Pick Me Up! Chapter 319

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319. Mission Type, Transcendence (4)


Aaron didn’t know why Isel’s name was changed or why he was left here alone.

However, what is clear is that this poor fairy valued her relationship with her older brother more than her life.

I heard that there was an opportunity to evacuate. But the girl, she knew she would be destroyed, but she stayed here of her own volition.

“It’s the master’s heart.”

Aaron shut his mouth.

Suddenly, a knife blade touched his throat.

“Are you willing to weigh the lives of us all against the uncertainty?”

“That’s right.”

“I don’t know if the Master saved the fairy or left it because it was useless. On the other hand, if we don’t use our hands, we’ll lose Sleipnir. The success rate of the mission will drop to less than half. If the operation fails, Are you going to take responsibility?”

“I just do what I think is right.”


The attitude slightly dug into Aaron’s neck.

A trickle of blood flowed down the thin skin.

[estimated time – 00:10:32]

There were only about 10 minutes left until the airship self-destructed.

“If you’re going to carry on the job to the end, cut me down and move on.”

“There is nothing more terrifying than a fool having a conviction.”

Lydegion smiled.

Still, a chilly sense of life was oozing out of Lidigion.

If he made up his mind, Aaron’s neck would fall off in an instant.

“Mister Siris.”

Aaron looked over Ridigion’s shoulder.

Standing on Sleipnir’s deck was Siris, clad in a red cloak.

“You’re here.”

Ridigion said without looking back.

Her gaze turned to the two and to Frey.

“The decision is yours to make. Whether to save the fairy and give up the airship, or carry out the mission as scheduled.”

“What is your opinion?”

“If we abandon our flagship here, we cannot predict the success of the operation. In the worst case scenario, we may become isolated among the contaminants.”

Siris laughed bitterly.

“Put away the sword.”

“Are you serious?”

“I’m serious.”

Ridigion sheathed the attitude.

Siris jumped off the deck and approached Frey.

The girl was spread out on the dirt floor.

“Not too long ago, we made a similar mistake. We acted on our own for the sake of the Master. I don’t want to repeat the mistake we made once.”

“Even if the operation fails?”

“It’s a karma we have to shoulder.”

Lydigion closed his eyes.

And quietly withdrew from Aaron.

“thank you.”

“It was Siris who decided. Don’t thank me.”

“Sorry for interfering with the operation.”

“No. You pointed it out well. If you don’t gain the Master’s trust, it’s useless.”

Siris nodded.


“there is.”

Yurnet walked out of the fog.

Bifrost was cradled in her arms.

“Can you disarm the self-destruct?”

“Sorry, Sleipnir is already in a self-destruct mode.”

Siris bit her lip.

It could have been prevented if Yunet was put in as soon as the hacking came in, but 10 minutes had already passed.

It’s too late.

“What is the evacuation order?”

“I put it down.”

A folding staircase descended on Sleipnir’s side.

There, operators and mechanics were rushing out.

“If we lose airships, what are the risks?”

“It’s unexpectedly serious.”

Yurnet’s eyes narrowed.

“About 8,000m remains until the point of arrival. If you cover this distance without airships, the burden will be considerable. The ability to break through the hordes of contaminants will drop dramatically. You will have to fight through thousands of monsters one by one.”

Yurnet continued her explanation.

“The longer we wait, the worse it is. The number of enemies will increase, and our condition will drop due to the influence of the pollution cloud. You will have to step in yourself. As you know, I can’t go out because I’m working on a transmission.”



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“is it.”

“It’s an act of suicide.”

Lydigion spoke impassively.

“Abandon the airship. This operation will be carried out by changing the plan.”

Siris looked down at Frey.

A fairy who acquired a human body.

It must have been some kind of evolution by spending a long time here.

“Can you hear me?”

“right… … ugh… … .”

“We are moving for the master of Niflheim, Loki. If we can release the interference…”

“Loki… … save me… … .”


Words don’t work.

He seemed to have lost his mind.



Next to Siris, a fairy appeared with a flame.

Nissel nodded as if she understood the situation.

[You want to help this child, right?]

“Can you?”

[It will be difficult to decontaminate, but I can take care of it in a safe place.]


Nisel flapped her wings near Frey.

After that, both hands began to rotate vigorously.

[Fairy Hyper Spin!]


Flashes of light flashed from the girl’s body.

Following this, Frey’s body shrank in an instant.

A little fairy with two pairs of wings.

It was in its original form.

[Don’t worry!]

Nissel snorted and picked up Frey.

The two fairies disappeared in a scattering of stardust.


Siris let out a deep sigh.

In the end, the self-destruction could not be lifted.


Sleipnir’s hull started to burst into flames.

Originally, self-destruction was supposed to cause an explosion in a radius of several hundred meters, but Yurnet’s measures prevented such a situation. One way or another, it was clear that the airship had become unusable.

