Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 135

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When the starlight falls (3)

My lips touched her lips.

It was soft. Her lips were so soft that she wondered if she had ever felt anything so soft.

I felt her eyes open in surprise, with a little heat generated by the surprise.

But I closed my eyes and focused on her lips.

Her trembling came through her lips.

Soon I felt her eyes close, and we fell into a short but sweet kiss.

After a regretful kiss, my lips left hers.

When I opened my eyes, she opened them too.

My face was flushed red. Actually, it wasn’t an intentional kiss.

The moment I thought that the sight of her praying with her eyes closed was so beautiful, my heart started pounding and my body went out without realizing it.

oh my god!

I was taken aback by this unexpected action. Me too, but her face was as red as crimson.

Still, it felt good somehow. I felt my heart racing for the first time in a long time.

To be honest, my heart skipped a beat when I first saw her. I just thought that she was such a beautiful woman. As time passed, my feelings about her gradually changed.

There was an awkward silence. Fortunately, we had a beautiful night sky to look at.

After a while I asked.

“What did you wish for?”

“… … “I didn’t pray properly.”

“What was the wish you wanted?”

After holding back on answering for a moment, she blurted out.

“Peace in Gangho?”

She tried to pass off this awkward atmosphere with a joke. I matched her rhythm.

“ha ha ha.”

“Why are you laughing so loud?”

“You weren’t trying to make me laugh?”

“That’s right, but it feels bad to laugh so loudly, doesn’t it? why? “Do I not fit in with Gangho’s peace?”

Of course. Has a beautiful woman like you ever been in the peace of Gangho?

“ha ha ha. No, you can pray.”


Song Hwa-rin pouted her mouth. She had a cute expression that wasn’t like her.

Thanks to this, the awkwardness disappeared.

I didn’t say anything about the kiss earlier. It wasn’t planned, and it wasn’t a mistake either.

It was my current feelings and actions. I plan to leave the future work to my emotions.

It may or may not work out with her. She may do well and be happy, or she may become unhappy.

Because we don’t know the future, we can live today like this.

Anyway, I felt sorry for inadvertently interrupting my wish. So she looked up at the sky and said.

“Can’t one more fall?”

Just then she said.

“Once more.”


When I turned my head to the side, she kissed me.

You don’t know the future? We don’t know what’s right in front of us.

The kiss was deeper and sweeter than before, and lasted a little longer.

* * *

Macheolgun stood alone in the battle of Maengju who had lost his master.

There was Taesai up there.

After staring at the empty place for a while, Ma Cheol slowly began to climb the stairs along the red carpet.

I walked up the stairs slowly, one step at a time.

Eventually, he stood in front of the prince.

How much did you want to sit there?

My heart pounded as I thought that this place would soon be my own. It was so good that I felt like I was going to fly.

He knows very well that the forces behind him are trying to take advantage of him.

But things won’t go their way. My father was sacrificed by them, but I will never do the same. I will become a leader and take revenge.

Just as he was about to sit down at Taesa, someone spoke from behind.


I turned around in surprise and saw a demon standing at the end of the red carpet.

Children from all over the central plains were returning to the Murim Alliance one after another. The devil arrived first.

Ma Cheol-gun’s face turned red because he felt ashamed of his actions of trying to sit in the royal palace.

The demon spirit walked along the red carpet and said.

“Everyone thought that my brother would become the leader. In the end, my great brother is eating this powerhouse!”

Because of his father, he eventually had to release the demon spirit who tried to kill him.

Ma Cheol had guessed it. That the Demon Spirit has a deep relationship with the forces behind it. That’s why he was able to get away safely even after an accident that tried to kill him.

Ma Cheol-gun walked down the stairs with great strides and grabbed Ma-ryeong-in by the collar.

“you! “Do you know what you did?”

“What are you doing?”



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Ma Cheol-gun couldn’t say anything. After his father’s death, he himself was not free.

The devil looked at Ma Cheol with an eye that seemed to know everything.

Words as disgusting as those eyes flowed from the Demon Spirit’s mouth.

“It was unexpected. “I never thought my brother would be like this.”

It was an obvious mockery.


Death emanated from Macheolgun’s eyes.

I had a burning desire to kill him in one hit, but when I saw the demon spirit come out like this, I thought that there might be something to believe in. She could have been a trap.

The Demon Spirit felt unfamiliar. Ever since she was young, she hated demon people. She didn’t just give off a dirty-talking, mean-spirited vibe. She had a bad feeling about the demon spirit that she didn’t know what it was. This unfamiliar feeling before my eyes is also an extension of that unpleasant feeling.

It was.

His feelings were accurate.

“You damn bastard!”

Majeolgun roughly pushed Demonyeongin.

The demon spirit who had been pushed around grinned.

“My brother will do well as a Murim lord. “You’re usually good at pretending to be nice to other people, right?”

Ma Cheol-gun clenched his fists. Even though he felt a strong sense of death, the demonic spirit did not stop his sharp words.

“After all, that’s a place to hide people, right? So don’t worry and enjoy it to your heart’s content. Just be careful not to let the neck fall off.”

After speaking, the demon turned and walked away again.

He stopped in front of a door in the distance. He did not forget the ridicule until the end.

“But how did you kill your father?”

“You crazy bastard!”

The unbearable murderous energy exploded from Ma Cheol’s body.

When Ma Cheol-gun turned around nervously, Ma-ryeong-in had opened the door and left.

“Damn it!”

I wanted to destroy something in my anger.

However, Ma Cheol-gun’s fist could not destroy the Taesa in front of him.

* * *

The next day, I spent time with Song Hwarin all day.

We practiced together in the morning. It was the same way as yesterday. We ate herbivorous food together. Now the bodies moved together naturally.

