Overpowered Sword Chapter 298

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Level up with swords (298)

Leon-style Mind-Blade

Solitary star light


A ray of starlight spreads out and splits the wall of darkness.

Even though it was a wall, its essence was a collection of gravity through which not even light could escape, but it was meaningless in front of <Heart Sword>.

Even if you bring a real black hole, you can’t win against the light that ‘goes through anything’. Just like 〈Heart Sword〉, you can only become equal once you step into the transcendental realm.

It was because of this that Leon was able to struggle against Vritra until now.

“omg… ! Huh… !”

My lungs are shrinking.

My muscles burn, my bones creak.

Flying quickly on the “Icarus Wing,” Leon straightened his vision, which was constantly losing focus.

[Come to your senses. The fatigue you are feeling right now is not physical. Your body still has room left.]

‘… ‘It’s a matter of strength of mind.’


El Cid said.

[〈Heart Sword〉 is literally the sword of the heart. You don’t need stamina or auras to wield it. As long as it satisfies the minimum required for development, that is enough.]

Nevertheless, warriors who reached the transcendental state could not use their mind and sword unlimitedly. Even if you don’t use stamina or aura, there is something that is consumed in exchange for the mind sword.

It is mental power (Willpower).

Ordinary people would tilt their heads at that statement, but for warriors who have reached the level of an Aura Master and whose mind body has become unified, even if one of the three elements is missing, it will have a negative impact on the other two elements.

It would have been possible to achieve balance if both the body and aura were consumed, but the sword of the mind completely consumed only mental power.


As if not giving him any time to catch his breath, the light of destruction was aimed at Leon once again.

〈Photon Ray〉.

Like a prism, dozens of rays of light that change into all kinds of colors depending on the angle extend out, dancing as if surrounding the entire area. Of course, it was impossible to avoid the light rushing at the speed of light.

This time, I brought down the holy sword once again and cut down the <Photon Ray>, and the diffuse reflection of light that was tearing up the entire place stopped.

“Ugh… !”

In an instant, the wings fluttering behind Leon’s back suddenly disappeared and his body fell down.

The rapid consumption is such that not even <Icarus Wing> can maintain it.

Leon barely regained his body’s balance, spun half a turn in the air and landed on the ground. The ground he had melted had not fully solidified and was flowing like lava, but he calmly prepared his battle stance on it.

It was then.

【Is it as expected?】

Vritra said without even hiding her relaxed expression.

【If you change the real world with your imagination, what you use in return will also be imagery. If you had been contemplating your thoughts for a long time like Kasim, you wouldn’t know it. Yours is so poor.】

“Is this something a guy who is so scared that he can’t even take a single step would say?”

【Unlike Rodrik, an ordinary man who was only chosen by her, is there any need for me to directly grab you?】

Leon laughed at those arrogant words.

“You coward.”

【… … what?】

“You were so scared of Roderick that you hid for a hundred years even after his death, so why can’t you even dare to deal with me directly, even though I’m far inferior to him?”

Before Vritra could refute his provocation, Leon fired off a few more sentences one beat ahead.

“You just said that. I’m just an ordinary person who was chosen by the goddess. Yes, exactly what you said. The situation is quite different from yours, who wasn’t even chosen. huh?”

【… … .】

“The Goddess said in that scripture. He loves those who are courageous and generous. But you are a coward who can’t even fight until the end, and you are the son of a bitch who made his world look like this.”

【… … .】

“Do you really think your disgusting obsession and possessiveness is love? Or didn’t you just have a hole in your brain as you accepted the devil’s power?”

From Leon’s point of view, it was a provocation to buy him time to recover, but it seemed to work better than expected.

Space is distorted around Vritra’s body.

The emotions that couldn’t be suppressed all overflowed, and the space that couldn’t hold them in was twisted like a twist.

Vritra finally took a step and growled.

