Poison-Eating Healer Chapter 100

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Episode 100

“As expected, it was like that.”

I expected that Kang Jung-hyun would not be let go easily in ‘Faith Loan’.

This is because information about Ban Hae-min, the representative of ‘Faith Loan’, remained in the Hunter Association computer network hacked by V1.

He lost his hunter qualification after being caught embezzling the guild’s money.

Just in case, it was a good idea to bring Yuk Cheol-wan with him, otherwise things would have been in trouble.

It’s not Kang Jeong-hyun, it’s the trust loan guys.

If Kang Jeong-hyeon had summoned the plants out of spite, it wouldn’t have ended in the right line(?) like Yuk Cheol-wan.

“At that time, he appeared like a hero and defeated all those people.”

Kang Jeong-hyeon told the story of Yuk Cheol-wan with an excited face, and Yuk Cheol-wan’s shoulders were raised to the sky for the first time in a while.

“Ha ha ha ha ha. Even if Ban Hae-min is from a hunter background, wouldn’t he be a ‘D’ rank at best? They are bad guys who only pick on people who are in need of money and do their tricks. “It was treated a little spicy.”

“Well done. “You made sure to silence me, right?”

“of course. “I told you that if you reveal what happened today, more vicious and dangerous people will attack you.”

“A more vicious and dangerous one? who?”

Then everyone’s eyes turn to me.



You want to say that’s me now?

“They are really scary people… … . You’re committing such a scam to people who are desperate for money… … .”

The person who was most surprised by this incident was none other than Maria.

Since joining the Glory Guild, she has only seen the bright and colorful world.

You probably have never heard of information about the prevalence of illegal loan sharking and the poor who have no choice but to take advantage of it.

Maria seemed to have suffered quite a ‘mental breakdown’ from their methods, which were more vicious than expected.

“… … I think joining Irregular was a good choice in many ways. I thought I knew to some extent what kind of life non-hunters live… … .”

When I see her say things like that, I understand why people call her ‘the Virgin Mary.’

Although the ‘healer’ type was originally in a position to save people, Maria often expressed deep empathy for the pain of others, regardless of her type.

Perhaps it is her personality that gives her excellent healing power.

“Okay, now that Jeonghyun’s debt has been settled, shall we talk about our next schedule?”

All members, including Maria, prick up their ears.

“The hunter ranking match will be held soon. “Is there anyone who wants to go out?”

“Hunter ranking match?”

Yuk Cheol-wan asks, scratching his thick beard.

“Can we participate in the Hunter Ranking Battle?”


“No way… … Probably not. I understand that only hunters belonging to a guild can participate in the Hunter Ranking Battle. “Isn’t the reason for the ranking match in the first place to prove the guild’s strength?”

“I received an unofficial request to participate from the association. ‘Irregular’ members can also participate in ranking competitions.”

“That’s amazing.”

Yuk Cheol-wan clicks his tongue and shakes his head.

“That’s no different from saying you want to change the system… … “I think Hunter is really changing the world in many ways, as is the ‘Irregular’ founded by Hunter.”

“lol. “It’s too grand.”

“Hunter, you don’t know, but I can feel the change. There have been countless cases of hunter associations modifying their regulations over the past 10 years. The Hunter Association is a rather closed and old-fashioned group. however… … .”

The system is being overhauled one after another for hunters who appeared less than a year ago.

That famous hunter association.

Yuk Cheol-wan was pointing out that very point.

“Seeing as the conversation has already progressed quite a bit, I guess you’re planning to leave for now?”

Bisu asks, twirling his red hair with his fingers.

“that’s right. “I want to win everything I go out to.”

“What’s going on? “You said you weren’t interested in forming a line like that.”

“That’s right, but they said that whoever comes in first place will be eligible to participate in the ‘World Hunter Forum’.”



The reaction was divided into exactly two parts.

Bi-su and Kang Jeong-hyeon had puzzled faces, as if asking ‘What is that?’, while Yuk Cheol-wan and Maria’s eyes were wide.

This is because the two people knew very well the meaning of the ‘World Hunter Forum’.

“I felt something like that at the last hunter qualification ceremony, but… … . “It seems like the association is really trying to make a fuss with the Glory Guild.”

“yes. “It seems that way.”