After the training, Song Hwa-rin said to me.

“It seems like something has changed in my swordsmanship.”

Realizing that is amazing and important. Although it was only two days of teaching, she clearly grew. This is the teaching of the best expert in the world.

“It will be more different in the future.”


“And several times.”

She nodded with eyes full of anticipation.

As long as you master advanced swordsmanship, there will be no need to be more greedy about martial arts. There are only a handful of people who can truly deal with her.

After completing the training, I bought a meal at a guesthouse in the street.

I ordered a lot of Shandong dishes that I couldn’t eat in Hubei. We were hungry from training, so we ate everything, surprising Jeomsoi.

After eating, I walked around the streets.

We had played together like this before, but it felt different then.

Is it because of the kiss?

This time spent with her felt different.

We also had a drink in the evening. She drank just enough to feel good.

After having fun all day, I took her to Songjiajang.

I said goodbye at the door.

“I’m going back early tomorrow.”

I had no intention of spending the ten days given to me in Shandong alone. There was one last place to go.

“it was fun.”

“me too.”

“be careful.”

“you also.”

I turned around like that.

Then she said from behind.

“Because of what happened yesterday… … “There’s no need to feel pressured.”

I turned to her.

“It means you can break off the engagement at any time. “I am ready to accept it.”

She doesn’t want to be a burden to me.

This time I asked.

“Are you burdened?”

Then she shook her head. Actually, she didn’t have to ask. If it had been a burden, there wouldn’t have been a second kiss and there wouldn’t have been this day.

I said with a smile.

“so do i.”

Her expression became much more relaxed.

“Let’s just go and see what happens.”

With these last words, I turned around.

We will only find out where fate leads us. That’s how fate treats us.

* * *

Before leaving Shandong, he taught Guangdu a method of truth.

It was the same method that trapped the black stone last time. It was a method that was simple to install and had relatively great effects.

“It’s a great-looking lineup.”

“It may not be the highest level of defense, but it will be able to trap enemies when in a hurry.”

Although I concentrated my intelligence network on the Shandong region, I was paying double attention.

“I will send you the necessary money, materials, and people to help with installation separately. Help him set up the formation. Install it at important points in the house. When everything is finished, meet Song Sojeo and have him install it at Song Jajang as well.”

“All right.”

“If you ever want to ask for advice on this matter, go to the General Manager. “Maybe he can help.”

“Yes, master.”

If you are in danger, time is important. It will be a situation where life can come and go due to a difference in timing.

To break this line, it was not easy for an ordinary strongman, and an expert who breaks down the line would have to come.

In the meantime, I will either come or get out of the crisis.

“Is it that dangerous?”

I nodded obediently.


Gwangdu had a serious expression.

“Don’t leave the house to you for the time being.”

My father and Seojung were still stronger than Gwangdu in martial arts. But Gwangdu’s martial arts skills were next. Considering his small endurance, this was an incredible achievement.

“Originally, I was only in charge of cleaning the house.”

I said with a smile at Gwangdu’s joke.

“Then it’s perfect. “The people you have to deal with from now on are trash.”

* * *

I didn’t go back to infinity.

The place I went to was Bi-dong, the only place in this river where I could be alone, the same place where I learned the secret techniques of Seonhak.

After a month, I flew and climbed Mt. Tianmen. I jumped down from the top towards the crane’s tail. With lighter and more skillful movements than before, it flew into the entrance hidden under the tail.

Bi-dong, which I visited after a long time, was unchanged. Bidong felt comfortable, like home after returning from a long trip.

First, I went to the place where the deceased who left behind Seonhak secret techniques was buried and bowed politely.

“How have you been? “I am using the secret techniques you passed on to me well.”

After saying hello, I cleaned up the cave.

The inside of Bidong was so comfortable that I really wanted to end my life here.

After finishing cleaning, I lay down in a place where sunlight came through the cracks in the cave.

“Ah, it feels good.”

Now I wanted to spend the rest of my time alone. I wanted to be completely alone. Resting is something you can do anywhere, but I wanted to rest completely alone without being disturbed by anyone. That was the reason I came to this place.

Of course, if it were me, the greatest rest would be when I eat my fortune with the help of Cheonmuhosimgyeol.

However, it was ultimately a body-centered rest.

Resting now was different.

It’s literally just resting and doing nothing.

When I felt sleepy, I slept for several hours, and when I was hungry, I caught rabbits and roe deer in the mountains and ate them.

I didn’t do anything enough to make me wonder if I could really waste this precious time like this.

Since being reborn as Byeokridan, I have been running non-stop. I knew instinctively. There is a need for a good rest now.

Sometimes, doing nothing and taking a good rest can be very helpful for your mental and physical health.

Of course, there are limits to how idle people can be. At such times, I was lost in thought.

Recently, my martial arts skills were naturally increasing as I experienced combat against various powerful enemies. However, balance is important in martial arts training. This means that if you have experienced a real battle, you need time to sort it out.

For the first time in a while, I got lost in thought and organized my martial arts skills.

I felt that my Seonhak secret art had almost reached greatness. I felt like if I had one more proper fight, I would reach greatness. It will be important after achieving great success.

Won’t we come to some kind of crossroads as to whether we can go to the heart examination or not?

I vaguely had that feeling.

That’s how I got some proper rest for the first time in a while.

It’s a pity that I can’t rest longer, but the regret will make the next break more valuable.

I came out of Bidong and stood at the top.

I stood there in the wind for a while and enjoyed the beautiful view.

“I’ll come again next time.”

After I finished speaking, I jumped down.

It felt as if the wind hitting my face with such frightening force was saying this.

Vacation is over. Now it’s time to fight them again.

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