Pick Me Up! Chapter 244

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244. Play some games (5)


The iron gate on the right side of the plaza opened.

A place that has never been open since I came to Rame.

It was a summons.

[※ I currently have 2 ‘Advanced Summon Tickets’.]

[You can summon ‘2 times’ for free, and 500 gems are required for subsequent summons.]

[Tips/ A special opportunity for novice masters! Don’t forget the newbie package!]

White light began to emanate from the door of the summoning station.

Cadia’s eyes twinkled as she drew a heart shape with her hands.

“The Master really brings his companions, Nico!”

“Because you can’t talk like that.”

[Master, start advanced summoning. I’m looking forward to what kind of hero will come out!]

[Tack, durururu.]

[Too bang!]


[Master ‘wlsghWkd’ has learned the hero ‘Rion (★★★)’!]


[Master ‘wlsghWkd’ has learned the hero ‘Veda (★★★)’!]

Two shadows rose beyond the light of the summoning station.

Paid gacha twice through ticket. Looking at Jinho-chan’s control screen, it seemed that he had no intention of summoning any more.

Sometimes there are guys like this. The low-level heroes were the users who said they were lazy and didn’t even pick them up. In any case, compared to just before, when I let go of my hands, it was the difference between heaven and earth.


“Okay, Nico!”

Cadia responded lively, then posed once more.

“To your heart! Nico Nico Ni! Delivering smiles…!”

I feel excited. I was shouting lines I hadn’t even told you.

[Master, the hero ‘Cadia (★★★★)’ requires the ‘training center’ facility!]

“Love Nico!”

[Build the facility. Please touch the type of facility you want.]

[※New Master Event! – There is no ‘gem’ required to construct the first facility.]

[You have selected ‘Training Center’. Build?]

[Yes / No]


With a scream, the door to the south of the plaza opened this time.

It was a training camp.

“I can’t believe it… is this a magic spell, Nico?”

“It’s not really like that.”

The effect of the cosplay was more than expected.

When Jinho-chan saw Cadia mimicking a beautiful girl from anime, he accepted her offer without hesitation. From summoning heroes to building training camps.

I scratched the back of my head.

Although the effect was direct, this was a temporary measure.

No matter how much you draw attention with your cosplay and put on a show, if Jinho-chan doesn’t find interest in the game, it’s useless.

Of course, this part is personal preference, so I couldn’t do anything about it.

First of all, we decided to use Cadia as our guide to provide basic guidelines.

The period Amkena suggested to Jinho-chan for my dispatch is about a week.

It’s not long.

‘Up to the 5th floor.’

I think we should let Jinho-chan experience the boss stage, which is the core of Pick Me Up.

After that, I have no choice but to watch.

‘If this doesn’t work, I have no choice but to threaten.’

However, threats risk my identity being discovered.

should be left as a last resort. I nodded and looked to the right. Two newly summoned heroes were walking out into the square.

one is a wizard.

He wears a wide-brimmed hat, black robes, and a crooked wooden staff.

It was as if he was advertising his job.

Another is a warrior.

He wore leather armor and had a wooden shield on his back and a long sword hanging from his waist.


Cadia smiled broadly and drew a heart with her hand.

[Form a party.]

[Drag and drop heroes!]

[‘Veda (★★★)’ joins ‘Party 1’!]

Jinho-chan put a wizard in the 1st party that Cadia belongs to.

but it ends there. The party menu closed and returned to the main screen.

And the color of the sky became hazy.

‘It’s been minimized.’



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doing something else

Now I could guess whether this guy was playing games or not.

The color changes when the screen is turned off.

A wizard joined the 1st party, where Cadia was alone.

However, Jinho-chan went diving without even touching the summoned warrior.

The reason could be guessed.

‘This child… … Is it real?’

The wizard met my eyes and lowered his head.

“Excuse me, can I know where this place is?”

soft voice.

The woman wearing the hat looked at me and smiled.

“What are you guys? Where are you?”

The boy who was messing around looked at me and Cadia and then spat.

He had a youthful face, but his rough atmosphere spoiled his impression.

The boy reached for the scabbard.

“Did you guys bring me here?”


Cadia bent her waist 90 degrees to the two of them.

“My name is Cadia Leroux! I wish you well as a colleague to fight with me in the future.”

“Fight together? What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Oh, that’s…”

Cadia smiled bashfully at me.

‘Ha, annoying.’

I stepped forward.

It took a full and a half day to get them both to understand the current situation.

There was no need to tell them about the end of the world or goddesses. you won’t even believe it

The point was simple.

If you want to return home, fight monsters and survive.

The desire to survive is the most powerful motivator.

It wasn’t hard to believe.

While Jinho-chan was away, I let the two of them experience the lower floors.

The autonomous action has not yet been resolved here, but I secretly skipped that part using the power of Bifrost.

After a few explanations… … .

“Convinced. To some extent.”

Early that morning, training camp.

The sorceress set her brim hat down on the floor.

This mage’s name is Veda. The strains were manipulation and telekinesis.

Cadia says it was pretty spectacular to see the goblins swinging their swords at each other.

“More details can be found by climbing the tower.”



Beda laughed softly.

situation is quick to grasp.

I didn’t panic even in the first practice.

‘It’s the difference between heaven and earth for us.’

A high-level hero is an asshole.

I only went through the boss stage with 1 star.

If there was a guy like this when challenging the 5th floor in Taone, the difficulty would have gone down exponentially.

“It makes me feel good. You mean that the Master is controlling me?”

The 3-star warrior, Leon, frowned and touched the scabbard.

Unlike Veda, this guy had a hard time getting accepted. How he clambered up to tell me not to bullshit. He even drew a sword at me. Well, I quickly made it quiet.

