Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 121

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When the ghost is resurrected (3)

Not even a little while after setting off, the carriage stopped.

“The road is blocked.”

Uprooted trees were blocking the road, as if a landslide had occurred. Moreover, the road behind it was completely cut off, making it impossible for carriages to pass.

Considering the current situation, there was no doubt that someone had intentionally blocked the road.

“I think you’ll have to walk.”

At Im Jung-tae’s words, Ma Bong-gi got off the carriage. He had a disapproving look on his face, but what could he do if the road was blocked?

Afterwards, the woman also got off the carriage. She was a beautiful woman, but she looked very tired. The men took the two people’s luggage from the carriage and carried it away.

I had to run across the broken road at a light pace.

A warrior came and tried to carry Gal Sa-ryang, who did not know martial arts.

Then I came forward.

“I will take care of you, soldier.”

Then, the warriors who were trying to carry the galsaryang looked surprised.

“Do you know how to do martial arts?”

“yes. “I think we can get through this.”

“And what if you make a mistake?”

“You don’t have to worry.”

“I heard it at first glance. The responsible soldier knows how to do martial arts. “But if you’re alone, it might be difficult to cross this road with someone on your back.”

Without hesitation, I jumped across the river carrying the horse on my back.

Mu-in was surprised. He crossed there much lighter than he thought.

I deliberately showed that I could do martial arts. Considering the situation, we had to fight together with them in the future. In that case, it would be a wise decision to provide information in advance that I can do martial arts.

As he got off his back, Gal Sa-ryang expressed his gratitude.

“Thank you.”

“you’re welcome.”

On the other hand, Ma Bongi did not take care of the woman who got off the carriage. Since I was the only one who crossed over, the warrior of the fierce guard group had to take the woman across.

Pathetic guy!

There must be a point where they keep showing their hateful side, such as dancing around and pooping because they hate it.

However, when evaluated objectively, Ma Bong-gi was a worse person.

As carriages became unavailable, movement speed decreased significantly. The natural atmosphere became gloomy.

Lim Jung-tae suggested one thing.

“If you go back a little bit from here, there is a branch of the Murim League. “I’ll have to stop by there and get some support.”

Since he needed to recharge his morale, Gal Sa-ryang accepted his offer.

But when we arrived at the Murim League branch, we couldn’t find Sagi to recharge us. What awaited us was a terrible sight.

As in the previous village, dozens of branch warriors were completely annihilated. This time too, I was dealt a cruel blow. Not only the soldiers but also the masters and servants working in the kitchen were all killed.

My heart grew cold.

These bastards!

Whatever their purpose, it was something that could never be forgiven. Those who planned and carried out this incident will surely be destroyed.

“Let’s go now.”

It was when I left the building and was about to leave.

Dozens of warriors were walking towards this direction. They all stood with flags in their hands. The red letters written on the flag were the word ‘kill’.

I was surprised. The reason came out of Gal Sa-ryang’s mouth.

“Demon Commander!”

Even the warriors of the Menghoudan were surprised to hear the word Maven. They were famous demons in the Blood Heavenly Demon Church. Among the fierce warriors, the older ones had fought with them before, and the younger ones had only heard of them.

Everyone knew one thing for sure. The fact is that Marven is a very scary being.

Lim Jung-tae, the leader of the fierce tiger group, shouted.

“Everyone be careful! “They are the elite of the Demonic Cult!”

Seeing them really reminded me of those I saw a long time ago. The clothes and flag were the same.

How on earth can one reproduce it exactly like this?

At this point, I began to doubt whether the Demonic Cult had really been revived.

The number of people who showed up was fifty. At least he wasn’t completely resurrected. The original number of members was 1,000. When the Great Plains was covered with those red flags, it was truly overwhelming.

Anyway, one thing was certain. There must have been someone who survived who knew the inner workings of the Blood Heavenly God Church very well. Otherwise, it would not be possible to create something identical like this.

Looking at them as they approached with a frightening force, Gal Sa-ryang spoke quickly.

“This time, the leader will have to step forward.”


He looked slightly unpleasant. But he, too, must have been expecting it, so he silently listened to Galsaryang’s words.

“If they are the demon clan of the Blood Heaven Demonic Cult of the past, unless the leader himself steps forward, the entire group of fierce warriors will be annihilated. “You don’t plan on dealing with them alone after we’re all dead, right?”

