Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 112

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Answer with a plan (1)

Jong Cheon-rak asked about Gal Saryang’s suggestion that they should go to Maeng.


Before answering, Gal Sa-ryang looked at the warriors around him. It was an intentional action to ask if it was okay to talk in front of them.

Then Zhong Tianlu spoke to his subordinates.

“Do you believe me?”

The subordinates answered loudly. Even his subordinates, who were lying injured, opened their eyes and expressed their intentions.

“I believe it! In addition, our lives belong to Danju.”

The thirty elite members of the Cheongungdan that he brought out this time were his most trusted and loyal subordinates. Among the great lords and commanders, they were the ones he cherished the most.

“thanks. “I believe in you too.”

Zhong Tianlu looked at Gal Si Liang again and said.

“These are like my flesh and blood. So please speak to me as if you were talking to me.”

Only after emphasizing that this was a very important matter did Gal Sa-ryang open his mouth.

“If you leave the group like this, the leader will give you all kinds of reasons to accuse you of being a traitor.”

I agreed with Gal Sa-ryang’s opinion. There was a soldier like Gal Sa-ryang on the other side. He will definitely use that strategy. Even though Zhong Tianlu can endure everything else, he will not be able to tolerate his reputation being tarnished. In that case, Jong Cheon-rak will himself

It will collapse.

“If I go back this time, I won’t be able to touch Danju right now. In fact, I will be more careful. Then, we will investigate how he came back alive this time. Danju, act as usual, but beware of assassination attempts.”

The last words were said while looking at the subordinate soldiers. Everyone nodded, knowing that it meant protecting you.

The problem will be the next attack. Because it will become much more powerful and cruel.

Gal Si-liang looked at Zhong Tian-le and asked.

“Can you trust me?”

Zhong Tianlu did not think for long. Gal Sa-ryang was the commander-in-chief of Cheon Ha-jin during his time as a leader. If you can’t trust him in this situation, who can you trust?

“I believe it.”

“Then let’s go back together. “I will definitely find a way before they make their move.”

The moment he heard those words, Zhong Tianlu’s heart felt much more at ease. Well, even if it wasn’t for Galsaryang, there was a reason to go back.

The Cheongungdan warriors brought out this time were only thirty. Even if he left the army, he had to take all his remaining subordinates with him.


But I couldn’t help but sigh. Even if they were able to get out somewhere, maintaining a force of 1,000 people was never easy. He also didn’t want to put his men in danger.

Now the only thing to believe in was Galsaryang.

* * *

We left Saengsaru and set off for Wuhan, where the Murim Alliance headquarters is located. Because there were injured people, we could not move as quickly as we had come.

But now things seemed at ease. Because it became clear who the enemy was, and they had friends they could trust and rely on. Because the path to take has been decided.

Crucially, it seemed like Gal Sa-ryang telling him to take charge of the future work was of great help. With my performance this time, they seemed to be convinced that Gal Sa-ryang had not just left Jeongjeongak without a thought.

Anyway, it was a very good thing to be close to Cheongungdan. If one of the three important divisions were on our side, it would give us tremendous power.

There were no surprise attacks for two days.

On a late night with a bonfire burning, Galsaryang tossed and turned in bed.

I was sitting next to him and throwing sticks into the bonfire.

“Can’t you sleep?”

Then the galsaryang slowly stood up.

“My body is tired, but my mind is a mess.”

“It seemed like you couldn’t sleep last night.”

I poured him some hot water from a kettle hanging over the campfire and handed it to him.

“Drinking it will help you sleep.”

“Thank you.”

After leaving Saengsaru, Galsaryang seemed to have a lot on his mind. Well, it was natural. Now that it has become clear that they are trying to eliminate him and Zhong Tianlu, the war has begun.

At the same time, Gal Sa-ryang’s eyes were becoming more and more alive. Yes, that is Saryang’s eyes. The eyes on the battlefield become brighter the more difficulties you get into.

