Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 106

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Finding the Head (2)

I studied really hard.

I read books on the history of Kangho, and books on strategy and tactics in war, geography, organizational management, intelligence, and information management, as well as books on art, literature, philosophy, and medicine that were not directly related to military affairs. Even architecture

I also read a book about climate.

My father and mother were once again surprised to see me focusing only on books.

I never thought I would be like this.

“There are college students in our family.”

My father just laughed at my mother’s joke.

Anyway, the two of them were satisfied with my belated study. Because it was a common theory that an ignorant sword dies faster.

A month has passed since I started studying.

There was already a pile of books I had read on one wall. I started studying to enter Jeongjeongak, but now I was purely enjoying reading books.

“I bought everything according to the list you wrote down.”

Gwangdu came into the room carrying a load of books. Gwangdu shouted in surprise as he saw the book he brought last time piled up next to a pile of books he had already read.

“You’re reading it all already? It’s a lie, right? “Did you just pass it over?”

“that’s right.”

“Seeing as you readily acknowledge it, I guess you’ve read everything.”

“of course.”

“How on earth do you read a book so quickly? Do you understand everything?”

“Some things work, and some things don’t. “You need to get rid of the obsession with having to completely understand everything while reading a book.”


With so much admiration, I raised my head and looked at Gwangdu.

“Those words really touched me. When laying out your first meal, let go of the obsession with having to lay it out perfectly… … .”

“If you throw it away, you die. “It has to unfold perfectly.”


I chuckled at the quick change of stance and Gwangdu laughed along with me.

“I heard things are going well with Do-sun, so it looks good.”

“How can someone who only reads books in his room know so much about what’s going on outside?”

“There is a world in books too.”

“Sorry, but the real world is outside that door! Dosun is also outside.”

“ha ha ha.”

Yes, that’s right. I am staying here in order to go out into that world.

One thing that surprised me while studying.

Unexpectedly, I found out that martial arts experts wrote many books unrelated to martial arts.

For example, Beihai Xinchang Du Yangshu published a book related to calligraphy and painting, or West German Pian Jeong Chong left a travelogue. In particular, Jeong Chung is a person who is unlikely to read a book, let alone write one.

‘This person writes books like this?’

Truly, there were more than a few times when I was surprised. Moreover, whenever I read a book written by someone I used to know, it really gave me a new feeling.

I thought that perhaps I had been living like a frog in a well.

When I handle all kinds of affairs at Meng, I feel like I know everything about this powerhouse. When you meet all kinds of people, you feel like you know them well.

But this time while studying, I felt it.

I really lived a one-sided life, and I didn’t really know much about Kangho. I didn’t even know who the person I was talking to face to face was.

Of course, I don’t regret that life. Because I lived that way, Gangho was peaceful. Otherwise, would they have even had time to write a book?

When Gwangdu carried the books about five more times, flowers began to bloom on the trees outside the window. It is finally March.

Although it has only been two months since I fell in love with reading, I have come to realize one thing.

I learned that this study was also related to martial arts.

Of course, it had no direct effect on martial arts. But studying had an impact on me.

After reading the book, I changed as a person. As I change, the martial arts skills I perform also change. Of course, the change was subtle, but it was a meaningful change.

It was a moment when something I had vaguely felt several times since being reborn as Byeokridan became clear.

When I live a new life, I can reach a new level of martial arts.

I can now be sure that martial arts will change only when I change.

* * *

Before leaving Shandong for the exam, I met Song Hualin one last time.

“You’re going to Wuhan again tomorrow?”

“I think I’ll have to go for a while.”

“I’m sorry.”

It was a calm tone, but now she expressed her feelings as they were.

“It won’t take that long.”

If I failed the Jeongjeongak entrance exam, I could return right away.

“I heard you’re obsessed with writing these days?”

“Has the rumor gotten this far?”

“There is probably no one in Shandong who doesn’t know this. You know? Even though Shandong seems wide, it is a very narrow place, right?”

It was the same for the entire Gangho. The midfield was extremely wide and expansive, but at times it moved like one body.

