradicate the Demon Cult! “Exterminate the Demonic Cult!”

It was unprecedented heat.

Of course, the reason was because of the Demonic Cult. The powerful people hoped that the Demon Army would lead the warriors of the Murim Alliance to annihilate the Demonic Cult as soon as possible. Because there was no guarantee that the next family to be exterminated by the Demon Cult would not be his family.

The strong people’s instinctive fear of the Demonic Cult was very great, and it had a history as long as its size.

In the process, I saw one strange phenomenon.

There are people who remember me from my past life again.

“If Lord Cheon hadn’t passed away, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“I really miss him.”

“If the Heavenly Lord had existed, they would have been wiped out in an instant.”

At some point, I felt bitter that the stories about me disappeared, but it was a strange feeling to see them resurface in an instant.

This time I realized one thing. I have already become a part of Gangho’s history, and I will continue to rise to the surface and sink again in the flow of that history.

Majeolgun entered the largest guest hall of the Murim Alliance. The heads of the major organizations of the Murim League there all bowed their heads.

“I congratulate you on becoming a lord.”

Everyone raised their voices in celebration of Galsaryang.

“We are reducing it!”

Ma Cheol-gun tried hard not to change his expression, but he could not hide his joy.

“It’s all thanks to you for believing in this poor person.”

“Those are very humble words. Ma Daehyup is the only one who can lead the Murim Alliance now.”

“Thank you for trusting me. Let’s do well in the future.”

Ma Cheol-gun went in front of each person and gunned them down. Galsaryang and I also came to the future.

“Galgunsa worked hard. Thank you.”

“you’re welcome. Kangho’s spirit is not dead yet. “Because I got such a great person as my leader.”

“That’s an overstatement.”

In the end, Ma Cheol-gun did not say goodbye to Gal Sa-ryang and moved on to the next person.

It was an action intended to change the overall military.

As expected, Teacher Noh visited Jeongjeongak that afternoon. Mr. Noh was the person in charge of the military role of Macheolgun, and he came to discuss the schedule for the inauguration ceremony.

Although it could not be seen as blatant, it could be interpreted as an action that included the will to leave the overall military affairs to the old master.

Gal Sa-ryang did not express anything about it.

“I hope that the inauguration ceremony will be held as soon as possible, as we never know when the demonic cults may commit massacre again.”

“That’s right.”

Galsaryang obediently accepted his wishes. First of all, the hilt of this matter was held by that side. First of all, you have to accept the opponent’s moves and look for opportunities to steal players again.

Rather, I welcomed this situation.

If I can get Galsaryang out of the Murim Alliance, I will be able to grow my organization properly.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a bad thing if I continued to be in the Murim Alliance. The information power that could be obtained as the general military of the Murim Alliance was truly enormous.

But the problem was the safety of the galsaryang. If they were trying to kill Gal Sa-ryang, the Murim Alliance, where most organizations had turned to them, was not a good place to protect him.

However, there was no need to provoke them by forcefully trying to pull out. I have to make the situation my own in a natural flow.

One small choice can change the entire game.

I felt like I was standing in the middle of the battlefield again.

* * *

Each organization of the Murim League has been busy with the coronation ceremony of its leader to be held next month. In particular, Jeongjeongak was the place where all the plans were made, so there was no time to blink.

In the midst of all that busyness, Galsaryang took me out on a trip.

“Where are you going?”

“You will know when you go.”

Surprisingly, the place we arrived at was Daruin Bulu, right on the street.

“Would you like some tea?”

This was a Daru run by the head of the Cheonmanghoe, one of the three major intelligence organizations in the Central Plains.

In the past, in order to prevent Gal Sa-ryang from falling into danger, I had handed over the writings left by Cheon Ha-jin to them.

Ban Seo-jeong, the owner of this place, handed it over to Ma Bong-gi, which was of great help to Gal Sa-ryang.

Above all, I knew very well that the owner of this place, Ban Seo-jeong, liked Galsaryang. Of course, her sister-in-law also knew that she had a crush on him.

But you brought me here?

Galsaryang told me that this place was run by Cheonmanghoeju. I didn’t say I already knew. In order to talk about that incident, I had to explain how I was able to use Cheon Ha-jin’s handwriting in the same way.

“If I leave Jeongjeongak, there will be a big hole in our information power. “There is a three-eye pavilion that my lord made, but it still can’t compare to Jeongjeongak or Cheonmanghoe here.”

“I think so too.”

“So, I would like to form a strategic partnership with Cheonmanghoe.”

Above all, it was a good choice.

Still, I knew. Gal Sa-ryang must have thought a lot before coming here. In this case, we would be in a position to ask for a favor, and that person would be Ban Seo-jeong.

“Please come in.”

“Let’s do that.”

The two of us went inside.

Ban Seo-jeong was surprised when he saw that Gal Sa-ryang had arrived. Soon she spoke in a calm tone.

“Please sit this way.”

I took a seat by the window with her guidance.

Ban Seo-jeong brought tea.

“how are you? “It’s late, but since you’ve become a general military officer again, I’d like to give you a discount.”

“I think it’s too late to say congratulations.”


“I think I need to step down from my position as Commander-in-Chief again.”

Ban Seo-jeong smiled. Of course she would be expecting it too. Because Kangho was one of the people who knew best what was going on.

“We can congratulate you again later.”

“Haha, I see.”

I thought the two got along quite well.

Yes, I wasn’t able to take care of him in my previous life, but I definitely wanted to connect him in this life.

Galsaryang introduced me.

“This is the responsible military unit, Byeokridan. “This beautiful person here is a bannangja who drinks the most delicious tea in Jungwon.”

“This is Byeokridan. nice to see you.”

“Don’t believe what he says. “It would be embarrassing to sell my car for money.”

“But what should we do with this? “I believe everything the soldier says the moment I hear it.”

And then I drank tea.

“From now on, this will be the best tea taste in Jungwon.”

Ban Seo-jeong covered his mouth and smiled brightly.

Thanks to this, this visit, which could have been awkward, ended in a very good atmosphere.

Before coming out, Gal Sa-ryang talked to her alone.

After the story was over, we left Bulu. I didn’t ask what they talked about. Gal Saryang also didn’t tell me anything about him.

It seemed like no decision had been made yet. Well, you should give them time to think, too. What will be the conclusion?

If we can join hands with the Celestial Association, we will have another eye. Although I may not have been willing to do so, I was very grateful to Gal Sa-ryang for making the decision.

The faint scent of Bulu tea lingered all the way back to Maeng.

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