Gal Sa-ryang spoke in a strong tone. He still looked reluctant, but he couldn’t refute those words. Because he was in that situation himself.

Lim Jung-tae, who was listening, intervened.

“That’s not possible! As long as we’re here, we can’t let the Lord take the first step!”

The fierce guard group is the guard group of the strong lord, so of course it will come out like that.

“If you are that stubborn, the Lord will die too.”

After suppressing him with one word, I quickly explained.

“The Lord Maeng will take charge of the center, and the Lord Dan will unfold the Hyeonhyeonjin (玄玄陣) to deal with the enemy on the right. “Me and Byeokgun will take charge of the left.”

Lim Jung-tae said worriedly.

“It’s too much for the two of you. We will divide our forces to protect you. “We can take two out.”

This time, Ma Bongi intervened.

“Those two should help me!”


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Gal Sa-ryang spoke quickly.

“Just the two of us will actually be a hindrance to the leader.”

Instead of listening to Ma Bong-gi’s answer, he spoke to Im Jung-tae.

“Limdanju, the current number of people is the minimum that can form the Hyeonjinjin. “You know, right?”


“You don’t have to worry about us or the leader. Please trust my judgment.”

Lim Jung-tae was no longer stubborn.

“All right.”

There must be a reason why Gal Sa-ryang is so confident.

Ma Bong-gi stepped forward with a disapproving look on his face.

“shit! “I can’t help it.”

He also did not show any needless stubbornness. He was a man with an extraordinary instinct for survival. He now clearly felt that it would be dangerous if he did not listen to the commanding officer.

As instructed by Galsaryang, they stood in three directions.

“You must not be fooled by the flag. Don’t panic and try to cut the flag. That’s what they’re after. A normal sword won’t cut the flagpole. Think of yourself as dealing with a spear, and look for an opportunity by striking it to the side.

oh. Instead, be careful when three or more qi are gathered in the shape of the character poom (品). That’s when they try to join forces. and… … .”

Gal Sa-ryang told me what to be careful about when dealing with Ma Ben. Because he had experience fighting them in the past, the operational instructions flowed like water.

After giving instructions, Gal Salyang stood behind me.

I asked Galsaryang in a whisper.

“How do we stop it?”

“You can stop it yourself.”


I made an absurd expression. He whispered in my ear again.

“I will assume that you will lead the way and stop them, so feel free to destroy them to your heart’s content.”

He really believed in me. He once again felt that he was wise to go. Yes, a smart person should understand everything once they experience it.

“I will do the hard work, and you will get the honor.”

“That’s why the saying, ‘If you are unfairly treated, get ahead in life’ came about.”


Everyone looked surprised at how relaxed they were in the face of a powerful enemy. The two people I was most worried about were the ones who were the most relaxed.

Meanwhile, Marven arrived nearby and surrounded us.

Gal Sa-ryang retreated to the back. He then called the woman from Ma Upongi, who was trembling next to him, and made her stand behind him. Although he had no martial arts skills, he was a man.

The key to this fight is to quickly cut down my side and help others.

“Where on earth did you guys come from?”

Ma Bongi shouted in a loud voice. Even though he was an old man full of lust, he was a man who was the gatekeeper of the Heavenly Capital Gate.

There was someone holding a different color flag. He was, unlike the others, a red flag with white letters.

“The Murim Lord doesn’t know us. “It’s pathetic.”

Energy flowed from his body. Surprisingly, it was Magi. A person who has truly mastered magic has emerged.

Look at this?

The traces of the Demonic Cult that we saw earlier were the results of artificially created through medicine or Dafa.

However, this current energy was clearly demonic energy. In other words, it means that magic techniques have been passed down. If so, it could have been a difficult fight.

Just when the two were about to argue a few more words, I made the first move. What made Marven strong was his flashy attack method and well-planned passing technique that had never been seen before.

The best way was to attack them first before they joined forces.

The man in the lead raised the flagpole.


A flag that obscures vision.

But it wasn’t just my eyes that were covered.

I wasn’t there when the man hit the place where I was supposed to be with the flagpole.

Shhh! Phew!

I suddenly appeared from the other side, swung my sword, and decapitated him. The fight started with him falling down.

“Get rid of all those idiots from the Murim League!”

The head man of Maven shouted.