“Everyone will think I’m crazy.”

“No way. Your reputation in Shandong has completely changed. “If I were to pick the most promising review index here, I would pick you, right?”

It was also due to the performance of the small sword team. Because there was no one in my age group who was doing such a big activity. Anyway, there is nothing bad about positive rumors. Anyway, I plan to take control of Shandong first.

“Does going to Wuhan this time have anything to do with studying writing?”

I nodded to her question. She didn’t want to lie, but she couldn’t tell him that she was going to get Saryang to go.

“Please go and check on the children of the small sword team sometimes.”


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“It’s the sword belt we made together, right?”

Her hesitation was not a question of justification. I guessed what she was worried about.

“With your skills, you can overwhelm them. So have confidence.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Are you sure. “Trust me.”

Goseonhwanyangja’s advanced swordsmanship was nothing compared to the martial arts of the Sogeomdae warriors. If I were to find a comparable martial art, it would be the Namhae Chil-sik that Gwangdu mastered.

“If you practice martial arts alone in the training hall, you will quickly reach your limits. “He needs to be around people so he can grow faster and overcome walls easily.”

She nodded with a serious face, as if she had sympathized with it. My words may have been even more relevant because Jinhwa Swordsmanship itself is a martial art that creates a feeling of loneliness.

“okay. “I’ll stop by sometime.”

“thanks. “Then I’ll come back.”

“be careful.”

After leaving Songgajang, I headed straight to Wuhan.

My heart was pounding. This is the path to save the most important person in the future cause.

Will Byeokridan, rather than Cheon Hajin, be able to win Galsaryang’s heart?

* * *

Wuhan, where the headquarters of the Murim League is located, was crowded with people who had come to take the entrance exam. The streets were filled with applicants from all over the central region.

As many people gathered, all kinds of human beings also gathered.

A middle-aged man whispered secretly in my ear.

“If you pay just ten nyang, I will tell you the secret to passing the exam.”

I didn’t even know how many people these fly-like people had already clung to.

“Nothing to do.”

“Save a penny and lose a lot!”

From a man who always swears, to a braggart who claims that he has passed the test for more than 20 soldiers. All kinds of paragliders abounded.

All other organizations’ exams were held in the training hall, but Jeongjeongak’s exam was held indoors.

As I entered the exam room, I kept only half a pound of my strength and hid the rest. Hiding my prayers and hiding my inner strength was a very difficult task, but it was something I could do well.

Of course, if a more expert than me examines my body, he will find out that I am hiding my inner strength. But no one can find out before then.

I felt strange as I sat in my assigned seat and waited for the test tube.

Did you ever think the day would come when I would have to take the Murim Alliance membership test?

Looking around, it was obvious that everyone looked nervous, and indeed, most of them were men in bachelor’s attire. Everyone seemed smart, so I was worried about whether I would be able to pass.

The first exam consisted of a written exam. It was a question asking about basic knowledge. The problems that were expected mainly came up. It was done without difficulty.

The test results came out in the afternoon, and luckily I passed. More than two-thirds of those who took the exam failed.

You guys looked scary smart. Everyone was a fool.

It felt good to be recognized for something other than martial arts.

“Those who pass will come to take the second test tomorrow!”

I went to take the second exam the next day.

This time the problem was more difficult. Compared to the first day of simply finding an answer, this time I had to express my opinion.

Fortunately, the problem came out in an area I know well. Many issues related to strategy and tactics arose in relation to the war.

For example, these were the problems.

Give a specific terrain, how many allies there are, and how many enemies there are. How should I form a line for defense? When and how should one infiltrate for an attack?

Sejak, who has infiltrated the enemy, knows this or that secret. He was taken prisoner by his enemies. How many victims will there be in order to save him? Should you sacrifice yourself to save him, or should you give up?

These were the problems.

When it comes to fighting, I was more of an expert than the people who wrote or graded this question. I wrote the answer by adding my existing knowledge and what I learned from the book I read this time.

Everyone expressed their disapproval, but I took the test without much difficulty.

After submitting the test paper, the examiner appeared again about two examinations later.

