Pick Me Up! Chapter 208

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208. Don’t hit me even with flowers (6)

A man stabbed a spear in a clumsy position.

I lightly let go of my spear and plunged my sword deep into his stomach.

His eyes widened in disbelief. The man who was rolling backwards as he kicked it soon stopped moving.

‘That’s a lot.’

It was a guild of 24 Masters.

Even if we sent five heroes per user, there would be well over a hundred.

‘I heard that herbivorous users don’t send troops at all.’

Most of the people standing in our way were suspicious whether they had held a sword or not.

I don’t know what to say, but even heroes other than vigilantes began to step forward. He probably said that he couldn’t protect it with vigilantes alone, and that if he didn’t come together, he would have no choice but to be taken away.

“You evil bastards!”

Another similar guy ran into it.

I thrust my sword into one of the fallen people and at the same time pulled out the dagger with my left hand.


The fast dagger pierced the man’s uvula.

He collapses and grabs blood.


From level 40, PVP protection does not apply.

In other words, if you die here, it really is the end.

Even so, the heroes of Eunbyeol came rushing in.

Well, what we had to do was decided.

Dealing with fire moths that do not know where to die.

“Why the hell are you doing this! Is there a special reason!”

Beyond the screams and shouts, Adilan’s voice was heard.

for a special reason

Why don’t you find it in your grave?

[There are 211 unconfirmed guild chats. Would you like to confirm?]

[Yes / No (optional)

Amkena was also ignoring the guild chat.

Negotiations are already over.

“You can’t send them to the fort! Stop them at all costs!”

“Hey, you’re just screaming behind your back.”

Belquist laughed and tore off the blade of a swordsman’s neck.

A silver flash flashed, and the two people standing awkwardly next to it suffered the same fate.

They were being sliced ​​without even swinging their swords properly.

“There are a lot of them, you’re a ragtag.”

“It’s because I didn’t fight properly.”

Jenna swung the dagger in her left hand.

The blood from the dagger blade splattered on the bodies scattered below.

“Die! Please!”

A woman with scattered hair jumped at me.

She was holding a broken dagger in a torn dress.

I turned to my left to avoid the stab.

“We had a good life…!”


the woman fell

‘It’s terrible.’

After a siege, you should concentrate your firepower.

It’s not like we’re in a tournament, we’re fighting one by one.

They only watched from a distance, murmuring, and not even a handful of them actually came.

“Get out of the way if you don’t want to fight!”

Squeezing through the onlookers, Sisal and the vigilantes appeared.

Well-tightened armor straps and sparkling blades. They were the elite of Eunbyeol.

Even with the battle ahead, he showed no signs of panic.

It meant that I had experienced quite a number of real battles.

“A little over 50 people.”

Jenna whispered in her ear.

Sisal was looking at me, baring his molars.

“I should have recognized him since he was called a mad dog.”

Fighting here is annoying.

Heroes here can’t be all.

I winked at Jenna and Belquist.

The two nodded as if they understood my intentions.

“Now, wait, why are you here!”


Belquist, who led the way, blew off one of the men’s necks.

Belquist held his sword long and swung it left and right.



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The limbs of the heroes caught in the trajectory flew through the air.

“This, crazy…!”

“Break through! Go to the fort!”

[The occupation war has begun!]

[If you capture the object, you can temporarily export other heroes belonging to the ruins!]

The left side of the besieged position was breached.

They’re hukou who don’t even know how to fight anyway, but this much is easy.

“That can’t be!”


A transparent wall blocked my eyes.

Adylan’s defense magic.

“I can’t.”

I gathered all my strength and swung my sword.

Cheng Kang!

The walls shattered with the sound of breaking windows.

I threw away the broken sword and took a spare sword from Belquist.

“Eat the fort. Belquist, lead. I’m in the middle. Jenna, you take the one coming from behind.”

“Old write!”

Jenna’s hand moved, leaving an afterimage.

Several arrows per second were scattered from the shortbow toward the vigilantes in the rear.

ping! Ping ping ping!

Some of the heroes hit by blind arrows fell to the ground.

“Contact the fortress! Lock the gates and send troops up!”


I hit him with my left hand as he screamed and ran towards me.

He fell on his face, bleeding from his nose.


“I know.”

Heroes belonging to Eunbyeol were descending from the slope leading up to Crystal.

Only dozens of them.

And that wasn’t all.

‘It was so crazy.’

I looked around.

Heroes were moving in the port outside the field.

<Han, strange people are coming here!>

The pilot’s voice rang out.

The Lucette is also calling there.

I put my hand over my ear.

“Launch the airship and send it this way.”

<By the way, what happened? They were kind people!>

“Leave driving with steering. Grab a cannon and shoot all the bastards that come along.”

<Yes? What kind of dog pooping sound is that… … !>

“Are recruits supposed to talk back? Do you want to take a blood poop?”

<Sorry, sorry! I’ll start right away!>


The Lucette, which had stopped at the dock, began to rise.


Fire erupted from the Lucette’s muzzle.

Some of the heroes on their way to the docks turned to ashes and disappeared.

The bodies that Belquist had disposed of rolled down the hill.

A giant crystal and a castle wall surrounding it were visible over the hill.

‘Did I finish the defense already?’

Cannons and ballistas are aiming this way from above the fort.

It was the momentum to shoot as soon as it reached the range.

“Uh, oppa! They’re going somewhere strange!”

Jenna pointed to the dock.

In the corner of the dock, three medium-sized airships were rising into the air.

A combat ship armed with ironclad armor and cannons.

However, the direction of the bow is in the opposite direction.

They were moving out of the ruins.

‘I’m going to hit the main camp.’

The attack location is Amkena’s waiting room.

