Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 1

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On the first and last day, it started snowing in the late afternoon.

Looking at the snow fluttering like soft feathers, Baekpyo (伯豹), who was with him, spoke in an excited voice.

“Lord! “It’s the first snow.”

Baekpyo is one of the two people I trust in charge of guarding Maengjujeon. Even in his forties, he is a person for whom the word ‘pure’ fits well.

“If you see the moment the first snow falls, you are lucky that year.”

Although he said it as if it was insignificant, it contained a sincere hope that he would survive safely this year as well. Who knows? He, the best guard of the Murim Alliance who prevented the attack of the Seven Demon Lords of the Black Heavenly Palace in the past, has such a sentimental side.

“Yes, it’s the first snow!”

I tried my best to look out the window with admiration, but honestly, I was indifferent.

Now, even the words ‘first snow’ don’t make my heart flutter.

I am seventy years old this year.

The nervousness of the first time may not be enough to move my emotions that have hardened like fossils.

When you look at the eyes… … All I can think of are the people I killed in the snowy field. They bled to death on the pure white snow.


The falling snow is getting stronger.

The astronomer, who boasted that the weather would be clear today, seems to be avoiding me for a few days. They say the first snow won’t fall until next month.

“Myung, you must be running around because you’re happy right now.”

Myeong-myeong is Baek-pyo’s child.

“You’re three years old this year, right?”

Then Baekpyo looked slightly embarrassed.

“Six this year.”

I was really surprised.

The reason I was surprised was not because I couldn’t remember the age of his last child, who was born after a late marriage.

I suddenly remembered having the same conversation just a few days ago.

Even then, I asked if the child was three years old.

How could you make a mistake like this when you’re not an old man with dementia?

“You’ve already grown so much. “I’m sorry.”

Instead of feeling sad, Baekpyo’s face was filled with concern for me.

“it’s okay. Don’t you feel the passage of time as you watch other people’s children grow up?”

Baekpyo said something similar that day. I remember clearly now.

‘Why on earth is it like this these days?’

Lately, I keep forgetting things from the past. Especially recently, the symptoms have gotten worse, and my energy is not what it used to be. I often felt like my body was floating, as if I was in severe pain.

Suspecting poisoning, I got excited and examined the inside of my body, but there was nothing wrong.

I thought about getting a pulse from a doctor because I thought I might have a disease I didn’t know about, but in the end I decided to wait a little longer and wait.

If there were even a rumor that something was wrong with the Murim Lord’s health, not only Meng but the entire powerhouse would be shaken.

“I’m leaving now.”


Whatever my situation, I felt sorry for Baekpyo. He is the one who always guards and protects me, but he keeps making mistakes like this.

I need to buy at least one set of clothes for my child right away. however… … Was the child a girl? Was she a man?

shit. I don’t remember.

I looked out the window, feeling like I wanted to swear. As the snowfall intensifies, the world is covered in white, just like my memories.

“… … “Is it time to die?”

Am I the best person in the world? Me, who has held that top position for over 40 years?

In the afternoon, Commander-in-Chief Gal Sa-ryang (葛思量) entered Maengjujeon to report on business.

As usual, I reported various issues within the organization, but they were not heard.

I just listened to his words and looked out the window.

Gal Sa-ryang noticed that I was in a low mood and finished the report faster than usual.

“… … “The rest is in the report.”

“Good job.”

“Okay then.”

I called out to him as he turned around and left.


“Yes, Lord.”

“What kind of person am I?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“That’s literally it. What kind of person am I in your opinion? “Let me give you justice.”

I turned towards Galsaryang. I was curious about his evaluation of helping me achieve the great goal of unifying the Central Plains.

“What does my word matter?”

Gal Sa-ryang looked around and said.

“He is the greatest person in this river.”

My past life was recorded on the four walls inside Maengjujeon.

The fifteen most important fights of my life. Now, my past footsteps remain as a part of Kangho’s history.

At the age of 29, I became the best person in the world.

That year, the Sword Emperor, the Sword Emperor, and the King of Kwon knelt down to me in succession.

The God of War, Cheon Ha-jin.

It’s a name I got at the end of my twenties.

Seven years later, I ascended to the position of Murim lord at the age of thirty-six. It was said that I was the first person since the creation of the Murim Alliance to become a Murim lord at the age of thirty.


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The pride that comes from being the first. Intoxicated with that sense of pride, he lived as the Murim lord for the next 34 years.

My life was intense and colorful.

After becoming a leader, he spent many years on the battlefield and defeated Sima Oedo.

In the process, I had to overcome the risk of death several times.

But in the end, I achieved the Murim Alliance’s long-cherished wish.

He shattered the Black Taoist Thirteen Alliance, a collection of four sects, and destroyed the Hyeolcheonsingyo (血天神敎), the successor to the Demonic Cult.

Even after protecting the peace of Gangho, my life was busy.

