Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 130

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When the northern sea dries (1)

Gal Saryang read the Book of Guimundun until dawn.

I knew it was a great book, but I never thought it would contain such great content. As I was reading the profound and knowledgeable contents of the entire Jinbeop, I could truly feel intellectual satisfaction exhilarating my whole body.

Galsaryang’s practical nature was also reflected in this process.

After reading through it from beginning to end, I began to focus on learning one method that I thought was absolutely necessary.

No matter how great the formation is, what good is it if you can’t use it? Galsaryang decided that the wisest way was to increase the number of possible formations one by one. Practical knowledge acquired through many years of general military service

He was also a high official.


The gal saryang stretched out. The day was dimly dawning outside the window.

When I turned around, Byeokridan’s bed was empty.

‘Where have you gone?’

I was so absorbed in reading that I didn’t even know that Byeokridan was leaving. Because it was a book with so much to think about, I couldn’t even look around.

Gal Sa-ryang got up from his seat and came out.

Byeokridan was standing in the front yard, looking up at the sky in the distance.

“Did you sleep well?”

Byeokridan turned his head to Galsaryang’s greeting.

“I slept very well.”

“I’m worried that you may have been disturbing your sleep because of me.”

“Haha, no. “I slept very well.”

“Fortunately, the. “I didn’t even know you were getting up.”

Byeokridan looked at Galsaryang and said worriedly.

“Aren’t you tired?”

“it’s okay.”

Byeokridan handed me a small herbal medicine from his arms.

“It’s a medicine that relieves body fatigue and clears the mind. Now, eat.”

I said it was okay, but Byeokridan recommended it again. In the end, I took the medicine. Perhaps due to his mood, his body seemed to be refreshed.

“Medicines are good, but eating well and moving your body is important.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Byeokridan looked back at the sky.

“But where have you been looking at me like that since a while ago?”

“Do you see that tree over there?”

I could see a tree in the distance beyond several fences.

“Yes, I can see it.”

“I was looking that way.”

“Why are you there?”

“I thought there was someone hiding between the tree branches and looking this way. “It was a long time ago, but now that the military has come out, it’s clear.”

“Are you sure? “What do you mean by that?”

I thought Byeokridan was smiling.


He kicked off the ground and flew up. It literally flew. It climbed a wall once and flew away, then stepped on the next wall in the distance and jumped, and then stepped on the next wall again and jumped.

From Galsaryang’s perspective, it was literally flying far away in a flash.

Byeokridan quickly reached the tree he had pointed out earlier.

Something flew towards Byeokridan from between the tree branches.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

What flew in quickly were two daggers.

As Byeokridan turned his body, spinning once in the air, two swords passed by his shoulders and waist.

The person who threw away the memorization was Bisal.


The rain grazed the tree branch and flew into the air. He couldn’t even imagine.

The place where Byeokridan flew was so far away that there was actually no need to hide in the tree branches. Visal had the best eyesight among the four assassins. That is why it was possible to monitor the galsaryang from this far away.

Even at dawn, Dokya did not return.

Next, he was put into action. Originally, the shooters did not move together. In the first place, unless the shooters worked in groups, they were always alone because moving together would actually reduce their efficiency.

Because they were competing with each other, they did not like Dokya. But at least I knew how great Dokya’s magic and assassination skills were.

The fact that he doesn’t come back means that he was defeated.

I was watching from here to see what happened.

But someone from far away flew towards him.

Moreover, he even avoided memorizing himself in the air. He was astonished to see him dodge something in the air that was difficult to dodge even with his feet on the ground.

What was even more surprising was that even after avoiding the memorization, he flew up to the tree, kicked off the branch, and flew up after himself.

Bisal scattered a memorization in the air. It was aimed at the opponent rushing towards him.

Churralalala chuckle chuckle!

It was the move he was most confident in. Moreover, he was sure that he would never be able to avoid it since it was an attack coming from top to bottom. The reason he flew into the air and exposed himself was because of that confidence.


