Poison-Eating Healer Chapter 51

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Episode 51

“I’m really proud of you.”

This is the fifth time.

This is the number of times Dr. Jin patted my shoulder with a fatherly smile.

There is one thing I learned while working with him.

That human relationships do not necessarily become deeper than the time spent together.

There are people you remain face-to-face with even after you’ve known each other for years, and there are people you develop a bond with even though you only met briefly.

Dr. Jin was definitely one of the latter.

The person who shared Poisoner’s secrets and provided me with equipment so I could become an ‘S’ rank hunter.

He was also a person closely related to Kirill.

“I have not been able to contact you until now because the system has not been implemented. But I can quickly see your growth even without communicating with V1.”

The appearance of an ‘S’ class hunter.

And the mysterious disappearance that followed.

Lastly, the Clean Up Clan news that broke this morning.

As Dr. Jin said, it wasn’t difficult to find out what I was up to even if I didn’t specifically contact him.

“It’s a shame that that child ended up like that.”

Dr. Jin looked at the pieces of parts and looked lonely.

Considering his craftsmanship, it would not be strange to call him ‘child’.

The parts placed on the table were the remnants of the ‘Exa’ he had made.

“sorry. “I should have used it sparingly.”

“Oh, no. Rather, I feel sorry. “If this guy had held on, he would have been able to catch the monster a little more easily.”

Dr. Jin carefully collected Exar’s parts and placed them in a metal box.

“After I was able to communicate with V1, I checked your status first. “You’ve grown so much that you can’t believe your eyes.”

“yes. “I didn’t know the black core’s efficiency would be this good.”

Being able to monopolize energy that others cannot absorb.

It was a privilege that could be called a blessing.

There were quite a few hunters who accompanied the Poison Hunter, but no one wanted the Black Core.

And those cores became my energy source.

“I have to ask you something.”

“huh? “Tell me.”

“When I caught the Giant Treasure… … “I felt the energy of Buff.”

“Buff… … .”

“Is it possible to receive support for buffs remotely? In another country across the sea… … .”

“no. “That is impossible.”

Dr. Jin answered definitively.

“I have never actually seen the ability called ‘buff’, but I know the prerequisites.”

“If it’s a prerequisite… … .”

“The target that needs to be buffed must be visible. And the target and purpose must be consistent.”

“… … !”

To sum up what Dr. Jin said, it would be impossible for other regions to give me a buff.

If that’s the case, then the ‘buff’ skill was activated by someone inside… … .

‘The remaining targets… … ‘There’s only him.’

Buffs are basically skills related to telekinesis.

The Knight’s Yukcheolwan cannot be used.

I also only have the potential to become ‘E’ rank or not.

In that case, there is only one suspect(?) left.

A person with telekinesis ability who can use the ‘stealth’ skill who entered the dungeon together.

‘A dagger… … !’

There is no other conclusion than that.

A top esper with a dagger ‘buff’.

Do you know this fact?

“There is a pickpocket on the black market who uses stealth.”

Then Dr. Jin swallows a laugh.

“Are you saying that you can use stealth, but all you do is pickpocket?”

“yes. Well, it seems like there is a reason. “It looks like he used ‘buff’.”

“This is a great thing. “If what you say is true, then the first person with ‘buff’ ability was born in our country.”

Dr. Jin said that if you receive a ‘buff’, your abilities will increase by at least 1 to 2 levels.

The story is that Yuk Cheol-wan’s physical strength, which was ranked ‘B’, jumped to the A~S level in an instant.

What would happen if an ‘S’ rank healing ability was activated through a dagger?

It might be possible to heal all the wounded in sight at once.

“If I meet Kirill later, I will definitely tell him.”

“Can’t you still contact Kirill?”

“okay. “At this point, I think we should probably assume that he’s not here.”

“If it’s here… … korea?”

“haha. no. “I think it would be more appropriate to call it this world.”

If not this world, where are you talking about?

Dr. Jin tried to ignore my expression and changed the topic.

“Anyway, since Exa is broken, it won’t be easy to conquer the dungeon.”



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“yes. It’s enough to just beat up some guys, but I can’t really judge boss mobs. Other than ignorantly drawing blood and putting it in your mouth… … .”

While saying that, he gives Dr. Jin a scathing look.

Dr. Lee Bo-sio Jin.

If you find a good item somewhere, take it out and take a look.

Although not as powerful as Exa, there may be a device that can weaponize black ether.

“hmm… … . “It’s not easy.”

However, contrary to my expectations, Dr. Jin looked perplexed.

“Regardless of the type, ether is fundamentally similar in essence. The same goes for knights, healers, and espers. But black ether is different. “We still don’t even know the ingredients properly.”

Hunter devices are lined up on one side of the wall.

Although they were made for Kirill, most of them were ‘public’ weapons that could be used by ordinary hunters as well.

It is said that manufacturing a dedicated device for poisoners takes several times as much time and difficulty.


I can’t help it.

You can’t ask people to give up something they don’t have, right?

“I had no idea that the conditions for creating a dedicated device would be so strict.”

“Conditions are conditions, but the biggest problem is materials.”


“okay. In order to remove black ether from the body, a ‘legendary substance’ is needed. “We need a strong metal that can fully handle the extraordinary density of black ether.”

This is an explanation I’ve heard a lot.

“The reason Exa can extract your black ether is because of that substance. “It is a very small amount, but it contains a ‘legendary substance.’”

“What is the name of that ‘legendary substance’?”

