Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 119

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When the ghost is resurrected (1)

The carriage left Hebei and entered Anhui.

On the first day I stayed there, I opened my eyes from my sleep.

An unknown crisis instinct woke me up. I slowly got up and silently pulled out the sword that was standing next to the bed.

Gal Sa-ryang was asleep in a bed on the opposite wall.

I walked slowly and put my ear to the door.

I didn’t feel alive at all. I opened the door slightly. There were two unmanned people standing at the end of the hallway. On the other side, two unmanned people were also standing in line without any problems.

I closed the door and walked to the window. I peeked out through the curtains. It was dark outside. This is because the guesthouse here is located in a remote place away from the street.

“Why but?”

Galsaryang woke up and asked with a surprised face.


My gaze turned into the darkness again.

There was something far away in the dark. The feeling was completely different from the energy that the old man used to call me from the forest. It was more unpleasant and dangerous than that.

Does the owner of that energy feel me? Probably not. Because I wasn’t showing any energy.

After a while, the energy disappeared. It was clear that a huge expert was watching us.

Only then did I look back at Galsaryang and say.

“Someone was watching us.”

Gal Sa-ryang was surprised.

He didn’t ask me if it was true. He did not even wonder how he knew something that the Meng Haodan warriors could not feel.

He was the one who personally confirmed that my martial arts skills were superior to those of the elite Cheongungdan members last time. Basically, it could be said that the skills of the Heavenly Palace Dan and the Fierce Tiger Dan were similar, so of course I would think that I would be the first to notice.

“It would be natural for there to be a watchdog.”

“Yes, I guess so.”

I looked out the window again. The problem was that it wasn’t just the energy of a watchman. I didn’t even bother to tell Galsaryang that. There was no need to cause unnecessary anxiety.

The instinct that had protected me for a long time whispered as I looked into the darkness.

This mission is dangerous.

* * *

Before entering there, Gwangwoldanju Joo Cheol-ryong took a deep breath.

I always feel stiff when I come here. Although he leads the most powerful military organization of the Murim Alliance, he somehow feels intimidated when he comes here.

Sibi guided himself. When I saw her light steps, I thought she was definitely an expert in martial arts, but I didn’t know how much of an expert she was.

In other words, it means that they are more expert than you.

That young woman? How on earth could that be?

An old servant who was sweeping the yard politely greeted me. His martial arts level was also unknown.

The two unmanned people guarding the entrance to the building, and the Sibi that passed by them and met in the inner hallway, were all more expert than him.

How could you not be discouraged by this?

In an elegantly decorated room, the man was alone, reading a book and playing a game of baduk.

Last time I came, I was trimming the trees in the flower garden and before that I was drinking tea.

This is our third meeting.

The work he was doing was always ordinary, not dangerous work. But I always felt intimidated when I saw him.

It’s been like that since he first came to see me. Through this man, Joo Cheol-ryong was able to understand what it meant to be afraid of existence itself.

When he first looked at himself, Joo Cheol-ryong had a vague premonition. He said that he would not be able to defy his opponent.

It was impossible to guess the man’s age. At first glance, she seemed very young, but sometimes she felt like she was about the same age as me.

The face is really handsome. She was the most handsome of all the men she had ever seen. Even as a man, even a middle-aged man, it was enough to make his heart flutter.

Her skin was as white as jade, and her teeth that showed slightly whenever she spoke were white and straight. So sometimes I felt like a woman. I thought that if that man were a woman, she would be really beautiful.

“Are you here?”


The man looked at Joo Cheol-ryong and greeted him politely. It was a low voice with a softness to it, making it impossible to tell if it was a man or a woman.

Prayer was like watching a leader in his prime.

It’s definitely different from the leader, but it seems to be just as strong.

What was even more surprising was that this man was not the head of this organization.

There was a person called ‘Elder’ that the man was talking about.

Just how strong is he?

The world will never understand. He learned that he had been taken over by an organization whose ultimate leader he did not know.

When you meet this man, you will see that it had to be that way.

“Yes, how have you been?”

“Thanks to you, I’m doing well.”

The woman brought the car and put it down in front of Joo Cheol-ryong.

Joo Cheol-ryong asked the man.

“Do you like baduk?”