Dozens of flying memorabilia bounced in all directions. I thought that even if I practiced on purpose, I would never be able to memorize it so perfectly.

‘That’s really cool!’

The opponent’s sword reflected the sunlight and shined dazzlingly.

The sword that bounced off the memorization flew in a straight line and pierced his heart.

Pooh wow!


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I finally saw the face of the opponent who flew with the sword. It was a very young face.

Only then did Visal realize. This young expert did not rest for a single moment, from a place far away that could not be seen to this sky. He literally flew straight in one motion, dodged the dagger, deflected his memorization, and then plunged the sword into his own heart.

Oh, I put it in.

‘Yes, if you are this expert… … .’

That’s how Visal died without regret.

* * *

Galsaryang was standing in the yard waiting for me.

he asked with a surprised face.

“What happened?”

“It was a lifesaver.”

“oh my god!”

The fact that there was life was surprising, but it was even more surprising that it was visible here. Of course, what was even more surprising was that it flew away as if taking a walk, defeated him, and came back.

“Even if other people don’t know, you can’t leave your life behind.”

I said firmly. It was the wisdom of survival that I learned while experiencing countless hardships in my previous life.

Killers are people who exist solely to kill others. The only way to prove your existence is if you kill your opponent. If I leave it as it is not a threat now, I will be able to spray water on it at an unexpected moment.

will be. If you don’t want to leave a lasting impression, you must get rid of it when you have the chance.

“My lord, you are much more sophisticated than I thought.”

“Maybe so.”

He intentionally showed his skills when there was a lot of energy. I had to let him know that his skills were higher than what he knew.

Additionally, I gave him a warning.

“The real thing will come sooner or later. “Prepare your heart.”

Gal Sa-ryang answered with eyes full of determination.

“Yes, I will prepare in my own way.”

* * *

“Dokya and Visal have not returned.”

Heukseok was not surprised by Cheolgyeol’s gloomy report. It seemed as if she had been expecting news like this to arrive.

“Do you understand now? “Why did you say I had to be so careful?”

“yes. but… … .”

Cheolgyeol swallowed his words.

‘It’s different when I go.’

But I couldn’t say it. It wasn’t just because Heukseok’s expression clearly revealed his inner thoughts, saying, ‘It’s the same if you leave.’ Cheolgyeol was also very surprised. I really didn’t know that Dokya and Bisal would fail. That too for one day

Back to back during the night.

“What are you going to do now?”

Heukseok got up from his seat and walked to the window. The two people were in a guest room near the Murim Alliance headquarters.

“Secure the supply of brown meat.”

If your opponent is this strong, it may be time to change your methods.

“Until now, we have been deceived. I thought it was our hunting ground, but it turned out to be his fishing ground. shit! Now we have to get this damn fisherman away from the water.”

Cheolgyeol said with a determined look on his face.

“I will go.”

It wasn’t loyalty, it was fighting spirit. He was the type of person who had to fight when he saw a strong person. He was addicted to the pleasure of defeating a strong person. But now, that desire was being suppressed.

Heukseok looked back at him and shot him coldly.

“Do you really want to die like that? “Wouldn’t you rather die by my hands?”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“Ask for the Northern Mingdae.”

Cheolgyeol was surprised to hear the name Bukmyeongdae. This Beomyeongdae, which means the big sea of ​​the north, was the elite of the organization. Not only was it strong, but it also had the strong character of regular troops within the organization. In other words, they were the troops that would be used when war broke out.

“Are you serious?”


“There will be no permit.”

“Ask for it. “If you tell us about this situation, they will give you permission.”

“but… … .”

“If it fails, I will take responsibility.”

I could see the iron texture. That she risked her life and death on this matter. Well, because of her successive failures, she was pushed into a corner. She has to produce results no matter what she does this time.

“Even if permission is granted, there is a problem. Galsaryang is not coming out of the inner circle of Murimmaeng. “You’re not trying to push the Murim Alliance into the Northern Ming, are you?”

