Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 136

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Full of tea scent (1)

It was almost evening when we arrived in Wuhan.

When I returned to Jeongjeongak, Gal Saryang was having a meeting. When the soldier in charge said that it would take an hour or two to finish, I left the camp and headed towards the street.

As soon as I confirmed that the galsa was safe, I felt hungry. This was because he was unable to properly prepare his own meals due to the non-stop return from Gyeonggongsul.

We went into a guesthouse near the main altar and ordered food and drinks. I ordered more than I normally eat.

While the food was being served, I looked out the window. As I watched the people coming and going, the street had not changed since I left.

As expected, nothing has happened over the past ten days. I thoroughly trusted his judgment, and his judgment was accurate. Thanks to that, he rested well.

After a while, the ordered dish came out.

After a pleasant drink, I was just about to lift my chopsticks when two people walked in.


One of the two people recognized me and was surprised. Surprisingly, she was none other than Chilho.

I was also surprised, but it wasn’t just because of Chilho. The person next to him was Lim Yeon-jeong.

“Master Byeok?”


We stood blankly for a moment, looking at each other.

Lim Yeon-jeong looked at me and Chil-ho repeatedly and made an expression that she knew something.

Lim Yeon-jeong said to me with a smile.

“I think I know someone. Can I join you?”

“Ah yes. “Of course.”

Of course I didn’t refuse. Actually, it was something I should have said first. The appearance of Lim Yeon-jeong meant that the forces behind it had begun to move again.

On the other hand, Chilho looked slightly embarrassed. But since her Lim Yeon-jeong had already sat in front of me, I had no choice but to sit next to her.

“I am a member of Jeongjeongak’s Military Byeokridan.”

“Oh, you are a soldier. “You don’t look like that at all, do you?”

“You’re saying I look ignorant.”

“Haha, you’re mistaken. “I said this when I was too young.”

At that time, Chilho intervened and said something.

“I am the responsible soldier of Jeongeuigak.”

“oh! “If you are a responsible soldier, you have a higher rank than an ordinary soldier, right?”


“I guess I should watch it again?”

At Chilho’s answer, Lim Yeonjeong opened her eyes and looked at me.

“no. It is merely a role to assist the Commander-in-Chief. “It’s a job that requires quick action, so I took on it as a young person.”

“He’s even humble.”

I couldn’t handle the gold paint on my face anymore, so I quickly called Jeomsoi.

“Are you ordering food?”

Lim Yeon-jeong and Chil-ho ordered dishes.

I never dreamed that I would meet them here again.

First of all, I felt fortunate that Lim Yeon-jeong was safe.

I spared her life and gave her a chance to leave the organization. But she said she would not leave her organization. I felt it then. She said there was no reason she could not leave her organization.

The Lim Yeon-jeong I know was a scholar. What she was doing at the time was research to eliminate the side effects of the Buddhist Demon Spirit Corps. She may not have completed the research, as she then destroyed all research materials and facilities.

So why did you come here to Wuhan?

I could understand being with Chilho. At that time, when I was with Lim Yeon-jeong in Jangwon’s underground laboratory, Chilho appeared and surprised me. Since the two met back then, it wasn’t that strange that they were together now.

“What kind of relationship are you two?”

Chilho hesitated to answer my question. Lim Yeon-jeong spoke immediately.

“I am your sister. “She’s like a friend.”

“Oh, I see.”

A slight look of embarrassment flashed across Chilho’s face.

I pretended not to notice, took a drink, and then asked again.

“Do you live in Wuhan?”

“no. This time, I came to Wuhan because I had some work to do. “I’m going to stay with his brother for a while.”

“Oh, I see.”

Lim Yeon-jeong and I talked naturally and well. On the other hand, Chilho listened to our conversation in silence.

After a while, Jeomsoi brought the dishes they ordered.

Lim Yeon-jeong must have been hungry, so she ate her meal cheerfully. On the other hand, Chilho was cautious even about eating.

From what I could guess, it was clear that Chilho was playing a role in protecting her. Even if it was not a mission, it was also a reflection of her personality.

Chil-ho listened to Lim Yeon-jeong and I talking and looked at Lim Yeon-jeong with envious eyes once or twice. It would be nice if I could have a conversation like that comfortably. It felt like that.