He announced the successful candidates. Fortunately, my name was there, and when the examiner called my name, I saw him looking at me closely.

Was there a problem with the answer I wrote?

Anyway, most of them failed this test.

There was the final interview the next day.

When I entered the room, my heart arose with passion. The interviewer waiting in the room was Gal Sa-ryang.

Why is he here?

There is no way that several soldiers showed up for the interview. If so, it means that he was in charge of this matter. It seems that it is holding up well within Jeongjeongak.

Anyway, if I met him like this from the beginning, it would have been better.

I walked calmly and sat in front of him.

Suddenly, I remembered entering the room where the Geomje was and sitting in front of him. The fight from now on will be ten times harder than that fight.

My relationship with Galsaryang starts from now on. Rather, it is more important now than after passing the exam. Because I have to catch his eye and go to his side.

But it shouldn’t stick out too much. Gal Sa-ryang hated subordinates who stood out. It should catch his eye very naturally.

“Byeokridan, the successor to the Shandong Byeok clan.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Byeok Clan Gate is a traditional shaman from Shandong, so how did he apply to Jeongjeongak?”

“Ever since I was young, I had an interest in joining the Murim Alliance military.”

“After looking at me for a moment, his eyes turned to the documents in front of him.”

“You got the best score in the second exam.”

“Oh, is that so? “I didn’t know.”

So the examiner looked at me closely.

Galsaryang started reading the answers to the test I had taken.

“I guess I got lucky.”

Gal Sa-ryang’s gaze, which seemed like he would just glance at it, did not leave the test paper.

Maybe I was feeling Cheon Ha-jin’s scent on my answer sheet.

The attitude of Galsaryang, who raised his head towards me again, changed. Instead of having a business-like feel before, his eyes showed a deeper level of interest.

“How are your martial arts skills?”

“There may not be much need for me at Jeongeuigak, but I am confident in my martial arts skills.”

“Can you show me?”


I stood up confidently.

I took a piece of paper that could be discarded and threw it into the air.


The paper instantly became four pieces, which overlapped and placed on the blade of the sword.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

He again threw the paper on the blade of the sword into the air and cut it into several pieces. Shredded paper flew like snow.

“oh! “That’s great!”

Gal Sa-ryang was impressed. Although he had no martial arts skills, he was someone who had seen all kinds of warriors by my side throughout his life. He could tell the skill of his opponent just by looking at the way he held the sword.

I demonstrated the skills I had when I achieved great success in Baekwol Sword Technique. It was the best skill that he or anyone else could convince.

Smart people will abound here. Because right away, I was smarter than anyone else.

Considering that he asked me to show off my martial arts skills, it occurred to me that the person he needed might be a subordinate who could do martial arts to some extent.

If not? So what if it backfires?

I just hope not.

Afterwards, a few questions followed, and the interview ended like that.

“The announcement will be made in two days.”

“i look forward to.”

I said hello politely and went out.

As I came out, I looked around carefully. The place where the exam and interview were held is unfamiliar because it is Maeng’s foreign hospital. It was always confined to the inner circle, and even when it went to the outside, it moved through a passage that only Maengju used.

As I walked out the front door, blooming flowers swayed in the spring breeze.

Two days later, I went there again to hear the announcement of successful applicants.

The examiner walked out to make the presentation. There was no sign of Galsaryang.

“From now on, we will announce the final successful candidates.”

The twenty or so secondary successful applicants who had gathered to hear the results were all nervous.

Actually, I was nervous too. Ah, I think this is the first time I’ve ever felt this nervous.

“There are five successful candidates in total.”

Other organizations have recruited more than dozens of new people, but due to the nature of Jeongjeongak, only five people were selected this time.

The examiner called out the names of successful applicants one after another. There was a mix of cheers and exclamations.

Fortunately, my name was there at the end.

“… … Byeokridan! There are more than five people. Congratulations.”

The examiner made the five people who passed come forward and spoke with a happy face.

“From today onwards, you are the proud warriors of Jeongjeongak.”

From a leader to a rookie warrior, I returned to the Murim Alliance like this.

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