Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 134

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When the starlight falls (2)

“son! How have you been?”

When I saw my mother with tears in her eyes, my heart sank. I could tell without her hearing how much she missed me.

This was the reason why I ran home after a month.

My mother asked while holding my hand.

“Are you in any pain?”

“Yes, it’s okay.”

“Thank goodness, I’m so glad.”

In moments like these, nothing like my mother’s overbearing personality can be seen. Just become like all mothers in the world.

On the other hand, my father looked at me silently and nodded once. In fact, he reacted more bluntly than other times. I could tell. Although their reactions were different, their hearts were one.

I have never been a parent. Of course, I met many parents. Through their stories, I heard a lot about what it was like to raise children.

However, since I have never experienced it myself, I don’t know exactly how it feels.

I can only guess that the worries I have for myself cannot be compared to the worries I have for my parents.

“The situation in Gangho is in disarray. “Be careful.”

“do not worry. “This father is also a strong man.”

“Yes, father.”

After the Demonic Cult was officially resurrected, I gave orders to Jin to greatly increase the number of ministers in the Shandong region. In particular, if there is any small change or movement around the Byeok clan inspection or Song Gajang, a report will be sent to me immediately.

will be.

While eating with the two of us, we talked about the past. Of course, it was not a story about fighting the forces behind it, but other stories.

He talked about creating a small top and an organization that could move information. I didn’t mention the exact size, but that fact alone surprised my parents.

The credit went to Gong Soo-chan. As time goes on, his talent becomes more outstanding. He said that thanks to this, a lot of the financial issues have been resolved.

“Do you by any chance need money? “I will lend you it at a low interest rate.”

“Ekki, you bastard!”

My father laughed at my joke.

My mother added a playful touch to the cheerful atmosphere.

“Are you hungry? “My son is here too. Should we show off his skills for the first time in a while?”

My father and I threw ourselves in to stop him from rolling up his sleeves and heading out to the kitchen.

Anyway, thanks to revealing this fact, it is now possible to place the contact center, which was outside, inside the house.

It was so fun to come home after such a long time.

As I stayed with my parents until late, I once again realized that I had changed.

Because the enemies who revealed their true identity were so strong, it must have originally been worrying and burdensome. Everything must have been interpreted according to Kang-ho’s logic. He must have felt an obsession that he had to become stronger to protect everyone.

Of course you have to try. But that shouldn’t be everything.

Because this moment is also my life. Reality should not be sacrificed for the future.

In the past, I only lived in Gangho, but now I felt that I was living in Gangho.

Of course, that was my case, and now there was someone who was crazy about it and was living it.

It was Gwangdu.

After eating with my parents, I went to Gwangdu’s residence late at night.

Gwangdu was training late at the training center. I stood aside and quietly watched him.

Gwangdu’s skills have really improved. He had felt it before, but Gwangdu was born with a talent for martial arts. As his efforts increased, he was growing day by day.

Since he had not yet reached the wall, Gwangdu walked forward as hard as he could.

Gwangdu was always talking nonsense, but now that he was concentrating on training, he seemed like a different person.


After finishing his training, Gwangdu was drenched in sweat.

Gwangdu turned around and was startled when he saw me. She soon spoke as if nothing had happened.

“I heard you came.”

He was running towards me, saying, “You idiot!”, but his reaction was unexpectedly calm.

“How have you been?”

“It’s the same for me every day. “It’s late. Please sleep.”

Look at this guy? You mean you come out like this?

“Okay, rest.”

I turned and walked away. We walked towards different directions.

Just when I was about to turn the corner!


When I turned around, Gwangdu was standing far away with his mouth pouting.

“It’s too much! “But you’re really going!”

“What’s too much?”

“If you made people worry that much, you should be pampered like this.”

“ha ha ha.”

How can you possibly accept this much?

He walked up to Gwangdu and hugged him tightly. She was surprised and tried to escape.

“I sweated a lot!”


I hugged Gwangdu sincerely.

How could I treat you so carelessly? If you weren’t in my new beginning, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

Gwangdu was also relieved that I returned safely.

After breaking the hug, I said playfully to Gwangdu.

“I thought you forgot about me.”


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“That’s what I’m telling you! “Why on earth haven’t you heard from me about what great work you’re doing?”

“sorry. “Let’s be together from now on.”

When I asked him to join me, Gwangdu flinched.

“What on earth did you do?”

“I tried to prevent the assassination of the Murim lord and saved the life of the general. In the future, I will also have to be involved in selecting a new leader. We also have to fight against the revived demonic religion… … I feel a bit relieved now. “Because you will be together.”

Gwangdu slowly stepped back.

“Human relationships are like that. When you’re close to each other, you don’t realize the importance of the other person. “When you’re apart, your relationship deepens and you treat your partner better.”

I smiled at him.

The idea of ​​being together was a joke. I still plan to leave Gwangdu at home.

Although he is said to have good command of the small sword corps, he is still young, so Gwangdu will definitely be of great help to him. Gwangdu was also needed for inspection.

“Take care of the house until I call you later!”

“Don’t worry!”

Gwangdu is probably the person I want to go with more than anyone else. However, Gwangdu does not go out of his way to make unreasonable demands or requests. This is why I think Gwangdu is smart, and also why I like him.

As I turned and walked towards the gate, Gwangdu asked from behind me.

“But where are you going? “On this night?”

“There are times when I will visit for a while.”

In fact, when I thought about how to spend my vacation, the first person that came to mind was someone else. I feel sorry for my parents, though.