【… I guess I only learned how to use that tongue, not the holy sword.】

The magic circle blinking behind my back increases in number.

A salvo of ultimate magic.

Unlike what has been written so far, it is a combination method that is integrated into one type and does not cause any problems even if it occurs at the same time. The method of canceling out a single magic circle with a single slash no longer works.

Leon noticed this and narrowed his eyes.

【I swear. I will make sure to bring you down alive, first pull out his tongue, and then cut off his head.】

The killing intent transmitted through mental waves momentarily caused dizziness, and Leon’s posture was slightly disturbed.

Vritra’s wave offensive has begun again.


The sword swung with a half-beat difference cuts off “Hell Fire” and burns away along with a few strands of hair.

That’s not all.

A chain of attack magic with no elements that could legally interfere with each other, solely to destroy the enemy. A type of linked magic that can even create synergy in some areas.

[2 seconds. If you don’t fight back, you die.]

It was just as El Cid said.

As soon as the momentum is taken away by <Hell Fire>, my ankles are tied up in space, and I am surrounded from all directions by a type of magical attack whose details are completely unknown from beginning to end.

There were too many of them and not enough mental strength to offset them one by one.

The fight that can be fought with just the basics ends here.




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Solitary star light

Starlight flowed gently over the holy sword, and Leon turned his upper body as if to shake off the Shinigami’s scythe that was touching the nape of his neck.

In a world where all vision was colored in black and white, he felt something that could only be called fate. Why did El Cid teach him the ‘Seven Star Sword’, out of all the sword techniques? Why did Leon think of ‘Star’ in the form of a heart sword that can extend infinitely?

Is it coincidence or inevitable?

To sum it all up, it was just fate.

Grand Chariot

Yeon-sik’s five righteousnesses

The speed of the mind is faster than the speed of light, and even continuity surpasses time and space.

Immediate movement of the heart.

The sword swung three times in an instant, causing a cluster of stars to bloom.

Hocheon Triple Star

Three stars rise from the starlight-stained blade, shattering the magical storm pouring out in front.

A flame that burns everything.

A flash of light that freezes time.

The wedge of space that was about to return behind the back.

The ultimate magic, which even archmages would have to struggle with to understand a single line of formula, was cut into pieces like a picture drawn on drawing paper and returned to nothingness.

Leon looked behind him at Vritra, whose eyes were wide open.

‘This moment is the first and last opportunity!’

Unfolding 〈Seven-Star Sword〉 with 〈Independent Holy Light〉 was easier to succeed than expected. I couldn’t get a feel for <Sun Sword>, but maybe it was because of the commonality of ‘stars’.

If he had used this power a long time ago, Leon would have been able to do better. He may have hurt Vritra quite a bit, and may have staged a fight that looked like a whistle.

But that was far from enough.

‘There’s no way that sneaky lizard would be fooled by a technique he’s seen even once. ‘This is where it ends!’

The reason I continued to use only the basics, even when my mental strength was exhausted, was to catch the guy off guard. His ultimate magic was clearly powerful, but it was not the best for Vritra.

The man who secretly acts as the archbishop of an evil cult is a monster who is skilled not only in ‘Foreign Law’ but also in all kinds of tricks.

If you can’t overthrow it once, there won’t be a second time.

Grand Chariot

Before the starlight of <Hocheon Samyeonseong> had completely faded, Leon’s sword began drawing constellations again.

“Off… Ugh.”

A fishy smell fills my mouth due to the blood rising to my throat.

The mental power that has revealed its bottom hurts the body and reduces its vitality to the point of pulling out its marrow.

Leon’s eyes were stained red with bloodshot eyes.

Kill with one blow.

If you don’t give it your all, you can’t win!

Yeon-sik’s five righteousnesses

Five-star wheel vehicle

Even though his whole body is shaking, he calmly draws a circle with his sword, completing the four previous sword strikes.

A starlight chariot that can break through and advance through anything.