“Of course, we can’t start a war with the Murim Alliance.”

Heukseok’s gaze turned out the window again. Her eyes became more intense as she looked at the Murim Alliance building in the distance.

“There is a way to bring out Galsaryang.”

* * *

Ten days later, at dawn, a carriage secretly left the Murim League.

The carriage was the carriage that the general military rode on.

Gwangwoldanju Joo Cheol-ryong contacted me saying it was urgent and asking me to see him outside for a while.

Doo doo doo doo.

As the carriage left the main street and entered a remote area, a group of people blocked its path.

The men blocking the attack were all wearing enemy uniforms.

Soldiers wearing red military uniforms appeared on the left, right, and rear of the carriage. Their number reached one hundred, and the color of their uniforms was so red that it seemed as if fire was coming from all directions.

These were the Northern Ming University.

Zhong Hwan, the great lord of the Northern Ming Dynasty, walked forward. He was a man who really looked good in red clothes, but his coldness and sharpness were indescribable.

The Bei Ming Dynasty warriors also had different prayers than ordinary warriors. Just by looking at their venomous eyes, you could tell that they were warriors who had received extensive training.

Jong-Hwon opened his mouth softly.

“Get down.”

He spoke softly from afar, and the sound could be clearly heard all the way to where the carriage was. I could see that his strength was not normal.

But no one got out of the carriage.

As Jong-Hwon gestured, several enemy soldiers rushed to the carriage.

They approached cautiously and examined the carriage.

One of them shouted.

“There is no one in the carriage.”

Jong Hwon said with a frown.

“You rat! “It seems like you figured it out in advance.”

Although he could have been more irritated because he wasted money, he did not regret it.

“Kill the coachman and burn the carriage.”


That was when he turned around and walked two steps.

Whoa! Pow! puck!

A series of dull sounds were heard.

Jong Hwon stopped walking. A feeling of discomfort that I don’t know what it is.

‘If the men had killed the coachman, they would have cut him to death with a sword. What was that sound?’

Jong Hwon slowly turned around.

An amazing sight unfolded before his eyes.

An enemy soldier was sliding to the floor from the coach seat. Two warriors had already collapsed below him.

Another enemy flew in, brandishing his sword.


The sword narrowly missed the coachman’s face.

Meanwhile, the driver’s elbow struck the jaw of the attacker.


The man was blown away by the blow and fell to the floor. Normally, a blow of this magnitude should have caused him to jump up, but the fallen man did not move. Her life was cut short. Considering the skills of his subordinates, something unbelievable happened.


Only then did the coachman look at Jong Hwon and say.

“If you don’t have a target, you should just go back. Why kill the innocent coachman?”

As expected, the voice was soft, but the man could clearly hear it.

Jong Hwon was surprised.

“It’s you!”

It never occurred to him that the hidden master helping Galsaryang would be a coachman driving an empty carriage.

Indeed, the driver who drove the carriage was Byeokridan. He was wearing a coachman’s bandana, so his face could not be seen.

Jong-Hwon uttered a strange remark, threatening to kill himself.

“Do you think you can protect Galsaryang by pulling a trick like this?”

* * *

At the same time, two people were entering the inner circle of the Murim Alliance.

Surprisingly, they were Heukseok and Cheolgyeol.

They were able to enter Naewon without being stopped by Gwangwol Danju Joo Cheol-ryong. They had a permit that allowed them to freely pass through all parts of the inner garden except Maengjujeon.

I stopped in front of the emergency operation room in Jeongjeongak. Because it was deep inside the inner garden, there were no security guards here.

“As expected, Gal Sa-ryang did not get into the carriage.”

“I guess so. “There’s no way that smart guy didn’t know it was a trap.”

They probably dug a trap in reverse. He must have been hiding here and mobilizing his main forces over there.

“You might think we were idiots for getting rid of a few people, but I’m not that stupid. “Go and catch the pig.”


As if he had been waiting for this moment, Cheolgyeol entered the building with great strides.

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