The enemy wasn’t just outside. As the external enemy disappeared, an internal enemy arose.

Those who wanted to take absolute power poisoned my food and sent spray at night.

But I didn’t die, and I cut down all those who dreamed of rebellion.

I wanted to remain an absolute elegant and dignified person, but reality did not go as I wanted. Because if you don’t kill me, I’m dead.

The strong people called me the leader of iron blood, and because I cut down traitors without mercy, they also called me the leader of punishment.

Everyone couldn’t even take a deep breath in front of me.

“You are the absolute leader of this powerhouse and a symbol of righteousness and martial arts. Furthermore, he is this powerhouse himself.”

Yes, this is me. Why am I feeling so down today?

Gal Sa-ryang added a little worriedly.

“Are you feeling unwell somewhere?”

As someone who had been watching me for a long time, he noticed that I was different from usual.

“It’s okay.”

“Then rest.”

Gal Sa-ryang withdrew from the main hall.

Left alone, I buried myself deeply in Taesa Temple.

He is a powerhouse himself. Yes, I was born as a strong person and have heard these words, so what more can I ask for… …


When I sat down in Taesa’s chair, I suddenly started to feel short of breath. A sense of helplessness, of not being able to control my body, and a feeling of drowsiness, as if all my strength was evaporating and disappearing, took over me.

‘After I take a nap, I think about it… … .’

I never knew.

This is the last moment of my life.

Because I thought there was no way the end of the best person in the world would come so vainly, fleetingly, and suddenly. I thought that the flower wouldn’t bloom if a few petals fell. I wanted my last one to be surrounded by traitors, fight like crazy, and die beautifully.

But as if your life was over, the world became pitch black.

* * *

When I opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

‘Where is this place?’

What follows is a strong medicinal scent that hits your nose.


Did I collapse? It seems like that.

I’m going to get some nagging from Galgunsa for not taking care of myself beforehand.

When I tried to get up, I felt an unfamiliar feeling.


Naturally, I created my own meditation method, Cheonmuhosimgyeol (天武護心訣).

The energy filled in the Danjeon should have spread out, protecting the entire body… … The body didn’t react at all.

The Danjeon, which should be full of the inner energy of the Four Gapjas, was empty. No, there was some inner strength. It’s really so weak that it can’t even be called inner strength.

What on earth is this?

You may collapse from pain. However, it is absolutely impossible not to feel inner energy.

Acid poison? No way.

In particular, the Cheonmu Hosimgyeol that I learned was the best deep attack in the world that protected my body in any situation. There’s no way acid poison would work.

This unfamiliar feeling of my inner energy being empty and my mind not working was more unpleasant than having my flesh and bones cut by metal objects.

I slowly got up. The body movements were also very unfamiliar.

Where are we?

It was not the Murim Alliance’s room. It was a small room, not even one-tenth of the size of the leader’s private room.

At that time, a soft word was heard from next to me.

“You’re awake.”

I turned my head toward the sound and saw a middle-aged man and woman standing side by side.

A woman walked over and took my hand.

“Are you okay?”

Of course it wasn’t okay. Because I had no idea what the hell this was.

“Who are you?”

It was also my first time hearing my voice.

The woman said with a smile.

“Did you look at me and ask who I am?”



The corners of the woman’s mouth gradually curled up. The middle-aged man standing behind her spoke quickly.

“Be patient, ma’am.”

But as soon as she finished speaking, the woman mercilessly slapped me on the back of the head.


“What are you going to do now when you can’t help it even if you pray hard? Who are you? Yes, I will tell you. This poor bitch who spent the night with her eyes open worrying about who… … It’s your mother! You unreasonable bastard! “Is that something you would say to your mother?”


The woman’s fist passed before my eyes again.

If the middle-aged man who had suddenly run up to her hadn’t pulled her away, she would have been hit squarely in the face with his fist.

“Be patient! “It looks like he fainted and couldn’t come to his senses when he woke up!”

“I’d rather die! “You idiot, two-faced, eight-quarter-sized bastard!”

Normally, in this situation, I would have thought, ‘Did you see these cruel things?’ Even though the words came out first, I was still in a dazed state.

Have you ever been stabbed in the back by someone in your life?

No, all this aside, what kind of situation is this? It was an absurd situation where there was no time to even question rudeness.

Is it a dream?

But this situation was too vivid to be a dream. The head I got hit just now really hurt.

At that time, I inadvertently turned my head to the side. The moment she saw the little dream hanging on the wall, she thought it took her breath away.

Inside Tokyo, a young man I had never seen before had a blank expression on his face.

Is that me?

Ah, it’s a dream after all!

I felt relief, but at the same time I was filled with doubt.

Why are you having this dream so vividly?

The next moment, I felt dizzy and fell down again. The woman’s scolding sound echoing in my ears gradually quieted down.

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