〈Five-Star Wheeler〉 advanced towards Vritra.

The process took dozens of sentences to explain in words, but in reality, it happened in less than a comma second. A blow that pierces through a split-second gap when Vritra uses her ultimate magic with all her might, unable to overcome the odds.

Vritra, whose eyes were wide in astonishment, was swallowed up by starlight.


Heaven and earth are shaking.

One wall of the crater burst open and soared into the air, scattering even the clouds in its wake.

Leon couldn’t confirm that.

No, I couldn’t confirm.


Leon, who barely managed to not fall after sinking the holy sword into the ground, spewed out bright red blood. I’m continuing to recover from the ‘Guardian’s Stigmata’, but I can’t keep up with the wear and tear.

〈Simgeom〉 was not enough, so I used Yeonshikoui twice.

Among them, <Five-Star Wheeler> was the strongest and greatest sword technique that Leon could use right now, so if he couldn’t defeat him even with this, his chances of winning were not even a dime.


From within the wall devastated by the Five-Star Wheeler, the guy walked out.

【It may not be comparable to Rodrik’s sword, but it has surpassed the minimum limit for calling oneself a hero.】

It wasn’t to the point of being a complete wreck, but his appearance was also a mess in many ways. As he was compressed to 3 meters, his muscle density and skeletal strength, which had increased several times, could not withstand it, and one of his arms flew off, leaving the amputated surface clearly exposed.

It was difficult to find intact parts of the shiny black scales, and the horns also had several cracks.


“shit… .”

It was a sight that Leon could not help but feel dark in front of.

The attack he attempted a moment ago is the strongest hand he can inflict. At the point when I failed, all my winning spirit disappeared, and I had to face what would be Vritra’s last attack while exhausted.

That’s it.

As if declaring that reality, he took a step forward.

【For a final struggle, it was a pretty good blow.】

Don’t give up until the end.

As Leon leisurely faced death approaching him, he strengthened his grip on the hilt of his sword. It was difficult to even lift it, let alone swing it, but it is the fate of a warrior to fight until his last breath.

It was exactly twenty steps.

As if mocking his defeat, the presence of the guy slowly approaching, one step at a time, pressed down on Leon, who was already struggling to stand, and made him stagger.

【Don’t be sad. You fought well. She will cry for you. It is truly an enviable thing.】

At the tenth step, it stopped.

Leon was desperate.

There was still not enough time and strength to deliver the final blow. If you come a little closer, you can try Donggwijin. According to the feeling I felt before exhaustion, the battlefield was tilting toward the Allied forces’ superiority.

If only Vritra can be defeated somehow, humanity will survive.

However, because Leon was defeated, humanity will be destroyed.

‘Shit, shit, shit, shit shit shit——… !’

I asked you to trust me, but what kind of disgrace is this?

Leon whipped himself with such anger that his eyes turned bright red.

Stand up, grab your sword, and cut him down.

Sparks fly from the nervous system, which has already been pushed past its breaking point, and the body, which had been paralyzed by intense pain, becomes numb. Still, time was running out. I need 15 seconds, no, 10 more seconds.

【Like I said before, I will rip out your tongue and slit your throat.】

The darkness extending from Vritra’s body grabbed the nape of his neck, blocking his airway and carotid artery.


I foresee a future in which my neck bones will be crushed. Leon concentrated desperately to raise the hilt of his sword, but his forearm muscles flinched, unable to move an inch, foretelling a pathetic, even fatal death.

The tongue is dragged out from the mouth that is forcibly opened.

Nevertheless, Leon did not close his eyes,

‘… … uh?’

I saw an illusion of someone very familiar who suddenly fell behind Vritra.

It was right after that.


The hammer fell into the back of Vritra’s head with a tremendous roar, and Seongcheolsae trembled from the recoil.

The amount of impact is enough to crush a cliff with a single blow.

