Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 125

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Wings are not heavy (2)

“It looks like Heukseok was hit hard. ha ha ha!”

Baekseok laughed out loud because he was in a good mood.

Ilho was standing in front of the door, and I didn’t ask him to come closer like last time.

In the past, when I was having a hard time, I called Ilho close. But he didn’t tell me to come closer to the good news. He maintained his original distance again.

“I heard that Ma Bong-gi is dead.”

“It looks like the driller himself came forward. You know what that means, right? Heukseok means that bitch is ruined.”

Il-ho thought that Baek-seok’s crude words, rejoicing over his rival’s downfall, suited him well.

“As expected, you were right. They say that since Gal Sa-ryang is with him, he will not be able to easily achieve his goal. “Did you even think Pyeonno would die?”

“It was a report from a trustworthy subordinate.”

Chilho’s judgment that he reported to himself was accurate. After all, she can be trusted.

“There are great masters around Galsaryang.”

“Should we keep digging and find out who he is?”

“no. “There is no need for that.”

“All right.”

Il-ho was able to understand Baek-seok’s intentions. The work was still entrusted to Heukseok. It meant that there was no need to help Heukseok.

“Let’s wait and see.”


Ilho bowed politely and walked out.

This organization, including themselves and Baekseok and Heukseok, is completely separated.

There were advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that even if one organization collapses, it does not affect other organizations, but the disadvantage is that there is no sense of belonging at all.

Because I didn’t know who I was doing this for and for what purpose.

What was affecting Ilho now was his shortcoming.

The person who comes to mind at times like this is Chilho.

Whenever I feel strangely empty, I think of her. At times like this, she feels like having a drink with her.

But I never once asked him out for a drink. Probably not in the future.

Just like that, Ilho left the white hallway.

* * *

There was news that the Majeolgun led his men and defeated the demons.

In particular, they achieved greater results than the Gwangwoldan, the elite group of the Murim League. They arrived faster and killed most of the demons.

“We guessed right. “It is clear that they are trying to make Macheolgun their leader.”

“Yes, I think so.”

“There will be a second and third attack. “Every time, Ma Cheol will go and establish a major.”

It was a strategy based on innocent sacrifice. It was also the decisive reason why I could not forgive the forces behind them.

It was possible to be greedy and seek power. Because that was the nature of those who greedy for power.

But the problem was that this fight was not just for the greedy, but for killing innocent people to achieve their goals.

“Has the Majeol army also been captured by them?”

“I don’t know about that. “Is it co-optation, or is it revenge for my father’s death?”

What if Macheol joined hands with them?

That possibility cannot be ruled out. Sometimes the greed for power can easily eat people.

“We can’t let them have their way.”

“Of course, but if you interfere with that, you will be in danger.”

“I guess so. But that doesn’t mean we can’t just ignore it, right?”

After staring at Galsaryang for a moment, I spoke softly.

“I have one request to make.”


“Could you please go somewhere with me?”


“You will know when you go. “It will take some time.”

The idea was to vacate the emergency operation room in the current situation. Even though it was an unreasonable request, Gal Sa-ryang stood up without hesitation.

“Let’s go.”

* * *

The place we arrived with Byeokridan was Dongho (東湖), located to the east of Wuhan.

It was as big as the sea and the scenery was beautiful, so many tourists were boating.

Byeokridan rented a boat. I just watched him do it.

They launched a boat on the lake, and I got on the boat with him. There were many boats with lovers on them near the land. Some people drank alcohol on a boat with friends, while others enjoyed leisurely fishing.

Byeokridan continued rowing.

After going on for a while, there was no longer any other boat in sight. Because it was a large lake, there was no end in sight.

Byeokridan asked me.

“Aren’t you asking where I’m going?”

“What matters is what you go for, not where you go.”

Byeokridan smiled at my answer and continued rowing.

Although I was curious, I wasn’t anxious. He saved my life several times. If it weren’t for him, he would have already been dead.