The World Hunter Forum was like the exclusive domain of the Glory Guild.

A guild representing the country, and the most talented members of the guild.

Even people who don’t like the Glory Guild take participation in the ‘World Hunter Forum’ for granted.

Some idiots prefer to send out strong hunters rather than representing their country and then being disgraced.

But now the mood has changed.

As Yuk Cheol-wan said, due to the appearance of a ‘new hunter’.

“Now that I think about it, I guess this place is familiar to you, right? “Does she like going there?”

“Ah yes. The treatment is quite good. The International Hunter Organization pays the expenses. Even on planes, they give you first class tickets… … .”

“Puh, first class? “It’s not even a business?”

Suddenly, Bisu’s eyes shine brightly.

She had never flown in economy, let alone first class.

That’s probably why you’re drooling even though it’s not something to eat.



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“yes. “We find the best hotel nearby, and we even have a party in the evening with world-famous hunters.”

“Wow, wow! and!”

Bisu, who was shaking as if he had welcomed God, suddenly turns his head towards me.

“Cheon Hae-seon! Be sure to win! “It’s a cataclysm, it’s a disaster, but let’s start by winning!”

“… … .”

“Sister, is there anything else? “They give me souvenirs from places all over the world.”

“Why are you asking me to build you a homemade house?”

Bisu narrowed his eyes at my sarcasm.

“Stop making fun of yourself and think about how you can win, right?”

“That’s why I’m asking.”


I shrugged and looked around at everyone.

“Is there anyone other than me who wants to challenge for the championship?”

It’s not the opportunity I wanted, but participation is open to everyone.

Because the association said they would open the door to all ‘Irregular’ members.

Isn’t there perhaps a member who wants to prove his strength?

“Are you stupid?”

Bisu sticks out his mouth.

“You summoned such an ignorant monster from the dungeon and told us to participate? “Just because I’m with you doesn’t mean I’ll look after you.”

“I will never look at you. Just hahaha (smash it)… … .”

The rain stretched my mouth so much that my pronunciation leaked out.

“See. “Even if I’m lucky enough to advance to the top round, my chances of winning are gone when I meet you, so why bother doing such a troublesome thing?”

“hmm… … .”

Kang Jeong-hyeon, who had been quiet the entire time, also added a word.

“me too… … I think the same thing. No matter how much of a competition it is, I’m scared of fighting with other hunters. Especially Hunter… … .”

Maria, a ‘healer’ with no killing ability, was out of the question from the beginning.

After Bisu and Kang Jeonghyeon shook their heads, the only one left was Yuk Cheolwan.

A veteran who has been through countless dungeons.

What about Yuk Cheol-wan’s choice?

“I will compete.”

“oh… … !!”

“Because not only top hunters participate in ranking competitions. There are also people with a strong desire to win because they want to measure their own strength or try to catch a top ranker. Oh, of course, I will abstain as soon as I meet Cheon Hae-seon.”

Yuk Cheol-wan smiled shyly and announced his intention to participate.

Originally, the level of a hunter was like a four-dimensional wall that could not be overcome.

No matter how much experience and luck overlap, a ‘B’ ranker will never beat an ‘S’ ranker.

But despite this, Yuk Cheol-wan proudly voted to run.

Maybe he wants to prove himself as a member of the ‘Irregulars’.

furthermore… … .

‘Something strange might happen.’

While Yuk Cheol-wan was receiving encouragement from his colleagues, I smiled faintly.

Among the ‘Irregular’ members, the one who receives Bisu’s buff well is definitely Yuk Cheol-wan.

Perhaps because Nana, Kang Jeong-hyun, and Maria have very high abilities, no dramatic changes occur even when they receive buffs.

However, once Yuk Cheol-wan receives Bisu’s buff, he becomes a warrior worthy of the ‘S’ rank.

What’s unusual is that there are times when the ether of the Yukcheolwan does not subside even after the buff ends.

I don’t think other people noticed, but I can clearly see it.

The ether felt by Yuk Cheol-wan now was somewhere between ‘B’ and ‘A’.

If you continue to receive the beast’s buffs like this, you might become an ‘A’ ranker before you know it.

In a hunter ranking match, there may be a hunter who is caught off guard by just looking at Yuk Cheol-wan’s rank.

“So, only me and Uncle Cheolwan will participate in this ranking match?”

