Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 859

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 859

<Merida Original – Trance>

Merida closed her eyes and rose into the sky. As she spread her arms, the landscape around her began to distort and change.


Three 3rd graders stood guard at once.

Suddenly, the spectators in the stands turned into stuffed animals and clapped their hands, and inside the stadium, buildings made of toy blocks or chocolate popped up.

In the gloomy sky dyed purple, colorful firecrackers exploded silently. giggle! Curry! Eerie laughter emanates from all directions.

“Hmm – it’s the dark magic that makes dreams come true.”

Sharie licked her lips.

“It’s terrifying.”

[Don’t be careless. Sharie.]

A calm voice flowed from the squirming monster in the school uniform.

Soon, doors opened all over the toy building, and a clockwork soldier without an arm, a stuffed animal with a torn head and cotton sticking out, and a stuffed toy with missing eyes began to scream and run.


The 3rd graders fired black magic all at once. Sharie summoned the specter wolf in the spirit space and released it around, and the 3rd year holding a scythe ran towards the doll unit and poured out sword energy indiscriminately.


When Pernomia raised her giant monster’s hand, blood exploded from all sides and the dolls exploded. But after that, the dolls came incessantly.

“There’s no end… wow!”

The 3rd grader who was moving forward wielding a scythe stepped on a tile on the floor. Suddenly, a spring popped out, sending his body into the air.

As if waiting, the mobile dolls floating in the sky flew with their mouths open.

“Damn it! There’s even a strange floor! Watch out!”

A third grader was swinging a scythe in the air to cut down dolls, but his gaze suddenly turned to one side.

“Wait! I see Merida over there!”

I noticed Merida slowly lowering to the ground with her eyes closed under the blanket. he cried, tearing her mouth open.

“I’m going to catch you!”

No matter how many small fish you catch, it doesn’t mean much. The key to this kind of black magic is to catch the sorcerer.

He seized the scythe in his hand and tore it apart. Holding it in both hands, which had turned into a short harvesting scythe, he turned on ‘Jet-Dark Body Eruption’ and charged.

Chow ah!


Each time his scythe was swung, half-moon-shaped blades spread out in all directions and slaughtered the dolls. After cutting through the waves of dolls several times, he finally reached the front of Merida.

“Is everyone watching? I got it…!”

But the moment he was about to swing the scythe.



As if waiting with the laughter of the fairies, Merida’s body soared into the air. Before she knew it, her body was on top of a tower made up of piles of storybooks.

I’m sorry-


The fairy tale books came out of the tower one by one and unfolded in the air, and the voice of an unknown boy began to resonate.

-Once upon a time there was a princess in a village…

– A hungry wolf smelled the child and came down from the forest.

– Mavali had a secret of her own that others did not know.

Several children’s books scrambled to raise their voices at the same time, as if begging them to read themselves. She gave the scythe-wielding 3rd grader the look of disgust.

“Are you even doing a mental attack! Hey!”


Suddenly, a princess in a wedding dress was wielding a large cleaver. A beast in a tuxedo attacked the back of the third grader who backed away from her.


The 3rd grader, who was retreating while cutting the head of the tuxedo beastman, suddenly stumbled and fell to one knee. The floor they were standing on fell off like an island.

Shoot ah- shoot ah!

The back side was seawater all around. This time the mermaids are seen standing up and waving or playing the harp.

“Your imagination is filthy rich! I can’t follow the flow of the story!”

Now the mermaids were charging at them, showing their teeth. The 3rd year gasped and swung the scythe.

“Mmm, Pernomia!”

Sharie, who was leading the pack of beasts possessed by the specter, hurriedly looked to the side and shouted. Before he knew it, all of his ghosts were being swallowed up by toys, or being caught and trapped in gift boxes.

“How about trying something?”

In the midst of the toys and dolls pouring in, Pernomia sighed.

[I can’t help it.]

Immediately after leaving that word, Pernomia soared into the air.

He grabbed the school uniform with his monstrous right arm and tore it apart. Numerous magic circles shone on the monster’s body, which was swarming with hideous tentacles.

