Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 118

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May Dongju (3)

Early in the morning, two carriages and a dozen warriors on horseback quietly left the Murim League.

Ma Bongi was riding in the first carriage, and Gal Sa-ryang and I were riding in the second carriage.

Guarding the two carriages were the leader of the Meng Tiger Dan, Lim Jung-tae, and the ten elite warriors of the Meng Tiger Group. They all wore regular military uniforms to disguise their identities. Considering the number of warriors who usually enter the Maengju parade, it was an insufficient number.

It was truly a secret alliance.

As the carriage left the Murimmaeng and picked up speed, Gal Sa-ryang told the story he had heard from Ma Bong-gi in a low voice so that the outside world could not hear it. After finishing the story, he asked:

“Why aren’t you surprised?”

“I wasn’t surprised. To be honest… … .”

I lowered my voice even further.

“It was strange that the demon lord became the lord. How did that person become a leader? Now I feel like that question has been answered.”

“Do you know about the lord?”

“I heard many rumors. No, it’s a scandal.”

“I see.”

“I saw a woman riding in a carriage earlier.”

Ma Bongi put a woman in the carriage. She was weak in martial arts, and judging by her face and body, she was someone he would sleep with. Even under these circumstances, she still takes a woman.

Yes, it would be very psychologically unsettling. Human understanding goes.

However, it wasn’t a positive understanding like ‘Oh, I wish I could’, but rather a feeling like ‘Oh my gosh, that crazy guy’.

“Then are you going to meet the person who made the demon lord the lord?”

“That’s right.”

“You are a great person. “I saw that the leader was dragged out.”

In fact, I am the person who is most curious about what is behind it.

He could have killed me. No, it was probably his doing. For my death to be considered natural, the circumstances surrounding my death were too planned.

I could live a new life and let go of the resentment for killing me, but the problem was that his goal was not just to kill me.

After killing me, he installed Ma Bong-gi as the leader. And he’s doing something mysterious. He is growing several organizations and even conducting research to eliminate the side effects of the Buddhist Demon Spirit Corps.

What on earth are you trying to do? How on earth did they kill me, who was invulnerable to all poisons?

While I was lost in thought, I suddenly asked:

“But why do you suddenly want to meet the leader?”

Gal Sa-ryang shook his head.

“I don’t know that much either.”

The people I’ve encountered so far were never people who did things impulsively. We are proceeding steadily according to the set plan.

Could this meeting also be part of that plan? Or was it really an encounter born out of accidental emotions?

The crux of this journey was there.

* * *

Ilho was reporting in a large room.

“It is a report that Gal Sa-ryang seems to have been involved in Kono’s death.”

In response to Ilho’s words, the man sitting far away spoke softly.

“is it?”

Unlike usual, his voice was so quiet that I almost couldn’t understand what he was saying.


I answered loudly, but there were no further words.

“Then I’ll just leave.”

As I turned around to leave, the man opened his mouth.

“Come closer.”

Ilho was inwardly surprised. He has never once asked me to come closer to him. So I don’t know what his face looks like. He had been living like an expendable product who strictly followed orders, but a change occurred.


Ilho walked slowly. She had the courage to not blink at most things, but at this moment, she was a little nervous.

As we got closer, the man’s appearance became clearer.

It looked different from what he thought. First of all, he had a short body and a sad face. To the point where I had to be nervous that some unknown disappointment would show on my face.

On the other hand, the clothes were very neat. He was wearing a white military uniform, and everything from his shoes, sword sheath, and sword handle were white.

It was unknown whether this white feast was because his name was Baekseok (白石).

Anyway, one thing was certain. The man was truly an expert. She didn’t feel the slightest weakness in him. It naturally occurred to her that he was the type of person who commanded her at the end of her room.

“Damn it.”

Baekseok frowned heavily.

“How did I survive here without a window?”

Strangely, there were no windows anywhere in this large room. It had everything, but there were no windows.

It was the same in the office where Ilho lived. Where the window would have been, there was a picture of a beach with crashing waves.

Here, a fake window was drawn instead of a picture. From afar, it really looked like there was a window there.

A sunny spring landscape was depicted outside the window. It looked so beautiful from afar, but up close, it was rather bizarre.

“Ma Bong-gi has taken action.”

“Where do you mean?”

“Zhejiang Province’s Nanxian Expression Bureau.”

“no way?”

“Yes, preparation has begun.”

Ilho swallowed his saliva. Something that will throw this powerhouse into trouble has begun again.

“I entrusted that task to Heukseok.”

Now Ilho found out. What was the reason for Baekseok’s unusual behavior?

Baekseok looked at Ilho and said gloomily.


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“He chose Heukseok as the right person for this job.”

Black stone and white stone, black stone and white stone.

Named as two stones on a checkerboard, they competed thoroughly to get this far. Although they were one organization, they grew as if they were enemies.

And this time, the most important task was entrusted to Heukseok.

Ilho spoke calmly.

“It hasn’t been successful yet, has it?”

Then the corner of Baekseok’s mouth curled up.

“That is not comforting at all. Don’t you know what kind of person Heukseok is? “That bitch will never miss this opportunity.”

Ilho realized that Heukseok was a woman. She was the one who had been following Baek Seok’s orders anyway. Comfort and comfort must all be given to this person.

“Did Gal Sa-ryang follow you by any chance?”

“That’s right.”

“Like what happened with Kono this time, the amount of brown rice can be a variable.”

“Is that really the case?”