* * *

Song Hwa-rin, who was lying in bed trying to sleep, eventually came out.

I came out very carefully so as not to wake Suran, who was sleeping in the next room. Now her martial arts skills were far ahead of Suran’s, so she was able to move without warning.

Strangely, I couldn’t sleep today. Her heart kept pounding. It felt as if she was calling to her from somewhere.

I walked forward with the thought that something like that could possibly happen.

The place I arrived at without realizing it was the field behind the house.

And there was one person there.

Byeokridan was standing there, looking up at the night sky. The stars were so bright today.

“I’m here?”

Byeokridan spoke as if he had been waiting.

Song Hwa-rin was really surprised. It’s because I never imagined that he would be here.

“When did you come here?”

“It arrived today.”


“It’s just the beginning.”

“Why don’t you come visit me?”

“It’s too late, isn’t it?”

“But here… … .”

For a moment she was startled.

“no way? This may sound crazy, but… … “Did you call me here by any chance?”

This is really crazy. This place was really far away from my room.

Summoning a person from this distance by sending a wave of energy was something that only the best expert could do.

Byeokridan asked instead of answering.

“Would you like to see how much your skills have improved so far?”

Song Hwa-rin chuckled.

‘He seems like a man who doesn’t even know the atmosphere. It’s been a while since we met, so let’s take out the sword first?’

But at the same time, I also had this thought. Because he learned martial arts from him, they can naturally work together like this.


She stood in front of Byeokridan and slowly pulled out her sword. She felt like the gap with Byeokri Dan was widening, so she trained really hard.

Song Hwa-rin swung the sword carefully and as best as she could.

Once the initial review of Jinhwa Swordsmanship was over, Byeokridan made a different suggestion instead of evaluating the swordsmanship.

“Let’s do it together this time.”



Byeokridan performed Jinhwa swordsmanship with Song Hwarin.

“Do it without worrying about me.”

The two people’s movements became one. Byeokridan moved behind him as if a shadow was following him.

As the chosik proceeded from beginning to end, Byeokridan spoke.

“Once more!”

The two people used herbivorous food again.

Byeokridan’s movements have changed. If he had made the same move for Song Hwarin before, this time he led Song Hwarin.

Seeing that the speed of movement had changed, the quick-witted Song Hwa-rin became a shadow this time.

It was different. The speed was different from what he thought, the interval between strides was different, and the angle of the sword was different. If she had just looked, I don’t think she would have noticed, but as she stood side by side and spoke herbivorously, she could clearly feel the difference.

I didn’t think I could feel it because I had to pay attention to my own herbivory, but strangely, I could sense it. She felt as if his movements were transmitted to her own body, which for her was a truly amazing experience.

“Once more!”

As repetitions continued, the difference decreased.

She was feeling some kind of joy while doing the same movements as Byeokridan. It wasn’t just that the martial arts skills were being properly corrected.

This coincidence of actions led to a strange emotional connection. It’s probably because it’s not someone else, but a Byeokridan. The joy of doing something like that stirred her heart.

Byeokridan did this three more times in a row, and this time he made a different order.

“This time, put in as much effort as you can!”

She was surprised. If you use your inner energy to its full potential, your power will change significantly and you may get injured.

But Byeokridan has already started herbivorous.

She also swung her sword. It was different before, but now the sound coming from the sword was completely different.

She could tell. That her own sword should make such a powerful sound.

It wasn’t as dangerous as I thought. She realized that her worries were literally just her worries.

‘Let’s not easily assume something we haven’t tried.’

She realized something. It may not seem like a big deal, but it was really important information for those who practice martial arts.

After finishing eating, there were two identical traces left around.


As Song Hwa-rin looked down at it, a feeling of shame and passion bloomed on her face.

One looked like a trace made by a child, and the other looked like a trace made by an adult, especially Kang Ho-in.

The traces left by Byeokridan were deep, accurate, and clean.

On the other hand, mine was shallow and uneven.

Up until now, she thought she was eating herbivores properly, but when she compared it directly, it wasn’t the case.

It wasn’t just because of the difference in strength. The difference was in exactly how much herbivory was used. He showed with his own eyes how to proceed.

Song Hwa-rin looked at Byeokridan.

“thank you.”

“Thank you. “Let’s get some rest.”


The two people sat side by side. There were so many stars in the night sky that it seemed like they would fall at any moment.

Drinking alcohol and practicing. There was no awkwardness between them as they worked together in the past.

However, Song Hwarin had some regrets.

“It would be better between us… … .”

She stopped talking.

Byeokridan took over the conversation.

“You wish you weren’t engaged?”

Song Hwa-rin nodded slightly.

If that had been the case, he wouldn’t have even said he was breaking off the engagement.

What always held her back was his declaration of break-up of engagement. At that time, it was said that Byeok Li Dan had behaved in an unforgivable manner, but she was the one who first brought up the idea of ​​breaking off the engagement.

“I actually like it better now.”

Song Hwarin looked back at Byeokridan at the unexpected words.

Byeokridan also looked at her and said.

“It’s good. You can get married, or you can break off the engagement. “We are in a situation where we can make any choice.”

She made an absurd expression and then burst into laughter.

‘You can think of our situation like that.’

Just then her eyes sparkled.

“Oh, it’s a shooting star!”

In the distance, a meteor was falling with its tail hanging down.

She closed her eyes and put her hands together.

Instead of making a wish, Byeokridan looked at her. I thought the sight of her with her eyes closed was infinitely more beautiful.

Next moment.

Byeokridan’s face slowly approached Songhwarin’s face.

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