Overpowered Sword Chapter 246

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Level up with swords (246)


All living creatures within a radius of several kilometers could see nothing and hear nothing at that moment.

Because it was on a different level.

As the two forces collided in a realm that mortals cannot perceive, only the aftermath remained, pouring down from the higher dimension to the lower dimension.

〈The Serpent of the Apocalypse〉 and 〈Gwangcheon Constellation〉.

Originally, it was a fight in which <Serpent of the Apocalypse> could have been unilaterally overpowered, but several variables balanced the scales of the two forces on equal footing.

The first is that the power summoned by Mors was only a few pieces of flesh compared to the main body of ‘Chrome Doub’. The second is that the world’s own defense function put its power into the <Gwangcheonsa Constellation> and directly opposed the invasion from an external dimension.

The light of Divine Punishment also burned fiercely within Leon’s body, encouraging him to defeat that monster.

‘I did it this far… ‘It’s barely a whistle!’

Leon felt his entire internal organs being turned upside down by the pressure coming from his grasp, and he barely swallowed the blood that rose up to his throat. He didn’t even have time to vomit or spit out blood.

Leon, who did not reach transcendence, lost all five senses like everyone else, but because he was in a state of unity with the <Light Angel Constellation>, he could only read its flow.

When the light that falls from the triangular pyramid bitten by the <Snake of the Apocalypse> falls, it cuts a large hole somewhere, creating a huge pit.

The blood that overflowed from the spot where the Light Angel Constellation was pierced even penetrated the mantle, erasing tens of tons of soil with just a few drops.

It is a literal natural disaster.

[Is existence itself the embodiment of the concept of reducing existence to nothingness? Maybe the body of ‘Chrome Doub’ is closer to a cosmic-scale black hole.]

El Cid muttered something while looking at it, but Leon had no time to listen to what he said.

If you lose even an ounce of concentration, it’s over. My mind, refined like a blade made of glass, continued to sharpen the edge of the ‘Gwangcheon Constellation’.



An extremely ominous auditory hallucination passed through my mind.

It wasn’t a physical sound.

Leon simply sensed the danger signal by hearing that the structure of the Light Angel Constellation was becoming increasingly unstable.

‘no! Not yet, not yet! I have to hold on for at least 5 more minutes… !’

〈The Serpent of the End〉 and 〈Gwangcheon Constellation〉 were still opposing each other.

Light cuts away darkness, and darkness swallows up light. It was a phenomenon closer to pair annihilation than cancellation. If the ranks are equal, then victory or defeat is determined by the scale of power.

Leon somehow managed to hold on to the scale, but the weight he was forced to raise accelerated his exhaustion and increased the burden.

If this continues, the balance will collapse within 15 seconds.

〈Snake of the End〉 will devour 〈Light Angel Constellation〉, destroy him, and then reduce the rest of the party to nothingness.


I thought that wasn’t enough.


Someone says

It is said that a person’s potential is awakened only when he or she faces a crisis.

Someone says

It is said that only when you reach the border of life and death can you see the other side.

In a world where countless people were dying without even meeting that moment, Leon grabbed a strand of thread. The end of a thread so thin and thin that he didn’t even know he was holding it.

[Yes, focus on that feeling.]

The only thing that remained in Leon’s mind, as he fell into a trance, was the feeling of the sword hilt writhing as if it was going to tear his hands apart, and the voice of an unknown person.

There are a total of 7 meanings of 〈Seven Star Sword〉.

Although you are already familiar with the cardinal formulas and usage, there are only four that you can properly understand and use.

So far, that has certainly been the case.

[Move your wrists and elbows as if they are one with the sword. If you do not break down the boundary between inside and outside the body, you will not be able to reach the circle. Just as there is no distinction between the starting point and the ending point in the drawn circle, the flow of the sword should also circulate perfectly.]

You must rotate your sword power without losing a penny.

Physically impossible rotation adds centrifugal force, amplifying the force even more powerfully.

That was the 6th form of the 〈Seven-Star Sword〉, 〈Mizar〉.