Just looking at the way he lowered the baduk stones, he looked like a master of baduk, but the words he returned were surprising.

“no. The old man really likes it so I’m trying to learn. No matter how much I put it, I can’t figure out why this is funny. I don’t even know where my life is. ha ha ha.”

Nevertheless, his appearance and aura were truly suited to baduk.

“The old man loves baduk so much that he has separate subordinates called Baekseok and Heukseok.”

“Oh, I see.”

Considering the two people were conveniently referred to, it was clear that this man was in a higher position than Baekseok and Heukseok.

Joo Cheol-ryong thought that this man was the second-in-command of this organization.

“Ma Bong-gi joined the alliance, right?”



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“We will soon need a new leader.”

For a moment, Joo Cheol-ryong was surprised. It meant that Ma Bongi would die.

“Macheolgun seems suitable. Be prepared with that.”

He said as if giving notice.


Because he spoke too loudly, Joo Cheol-ryong lowered his voice and continued.

“It is still too early to become a leader. “There will be many people who oppose it, not only in the central circle but also within the Murim Alliance.”

There were many problems when establishing Ma Bong-gi as the leader. He achieved the result by using all the power and power he had. But Macheolgun will be more difficult than that.

“So it’s premature?”

“Besides, he won’t be as obedient as Ma Bong-gi.”

“You’re not going to be obedient?”

After repeating his words twice, Joo Cheol-ryong was able to understand. That his man was angry.

Indeed, the man raised his head and looked at Joo Cheol-ryong. Although it wasn’t a special prayer or act of suicide, Joo Cheol-ryong’s heart was frozen.

The man spoke lazily.

“Do you know why we make mistakes? It’s because I’m trying too hard. Just relax. In what you want to do and in your life itself. Then everything will work out.”

The man’s eyes turned to the checkerboard again.

He told me to just shut up and do as I was told, and he turned those words around in a nice way.

It will have to be that way for the time being. Because I knew without being told that the man’s warning was only temporary.

Joo Cheol-ryong lowered his head.

“The next leader will be Macheolgun.”

* * *

We arrived safely in Zhejiang Province.

When I entered the village entrance, half a day away from Namhyeonpyoguk, the atmosphere of the place was strange.

Lim Jung-tae, the leader of the Maengho Dan, who took the lead, gave instructions to his subordinates using hand signals.

The carriage stopped, and the warriors drew their swords and stood guard in all directions.

I was in the carriage with Gal Sa-ryang, and I looked around with my spirits up as much as possible. As expected, the thick scent of blood was conveyed along with a gloomy energy.

After a tense moment, I heard the drone who had gone out to scout come back and urgently report.

“I think you should go right away.”

The carriage moved slowly towards the village.

The village was miserable. There were dead bodies everywhere, and the house had been completely burned down.

Galsaryang and I got off the carriage and looked around with the other warriors to see if anyone was still alive.

He wasn’t just dead. Most of the corpses were dead with their entire bodies torn to pieces. The old man died and the children were killed too. The women were naked and dead. The scars left on your body show how much you suffered while you were alive.

It made me guess.

“You crazy bastards!”

I’ve been around the battlefield for a long time, but this is the first time I’ve seen villagers being brutally slaughtered like this.

Gal Sa-ryang also frowned heavily.

Im Jung-tae gave orders to his subordinates.

“First we pass through the village. “After you get out of here, contact the Murim Alliance branch and have them collect the body and investigate the wound.”

“all right.”

Although this conversation was taking place, the badge of the carriage in which Ma Bong-gi was riding did not even open. Instead, I heard his words sound irritating.

“Come on, let’s go.”

The smell of rotting corpses was everywhere.

Everyone frowned. I knew well that Ma Bong-gi was not a great leader, but it was too much to not even come out and see him when the villagers were massacred.


Just as Lim Jung-tae was giving orders, the military officer who was examining the body in front of him shouted.

“There are survivors here.”

We ran there.

A middle-aged man was breathing. She tried to heal him by injecting him with internal energy, but the wounds were so severe that it was impossible to save him.

“Who on earth did this?”

The man said with difficulty.

“mind… … school.”

With those words left behind, the man passed away.

