Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 111

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Into the scent of the sword (4)

The old man was still standing on the hill.

“The Black Beast Sword is dead.”

Even though he heard the report that his subordinate had died, the old man did not blink.

“The sacrifice is greater this time. “About 60 people were killed and 30 were seriously injured.”

“What about them?”

“The damage is minimal.”

The old man said with a puzzled expression.

“Are you saying that Heavenly Palace was this strong? “I should have captured them in the first place, not you.”

The man lowered his head with an expression of disapproval. Really, no one expected this result to come out. I felt like I was possessed by a ghost.

Moreover, I had no idea that the leader, the Black Beast Sword, would also be attacked. I knew better than anyone how strong he was.

“Did Black Beast Sword die from Zhong Tianlu?”



“While dealing with Zhong Tianlu, his head was cut off by someone else.”


The old man frowned. I was about to ask who the other person was, but stopped. He thought that he would be one of those guys who were good at Cheongung anyway.

“Where are they now?”

“I entered Geomhyanglim. “It looks like it’s probably heading to Saengsaru.”

The old man’s gaze was directed to an unseen place in the distance.

“I can’t. “Send him in.”

I could see from the old man’s tone of voice and expression that he was reluctant to make that decision.

“All right.”

As the subordinate left, the old man spoke to himself.

“It ends up being this ugly.”

* * *

It was a refreshing feeling to see Saengsaru again after a long time.

There are a total of three sacred sites for the Hyeolcheon Shinjyo Church. It may sound like a very sacred place to someone who doesn’t know it, but in reality, it wasn’t like that.

It was a strategically important site built under the name of a holy place.

Each sacred site had its own characteristics, and the sacred site of Geomhyanglim was a place where academic research was conducted regarding the method of formation and institutions.

Here I had a bloody fight with the Sword Demon. Geomma was the owner of Saengsaru here and the guardian demon who protected the sacred place.

I fought him for three hundred and ninety-six seconds and won in this clearing where I am standing now. Among the experts, four hundred or so seconds could be considered not that long.

But I almost died twice in those four hundred seconds. Only later, when I looked back on the fight, did I understand why I struggled so much.

It was because of greed.

At that time, my pride in my swordsmanship was sky-high, and I wanted to beat the Sword Demon, who was said to have the strongest swordsmanship except for the Demon Cultist, as quickly as possible.

What if you could kill him within 100 seconds?

I wanted to gain the reputation that even the Demonic Cult’s Sword Demon was nothing more than a fool’s errand to me. That greed almost killed me and made the fight even longer.

If I hadn’t been greedy, I think I could have beaten him in less than 200 seconds. From that fight, I never had the desire to beat my opponent quickly.

It doesn’t matter how many seconds you win. Winning was the most important thing, and I learned the lesson that how to win was the next important thing.

It seems like just yesterday I was fighting that sword demon.

A warrior from Cheongungdan walked over and carefully knocked on the door.

But no one came out from inside.

“The door is open.”

The unmanned staff went in and looked inside.

After a while, the soldiers who had entered came out.

“It’s empty.”

Zhong Tianlu clearly looked disappointed. Perhaps he is not giving up hope until the end.

‘It looks like the person who tried to contact them has already been taken away by them.’

You might want to say this.

But it’s probably also his instincts that are telling him. That’s not it.

I understood his confusion. He has devoted his entire life to the Murim Alliance and Gangho. But how can he accept the fact that the leader is trying to eliminate him?

Everyone in the group went inside together.

Judging by the dust accumulating here and there, it must have been empty for a long time.

Zhong Tianlu finally changed his mind.

“I will take a short rest and then leave.”

I couldn’t decide whether I should go back to Meng or, if not, where I should go.

Except for the warriors standing guard, everyone sat down and rested scattered around. Everyone was exhausted from the continuous fighting.

Gal Sa-ryang also looked very tired. He was probably the most tired because he had not learned martial arts.

“Please recline here and rest for a moment.”

After leading him to one wall, I cleaned up the dust on the floor and laid out his clothes.

“Thank you.”

“you’re welcome.”