“It’s nice to be out at the lake after a long time.”

With the sky reflecting on the clear lake, it felt like I was crossing the sky in a boat.

Have you ever crossed a lake in a boat so leisurely?

After going for a while, we came across a small island.


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“We’re all here. “Please get off.”

Two people landed on the island.

There was a small manor on a hill overlooking a lake.

“Is there a manor in a place like this?”

“This is my manor.”

“Your manor?”


It was really unexpected. Really, the more you expose this guy, the more he looks like a new onion.

There was a tall pavilion in a place with a spectacular view of the lake within the manor. We went up there and sat down across from each other. Alcohol and dried grapes were prepared in advance.

But no one was seen in the manor. It seemed like everyone had been bitten for today’s event.

“Take a drink.”

Byeokridan poured the drink.

“Thank you.”

As I drank alcohol while looking at the amazing scenery, I felt like I was a immortal. I don’t know what I was brought here to talk about, but it was a good decision to choose this place. Just the fact that I was here made me feel good.

“The reason I brought you here is because I have something to tell you in secret.”

At least no one will eavesdrop here.

“Try it.”

There was a tension in Byeokridan’s eyes that I had never seen before. He wasn’t that nervous even when fighting against demons.

Indeed, the words that came out of his mouth were startling.

“The reason I came to Jeongjeongak is because of you.”

“It’s because of me?”

I was surprised. Actually, when I came here, I expected what Byeokridan was going to say. So the conclusion I came to was this.

Wouldn’t he say he’s quitting Jeongjeongak?

The leader died and the Demonic Cult was resurrected. There was an unknown force behind it, and there were important organizations of the Murim Alliance that sympathized with it.

The situation was too dangerous.

If Byeokridan decided to quit Jeongjeongak, I was determined to send him off kindly. It would be such a shame to lose him, but I couldn’t force him to do something that risked his life.

“Tell me in detail.”

“It was because I wanted to make you my person.”


It was truly the moment that surprised me the most since I met Byeokridan. Laughter burst out.

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

“Why are you smiling?”

“I was so surprised that I laughed.”

It’s both surprising and absurd. I didn’t know how to take those words.

“Does that mean I will come under you?”

“yes. I came to Jeongjeongak for that purpose. “To gain the military’s trust and make him my own person.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha. “You know that I am the leader of the Murim Alliance, right?”

“I am the military commander in charge, so you probably know that, right?”

I knew that Byeokridan’s words were not a joke.

“I already know your skills. “You are fully qualified to say that.”

He had the ability to surpass Ma Bong-gi and the wealth to own an island like this. Moreover, judging from his appearance at Jeongjeonggak, he was very bright and had excellent judgment for his age. Nevertheless, his words were truly unexpected.

“What are you trying to do by taking me away?”

Byeokridan answered without hesitation.

“We will fight against the Murim Alliance and the forces behind it. So, we will destroy all those who plotted.”

It’s the same goal as mine.

Are you trying to deceive me?

You should suspect it first. But I didn’t think so. It was instinct. It was an instinct that had been with me my whole life, and I felt that I could not help it if I betrayed this instinct.

Although I am young, I felt that it was worth giving fate a try if I was a member of Byeokridan.

Even though I was a total soldier, my life was at stake. The reason they kept me alive was to use me.

Will I be able to withstand those who assassinate even the leader?

Still, the reason for hesitation was one reason. The core of this matter was ‘revenge’. It was not for the sake of agreement or a greater cause, but for the revenge of Cheon Ha-jin. Can I drag him into my personal revenge? I feel remorse

It is.

At that very moment, Byeokridan spoke as if he was looking inside me.

“I think the Sentai leader was killed by them.”


I was so shocked that I almost screamed ‘Ah!’

“They also killed this leader. He is going crazy as if this powerhouse is his. “I think we need to stop them.”

