Overpowered Sword Chapter 149

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Level up with swords (149)

After Hackapell fell asleep, Leon and Varg left the cave without saying a word. By the time they returned to the barracks built in the center of the rocky mountain peak, the sun had already set.

Sunset sky.

The sun sets on the western horizon, dyeing the surrounding area red. Just as beautiful flowers have no choice but to fall someday, the rising sun also has no choice but to sink someday.

This fact, which was so obvious, made my heart sink today.

“… “You are, is that right?”

From behind Leon, who was watching the sunset, Varg asked cautiously. His instincts were calm now, but you never know.

Leon smiled awkwardly when he saw that reaction.

“Yes, it is me. “Are you very surprised?”

“It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t surprised.”

Varg admitted obediently, then opened his eyes like lanterns, half in excitement and half in awe.

“I don’t know how he did it, but the person who was moving your body just a moment ago… Is it ‘him’ by any chance?”

It was not something that could be rationally understood.

If we were to say that Leon imitated ‘him’, that would be dozens of times more likely.

But Barg’s sense was certain.

My consciousness only stayed for a moment, but there is no way there could be a being other than ‘him’ who made me realize the superiority and inferiority of absolute power. The blood flowing from within the body of the Fenrir tribe and the

“What you think is probably right.”

Leon casually agreed to that nonsense.

“I only borrowed my voice for a moment with the power of the holy sword, but this is without a doubt the Holy King Roderick.”

“… … Right.”

Varg said, touching his forehead with one hand.

“‘Previous disciple,’ now I finally understand the true meaning of that word.”

Although he acknowledged Leon as the sect leader, Barg was not convinced that he had called himself his immediate disciple.

How could a previous disciple appear from a shaman that was cut off more than 300 years ago? This was because it made no rational sense, regardless of whether you trusted it or not.

However, the moment he encountered the presence of Saint King Rodrik, Varg came to an intuitive realization.

Immediate disciple.

This means that Leon literally learned directly from Rodrik!

“I apologize again. For failing to trust your words, for daring to rebel against the lord. “There is no excuse either way.”

And then, Barg continued his conversation.

“Thank you. “It’s been more than five years since I remember my grandfather sleeping with such a peaceful face.”

“This is not the greeting I deserve.”

“No way.”

Varg said firmly, shaking his head from side to side.

“You are the one who brought him here and the one who came to me out of pure kindness. The qualifications are more than sufficient. “With Fenrir’s bloodline, I will definitely return this favor many times over.”

For the beast people, the oath that is tied to their blood is absolute.

If the position was that of a chieftain, he would have to take responsibility for his words, even if it meant giving up his life. Leon, who didn’t know much about the customs of the beast people, thought it was a stereotypical expression of gratitude.

Soon, Varg raised his head, which had been bowed as high as possible, and let out words that were stuck in his throat and were difficult to come out.

“Hmm, I know it’s shameless, but… .”

It was a story that had no choice but to be told.

“Is there a cure?”

Leon lowered his eyes without realizing it. That was something he asked El Cid before Barg did.

Beast King Hakapel.

Is it possible to restore his broken spirit?

The answer is.

[It is infinitely close to impossible.]

El Cid, who is synonymous with the Emperor of Destruction, denied hope in a low voice.

Cutting up the sky and tearing up the earth.

The dragon was subdued and the demon king was cut into pieces.

The man who easily defeated all the adversities and difficulties that existed in this world responded that Hackappel was now hopeless.

[There are three ways to bring him back to his senses.]

‘Are there three things?’

[Yes, the problem is that none of the three are realistic.]

El Cid explained in a dry manner.

[The first method is to personally touch the dog’s soul, excise the damaged part, and perform restoration work at an extremely fine level. This is probably something that no one but me can do.]

It is an acrobatic feat that cannot be imitated even by Kasim, the strongest man of the present era. It was something that could only succeed if you went beyond master and entered the next level of grandmaster.