<Pernomia Original – Blood Altar>

As he raised his arms, bloodstained scarecrows rose from the floor like trees and raised their arms in praise of him.

It’s like starting a ritual of something.

Soon, Pernomia’s body inflated like a balloon, and columns of blood spurted out in all directions. In that state, his body spun around. The toy city is cut, the tiles crack and turn into cliffs. Merida’s dolls spew cotton and disappear.

An ultra-wide precision cutting type blood flow magic. Floating in the air, he was splitting Merida’s toy world into thousands of pieces.

– Queek? gigg!

But at some point, a chimpanzee’s face popped out of the darkness. A form that floats around in the dark without a body.

The chimpanzee rolled his eyes and looked at Pernomia, then raised the corner of his mouth terribly.


Right after that, Pernomia had a premonition of her own end.


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Jjae ae ae-!

A pair of cymbals pushed in from the left and right collided with Pernomia’s body in the middle. With a roar, all the bloody scarecrows withered away, and Pernomia’s black magic stopped.

– Queek! Enjoy!

Soon, the cymbals opened, and Pernomia, in the form of a dried fish, fell helplessly. It was a form that was difficult to recognize.

It rolled on the floor a few times before getting stuck without moving.



At that moment, a human arm protruded from the flesh.

Boo-wook! Boo-wook!

Soon, his back completely cracked, and a boy in a black school uniform jumped out. With a pale face, he licked his lips.

“This was a new piece that I made pretty hard.”

Scratching his head, he raised his head. Chimpanzees squealed in anger, and several cymbals descended like pillars from the dark sky.

“You are covered in my blood.”

Pernomia raised her arms above her chest. Soon, she muttered, bending her ten fingers in different directions.



The blood that soaked the toy world gushed out as if it were alive again, causing a second explosion. The chimpanzee’s head fell to the floor, and all the cymbals that came down rolled helplessly across the floor.


Pernomia raised her head and looked around.

[Charrie Tenier has been eliminated.]

Sharie, who had collapsed on the floor, disappeared, buried among the dolls.

[Gilro Macton has been eliminated.]

The third grader, who was fighting with a scythe, fainted and was drowning in the sea while being hugged by mermaids with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, all of her colleagues were killed, and only Pernomia herself was left. He raised his head and looked at Merida, who was sleeping on top of a tower of storybooks.

“It won’t be possible to maintain this crazy dark magic for a long time, right? It will soon reach its limit.”

He put his hand over his chest and pretended to hold his heart. It seems like we can win by just dragging time, but then there is no point in an exchange match.

Tur fishing!

A frog’s face popped out of the subspace beneath his feet and swallowed Pernomia.

“But as a senior in the first year, I will fight until the end.”

<Summon Alter>

Soon, an unpleasantly human-like frog monster appeared.

It jumped upright with formidable leaping power using its hind legs, avoiding the attacks of the toys or parrying them with its body, moving toward Merida.

It was a bonus that blue blood explosions using the monster’s blue blood exploded in succession everywhere.


But it didn’t last long. My ankles were caught by countless toys, followed by Pierrot dolls that came out of the box and indiscriminately stabbed me in the back with daggers.

While the monster was dying, he opened his mouth and spat out Pernomia.

Fernomia, covered in saliva, did somersaults in the air.



As Pernomia beckoned, a new body appeared from the sky. The winged monster’s chest opened and swallowed Pernomia.

The flying monster dropped from a high altitude towards Merida, who was on the top of the fairy tale book tower, avoiding the pouring attacks.


Then, Merida, who had thought she was asleep, raised her right arm with her eyes still closed.

– The princess in red shoes danced forever.



The monster’s forehead was pierced by something. The heel of the shoe that suddenly came out of the darkness stabbed the monster like a needle.


One shoe from the other side also flew from behind and pierced the monster’s chest.

But at the last moment, the monster moved its tail to point towards Merida and fired an ‘egg’.

“Acting as if the sorcerer was in the chest or head-“


Soon after, the eggshell was broken and Pernomia’s arm came out.

“It’s the most basic technique.”

Fernomina, who landed behind Merida, fluttering her black school uniform, spread her palms. A red magic circle rose from her palm, and a red band formed on Merida’s body.

with it.