Grand Chariot

The sword moves gently in a circle.

The tip of the triangular pyramid of the Light Angel Constellation rotated, and as the rotation continued several times, the speed and power increased.

As the form that had been gradually collapsing due to the <Serpent of the Apocalypse> became clear and emitted a brilliant light, the darkness took a step back, giving up a few meters of space.

That was the beginning.

Yeon-sik’s five righteousnesses

Five-star wheel vehicle

The Yeonshikoui, which went beyond <Gwangcheonsa Constellation>, revealed its power.

Quad deuk!

Once again, an auditory hallucination came from Leon’s head.

But this sound did not feel ominous. No, in some ways it could be said to be a victory.

Morse must have heard that, too, as he screamed.

—That can’t be possible, that can’t be possible! There is no way that the god who reigns over this crude world, whose servants can surpass the power of ‘Chrome Doub’… !

Reality is always cruel.

It presses on the truth that they don’t want to admit, and passes it by before the person who faces it can complete their resolution.

Morse was no exception.

Suddenly, the rotation speed reached an absurd level, and the tip of the light, which appeared to be cylindrical, pierced the darkness. The Serpent of the Apocalypse’s head flew off along with its gaping maw.

Although it had the shape of a snake, it wasn’t really alive, so it couldn’t have faced death.

“――Mo, rusuuuu!!”

Leon jumped out through the darkness and cried out loudly.

<Serpent of the Apocalypse> borrows some of the power of ‘Chrome Dub’. Once it was offset, that was it.

Morse, whose trump card was overturned, was defenseless.



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Naturally, the cost of the summoning was enormous, and his body, which was about 10 meters long, had shrunk to 3 meters. With only about a thousand souls remaining at most, if that attack was allowed-

—It can’t end here! I can’t be blocked by poor people who don’t understand my pain and despair!

Hundreds of tentacles, shells of unknown material, and dozens of layers of translucent protective shields rise to form a defense.

A defensive posture that is even desperate.

When Leon saw that, he became even more angry and swung his sword.

“Your life is so precious! “How many people have you killed so far, you scum!”

As if in response to that anger, the Five-Star Wheeler gave its final spurs and crashed into the wall of outer law surrounding Morse.

Damn it!

The defense, which can withstand even the combined attacks of eight masters for several minutes, shatters like thin ice as soon as it hits the <Five Star Wheel Gear>.

The final blow.

Breaking through the disgusting wall of tentacles and carapace, I saw Morse with a pale face beyond. Leon summoned up what little strength he had left and held out his holy sword.

The light of Divine Punishment and the strengthening of <Corona> were all used up.

All that was left to him now was the inertia of the moment when he rushed into the <Wiseong Jeon-Ryeongeo>!


Like a fired arrow.

Leon’s sword fell from the air and pierced Morse’s heart exactly, protruding from his back.

Holy sword El Cid.

A natural enemy of foreign law, symbolizing the natural order of this world.


Letting out a scream that was beyond human words, Morse rolled backwards as if running away from the holy sword that pierced his body.

Still, it was already too late.

The body begins to collapse from the heart that was pierced by the holy sword.

As the ectoplasm melts or solidifies, its volume gradually decreases, and as the liberated souls ascend to the sky, they emit a soft light. Morse, who was lying on the ground with all his limbs gone, cursed Leon.

—I, my strength, my authority, disappear. You, a scum like you, a scum that doubts my life, a scum I’ve never even seen… !

“I told you.”

Leon didn’t even have the strength to stand on his own two legs, so he sat down and looked down at Morse.

Just like he did before.

Without an ounce of mercy, only contempt.

He laughed at the sinner who should be sent to hell forever.

“I will absolutely destroy you.”

I will watch until the end.

I didn’t even have the strength left to lift the sword, let alone swing it, but I had to make sure that Morse was dead.

Leon opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

[…] … ok?]

‘huh? what’s the matter?’

It was then.

Damn it.