“Is it a walking sword?”

Nihaku has arrived.

In one empty lot, non-combat heroes were standing in the middle of nowhere.

“This is where things get complicated.”

Nihaku scratched his cheek.

To reach the goal, the barrier, you have to walk thousands of meters.

Sleipnir’s Pollution Barrier and Fire Support are also disabled now.

Gigi Profit.

The girl in uniform flinched.

The groans of pollutants. They had come all the way to the park.

[Unidentified Contaminant Lv.???] X 249

Numerous shadows formed around the clearing.

“Looks like they smelled it.”

Ridigion had a hand in the attitude.

If there was an airship, I would have ignored it and broken through, but now I can’t.

“It seems that special objects are also mixed in.”

Lidigion’s eyes were all over the place.

Pollutants surrounding the park were multiplying at a terrifying rate.

All exits are blocked. The exit hole is gone.




Out of nowhere, the ground in the corner of the clearing rose up.

A place where mechanics huddled together. The flesh and blood of the heroes splattered through the shattered debris and mounds of dirt.


[Variant Giant Contaminant Lv.211]

Only about 10m high.

At first glance, it looked like a human, but thick ooze was dripping from its skin.

“Is it one?”


Yurnet shook her head.

With a series of explosions, giants popped out from everywhere.

[Unidentified Contaminant Lv.???] X 325

[Variant Giant Contaminant Lv.211] X 17

The empty park was quickly filled with pollutants.

“It’s a grand welcome from the start.”

Nihaku shrugged, then pulled out his bow.

“Sirini, is it a sword that can go all the way…?”

“I’ll have to try.”

Siris grabbed Levatein.

Even if you manage to get out of this park, you will encounter the streets full of contaminants again.

No more avoiding it.

‘Can I do it?’

If you had followed Lidigion’s words, you might have entered the final area by now.

For the sake of just one fairy, Siris and the others had to take an unbelievable risk.


“Save me!”

Siris gritted it.

Non-combatants on the outskirts of the clearing were in a state of panic. Gone is the solid outer deck that protected them. They were exposed to a group of monsters as they were.


There is no time to care.

We had to prioritize the Yurnet we were working on rather than their lives.



The Great Corruption slammed its fist.

The two mechanics were bloodied to death.

A siege has already been built.

Hundreds of taints and giants were closing in on them.

“Get out of here. In battle formation.”

The 13th floor members moved quickly.

They united in a circle around Yurnet.


oh oh oh!

The leading giant started running.

Just as Siris drew his sword and was about to slash him.



An arrow that flew from somewhere pierced the giant’s forehead.



Nihaku blinked and looked up.

Wedge liquid!

The second arrow pierced the giant’s beauty again.

three feet. four feet. five feet. The giant staggered back.

“Hwiyu, I almost couldn’t come out!”

The party’s gaze turned to the left side of the park.

A small shadow leaped between the trees and fired arrows.

“Aren’t you supposed to tell me that if it explodes, it will explode? You could have been burned to death if you stayed still!”



The giant turned into a hedgehog fell to the ground.

The shadow jumped several meters high and landed on the back of the giant’s head.

“Beautiful girl genius archer, looks great!”


Aaron coughed.

The faces of the other heroes were dazed.

“Jenna Shirai, my brother’s colleague.”

“Did you bring it?”

Lydigion turned to Aaron.


“It’s trespassing.”


Jenna looked around at the standing heroes blankly and put her hands on her sides.

“Ahem, it looks like you all need my help. As for me, the best partner I’ve shared with an older brother since the first floor! It’s a relationship where you can understand each other’s feelings just by looking into their eyes.”


“Well, I don’t think we have time to introduce ourselves.”

Contaminants were gathering.

Jenna grinned and stretched out her right hand.

A rainbow-colored stone was clutched at the tip of her finger.

“Fly away!”

Jenna threw a stone upwards.

and jumped high

[The hero ‘Jenna (★★★★★★)’ used the ‘Dimension Stone’!]


[The summoning ritual begins!]

“Open, the dimensional door!”

Along with the dazzling light, a magic circle was drawn behind Zena.

[The dimensional door has been created!]

[Mounts and follow-up units can be summoned to the battlefield through the portal.]

Amkena, who had been watching until now, began to move.

[You have selected Airship ‘Capitalism (New)’. Would you like to summon?]

[Yes / No]


A dazzling light emanated from the magic circle drawn in the air.

Jenna flipped in the air and landed swiftly on the projecting prow of the airship.

“This is… what the hell…”

Siris laughed.

Before long, a small airship appeared from the magic circle.

Smooth, streamlined body. Capitalism approached Siris and the others.


The nearby giants rushed at the airship in unison.


Jenna snapped her fingers.

[Do you want to operate the airship manually?]

[Yes / No]

What a profit!

10m in the sky.

Capitalism, which veered sharply to the right, began to accelerate.

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