There was earnest hope in Baekseok’s eyes.

Ilho lived up to those expectations.

“Based on the report of the person who investigated the amount of brown pigs this time, I don’t think we can be sure about that either.”

“Do you trust the investigator?”

Ilho nodded without hesitation.

“Yes, I trust his intuition.”

It wasn’t just a nod to please the boss.

* * *

Two carriages stopped at the guesthouse.

“I will stay here today.”

Usually, when the ruler moves, he stays at the Murimmaeng safe houses located throughout the central plains, but this time, it was decided that he would stay in a regular guesthouse. Instead, Meng Haodan rented a guest room on the first floor of this place in advance.

Ma Bong-gi and a woman wearing bamboo clothes got out of the carriage. Two people went in, and Gal Sa-ryang and I followed them.

The entire last floor room was for us. With Ma Bong-gi’s room in the middle, I and Gal Sa-ryang stayed in the left room, and the right room stayed Maeng Hao-danju. The rest of the rooms were divided among the warriors of the Tiger Corps.

Ma Bongi ate in the guest room.

I came down to Galsaryang and the guesthouse on the first floor. Because no one would recognize us anyway.

At a place with a clear view of the entrance, two men from the Meng Haodan were sitting and drinking. I could tell that alcohol was not the goal, but rather that they were on guard.

We sat a little away from them and comfortably ordered food and drinks.

“This could be dangerous.”

Gal Sa-ryang nodded at my words.

“I know.”

“If there is an emergency… … Please trust me.”

“I understand.”

He didn’t hesitate to answer. No, it was probably because he already had that feeling that he brought me to this important matter.

While eating the galsaryang and rice, I served it with accompaniment. He told me about various past operations. Of course, most of these were operations I knew about.

At that time, Gal Sa-ryang had these concerns, and I was able to understand thoughts that I had never thought of.

I could tell that the reason he told me these stories was to raise me to be a good soldier. That’s a good sign. If he was just using me out of revenge, he wouldn’t have to tell me this.

Galsaryang has a heart for me. They say those things with the hope that I will become a good soldier in the future.

It occurred to me that maybe he was thinking about his own end. He told me everything and wanted to die with peace of mind.

Saryang, it won’t work out the way you want.

I had many conversations with Galsaryang that day and learned a lot as a soldier.

* * *

Macheol-gun woke up.

He suddenly woke up, wondering why he had woken up.

Someone was sitting in a corner of his room. Because I was in the dark, I couldn’t see my face, only the shape of my body.


The outline of the body looked like that of a woman.

Ma Cheol-gun’s stomach became cold. If his opponent had tried to kill him, he would have already been killed by having his head cut off.

However, as the head of Cheondomun and still the most likely successor to Ma Bong-gi, he remained calm. He did not even try to call his men together by shouting.

The other person saved his life, but that was a truly unseemly act.

“Give me some water there.”

The other person grinned at Ma Cheol’s words. In the darkness, exceptionally white teeth shined. She felt certain that it was a woman.


The kettle that was sitting next to him flew through the air and flew towards Macheolgun.

As Ma Cheol took the kettle, his stomach became cold once again. How can you throw away a kettle full of water so easily? It was truly a state of great emptiness.

‘He’s much more advanced than me.’

Who was the female master with such great skills? I quickly thought of a few people, but there was no one suitable for this situation.

After drinking water from the entire jug, he held it out to the woman.

“Would you like a drink?”

Then, in the darkness, the woman shook her head.

“Why did you come to see me?”


It was, after all, a woman’s voice. It was a calm voice whose age range could not be guessed, but the energy contained in the words was unusual.

“It’s to make you the Murim lord. how is it? “Do you have any thoughts?”

It was calm and polite, but the content was truly unexpected.

Ma Cheol looked at the woman in the dark blankly for a moment and then said.

“Of course I want to be. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t be fighting over succession with our blood relatives.”

“So at what age will you become the leader? Your father is nourishing his body with all kinds of elixirs and young women. “He will live for another thirty years.”

“What do you want to say?”

“I will make it for you. ASAP.”


If I hadn’t seen the other person’s skills, this conversation wouldn’t have continued.

“It’s simple. “If the leader dies, a new leader will be needed, and then Mamunju can take his place.”


Ma Cheol-gun opened his eyes wide.

“What kind of crazy talk are you talking about?”

Ma Cheol’s voice trembled.

“I understand that you gave permission. “I will take care of the rest.”

“When did I? Shut up! “I never gave permission!”

The woman stood up and spoke calmly.

“Cheon Ha-jin became a leader when he was younger than Ma Mun-ju. “There is nothing wrong with him.”

Just as Ma Cheol was about to say something, the woman looked at him.

In the darkness, the woman’s eyes glowed white. The moment he saw those eyes, Ma Cheol felt fear.

I closed my eyes without realizing it, and when I opened them, the woman had disappeared from that spot. Without any sign of her, she simply disappeared before her eyes. This was the first time she had seen such a great divine law in her life. It feels like a magic spell, not a divine law.

It got stuck.

Ma Cheol’s heart began to beat as if it would explode.

‘I have to tell my father about this quickly!’

But his steps did not fall straight away. At this moment, Ma Cheol knew.


This heart trembling is not just about worry about my father’s death and anger towards the woman. The fact that my heart is pounding with some intense excitement.

It was the moment when the woman in the dark planted a seed deep in his heart. It was a small seed filled with a desire that, once it started growing, would soar to the sky in an instant.

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