Dr. Jin raises his index finger with a serious face.

“Pranium. “It is a material that even a decent ‘S’ rank hunter will find difficult to obtain in their lifetime.”


I never thought I would hear Pranium here.

I took something out of my pocket and showed it to Dr. Jin.

“This one?”

“okay. This is it. When it comes to making a poisoner device, this pranium is like the alpha and omega. If this is a large quantity, it can be produced in just a week… … .”

Dr. Jin, who was explaining with excitement, suddenly jumps up from his seat.

“print!!!! Pranium!!!!”

Did the conversation seem so natural that I forgot to be surprised?

The reaction is so funny that I can’t stop laughing.

“This, this, this, this, this…” … .”

“How did you get this?”

“okay… … !”

“This material surrounded the core of Giant Treasure. “After removing and absorbing only the core, naturally, only these are left.”

“Guys? “So are there more praniums than this?”

“yes. “I have dozens of them at home.”

“oh my god… … .”

An emotion that I have never seen before appears on Dr. Jin’s face.

It had a clear ‘greed’ tinge to it.

I can’t believe Dr. Jin, who has completely left the secular world, looks like that.

I think I can see once again how amazing the mineral pranium is.

“I brought one just in case, and I think I did well. “With this, you can recreate something like ‘Exa’?”

“Is it just making it? This amount alone is hundreds or even thousands of times the amount of pranium contained in Exa. “A masterpiece that goes far beyond Exa will be born!”

“I haven’t said I’ll give it to you yet.”

Dr. Jin, who was hastily putting pranium into a metal box, looks at me with a puzzled expression.

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“lol. just joke. “When I think of the device you gave me, even if I gave you all the pranium I have, it wouldn’t be enough.”

“no. You can’t ask for that. Pranium is a material that is more expensive than the highest quality diamond. “This is something that will always be of strength to you, so keep it well.”

Dr. Jin spoke meaningful words to me without taking his eyes off the pranium.

I guess I’ll have to bring you another piece next time I come.

“Do you happen to know Doisu?”

“know. “Aren’t you the representative of Umbrella Industries?”

“As expected, you know. “What kind of person are you?”

“He is a person of good faith.”

Although I said it plainly, that was almost like a ‘high praise’.

Dr. Jin is so afraid of everyone in the world that he lives with paranoia.

“Umbrella Industries has received help from Kirill in the past. “Doisu fell into the eyes of the association while defending his lifesaver, Kirill.”

At least he is not a person who returns favors with vengeance.

I think this is what Dr. Jin said in summary.

“I’m having cramps in my body. “It would be best to stop talking about the past.”

“okay. “I guess so.”

It would have been nice to stay one night, but I decided to head back today.

I have plans to go to the black market tomorrow, and I’m also afraid of seeing my sister’s sad face the day after I stay out.

Even as he was clearing up his seat, Dr. Jin continued to smile.

“When the device is completed, I will post a separate message. “I think the best work will come out.”

“I’m looking forward to that.”

“Oh, and… … .”


“Originally, I was going to tell you when the poisoner level went up, but since I don’t have a weapon right now, I think I’ll have to tell you.”

Dr. Jin asked me to think back to the day I first awakened.

To be exact, the moment when the Red Viper was summoned.

“Do you know how I summoned the Red Viper back then?”

“If you knew, you wouldn’t go to such trouble and fight like this.”

A self-deprecating laugh emerges.

How great it would be if we could summon that guy every time we fight.

You must have sat quietly and watched him destroy the Giant Treasure.

“Even if I want to call it out, it doesn’t work. “To be honest, I don’t even know how I called you back then.”

“It’s natural not to know how you feel. “All of the black cores you have absorbed so far have been used to strengthen your body.”

If you spray it on your body, spray it anywhere.

I can’t put it in a separate storage warehouse.

When I looked at Dr. Jin with a smile, he rubbed his palms and continued his explanation.

“Espers who use telekinesis. Do you know where their ether is most active?”


Dr. Jin points to his head with his finger.

“It’s the brain.”

“… … !”


If you think about it, it’s natural.

Concentrating ether on your toes will not increase your telekinesis.


In other words, no matter what anyone says, the organ of the body most closely related to mental power was the brain.

“Have you ever sprayed the new black ether on your brain instead of your body?”

does not exist.

Because I’ve never thought about it at that level.

Isn’t it natural?

If someone gives me energy to strengthen, I use it for my ‘body’ and not for my ‘brain’.

“Just as muscles and nerves can be strengthened with ether, so can the brain. And that soon leads to the strengthening of telekinesis.”

Of course, this is impossible for other hunters.

Strengthening to other types is something that only Poisoners can do.

“I understand why Kirill called Poisner the chosen one.”

Poisoner’s potential was something that even I, the person involved in, was tongue-in-cheek.

“Next time you get a chance to get a core, give it a try. Since I don’t have any weapons right now, I won’t have a chance to get the core right away… … .”

“there is.”


“The core hasn’t been absorbed yet.”

It wasn’t just a core, there was a core called treasure left in the house.

This guy has a conversion rate of over 97% and can be absorbed soon.

This is the core that hunters call the object of their dreams.

What will be the result if we absorb that spirit and send it to the brain?

Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter.

“It looks like there are some usable cores left.”

“It’s not at a usable level, but it’s something that others are excited about.”


Next time.

I might be a different person when I come looking for a weapon.

I smiled with my teeth at Dr. Jin, who was twitching his eyes.

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