Merida struggled wildly and coughed up blood.

[Merida Hugh Ickel has been eliminated.]

As she fell, everything in the fairy tale world, including the fairy tale book tower they were in, turned gray and began to scatter.

“The talent is great, but it’s still a long way off.”

He laughed as he grabbed Merida’s hand as she was about to fall from the storybook tower.

“I think it was a good lesson…”


And with the intense snapping of fingers echoing in my head.

Suddenly the fairy tale changed to the next scene.


Pernomia was lying on the sand in the arena. He was lying on his back, shaking his arms and legs.


Something is strange.

He got up from his seat and looked around with blank eyes.

The third graders in the stands were either holding their foreheads or sighing as if they would not see.

His head turned to the side. The bodies of the chimeras he had just used were drooping.

The monster I wrote at the beginning, and even the frog and the flying monster.


Then, a small finger touched his cheek.

“Are you awake? Senior.”

Merida, who was squatting down, poked his cheek with her finger as if telling him to get up. He stared at the screen blankly.

<Merida Hugh Ickel: 21%>

<Pernomia Decius: 0%>

<Charriettenier: 0%>

<Gilo Macturn: 0%>

“I’ll end the match. Winner!”

Headquarters staff raised their arms.

“Merida Hugh Ickel! And the sophomore team!”


Cheers erupted from the crowd.

Merida turned her back, and Pernomia grabbed her hair as if she didn’t know what was going on.

Then, belatedly, he realized that he was caught in a sleep.

‘Where did the dream come from?’

He turned his head to find Charrier and Gilro Macton swaying on the dirt floor.

“Um- um- that much is useless. 2nd year!”

“Hahahaha! Pernomia got hit first, but I was the real ace! Take it!”

It was a sight that made my face turn red just by hearing it.

The second game was Merida’s victory.

* * *

With Merida’s landslide victory, the sophomore stands were almost festive.

“I won! I won!”

Mei Lin hopped and ran through the stands and hugged Kamavarez tightly.

“We beat the 3rd graders!”

“Yes, Mei Lin! We can do it too!”

In the midst of all the excitement and joy, d!ck smiled and crossed his arms.

“This is all a strategy victory. Did everyone feel the difference from the first game? Huh?”

Simon turned to d!ck.

“Did you have a strategy?”

“Of course! I taught Merida the winning strategy earlier.”

“Don’t lie. You were stopped by the guards again.”

“Because it’s real!”

“Ahaha, I believe, d!ck!”

In a friendly atmosphere, headquarters staff were preparing for the next game.

Moderator Conrad opened his mouth.

“Fairy tale and monster confrontation! It was a truly splendid and terrifying match! Then, let’s move on to the next match! The third and fourth matches are 1:1 individual competitions! Please come to the stadium if your name is called!”

If there was a lot of room for compatibility and strategy in the team match, this time it was really 1:1. It was just luck.

And the target of the third game is all students of each grade.

Anyone could come out, from Châtel Maer in second place to d!ck Hayward in last place.

The students started to mumble.

“Who will come out this time?”

“I hope it’s a battle between the Top 10 again.”

“Please avoid me…!”

This time, the headquarters staff picked the name of the third grader first. the moderator said.

“Alvaderin Heuio, 3rd year student! Please come out to the stadium!”

The third graders started to mumble. There was something odd about the atmosphere.


“Who is Albaderin?”

The second graders were equally perplexed. d!ck quickly glanced over the list, and the corners of his mouth went up.

“Wow, there’s a good chance of winning this time.”

“what’s the matter?”

“Alvaderin senior, I’m 115th overall.”

Considering that there are currently about 130 third-year students, they were first of all students in the middle or lower ranks.

Besides d!ck, I can see the flushed expression among the second years, as if such information was exchanged.

Of course, it’s 115th, but 3rd grade is 3rd grade.

I couldn’t be careless.

“Next is the second year.”

The abdominal staff pulled a new list from the snake and threw it into the sky.

At the following words, the sound of the sky collapsing was heard from the second grade audience.

“Toto Amori, forward.”

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