‘This is why I hate herbivores.’

I only need to stick to the ruins, but I dare to drag it out into an all-out war.

Perhaps this fight won’t end with taking over the ruins.

They’re going to avenge their enemies, and they’re going to attack our headquarters.

There was only one way.

As always, to dry the seeds,

pop! Puffup!

An airship of Eunbyeol, which was advancing outside the fortress, crashed while spewing fire. It wasn’t Lucette’s fault.

I’m here again

The hyenas hovering near the ruins looking for an opportunity.

It was a fleet of PVP users.


Eunbyul’s second airship exploded.

I was attacked out of nowhere from the side, so I didn’t have the ability to hold on.

They were indiscriminately firing at even the evacuation airships that were fleeing from the ruins.

The gate to the left of the fort was opened, and the troops on horseback hurriedly rushed out.

They were galloping in the direction of the harbour, not even looking at us.

I guess so.

If they land, things become a lot more troublesome.

not one to one,

When it comes to one-to-one,

Because it becomes an unpredictable melee.

‘But, that’s their problem.’

With her lower body lowered, Jenna pulled the string of the longbow to its limit.

A large steel arrow was wound around the bowstring.

Jenna’s eyes glowed red.

[Unique skill, ‘Steel Storm’ activated!]


The wind seemed to be entangled in the arrowhead, and the arrow jumped out at a terrifying speed.

Supersonic sniping with the power of wind.

A light shockwave hit me in the face.

A steel arrow 70 cm long and weighing nearly 10 kg drew an arc.


Some of the horsemen who rode in the lead were cut to pieces and disappeared along with the horses.

The dead bodies of horses and people soared several meters high.

“All right. Let’s go now!”

Jenna put the longbow on her back.

The disorganized cavalry fell like straw.

‘I have to be at this level to work with me.’

I smiled and moved to the fort.

Zena’s aiming shot had already surpassed the level of a ballista, and was similar to that of a cannon.

“Take care of them first!”

A rattlesnake could be heard from the ramparts above the fort.

It seems that you drew the enemy’s attention with the arrow you just shot.

Archers’ bows, ballistas, and cannons were aimed at this side.


A large arrow was fired from the ballista.


Belquist lowered his sword.

The ballista arrows, split exactly in half, flew sideways.

Then one of the cannons that was about to fire exploded.

Jenna stuck an arrow into the muzzle just before firing.

“Go first.”

Belquist dodged the arrows like a ghost and stuck to the fortress wall.

And he jumped vertically up the wall.

Soon after, corpses began to rain down from the walls.

“I’ll go too!”

Zena also jumped up while kicking alternately between the wall and the air.


I looked up.

The Lucette, which caught up with her, was floating in the sky.

<Hey… … They are human beings like us, right? Well, it’s not like you took a strange drug or developed supernatural powers, right?>

This kid is noisy.

<Can I stay here?>

“It’s a piece of shit. Grab the scope.”

<No, you seem to be doing well on your own… … .>

I moved sideways.

Where I was, the corpses of soldiers fell in heaps.

The fort’s defenders paid no attention to the Lucette.

Because there were only two people sweeping the inside of the fort without mercy.

“Shoot the castle gate. Go in.”


There was a coughing sound.

<The two of you are going up, but it’s no wonder that you can’t go up… … .>


<No way, really?>

“What’s your name?”


As the Lucette’s muzzle spewed fire, a small hole was opened on one side of the castle gate.

<Ahaha, I’ll cover you!>

The Lucette gained altitude.

‘That’s a funny guy, that.’

I grabbed the small hole with my hand and opened it.

The wooden planks lined with steel had cracked open.

I moved there Numerous troops were coming and going inside the fortress.

Reinforcements poured in non-stop from the building inside.

It must be Adilang’s work.

It seems that the personnel were supplied through the dimensional portal.

The estimated level of these guys is 10s to 20s.

Didn’t even get proper training.

It just increased the number.

‘Still, there will be a thousand people.’

Are you trying to buy time for the vigilantes to come?

“Stop it! Stop it at all costs!”

A young man dressed as a vigilante is shouting from the watchtower on the second floor.

I jumped up in an instant as I spurred on the railings of the nearby walls, buildings and watchtowers.



Then, grabbing the scruff of the neck, the creature stopped breathing in one second and died instantly.

I stood on the watchtower and looked around.

Jenna and Belquist are sweeping the troops on the wall like a broom.

<Hahahaha! You hypocrites! It worked!>

Through the cracks in the open gates, the scenery of the port was peeped out.

It burns with smoke.

Dozens of armed heroes dismounted from airships with red flags.

<Equality? peace? X is peeling!>

<Kha! That sounds good to hear!>

I saw the steep cliffs behind the fort.

An airship was built on top of the cliff, and heroes with swords and spears were coming down from the bottom of the fortress.

Of course, there was no way he belonged to Eunbyeol.

‘It wasn’t just one person.’

bang! Kwak Kwa Kwak!

The distant sound of gunfire tickled my ears.

It seems that a fleet battle has taken place somewhere.

‘Hunters must be feverish.’

It seems to have caught me.

With momentum filling the entire ruins field, an airship with looters on board was landing on the ground.

They came towards the crystal, killing all who caught their eye.

this is normal

The remains should be like this.

They didn’t fold, they were peeking at an opportunity.

‘It’s not one-on-one… … .’

How many?

I don’t know.


I bent my neck sideways.

An arrow grazed his cheek.


Outside the fort, an archer who was coming down the cliff fired at me.

If you received a gift, you must reciprocate.

I got into a windup stance and threw the dagger.

The dagger blade was lodged in the forehead of an archer who was a hundred meters away.

‘of course… … .’

We are the ones who win.

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