If it was normal dementia, it wouldn’t be this hard.

Because that wasn’t the case, even El Cid was implicitly advising her to give up Hackapell’s treatment.

[The reason he fell into despair was because he went against natural law.]

Since El Cid could see through even the orders of a thousand people, I understood it immediately.

Hackapell has already reached the end of its lifespan.

Nevertheless, because he is alive and breathing, his body and mind become misaligned and he loses his sense of self. Her mind and body were all distracted trying to hold on to the spirit that was trying to escape her body.

El Cid already can’t use his power directly, but even if he tried to heal it, it would just break down again.

[The second way is to just accept death. Now, if I don’t force my soul, I won’t be able to last a few days, but I will be sane for those few days. Could it also be called a revolving light reflection?]

‘that… .’

[It’s probably not something you can do.]

There was no way their words could reach Hackapell, who had lost his sense of self, and from Barg’s point of view, it was no different from asking his grandson to persuade him to let his grandfather die.

There was no way I could choose.

[Finally, the third time, this is truly impossible.]



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[As a mortal reaches a level beyond his own frame, he can increase the limit of his lifespan. The only problem with the dog is that its lifespan has reached the end, so if it can be extended, it will be solved naturally.]

‘Wait a minute, you really mean that?!’

[It’s as you think.]

El Cid muttered without any expectations.

[If I enter this next level as a warrior, I will immediately regain my sanity.]

As Leon relayed those words, Varg’s eyes fell to the ground and he felt deep frustration.

“… “It means it’s impossible.”

It was a principle prevalent in the world, regardless of martial arts or civilization.

If you go beyond a certain level, it becomes more difficult to advance to the next level, it is difficult for an expert to improve more than a beginner, and there are many cases where people who face the wall of mastery are unable to advance beyond it even if they spend their whole lives honing themselves.

However, Hackapell was a superhuman who surpassed even the Master and was a few steps away from becoming the Grand Master.

To pioneer a state that you might not be able to reach even if you practice for hundreds or even a thousand years? It seemed more likely that a child playing house would be reborn as an Auror Master.

“I thought so. If it was a disease that could be overcome, there was no way my grandfather wouldn’t have been able to overcome it… .”

Varg looked at Leon with a bitter smile.

“Thank you, Jongju. “Please also show respect to King Seong.”

“Yes, I will.”

“If you go down the rocky mountain, Hathi will be waiting for you. Let’s go back to the dorm together and get some rest.”

With those words, their story ended.

Leon walked to the edge of the rocky mountain, leaving Barg, who looked even more tired, in the barracks.

Then I sat down at the edge and looked at the horizon.

The sun setting over Seosan Mountain became smaller and smaller.

The glow of the sunset flickers as if saying goodbye, and the faint starlight begins to become clearer. End of the day like always. I was looking at it quietly, without saying a word.

El Cid was like that too.

The two sat like that for a while.

* * *

It was the very next day.

The day dawned for the start of the tribal chiefs’ meeting, one of the few annual events on the prairie.

The day when the heads of the 12 tribes representing the beast people gather together.

The chiefs of each tribe cannot treat the issues decided at this meeting carelessly. Even the Juhwa faction must participate in the war when war is decided, and even the Juhwa faction must immediately put down their swords when peace is decided.

Boom! Boom!

A drum made from the skin of an unknown demonic beast rang.

Every time a procession of the 12 tribes entered, the sound of drums rang loudly, constantly lifting the spirits of those who heard it.

The regular rhythm creates a sense of unity and belonging.

A way to rub shoulders with neighbors you don’t even know and hum a song you’ve never heard before. The essence of primitive music was clearly revealed.

“Is that the Taurus tribe? “It looks like you can easily overcome 3 meters.”

Karen, who was watching the procession from the special seating area, said. She followed her gaze and, sure enough, beastmen with cow heads and muscular upper bodies were in the process of entering the entrance.