At the halfway point between Leon and Mors, an unstable dimensional gap suddenly appeared. Was it because an enormous amount of force was shaken when 〈The Serpent of the End〉 and 〈Wiseong Wheeler〉 collided?

The polluted land and air may have collapsed the dimensional barrier due to the power of ‘Chrome Doub’.

It was no big deal. If left alone, the dimensional self-cleaning power will repair the crack within a few minutes.

[No, why are you so unlucky?!]

However, this timing could only be called bad luck.

—Heh, heh, heh heh! Fate is finally helping me!

Morse started crawling through the crack without hesitation.

If I stayed here, I would die.

“You damn bastard, you’re going to be miserable until the end… !”

Leon grabbed the holy sword to block it, but he didn’t even have the strength left to lift it, so he just kept sharpening it.

The problem was that a dimensional crack appeared in the middle.

Even if you throw the holy sword, it will be blocked by that crack and you won’t be able to reach it.

When I thought I was going to lose the guy who caught everyone like this.


Leon reflexively turned in the direction where the voice came from and managed to catch the object thrown from Ellahan.

It was an amulet given by Grania.

‘Did you drop it while fighting the <Dead Spirit King>?’

An artifact whose existence had even been forgotten, not knowing that the string had been broken after several fierce battles. It was a magic tool that was used twice and only the third 8th level magic was left.

“… “As for timing.”

Is it really a coincidence that the amulet, whose weight Leon could barely throw, returned at this very moment?

Cause and effect retribution.

Sapilgwijeong (事必歸正).

Even in an age when it became natural for people to not believe in encouraging good and punishing evil, overthrowing evil was always justice. Leon lifted his arm, feeling the weight of the amulet in his grasp.


“Arcane, burst.”

He recited the third magic starter word and threw the amulet towards Mors, who had reached the threshold of the crack.

Grania said.

Although it works in a narrow range, it can kill anyone.


The amulet that fell in the middle of the dimensional crack vibrated once.

It was right after that.


The space centered on the amulet was distorted.

Starting from the 8th level magic, it is one step closer to transcendence, and although it is one level below the level, spatial magic can also interfere with it.

The dimensional crack closes forcibly and I am sucked in.

Morse, who had been crawling like an earthworm, also rose into the air.

—What, what is it? How can the Holy Sword Hero use 8th level magic!?

“You still don’t know.”

Leon said while watching the ugly struggle.

“That artifact is Lord Grania’s, the one you corrupted your best disciple and stabbed in the back.”


“I think I was mistaken earlier. Your death is neither unfortunate nor unreasonable. You will die, weighed down by your own karma. “No need to blame anyone, just blame yourself.”

Morse could not even refute his assertion.

—… !

Because the moment the guy was about to spit out a few curses with his ugly, distorted face, an <Arcane Burst> appeared.

A space with a radius of several meters contracted and expanded.

So what about the contents that were sucked into it?


The shattered remains of Morse were scattered.

Ectoplasm is a materialized form of the soul. Morse’s soul, which was shattered along with the ectoplasm, was not even allowed to reincarnate and disappeared without a trace.

It was a vain end for a wicked man who enthroned the ‘Light Emperor’ and stained the Clyde Empire with blood and death.

“end… is it.”

Even after waiting a few more minutes, the remains of the ectoplasm did not move. The scattered debris, even the largest pieces smaller than the palm of one’s hand, soon became transparent and lost their substance.

Existing at the border between material and immaterial required an axis that would allow it to continue to exist in that state.

The existence of the <Death King> was the very axis, but since Morse, the core part, also disappeared, there was no way for him to remain.


Even after resting for nearly 10 minutes, when I stand up, I start to stumble as if a joint has been removed from my knee.

It was such a tough fight.

Reaching 5 consecutive hits with the Seven Star Sword was a great achievement, but for the time being, it would be difficult to even pull myself together. Leon, who managed to stand up, looked back at the others.

For some reason, they were looking in one direction.

Leon also naturally saw the intersection of those gazes.

“… … her?”

Leon’s eyes widened when he saw something unexpected.

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