Everyone’s expressions hardened. Information came in that the Demonic Cult was dreaming of resurrection, the Cheongungdan went on an operation, and they were aware of a series of situations.

However, this was the first time I had seen the Demonic Cult carry out a massacre like this.

Only then did Mabongi’s carriage door open and he got out of the carriage. Behind the open carriage door a naked woman was seen covering herself with her clothes.

Ma Bongi said with a frown.

“It’s the work of a demonic cult?”


Ma Bong-gi looked at Gal Sa-ryang and asked.

“Do I have to go to a place like this? “Wouldn’t it be dangerous?”

Gal Sa-ryang spoke calmly.

“I have to go.”

Ma Bong-gi looked at Gal Sa-ryang for a moment and then got on the carriage. He said loudly, nervously closing the carriage door.

“Let’s leave quickly.”

The carriage started again.

“Let’s get on board too.”


Gal Sa-ryang and I also got on the carriage.

My ominous feelings became stronger. I felt like I was going into the middle of a conspiracy.

* * *

When we arrived at the second village, there were about thirty people at the entrance.

“The Lord has arrived!”

“The Murim Lord has arrived!”

Surprisingly, he knew about Ma Bongi’s journey.

Lim Jung-tae shouted quickly.

“Just get through it!”

The carriage increased its speed even further.

As the carriage carrying Ma Bongi quickly drove away, people threw their bodies and blocked the carriage in front of us.

It might have been the lord’s carriage, but since he couldn’t bear to hit them, the warrior stopped the carriage.

People gathered around the carriage.

Gal Sa-ryang and I got off the carriage.

“The Demonic Cult has been resurrected!”

“Please save us.”


They gathered together and pleaded. It seemed like word had come that the village next door had been massacred.

Gal Sa-ryang asked them.

“How on earth did you know that the Lord was coming?”

Then the old man who had been holding him and pleading raised his head.

“Well, how did you know?”

Suddenly, the old man’s eyes became evil.

Love love!

The old man’s hand flew towards Gal Sa-ryang’s neck.


His hand stopped in front of Gal Sa-ryang’s neck.

I grabbed the old man’s wrist. If it had stayed the same, it would have been an attack that would have pierced Galsaryang’s neck.

Flash! Wow!!

I swung my sword and cut off the old man’s arm.

His arm was cut off before his eyes, but the old man did not scream.

An ominous feeling came over my whole body.


He kicked the old man mercilessly and swung his sword.

The old man who flew backwards rolled around with the people, and those around him fell down, spraying blood.

“Get in the carriage!”

They tried to push the pigs into the wagon.

But in the meantime, the coachman and horses had been hacked to pieces. Normally, he didn’t have the skills to be defeated so easily, but even though he had cut down the enemy, he was attacked again and he was helpless.

The horse fell and the carriage tilted.

The number of enemies was about thirty. The problem wasn’t the numbers.

The old man whose arm had been cut off earlier stepped forward again. If you are a martial artist, you can stop the bleeding by pressing the acupoint and fight again. But I couldn’t make such a bright expression. The expression of the old man smiling brightly was abnormal.

Those who had been cut by the sword earlier also rose again. It didn’t look like he was in pain either.

Easy profit!

The man on the left attacked with his sword. He dodged the bastard’s attack and broke his arm.


The guy’s arm was bent at a right angle and the bone was sticking out. Then I saw. That guy is looking at me and smiling.

These guys! Feel no pain!

The Suramyeong Sword quickly cut through the air and decapitated the man.


The head rolling on the floor was still laughing.

The remaining guys were also laughing at that sight. It was truly a sight of madness.

I have dealt with people like this a long time ago.

That name came out of Galsaryang’s mouth in despair.

“An army without blood and pain!”

They were elite soldiers of the Blood Heaven Demon Cult. They were invincible demons who felt no pain and became even more violent when they saw blood.

We don’t know how many people died in the war because of them. If I hadn’t risked my life to kill them, we might have lost the war because of them.

Those behind the scenes resurrected the Gwanghyeolmutong Army. Just as I researched the Bulhoe Demonic Order, I studied somewhere how to create an army of light-blooded monsters, and I succeeded.

Now that they have appeared, anyone will believe them.

The real demonic religion has been resurrected.

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