Nevertheless, I still hesitated. Perhaps it was because he was reluctant to have someone other than Cheon Ha-jin as his master.

“Why me?”

“There is someone who recommended you. “You know this person well.”

“Who is that?”

At that time, someone walked there.

“Long time no see. “Soldier.”

I was surprised when I saw who the other person was. Surprisingly, he was a white person.


Baekpyo’s atmosphere was different from before. If he used to feel soft and reassuring, now he feels sharp and strong.

But after a long time, that smile toward me still remained the same.

“how are you?”

* * *

I left Galsaryang and Baekpyo talking and came down from the pavilion.

I did everything I could. Now all that’s left is up to Baekpyo.

It would be nice to do everything on my own, but my loyalty to myself in my past life was too great for that to happen.

I took a walk around the island.

I felt at peace. Although it was definitely necessary, it was something that could not be achieved by force.

About half past half past, two people walked towards where I was.

It was impossible to tell what decision was made just by looking at their expressions.

Galsaryang looked at me and asked.

“Ask me one thing. “What do you plan to do once this incident is over safely?”

“I intend to give freedom to everyone.”


“yes. Those who want to leave will leave, and those who want to stay will stay. What I ask for is not loyalty.”

“Then what is it?”

“I hope that both I and my subordinates will be happy.”

Gal Sa-ryang made a surprised expression. I guess I never expected the word happiness to come out. But I’ve thought about that for a long time.

“My fight started from there. “I wouldn’t be in this fight if they made everyone happy, whether they were dominating the powerhouse or running amok behind the scenes.”

But even before they showed their true colors, many people were already dead. You know ten when you see one, and more people will die in the future. To satisfy their greed.

“It’s happiness.”

Gal Sa-ryang had the last thought.

Saryang, I need you. Please forget the past me and follow the present me.

Gal Sa-ryang asked again.

“I am a person with more flaws and weaknesses than I look. Would it be okay for a country like this?”

I answered.

“Birds don’t think their wings are heavy.”

Both he and Baekpyo were wings to me.

“Could you rather take me away? “I am a person who lacks many things.”

Did my earnestness and sincerity reach him?

He slowly kneeled in front of me.

“Gal Sa-ryang, Commander-in-Chief of the Murim League, I swear to the gods of heaven and earth that I will be loyal to Byeok Gongja, the last lord of my life.”

I breathed a sigh of relief.


In fact, my legs gave out and I almost collapsed in place. Her joy soared to the point that her whole body trembled.

Thank you, Saryang. Thank you very much.

I quickly grabbed his hand and helped him up.

“Thank you, Galgunsa. “I will try my best to never disappoint you.”

“It’s okay to disappoint. Instead, please don’t give up until the end.”

“I will do my best.”

I hugged Galsaryang tightly.


“Thank you. thank you so much.”

He must have felt it. My heart is beating vigorously.

Okay, now let’s try something new. Unlike my previous life, let’s go a little closer and friendlier.

Gal Sa-ryang said to me with an emotional face.

“no. “On the contrary, I am grateful to you for needing me so desperately despite my shortcomings.”

Baekpyo next to him smiled brightly.

“It went well. “It went really well.”

“Good luck in the future.”

“Yes, soldier.”

The two people looked at each other and smiled brightly.

This time, I held Baekpyo’s hand.

“Thank you. “If it weren’t for Baek Dae-ju, this would never have been possible.”

“It can’t be. “The soldier had already made up his mind.”

Then Gal Sa-ryang smiled and said.

“No, Baekdanju. No, now I’m giving you a hundred. “Your persuasion was very great.”

It means caring for Baekpyo. Instead of showing off, he gives today’s credit to Baekpyo. This is the vessel of a person called Galsaryang.

If so, you should accept that feeling.

“Baek Dae-ju, I will not forget today’s ball.”

Baekpyo lowered his head with a happy face.

Galsaryang and Baekpyo.

I finally got both wings.

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