“You made a great impression from your first mission.”

“I was lucky.”

“As you know, they are trying to get rid of me.”


“You too will be in danger if you stay with me. “As soon as I return, I will assign you to another location.”

Half of it was sincere, and half was just trying to imagine my reaction. The reason they brought me in as a newbie was because they were interested in me, and I know that their liking for me has grown significantly during this journey. He needs me.


“Why but?”

“I am a risk-taking person. “I will continue to remain by your side.”

“It’s no joke.”

“I feel the same way.”

“Can I ask why you want to stay?”

“The greater the risk, the greater the gain.”

Gal Sa-ryang’s eyes narrowed. Are you probably thinking, “Where did something like this come from?”

“Can you really trust me?”

“I guess I should ask that question. “Can you trust me?”

“You saved my life. I saved everyone here. And that too several times. “If you can’t trust someone like that, then who can you trust?”

Gal Sa-ryang held out his hand. I held his hand.

I felt that my relationship with him was progressing again.

The final hurdle will probably be that. In the end, he will realize that I approached him intentionally to get him, and whether or not we will form a bond that will overcome that feeling of betrayal.

The next morning, while I was eating in the forest, I had a strange feeling.


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I was feeling some unknown energy. I checked to see if anyone else could feel it, but no one felt it.

I could tell. That someone is calling me, or a master among us who can feel this subtle energy.

After I finished eating, I walked in the direction where my energy was flowing.

The Cheongungdan warrior who was standing guard there bowed and asked.

“Where are you going?”

The attitude towards me was very polite and friendly.

“I’m going to take care of some business for a moment.”

“We’re leaving soon, so please come back quickly.”

“Of course.”

Once I was out of his sight, I walked quickly.

The energy was getting stronger.

After walking for a while, I came to a small clearing, and the person who sent the energy was standing there. He was an old man who looked quite old.

“There is quicksand in the desert. If you step in there, you can never get out. It sucks everything in. It’s like a monster that eats everything. “That monster was you.”

I felt great confidence from the old man. I could see that it came from his confidence in his own martial arts skills.

With a presence of this magnitude, it would be easy to recognize the face, but it was the first time I had ever seen this person. I realized once again that Kangho’s famous directors were as numerous as grains of sand on the beach.

“There is a way to avoid falling into quicksand. Walking on a safe path where people walk. “Even in the desert, there is a way for people.”

“I’m so adventurous that I don’t want to walk down the path other people have walked.”

“Isn’t it because you’re greedy? Because I want to go faster. That’s why I want to have everything on my own that no one else has.”

The old man did not deny it. Rather, he showed deep curiosity.

“The quicksand I met this time is truly desirable.”

“It’s a shame.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have already stepped into that quicksand. Didn’t you say? Once you fall in, you can never come out. “Maybe the more you struggle, the faster you’ll sink.”

The old man’s eyes became sharp.

“Who the hell are you? “I have never heard of someone like you in the Murim Alliance.”

“This is the new soldier who came in this time.”


He looked blank for a moment, then laughed out loud.

“Ha ha ha ha ha. “If an experienced soldier had come in instead of a new recruit, Gangho would have been upset.”

“And who are you?”

“He’s someone who wants to replace your boss with someone else.”

“The reason is?”

“I have never met Gal Sa-ryang, so is there any cause or reason between us? It’s just that different interests get entangled and kill and die. “It’s like when you cut a tree branch, the bugs on it die.”

“You are the shears that cut the branches, but who on earth is trying to pretend to be the owner of the tree?”

The old man pulled out his sword as if he didn’t know anything.

“Leave your arrogance there. Who is behind you? “If you tell me, I will kill you gracefully.”

“You will soon find out who is behind me.”

I raised my spirits by pulling out the Sura Myeongwang Sword. There was no one around.

I had no intention of prolonging this fight.