However, not a single scale was removed from Vritra’s body, which was imbued with the power of ‘Reverse Heaven’. Although a very small level of impact was barely delivered, it cannot be said to be an effective hit.

【… She is the maid she chose herself.】

Vritra looked back with an expressionless face and examined Ellahan’s features, which bore a strong resemblance to the goddess.

Was it thanks to that?

Some of the power contained in Vritra’s hand gestures drained away.


Ellahan’s body, which reflexively lifted the Seongcheolsae, fell on one side of the wall. Despite the shock absorption of the <Sacred Barrier>, more than half of the armor is damaged, and the amplification rate of divine power is drastically reduced.

Still, it is possible to continue the battle.

Ellahan stood up, spitting out the blood that had accumulated in his mouth.

Vritra looked at that as if it was laughable.

【Are you planning to kick away the mercy this body has shown you?】

“Shut up, leader of heresy!”

Ellahan said while squinting at Leon, who was completely injured.

“The virtue of mercy is not something light enough for someone like you to mention it. “You were born as a great race, but you abandoned that grace and became tainted by evil!”

【… The little creatures are truly playing with my tongue lightly.】

As Vritra’s murderous intent swelled, Ellahan unconsciously took a step back and swallowed dry saliva.

It was a pity that I couldn’t use <Jeongbeop> just now.

As soon as I saw Leon’s crisis, I immediately rushed in, so I couldn’t use techniques that required preparation time like <Jeongbeop>.

‘Still, if you hold out until the hero regains his strength… ‘

Her duty as a saint has been fulfilled.

Elahan, prepared to die, tries to take another step,

“—You’re a saint, you’ve grown to that level in just 300 years.”

Someone’s deep voice rang out from the sky.

At that voice, Vritra’s face stiffened a little.

It had to be that way.

The dragon race does not forget. It must be the owner of the voice that was engraved in his memory and that rang out now.

Cheonrangshinpungak (天狼迅風脚)

Decisive battle

Storm and Thunder Strike

As if leaping through space, the wolf that brought the storm plunged its fore heel into the center of Vritra’s torso.


A heavy, dull sound erupted, as if a lump of metal had been kicked, rather than something alive.

Vritra, who had been pushed forward about 20 meters while standing, growled.

【You are a dead bug! The dog that Roderick raised. I didn’t know that he still hasn’t let go of that miserable life.】

“At least I didn’t run away and die like someone else did.”

Hackapell, who pushed away Vritra, grinned and sneered.

“I heard that foxes are restless in places where there are no tigers. There is nothing wrong with the old saying.”

【Shut up!】


Unlike Ellahan, Hakapel, who did not waver in the face of the fury, just stood there and pointed his finger at the top of his head.

Leon and Ellahan followed his fingers and looked up.


“… … under.”

Leon, who laughed involuntarily, stood up.

It was an awkward situation where I couldn’t stand.

Dozens of familiar and unfamiliar faces lined up on the edge of the crater were looking down at them.

A warrior is someone who must become stronger in front of people.

You must not show your weakness in front of the people you must protect and save. Additionally, the time gained with the help of Ellahan and Hackapel restored a minimum of strength.

【You’re annoying, you bastards.】

Vritra, who, like them, saw the uninvited guest, said.

From affiliation to race, these were truly complex aspects.

Karen, Rodelin, Tyrone, Astrid, Cedric.

Adella, Irexana, Buried.

Vulcan, Sarunga, Galek.

Strong people, each and every one of whom can leave their mark on continental history. Despite facing all of them, Breitra showed no reaction beyond the fact that the number of troublesome things had increased.

【You guys are not even qualified to intervene in this fight.】

Vritra sentenced.

【Stand there and watch your hopes crumble in my hands!】

Inside his body, black and sticky darkness like tar created a hemispherical barrier at a speed that no one could cope with.

It was the power symbolizing the Demon King, <Yeokcheon>.

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