Poison-Eating Healer Chapter 235

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Episode 235

The Umbrella Group led by Doisu does not only have ‘industry’.

Equipment with their label was being used throughout all industries involving technology, and the broadcasting industry even owned one channel.

“What is this emergency programming? This has never happened before. “Did the red signal (abnormal phenomenon) gate explode?”

The main producer, who was supposed to be reporting the news, frowned grimly and asked.

Does it make sense to suddenly change the broadcast format 5 minutes before the live broadcast?

The assistant director who came running out of the control room in a hurry answered without even having time to catch his breath.

“that is… … gasp… … “WHPO is said to be issuing a notice.”


The main producer vaguely expected that.

Could it be that the Korean Hunter Association is doing something?

I thought the only option was to immediately blow up news with good ratings and do an emergency programming.

But the news he heard went beyond his expectations.

The Korean Association has gone beyond its level and a big issue at the WHPO level is approaching.

“They say Cheon Hae-seon and Silia are coming here now.”


Even though he felt stupid, the main producer had no choice but to ask stupidly again.

Cheon Hae-seon is originally from Korea, so let’s assume that’s the case.

Sylia, who is supposed to be carrying out governor duties in the United States, suddenly appears here?

However, it did not take long for the main producer to regain his composure.

‘This is a scoop.’

The greed for viewership ratings crushed the momentary panic.

“Remove the announcer’s seat and bring in another microphone!”

The main producer quickly gave instructions and moved busily.

‘What on earth is going on?’

On the one hand, I couldn’t help but be curious.

Cheon Hae-seon and Silia appearing on a broadcast together could be said to be a global scoop beyond Korea.

Cheon Hae-seon has become a world-class hunter, and Silia is the youngest person to become the president of the WHPO.

I couldn’t even guess what these two would do together and how far the repercussions would go.

* * *

“uh… … . Can we just get started?”

Cylia, who didn’t see the cue sign, tilted her head and played with the microphone on her lapel.

‘That’s crazy… … !’

The main PD was on the other side, desperately trying to stop her actions by waving his arms around.

You may not know it, but the harsh friction sound would have been heard on TVs across the country.

“hey. You started. Wake.”

Cheon Hae-seon also scolded Silia, but there seemed to be no tension at all.

In fact, Cheon Hae-seon was only around 20 years old, and Silia was not even 30 years old.

Above all, they were people who were constitutionally unable to feel the pressure of broadcasting.

‘God dem. ‘If only I had five minutes.’

The main producer was resentful of Cheon Hae-seon, Silia, and Association President Do I-su who suddenly came to visit.

But they also had their own circumstances.

Once a strong candidate emerged as to where Bisu was kidnapped, there was no time to waste even a moment.

“iced coffee. Microphone test.”

Only 30 seconds after the live broadcast began did Cylia begin to perform the ‘test’.

From the perspective of the main producer who runs the broadcast, the blood is bound to boil.

However, there was no one here who could stop Cylia’s actions.

“This is Cilia, the president of the WHPO. Since this is an urgent matter, we will skip the formalities. I understand that this video is now being transmitted all over the world through the Internet. So, if there are any hunters who are under the influence of drugs or asleep, please contact those around you.”

These were vulgar words that made me question whether they were really the governor.

However, Silia ignored the assistant director’s silent cries and turned her head towards Cheon Hae-seon.

“Cheon Hae-seon here will explain the situation.”

Cheon Hae-seon turned his head towards camera number 1 in front.

But he should have known.

The camera that is filming Cheon Hae-seon in real time is camera number 3, not number 1.

“Chief. Should I change the camera?”

“no… … . “Just leave it alone, for f*ck’s sake.”

The main producer just spit out curses with the intention of letting things happen as they should.

“One of the Irregular members was kidnapped by Mine. His name is Bisugo, and his type is Esper. “He has the ability to use buffs.”

Right now at this moment.

Those present may not know how many people around the world were surprised.

“You probably know that demons have been kidnapping hunters recently. The demons are taking high-tier hunters somewhere and making chimeras. However, in the case of Bisu, the case is different. It turns out that her buff can take her Chimera’s abilities to the next level. That’s why the Horsemen have been looking for a chance to win the game over the past few months.”

“… … !”

It was a series of shocking news that even the staff at the broadcasting station who had to work had their jaws dropped to the floor.

Haeseon Cheon boldly conveyed to all citizens matters that might have been kept secret in the past if it had been the WHPO and the association.

“We are planning to go looking for Bisu starting tomorrow. Because this will certainly not be an easy task, we are asking for cooperation from hunters in each country. “The governor will explain the details.”

“Aren’t you saying you’re the president?”

“The governor will do it.”

Cylia, who took over the microphone, opened her mouth with a solemn expression.



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“Gather together all the ranked countries that are currently members of the Hunter Association, from 1st to 3rd. Locations will soon be delivered to each device. Let me be clear. This is not a regular gathering like a social gathering or hunter forum. “This is a convocation order issued in the name of the president, so please leave it to your own discretion as to what will happen if you do not attend.”

draft call.

It was a legendary directive that only established regulations but was never put into practice.

A powerful power that can mobilize all hunters around the world under the full authority of the governor.