I unlocked the inner power that I had sealed. My strength, which was half a dozen, suddenly became two.

At the same time, he radiated his true prayer without hiding it. The prayer that came out of me took over the space where the old man and I were standing.


The old man was astonished. What was more surprising than how great my prayer was was how well I was faking it. Well, that’s a more difficult method. The old man must have been a great expert just to recognize it.

Don’t give it a chance.

At the moment when the old man felt a sense of crisis and was about to blow his sword, a sound of wind came from the Sura Myeongwanggeom.


For a moment, the old man was startled.

“Is that the sound of the wind?”

The moment when his eyes seemed to pop out.


A whirlwind swirled around the old man.

The first five seconds of revolution have exploded. Lee Gap-ja poured all of his inner strength into that one kalpa.


The old man raised his self-defense device to resist the whirlwind that wrapped around his body. Indeed, he was an expert who could use self-defense techniques.

The old man shouted urgently and asked.

“you! Are you Cheon Ha-jin’s disciple?”

But I couldn’t ask any more questions. My self-defense skills began to tear apart. With his inner strength, he could not stop the Great Revelation.


The self-defense equipment was torn away, and soon his flesh began to tear away.

“Ugh… … Even if Cheon Ha-jin comes back alive… … Nothing will stop us. “Aaaah!”

The moment the last words were spoken, his flesh and bones were torn to pieces and disappeared into thin air, accompanied by a cruel scream.

The swirling whirlwind disappeared.

The old man had disappeared from the world.

He was an expert who could perform strong self-defense techniques and knew my martial arts skills accurately.

But I never saw him. It was a moment that made me feel once again how big and great the opposing organization was.

* * *

There were no more attacks.

When we entered Hubei, we found two carriages.

One vehicle carried the injured person, and the other vehicle contained Galsaryang and myself.

As we were approaching Wuhan, I asked Galsaryang.

“I have a question.”


“What kind of operation is Operation Shinryong that you mentioned earlier?”

“Were you curious about that?”


“It was an operation when I was a new soldier like you.”

Gal Sa-ryang was overcome with emotion as he recalled the past. He looked as excited as a child.

“It was an operation to turn Cheon Ha-jin, the best in the world, into a Murim lord.”

I was really surprised by the unexpected words.

“At that time, the leader of the previous generation was called the best person in the world. We’ve been planning for months to make him our leader. He investigated the leader. What martial arts does he use, where and whom does he beat, who does he like, and who does he dislike?

What are you doing? What kind of women do you like, what kind of alcohol you drink, and what kind of food you like. I even found out what my favorite color is. “The day I first went to meet the leader, the warriors wore military uniforms of that color.”

Oh, was that so? Did they put that much effort into it?

It was something I couldn’t even remember.

“I had a dream while watching the youngest leader of all time. “I want to change this powerhouse with that young leader.”

At that time, the general military was not very good. Galsaryang was the soldier that I defeated by ascending to the position of leader and being promoted to great success. Today is the first time I learn the reason for that success.

And another confession.

“I really liked the leader.”

It was something I had never heard from him in my previous life.

“Which one did you like better?”

I was nervous, anticipating what kind of answer I would get.

“Because I’m clumsy.”


“He was such a clumsy person. “He had really strong martial arts skills and was a person who didn’t blink even in the face of the scary masters of the Sa Sect and Demonic Cult, but he was really clumsy.”

“What is it?”

Gal Sa-ryang just smiled.

I didn’t know what point he was talking about. However, when I look back on my past life, I also have many regrets, so this is probably just one aspect of them.

He is saying it is good.

“Anyway, it was the best operation of my life, and the one I was happiest when it succeeded.”

A smile appeared on my face as I turned my head to the opposite window.

This is why I can’t give up on you.

Doo doo doo.

The carriage slowed down.

The building of the Murim Alliance headquarters was visible in the distance.

Now we have to fight the owners over there.

What choice will Galsaryang make?

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