Anyway, the evening with them is over.

“Then I’ll see you next time.”

Lim Yeon-jeong spoke to me with friendly eyes.

“Next time, please let me see Muhan.”

“Of course.”

“Then I promised.”


I even made a promise without hesitation. Chilho, standing next to him, showed no reaction.

So the two people turned and walked away.

For some reason, Chilho’s back looked lonely. As I watched her back, I remembered her telling me to be careful as she left after drinking in her fields.

Chil-ho, who was walking a little distance, glanced back. Our eyes met.


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I smiled and waved.

She turned and walked again. I couldn’t see her expression because of the shadow of the building.

Just like that, the two people disappeared into the darkness.

I feel sorry for them, but I followed them both.

So we confirmed that they were entering a manor near Wuhan.

If I had to investigate further, I could have followed into the building, but today I only checked this far. There was no need to rush. Anyway, the reason these two people came here was probably related to the election of a leader.

I stood on a tree branch far away and looked at the manor.

I felt a certain connection and destiny with Lim Yeon-jeong and Chil-ho. The relationship between the two was never light.

Whether it will be a fate or a bad relationship will depend on what choices we make in the future.

I thought that it would be nice if the relationship ended on a good note for those two people.

* * *

Before entering her room, Lim Yeon-jeong asked Chil-ho.

“That’s him from earlier, right?”


Chil-ho, who had been lost in his thoughts, came out of his thoughts.

“You said there was someone like that, right? “That night.”


When talking while looking at the North Star, Chil-ho said to Lim Yeon-jeong. He said that there is someone he keeps thinking of.

“Is that right?”


Chilho accepted it obediently.

“I thought so. But is it possible to date a man with such a passive personality?”

“Is that why you joined us?”

“Of course.”

“How did you know it was him?”

“The way I looked at that soldier was different.”

“My eyes?”

“yes. “You can tell just by looking at it.”

Chilho felt good and bad at the same time. It was refreshing for him to see someone differently. He felt as if he was alive. But it wasn’t a very pleasant feeling to have it approved.

“Are you in a bad mood? “If I did, I apologize.”

“No, no. “Is this the place you prepared for me?”

“I’m glad you know. Next time, the three of us should go on an outing with that person. There is nothing special about the relationship between men and women. “If you keep watching it, you’ll start to feel affection for it or whatever.”


Chil-ho had a lot to say, but he answered with just one word.

“It’s late, so we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Yes, rest comfortably.”

Lim Yeon-jeong entered the room.

Chilho’s room was right next door. If something happens, I need to be able to help right away.

On the other hand, Ilho’s room was located a little further away at the end of the hallway.

Chilho also went into his room.

I sat down on the bed and let out the sigh I had been holding in until now.


Actually, I was out of my mind until a little while ago. I was very embarrassed when I met Byeokridan by chance at the guesthouse. Have you ever been this embarrassed when you see someone, especially her man?

To be honest, I was jealous when I saw Lim Yeon-jeong talking naturally. Even though Lim Yeon-jeong’s intention was for her own good and Byeokridan also had no personal feelings, he was jealous.

‘Just because of dumplings?’

she knows It’s not because of the dumplings.

I felt good that day when I was drinking in the field with Byeokridan.

‘It can’t be like this!’

She shook her head.

During training, the most repeated thing I was taught was not to trust people. Especially the opposite s*x goes without saying. He was only loyal to the organization and did not allow any personal relationships.

Not only she but all of her numbered colleagues were taught that way. Everyone is probably living like that.

‘I’m someone who can’t achieve anything anyway. ‘Let’s think no more.’

Without realizing it, she sighed once more.

* * *

When we returned to Jeongjeongak, the meeting was over.

Galsaryang had returned to the place where we stayed together.

“I heard you came.”

I got up from my seat and took long strides towards him who welcomed me.

I hugged him tightly. As if he hadn’t thought about it, Gal Sa-ryang was taken aback.

It wasn’t something I was used to either. Because in my past life, I have never hugged someone like this when I was happy to meet them.

But recently, I have been expressing my feelings through actions like this. They say the heart is more important, but if you don’t express it, you don’t know it.

“I’m glad you’re safe.”