“You seem to have become more lively now that this is the situation.”

“Do you see it that way?”

Gal Sa-ryang nodded.

“The leader of the squadron was like you. When everyone was tired, tired, and scared, their whole body was shaking, but Lord Maeng actually gained strength. “That gave us great strength.”

Did I do that?


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After fighting in war for so many years, I guess I got used to the life on the battlefield.

Well, for a while after the war ended, I actually felt empty. Of course, that feeling of emptiness was something I couldn’t tell anyone. Because she thought she might be called a warmonger.

What if now? I think he may have honestly told Gwangdu about those feelings.

When I got out of my thoughts and looked up, I saw that Gal Sa-ryang was asleep, leaning against the wall.

I got up quietly so as not to wake him.

And he looked at the wounds of the injured once again. The details were good because he used very good medicine. The Cheongungdan warriors who were taking care of their colleagues bowed their heads to me and expressed their gratitude.

I also bowed politely and went upstairs.

As I slowly climbed the stairs, I remembered coming up here after defeating the Sword Demon. While my men were searching this place, I went up to the top floor.

As I entered the top room, I vividly remembered that day. Rather than the joy of defeating the Sword Demon, I was caught up in thoughts about why it took four hundred seconds, so I stood at that window and looked out.

Thinking about it now, it was truly pathetic. At that time, I was the best person in the world and the Murim lord. To other people, he seems almost perfect. I realized through my past that the pathetic acts committed by humans have nothing to do with their place.

It goes.

I looked out the window for a moment and then looked around the room. At that time, he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even think to look around his room properly.

The sword stand on one side looked ordinary on the outside, but it was made by a fairly skilled craftsman. The same went for the bed and the tea table.

Since there were no special items, I thought it was just an attic, but now that I look at it, I think this may have been the Sword Demon’s room.

After thinking about it that way, the room looked different. I could see his neat and clean personality.

Then something caught my eye.

There was a small lock on the closet handle. It wasn’t a lock on the closet, it was just a decorative lock hanging on the handle.

There were letters written on the lock. Looking closely, I saw that it was made so that letters could be combined by turning a device made of gears.

Kkiririk, kiririk.

I turned it around. It seemed to be a lock that would only open if the letters were exactly right. There were so many letters that it seemed impossible to combine them properly.

Since it was hung for decoration anyway, there was no need to add a secret word.

I was just about to leave but turned around again.

Suddenly, there was a noticeable letter on the gear.

Ghost (鬼), eight (八).

The moment I saw the two letters that happened to catch my eye, a word came into my mind.

Eight types of demons (eight demons).

It was the last herbivorous name of the sword horse. When I turned the cog, there were other letters among the letters that could be combined.

The moment when you guess the words ‘gwimapalsik’ just right.


The wall opposite the closet opened.

I was surprised. You set the lock on the closet, but the wall on the other side opens? I never imagined such an amazing device would exist.

It was a very small room. There was a small writing table there, and on it was a thick book.

Ghost Gate Book.

I opened it and saw that it was a book about the battle method that was being studied here.

“Oh, this was hidden here.”

I didn’t notice this in the past.

I knew it was me.

That day, I was nervous because I couldn’t kill the sword demon earlier. The subordinates noticed me, and of course the seventh floor, where I was staying, was not thoroughly searched.

Even if it had been done properly, it would have been impossible to find this secret room.

I was the only one who knew from what he said before he died that the Sword Demon’s last herbivorous meal was the Demon Demon’s Eight Eclipse.

How could the unmanned man who was searching know that it was herbivorous? Moreover, the closet was not locked, and the lock was hung like an ornament, so it must have been turned once or twice before being overlooked.

My eyes wavered as I looked down at Guimundunseo.

This is a booklet that contains the essence of Hyeolcheonshinism about true law. It was a book that would be of great help in my future work.

After putting the book away in my arms, I turned the lock again.

Then the secret room door closed.

I left the room and went down to the first floor.

As I was slowly descending, I was struck by a strange sense of discomfort. I felt an ominous feeling that I didn’t know what it was.

As expected, everyone on the first floor had collapsed.