“okay. “We must win!”

Bisu squeezes my hand with earnest eyes.

It looks like you really want to fly first class, right?

* * *




A large group of monsters take over the city center.

A variant gate occurred much earlier than expected.

Inside, a menacing-looking red creature destroys buildings.


Big molars on a narrow face.

The ‘Red Hippo’, full of massiveness, moves around the road like they are at home.

“Please save me!!”

Someone calls for help in an overturned car.

However, as if that voice had sparked a fuse, the nearby Red Hippo rushed towards the overturned vehicle.


When the man who thought he was going to die tightly closed his eyes,

Puk puk puk puk.

The sound of something dull piercing flesh is heard.


At the same time, Red Hippo’s body falls apart.

There were holes all over its large body, and the man who saw it cheered.


Guntech Guild.

An emerging power that is considered to have the most advanced science and technology in Korea.

The large holes in the Red Hippo were created by ether bullets.

The ‘Guntech’ guild, which protects Hyeongsan-dong, an area on the outskirts of Seoul, has finally arrived on the scene.

“Screw everything!!!”

Boom boom boom!!


The devices used by ‘Guntech’ hunters have a reputation for being flashy.

From firearms that look like revolvers to large ether swords that can only be seen in fantasy games.

Even though it was only recently created, there was a good reason why the video of ‘Guntech’ in action ranked high.

‘There are limits to Hunter’s ether, but there are no limits to science.’

That was the company motto of ‘Guntech’ and the credo of Boo Ji-seong, the top prospect of ‘Guntech’.

“You pigs!!”

His long hair, which covers his shoulders, flutters, and he pulls the trigger again and again.

Boom boom boom!

Bu-seong smiles rottenly as he looks at the hippos falling like leaves in a cold wind.

Although he appeared like the main character in a movie, there was something decidedly different from the movie.

The fact that Bu Ji-seong’s face is a rare ‘ugly man’.

With a snub nose sticking up into the sky and thinly-squinted eyes, he looked fit for a third-rate extra, let alone a main character.

On the other hand, his physical ability is at a level that is worthy of being described as ‘outstanding’.

Even though he had a thick body, Bu-seong’s movements were as agile as the wind.

Bu-seong wandered from building to building like a flying squirrel.

When you have killed about 15 ‘Red Hippos’, you suddenly face a crisis.


Several hippos worked together to completely destroy the rooftop building he was stepping on.

“Uh… … !!”

Boosung lost his balance and fell to the ground, and many hippos rushed around him and surrounded him.

It’s impossible to intercept all these numbers at once.

The hippos gained momentum and rushed at Bu-seong with their tusks raised.

Under normal circumstances, this would be a situation where a flash of light would appear in one’s mind.

However, instead of giving up, Bu-seong raised the revolver above his head.

Key ring key ring.

Then, surprisingly, the shape of the revolver begins to change.

The device floating in the air was reorganized into a round shape, and soon twelve holes appeared.

Front and back, left and right.

Indiscriminate bombardment covering all 360 degrees rains down on the surrounding area.

Boom boom boom boom!!!


After firing once, the device stretched out in the shape of a sword, and Bu-seong jumped up and grabbed the device.


Bu-sung’s ability to cut up living hippos in one go even after being bombarded.

Not only his shooting skills but also his ability to use a sword seemed to have improved dramatically.

In terms of fighting style alone, he is one of the top five talents in Korea.

If only he had a handsome face, or even if he just looked ordinary, Bu Seong’s popularity would have been much higher.

“Did you warm up properly before the match?”

When the monsters are finished, Bu-seong turns his neck.

It was a move full of bravado, somehow very conscious of the people around him.

‘Just wait and see. I’ll clearly show you who will take over this ranking match.’

Bu Ji-seong’s hand holding the mutant device tightens.

My uncle said that all I had to do was catch Goo Geon, but Bu Seong had no intention of doing that at all.

Not only Gu Geon but also Cheon Hae Seon is placed at his feet.

If that happens, the world’s evaluation will turn over like the palm of your hand.

‘I am the best hunter in the country.’

‘S’ Rank Knight Bu-sung.

The ace of the ‘Guntech’ guild, run behind the scenes by Vice President Bae Jeong-dae, was targeting two men in his head.

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