“The monster child.”

I hear everything.

‘I only need to wake up to the 5th floor.’

If you look at Jinho-chan’s attitude after the boss stage, you can get a rough estimate.

By that time, the dispatch period will be almost over.

As a member of Taone, I cannot participate in this mission.

With these three people, we had to go through the 5th floor. Jinho-chan seemed to have no intention of choosing a hero any more.

Even if the party capacity is not enough, two 3-stars for one 4-star.

It even includes a rare job called a wizard. The clear specs were not enough, to the point of overflowing.

The combination is also perfect. The warrior, a melee class, is in charge of the front, and the wizard is in charge of fire support. If the magic swordsman, a composite class, fills the gap of two people, a great formation is completed with three people. I can teach you basic teamwork.

‘the problem is… … .’

I looked back at Jinho-chan’s play.

He picked two heroes, but he put one in party 1 and even set it as a favourite, while leaving the other unattended.

Vedas and Lyons respectively.

were wizards and warriors,

It was both a woman and a man.

‘… … .’

There are masters who insist on inefficient play for insignificant reasons.

Jinho-chan was the most vicious type among them.

‘A guy who only uses female heroes.’

If this guy were my Master, I’d have beaten Taonier long ago.

Jinho-chan didn’t even include the warrior Leon in the party. If this continues, this guy will have no choice but to guard the waiting room in the 5th floor raid.

The difference between two and three is not simply a number.

The breadth of tactics that can be used is different dozens of times.

If that’s the basic and key part of the party, the tank… … .

“Where do you two come from? I graduated from Serami Academy at the top of my class…”

Cadia was introducing herself with an ignorant face.

I was the only one thinking about the current situation.

It’s a remote enemy.

I tried to come back after resting comfortably, but I am struggling.

‘It’s stressful, this.’

Amkena was a troll with no knowledge of the game, but at least she showed an attitude of trying to learn the game.

But the guy named Jinho-chan… … .

I grabbed my head.

“Who is this bastard?”

“They’ve come to help us. From afar. You could call it a teacher, ahem.”

“Teacher? Isn’t that guy black? I can’t believe it.”

Leon is grumbling with a sullen face.

When our eyes met, Leon hesitated and turned his head.

‘… … .’

I looked Leon up and down.

He is small in size for a man.

The face line is also thin.



Issel appeared as if he had been waiting.

I narrowed my eyes.

“Do you have any school uniforms left? Except for the clothes Cadia wears.”

[There is, but.]

there is

“A wig?”

[That too… … there is.]

Why is there something like that in the room?


I snapped my fingers.

Issel disappeared for a moment and then took out a wig. The bobbed style wig was of such high quality that it was unbelievable that it was fake.

‘Jinho-chan only uses women.’

This habit will have to be gradually corrected as he adapts to the game, but that is for now.

First of all, no matter what you do, you have to clear the 5th floor.

I looked at Leon while holding the wig in my right hand.


Leon was startled.

I opened my mouth.

“Have you ever thought that you want to be a woman?”

“What bullshit? Are you crazy?”

“If you don’t go crazy here, you can’t survive.”

Leon’s pupils widened.

“Your master, Jinho-chan, seems to only use women.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“What measures would be needed to bring them to the mission as fellow colleagues?”

“Maybe you’ll need it!”

Issel brought a large paper box.

When the lid was opened, various items were stored, from underwear to school uniforms to stockings.

I didn’t want to do this either.

But what if the situation is like this?


Leon stood up with a pale face.

Then, at lightning speed, he started running towards the exit of the training center.

“Catch that bastard.”

Cadia and Veda stood up.

and the next day.

[Master wlsghWkd, welcome to Pick Me Up!]

Jinho-chan logged on.

[Loading has finished.]

[TOUCH ! (optional)]

Jinho-chan skipped the notice and came to the main screen of Pick Me Up.

Soon after, Cadia, who was waiting in the plaza, posed quickly. It’s the same as yesterday until here.

However, one more person has been added here.

“Eup! Ugh!”

Place your hands above your head, pretend to be a rabbit, and dance to make a heart shape.

Wearing a wig with straight hair, wearing a short school uniform for girls and stockings, Leon was moving his body while groaning unidentifiedly.

“Whoop whoop…”

Beda, who was next to me, smiled coldly.

Right now, Leon’s body was controlled by this guy.

‘… … .’

Jinho-chan, who had been looking at the two for a while, called the party window.

[Form a party.]

[Drag and drop heroes!]

[‘Rion (★★★)’ joins ‘Party 1’!]


“It’s pretty. It’s very pretty…”

Veda covered her mouth and muttered.

It was a dangerous look.

“Keep the outfit until Master’s hobby changes.”


As if it was natural, Beda replied.

After closing the party window, Jinho-chan did not move on the waiting room screen.

It seemed that he was watching two people playing tricks in the square.


[Master, there is an unconfirmed whisper!]

A chat log popped up at the bottom of the notification window.

The sender is Amkena.

Amkena> How are you? Worth it?

Jinho-chan didn’t answer.

Amkena> Seeing that he didn’t answer, he must be fine haha. It’s kind of fun. There are many things to care about. There is also depth.

wlsghWkd> What a wonderful game.

amkena> right?

wlsghWkd> Does this have a hero voice?

Amkena> ? I don’t have it.

wlsghWkd> why not? Looks like a must.

A must for someone like you.

I clicked my tongue. Amkena would never have imagined that her own relative brother would be watching her female heroes dance with delight.


Leon screamed.

The manipulation magic seems to have loosened up a bit.

“I’d rather kill you! You bastards, kill me!”

This is fine.

Jinho-chan can’t hear this guy’s voice anyway.

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