But I was the first to carry out the killing order.

I slipped on the flagpole thrown towards me and slashed the next man’s chest. Blood spattered and the flag fluttered and fell to the ground.

Flagpoles flew towards me from both sides.

My body flew into the air.

Papa papapang!

Five or six flagpoles flew toward me at the same time, making the sound of the wind.

But it didn’t reach me. It seemed like a narrow miss, but it was exactly the leap I had calculated. As I narrowly avoided it, my counterattack was quick.

He slid down one of the flagpoles and swung his sword.


The arm holding the flagpole was cut off, and I flung myself straight towards the other man.

I tangled with them randomly, and that was my main operation. The flag was basically a weapon like a spear. Therefore, a basic distance was needed.

But I didn’t give any distance. Because I had learned the secret arts of Seonhak, I was the one who was the strongest in fighting.

It moved vertically and horizontally among the fluttering flags. The skill of his opponent was considerable. It was truly the same as before.

I cut down all the dozen men who attacked me.

Ma Bongi was fighting against the leader of Ma Bun. Surprisingly, the man had skills comparable to Ma Bong-gi. Because the rest of Ma Ben helped, Ma Bon Gi was slightly pushed back.

I passed their fight and helped fight on the right. Because it was Hyeon-jin who showed the most powerful effect when dealing with Ma Ben, he was able to fight tightly even with a small number of people.

What if there was no galsaryang and I wasn’t there? So what if you just fought against them? There would already be corpses lying around here. Even Ma Bongi could have already died.

However, the results of me taking charge of one side and holding on to Hyeon-jin on the other side were completely different.

No one died and they held on. Rather, Marven was embarrassed when my troops collapsed.

The left side was destroyed, so is the right any different?

As soon as I started helping, the situation changed in an instant. The enemies fell one after another, and Ma Ben, who was dealing with Ma Bongi in the center, supported this side.

My sword was fast and accurate. The warriors of the Tiger Corps who were fighting together were amazed. It wasn’t a flashy herbivorous diet or using enormous internal energy. He was just stabbing his sword quickly and accurately in the right place.

Would such a simple attack work? But it worked exactly.

Not only our soldiers but also our enemies were impressed. When I joined, Hyunjin’s power doubled.

Eventually, the enemy on the right collapsed. Im Jung-tae and the military aided Ma Bong-gi. I did not stand in the front, but supported and helped them from behind.

Looking at my choice, Gal Sa-ryang nodded. He doesn’t know, but I was paying attention to the amount of hair during the fight. If someone had tried to attack him, my dagger would have gone flying.

Gradually, the number of enemies decreased.

I didn’t help Ma Bong-gi, I helped the warriors. To be honest, I thought it would make no difference if Ma Bongi died here.

Thanks to this, the number of warriors in the fierce warrior group who owe me their lives has increased.

At the last moment, the head of Ma Bun lost his life at the hands of Ma Bon Qi. Still, I had the skills to deal with a man like that on my own.

Just before he died, the man showed strong disbelief that he could not believe this situation.

Unless my existence is included in the calculation, distrust will continue.

When he died, all the remaining Mavens fled.

“Don’t chase!”

The warriors did not chase after my shouts. Now that the leader had been killed, chasing them down and trying to exterminate them was only dangerous and meaningless.

In fact, there was a more important reason than that. They will go and spread the word of this fight. Those who survived were all those who fought during the Ma Uprising.

It means that no one has seen exactly how I fought. In the end, it will be said to their superiors that this battle was won thanks to Ma Bong-gi’s actions. Hyun Hyun-jin will think it’s thanks to Gal Sa-ryang. Until this fight, my existence was not revealed


“As expected, you are amazing, Lord! “Your skills haven’t rusted yet!”

Ma Bong-gi’s shoulders rose at Gal Sa-ryang’s praise.

“Well, it’s about these guys.”

“I think we need to move quickly first.”


We started moving towards Namhyeonpyo-guk again.

Galsaryang, who had been walking for a while, spoke in a low voice so that only I could hear.

“I think we can dream big dreams together.”

I smiled, happy to be closer to him. And that was really what I wanted to say to him.

I want to dream big with you too.

I am sure about that. Soon the moment will come when I will say those words.

I could see the Namhyeonpyoguk building in the distance.

What is waiting for us? Are there any more damn traps? Or is their leader really waiting?

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