And to one side, a man was trying to take off the pants of the unconscious Cheongungdan warrior.

My expression naturally frowned. He was a person who enjoyed sodomy. Besides, he was a very ugly looking man. I really don’t judge people based on their looks, but the only word I can think of to describe this man is ugly.


He stopped taking off his pants and looked at me.

“uh? “Why are you fine?”

Something had been sprayed all over the first floor space itself.

Fortunately, what he sprayed was not a killing poison, but an intoxicating poison. It was a very effective poison and everyone was so exhausted that they could not avoid poisoning.

“He is a man with deep inner strength.”

After he finished speaking, he puffed and blew. Maybe something came out of his mouth.

It wasn’t because he had deep inner strength. Since I have become immune to all poisons, I cannot be poisoned by any poison or medicine.

“Wake them up.”

The man chuckled at my words.

“Do you know who I am? “In Gangho, they call me Dokmirang (毒美郞).”

With Dokmi.

It was a name I had heard of before.

He was an expert in poisoning and a bizarre guy who enjoyed sodomy by distributing drugs for single people. The reason he named him Mirang was probably due to his inferiority complex about his appearance.

After I consolidated the power, I restricted the use of poison. Through the war between the Sapa and the Demonic Cult, the endless attempts at poisoning were so tiresome.

Most of the sects that used poison were the sects that continued the lineage of Sapa and Heukdo. They protested but were dismissed. Since the political faction has unified the strongholds, we will have to endure that much.

“Then do you know who I am?”

“Who is it? “I have never heard of a child with such deep inner strength.”

Still, he was relaxed. I had complete belief that I would soon collapse.

“The person who decided not to use such dirty poison.”


My new model fell down the stairs.


Dokmirang’s jaw turned at my kick, which flew across space in an instant.

He spun around and fell to the floor, then got up.

“You bastard!”

This time he tried to spray deadly poison.


But I suppressed his demon blood one step first.

I dragged him outside. Then he searched inside the creature’s arms and found a poison sac. There were about twenty large and small bottles inside.

“You will never know what the antidote is.”

I opened the bottle caps one by one and checked what was inside.

He smiled in remorse as he watched me sniffle.

However, I was surprised to see that he did not collapse.

“You can’t believe it… … .”

At that time, I held the bottle I was holding in front of his nose and he freaked out.

He held his breath until his face turned red. Although it was his own poison, it was such a severe poison that he would die if he did not take the antidote beforehand.

You wouldn’t know if you couldn’t check, but I distinguished between poison and non-poison. My body made the difference and his reaction made the difference.

In the end, he revealed what the antidote was. He tried to feed him the worst of his poisons, and he could no longer bear it.

Since I chose something that wasn’t poisonous, I didn’t worry and sprayed it on the first floor as instructed. Oh, of course I put the pants back on that had come off.

After a while, people started waking up one by one.

Before they could come to their senses, they walked toward Dokmirang with great strides.

“If we had sprayed poison from the beginning, we would all have died!”

“I kept you alive to do dirty work. “Wouldn’t they all have been killed in the end?”

There was no other excuse for what he said.

“Anyway, I informed you of the cancellation… … .”


Before he could finish his sentence, his head was cut off with a single sword.

When we came back into the room, everyone came to their senses.

Zhong Tianlu asked in surprise.

“What on earth happened?”

I told it like it is.

“I was coming down from the seventh floor after being poisoned by that guy. “After subduing and threatening him, we found the antidote.”

“You saved us again.”

“It just happened to be on the seventh floor… … “I was lucky.”

Everyone looked at me with admiration. I knew that if it weren’t for me, he would have died several times already.

“This is not the time. “We need to move quickly.”

After hearing my words, Zhong Tianlu asked Gal Si Liang.

“What should we do now? Should I go back to Meng?”

If it was clear that he had been betrayed by his leader, he couldn’t decide what to do.

Zhong Tianlu was no longer stubborn. Moreover, after I saved their lives one after another, they decided to follow our will.

As if he had already thought about this part, Gal Sa-ryang answered without hesitation.

“We must return to Meng.”

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