Galsaryang noticed that I was truly happy.

“Thank you for your concern.”

We sat across from each other at the table. Gal Sa-ryang personally gave me a ride in the car. He liked yellow tea, especially Wonan Nokwon. I also learned this when I became a representative soldier and stayed with him.

It was something I didn’t know even though I drank so much tea with him in my past life. Well, back then I mainly drank tea, which I liked.

So how many times have I thought about not living like I did in my last life this time?

In any case, since he was well-versed in the tea ceremony, he was able to experience a deeper taste when drinking tea with dried sesame seeds.

“I heard you arrived earlier.”

“You were having a meeting, so I came over for dinner.”

“Well done.”

“Have you eaten?”

“Yes, I ate it.”

“You should eat well. If Galgun falls, we all fall. “Don’t forget how many people are under Galgunsa.”

“Not under me, but under your lord.”

“I am attached to Galgunsa, so everyone is attached to Galgunsa anyway.”

“ha ha ha.”

Gal Sa-ryang laughed happily. Yes, even if you take responsibility, this responsibility will feel good.

I do not demand death-threatening loyalty from these people. I just hope that each person can fully utilize their talents. I believe that this is the path that those who are called masters should walk.

“Did you have a good rest?”

“Thanks to you, I had a very good rest.”

I truly felt like it was the most comfortable rest I had ever had in my entire life.

and… … Suddenly, Song Hwarin’s face came to mind. And her unforgettable kiss with her.

How could it not be a pleasant vacation?

“I’m glad your face looks good.”

On the other hand, Gal Sa-ryang looked haggard due to the emergency meetings that continued day after day. I felt a little sorry for him, but it couldn’t be helped. Because that was something that only Galsaryang had to do.

“How did the meeting go?”

“It went as expected, so the final vote will be held in two days.”

“Are the results as expected?”

“That’s right. “Macheolgun will become the leader.”

“What are the reactions of the other successors? “There was no backlash?”

Except for Ma Ryeong-in, the other successors were Ma Yang-hwa, Ma Gung-tae, and finally Ma Seong-hu. He had no idea who they were because he had never met them in person.

“Yes, it’s quiet.”

There was a fight over the successor, but it was also an unavoidable situation. It was said that even the oldest Macheolgun was too young to become the leader.

“What about demon spirits?”

“He’s quiet too.”

“It may have been like giving porridge to a dog, but I am not someone who will just starve to death.”

I know the devil better than anyone else. Although he was young, he had a devilish nature. If it weren’t for me, who went through all the hardships last time, he wouldn’t have been able to corner him.

“Be especially careful of demon spirits.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.”

The relationship between Majeolgun and Majyeongin will be bad. Because Demonyeongin tried to kill Majeolgun. However, the demon spirit was not eliminated.

If Ma Cheol-gun did not forgive him, it means that the forces behind him saved his life.

From the perspective of the forces behind it, the demonic person who tried to kill Majeolgun would be an uncontrollable troublemaker.

But why do they keep the demons alive instead of eliminating them?

I didn’t know the inside story yet.

“If Macheolgun becomes the leader, he will probably replace the commander-in-chief with his own person.”

“It doesn’t matter. Rather, it may be better for the military to leave Jeongjeongak and move freely.”

It was definitely a trade-off. The problem was the forces behind it. Will they really set Gal Sa-ryang free?

I walked to the window. Looking at the stars in the sky, I remembered the moment I was with Song Hwarin not long ago. It was the same night sky, but because I looked at it differently, it didn’t look as beautiful as that day.

Gal Sa-ryang said while sitting on the table and looking down at his empty tea cup.

“In two days from now, Kangho will write new history again. “The history they manipulated.”

“We have to fix it.”


When I turned around, I saw Galsaryang nodding his head with eyes full of determination.

We will return the corrected history to the powerhouse.

Perhaps the leader of the forces behind it may be completely overconfident. Because he was controlling this powerhouse according to his own will.

However, Heaven was proving that no one person could control the history of Gangho. Right through me.

“Would you like another cup of tea?”

“Okay. “It’s been a while since I’ve had tea made by a soldier. It’s so delicious.”

That night, the scent of tea, as fragrant and deep as the conversation we had, filled the room until late at night.

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