Just by looking at his bulging muscles and his height of over 3 meters, it was clear that his physical ability was extraordinary.

Taurus tribe.

If they were adults, they were strong enough to catch even trolls with their bare hands.


Ellahan, who was looking in a different direction from Karen, lightly tugged on his collar.

They were the Bastet tribe.

The cat-like fluttering tail, pointed ears, and flexible, curved body look sleek. The tribe was unilaterally defeated by Karen, but that was because the opponent was so bad, not because their skills were poor.

“… “There is no tribal leader?”

“Yes, and the person we took away is nowhere to be seen.”

“You wouldn’t be so inconsiderate that you would skip a meeting for the sake of saving face, but why?”


It was only for a moment that I was puzzled by the absence of Felice, the leader of the Bastet tribe. There were many other tribes that Leon and his party should pay attention to, and there were quite a few more impressive people than Felice in the 12-tribe procession.

Huracan, chief of the Tigris.

A guy who exudes more powerful energy than Hattie or Squall naturally stamped out the people around him.

‘He doesn’t look like a martial arts master. However, I feel like I am stronger than the expert level.’

It was a strength closer to that of an animal than that of a human.

The strength of a wild beast born as a predator, naturally wielding its innate strength and wild nature. Because it was a type he had never dealt with before, Leon felt an unknown interest.

Artificially refined movements are efficient, but animals that are faithful to their instincts sometimes show even more efficient movements.

“and! Foxes are very pretty. “I heard you’re good at using charms, so I don’t have to ask why.”


Karen exclaimed in admiration when she saw the fox beasts, the Renard tribe.

Leon reflexively looked in that direction and cleared his throat with an embarrassed expression. This is because most of the members of the Renard tribe were women, and they wore very provocative clothing.

Not only did he have thin and lithe limbs, but his languidly curved eyes looked as if they would melt anyone who met them once.

A long time ago, the legend that the Renard tribe, who had the power to protect the country, overthrew several countries, seemed to have some truth to it.

‘Renard, who appears to be the chieftain, has seven tails. Other people have five at most. Does the number in the tail have any meaning?’

Leon, who had seen the Renards out of the corner of his eye without the two of them knowing, realized the difference and became curious.

El Cid spoke as if he had been waiting.

[The tail of the Renard is a physical organ that proves the main power and life of the body. The greater the number, the more powerful and old Renard can be said to be.]

‘How many can it increase to?’

[9? The guy who played around in front of me and got beaten to dust was like that, and he was stronger than most masters.]

It’s stronger than you think.

Of course, there was an overall feeling of deterioration compared to when El Cid was alive, but Leon had no choice but to increase the power of the beastmen tribe, which he had knowingly or unknowingly underestimated, several levels higher.

The chieftain of the Naga family, who mastered the 7th level primitive magic, also did the same.

It was a level that the Great Desert’s power could never handle.

‘We must somehow prevent war at this meeting.’

Otherwise, the sand of the Great Desert will turn blood red.

Leon strengthened his resolve, but before he knew it, the entire procession entered the village and the chieftains walked out.

A very large round table installed in the middle of an empty lot.

The audience seats widely installed around it were designed to allow the tribesmen to watch the meeting and to clearly prove that there was no illegal interference in the decision-making.

Of course, the Beast King, Varg, was sitting at the head table.

“Please sit down.”

To the 10 tribal leaders who entered the meeting hall, Barg advised them to sit down without saying a word of greeting.

The noisy audience all falls silent.

A voice that stops even the wind passing through the air.

As if to prove his authority as the Beast King, the pressure emanating from Barg pressed down on the ten chieftains. Perhaps it was their first time being pressured like this, but the tribal leaders also had a look of embarrassment on their faces.

“Why are you doing this? Without sitting down.”

In a center of pressure where it was difficult to take a single step forward, the man who created it smiled coldly.

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