Cylia took out her majestic blade at this point.

“Of course, you may think this. What did other hunters do when they were kidnapped, but now that the Irregular Hunter has been attacked, they are moving? However, until then, there was no clue as to where the missing hunter was. “It’s only now that I’ve found the clue.”

Cheon Hae-seon glanced at Silia.

It was certainly something that other hunters could consider unreasonable.

However, Cylia skillfully silenced their complaints.

The leader of a guild with thousands of members.

After all, I thought that not everyone does it.

“Once again, this is not a ‘request’ but an ‘order’. If you don’t know what it means to disobey the summons, please take out the dusty rule book and check. Over the next few days I will be traveling with the Mavericks. I hope that WHPO’s work will be left to the Vice President for the time being. more.”

Cylia finished her last comment with an indifferent expression.

‘Hang up? here?’

The main producer stood blankly at the somewhat vain ending.

“Is the microphone turned off? let’s go.”

As there was no other signal, Silia got up from her seat, and Cheon Hae-seon followed suit, as if he had nothing more to say.

“And, advertising. Play commercials!”

Only then did the main producer send a signal to his subordinates, and ‘WHPO Breaking News’ ended the program with a strong issue in a short period of time.

Even after the broadcast was turned off, public opinion showed no signs of abating.

No, on the contrary, it felt like it was burning more brightly after the broadcast ended.

└Bisu was kidnapped? ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

└Goddess of Irregulars ㅠㅠ Please find me quickly!!

└I think this is the first time a hunter has been kidnapped in Korea… Aren’t these bastards human traffickers and not Mine?

└Isn’t this picture nice because the two of them are sitting next to each other?

└Now is not the time to say such idle things, friend. We might all fall behind. Imagine that so many missing hunters become chimeras. Goddamn.

└It’s definitely something to look at with power. I can train hunters all over the world to be mutts at will.. I want to be born as a president in my next life..

└I can’t really feel it. I’m watching TV while eating ramen like this, but what happens when humanity is destroyed? In fact, there is no crisis, but aren’t they creating an atmosphere of fear to squeeze more budget?

└Did you not see the chimera video caught on CCTV? Imagine if something like that appeared in our neighborhood. I feel like I’m going to pee while standing.

└The convocation order is really cool. After all, you are the queen ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

└You sound like a queen. You can’t make that sound if you strangle it with a catenary.

└Anyway, Cheon Hae-seon is very calm. Aren’t you very close with Bisu?

└It’s calm. From the perspective of someone who has been watching Cheon Hae-sun since he first started working, I’m really pissed off right now. It’s the first time I’ve seen him so angry.

* * *

“Are you ready?”

A person born with talent given by heaven.

People usually call such people ‘geniuses’.

How many geniuses are there in this world?

If ‘poisoners’ are considered geniuses, it can be said that there are only two of them.

But if you add just one more finger to the list, her name will definitely be mentioned.

“Let’s begin.”

Her golden hair sways as a gentle breeze blows.

The deep, dark eyes are full of confidence and determination.


Cheon Hae-seon and Kang Jeong-hyeon nodded at her signal.


Golden bees fly from Cheon Hae-seon’s palm and from the anima flower created by Kang Jeong-hyeon.

The ‘rain’ that matches Cilia’s hair so well goes to her hands.

In his hand, the already created ether chain, Catena, was emitting a dazzling light.

Except for the three men and women, the remaining hunters were watching the series of processes, swallowing their saliva.


“Okay… … .”

The more ether you have, the more difficult it is to resonate with Merus.

She is a hunter with strange nicknames such as ‘the spring that never dries up’ and ‘the Muan sweet water of the ether’.

This means that the amount of ether held is unreasonably large.

That’s why Sylia let out a groan that she rarely made even during battle.

She must have been biting her lip too hard, and drops of blood formed, and she had to smell the faint, iron-like smell of blood.

“I heard you tried to run before you could walk.”

Chen said bluntly while watching the current training.

He also experienced the process of containing Merus in his ether.

Therefore, I knew better than anyone else how greedy she was right now.

No matter how open the owner of Merus is, it is entirely up to the caster to control his or her ether.

She wanted to deal with Merus in just one day, and there was even more than one type of Merus she wanted to contain.


“… … !”

Cylia’s clear eyes turn red and bloodshot.

It felt like the five organs and six parts of my body were being twisted, and uncontrollable waves were constantly hitting my internal organs.

“This is it… … .”

Even with blood streaming down her chin, Cylia did not let go of Merus’ energy.

Messy hair and bloodshot eyes.

And even the blood dripping down the chin.

The current Sylia is not a ‘queen’, but rather looks like a dog butcher.


Amid the pouring pain and regurgitation, Cylia found a single ray of light.

An unidentifiable feeling of elation that heats up the body.

One of the top five geniuses in the world finally succeeded in controlling Merus.


A golden energy flickered as if coating the white catena in her hand.

On the left is the Merus sent by Kang Jeong-hyeon, and on the right is the Merus sent by Cheon Hae-seon.

This genius, who said ‘I don’t want to become stronger through normal methods’, was finally able to use two types of Merus.

“… … “It’s great.”

Cheon Hae-seon evaluated Silia with sincerity and without a single lie.

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