Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 313

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 313

Hunting a dangerous poisonous monster is a task for two people!

While all the students in Class A were looking bewildered, Byeolya opened her mouth.


“Ah, yes! Four! Professor!”

The senior assistant who was standing behind me ran out in a hurry and stood up.

“Pick two at random and send them to the teleport magic circle.”

“Oh, I see! What about the professor?”

“I’m going to prepare an antidote beforehand.”

Having said that, Byeol-ya smiled meaningfully.

“Because there are some kids who get poisoned and come to the brink of death.”

A heavy tension filled the classroom. Byeol-night saw the students.

“You guys should keep in mind too. Don’t talk about getting high marks.”

Byeol-ya left the lecture room with only those words.

The head assistant raised his hand to his chest, let out a small sigh of relief, and looked at the students and said,

“Now, did you hear the students? I’ll send them in twos.”

Then Claudia raised her hand.

“Joe, assistant teacher! Joe, if we make it ourselves…”

“You know that’s not right? The professor said it was random.”

In this school, Professor Keygen’s orders are absolute.

While the students were arguing about who they would go with with anxious faces, the teaching assistants were writing down all the names of the rolls on slips of paper.



The head assistant laughed as he placed two empty boxes on the table.

“One boy, one girl. We’ll do it in a mixed group! That’s good, right?”

The Byeol-night professor’s order was just two random people, and it was at the assistant’s discretion how to divide them.

There was a tremendous response to the chief assistant’s remarks.

The male students were half burdened and half expected, and the female students were saying “Oh what is it!”, but they didn’t hate it, as if they were trimming their hair or taking out a mirror.


I could see Hector biting his chin and clicking his tongue.

Soon, the head assistant selected a male student, and the other assistant selected a female student to go with him and formed a group. In the next turn, on the contrary, the head assistant would pick a female student first, and the other assistant would pick a male student.

The chief assistant’s intention was to relieve tension before the performance evaluation, but this simple drawing of lots became a subtly fun event.

Before I knew it, all the students in the class were extremely immersed, shouting and reacting violently one by one.

“Now then, it’s the boys’ turn next!”

The head assistant took out a piece of paper with a male student’s name on it from the box and unfolded it. Opening her note, rustling in her silence, she opened her mouth.

“d!ck Hayward!”

When it was his turn, d!ck opened his arms and cheered, but the female students all showed disgust.

“A landmine has landed.”

“I hate it.”

“d!ck is… interesting… but something’s going on…”

Hearing this, d!ck sighed and glared at the girls.

“Hey! Why are you guys doing this! How I…!”

“The girl I’m going with is Catherine Turrell!”

The female student presumed to be Catherine thumps the desk! fell down making a noise.

The male students patted my thighs and burst into laughter, while the female students patted Catherine on the back to comfort her.

“Good work on the bomb squad.”

“cheer up.”

Meirin, a member of the same team, also said a word.

“Catherine, I will never forget your sacrifice.”

d!ck glared at the group of girls with a simmering expression.

“Let’s see you all! Really!”

Simon, who was sitting behind him, pulled d!ck’s arm as if to stop him.

“Don’t be too angry. It’s just a joke.”

“Yes! Then the next student is… Simon Pollentia!”

Suddenly, a dead silence swept through the classroom.

The schoolgirls who had been teasing d!ck suddenly stared straight ahead with faces completely devoid of laughter. Meirin grabbed the hem of her own dress, and Cami Barez clasped her hands together. You can hear the gurgling sound everywhere.

“Hey crazy! The reactions are so different!!”

d!ck, who was in his previous turn, died twice.

“Honestly, I have to rub things.”

Cindy Vivace swung her hand up and down and confirmed the kill to d!ck.

Meanwhile, Simon was also thinking about who he would like to go with. People who are completely new to each other are burdensome and tactically disadvantageous.

‘I want to go with Mayrin or Kami. Or even girls I know well.’

Then a male student said.

“Teacher assistant. Next, I’m going to pick the girls first.”

“Ah, that’s right~”

The head assistant stuck out his tongue as if he had made a mistake. Then he folded Simon’s note finely and put it in a box and mixed it up. The stinging gazes of the female students were pierced.

“Then the next girl!”

She opened the note and read it.


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“Kamibarez Ursula!”


Out of the shouts heard so far, a louder shout was poured out than ever before.

The youngest sister that everyone in Class A cherishes, with a cute appearance and a kind and gentle personality. Many of her male students wanted to join her.

However, Kamibarez himself was nervous and was trembling like a penguin.

Her pupils, who were blushing and lowering their heads, headed towards Simon in the end.

‘Please come with Simon…!’

“Yes, and the boy is Simon Pollentia!”

At that word, Kamibarez’s hair turned pure white.




“Only the 7th group always monopolize Kami!”

“Isn’t it salty?!”

Blinded with rage, d!ck and the boys grabbed Simon by the collar and shook him.

“Now, now, quiet! I’ll pick the next boy! Hector Moore!”

Fortunately, the attention immediately shifted to the next student. In the meantime, Kamibarez came running.


She grinned as she grabbed Simon’s hem.

“I’m so glad I went with Simon!”

Simon smiled as well.

However, hostile gazes from behind made the back of my head sting.

* * *

Soon, all groups were decided, and all class A students headed to the hill where the teleportation magic circle was located.

Meirin was in the same group as Toto, but her expression was very disapproving. She had her arms folded and twin wicks lit in her eyes, and she was emitting a force that seemed like she would kill you if you talked to her.

‘Toto is pitiful.’

Toto, one head shorter than Meirin, was watching her with a terrified face.

Simon approached Meirin and said as if to tell him.

“Don’t be so mean, be nice.”

Toto looked at Simon with thrilled eyes, but Meirin snorted with a grumpy expression.

“It must be really nice to go with Kami. It’s a given that APL won this performance evaluation as well.”

Still, it was only for a moment that Meirin behaved like this.

As a necromancer, he calmly accepted the situation and checked his strategy while asking about Toto’s black magic.

“Then I’ll get ready right away!”

This performance evaluation was quite strict.

A subspace test was also conducted to make sure there was no other antidote, and the student had to change into other clothes, such as a gym uniform, not the keygen school uniform.

And the small memorial crystal ball where the battle scenes will be recorded had to be worn around the neck like a necklace. It was a device to check whether the performance evaluation was conducted properly without cheating.

And if you press the back of this memorial crystal ball firmly, you can inform Keygen of an emergency and ask for help. However, if you receive help from the school, it is considered that you agree to the lowest score in the performance evaluation.

“Then let’s start teleporting! The students who are called out will come up quickly!”

* * *

The teleport was a shorter distance than expected.

‘It’s already arrived.’

When Simon opened his eyes, there was a vast sand dune that looked more like a desert than the neutral zone he had been to before.

And if you turn your back and look behind you, there is an ordinary forest with thick trees.

Desert in front, forest behind.

It looks like a natural boundary.

“There was a place like this in the Dresden Kingdom.”

“It was once a forest, but since a dungeon was built nearby, it has turned into a desert!”

Kamibarez, who came over with me, smiled and shook the mission book in his hand.

“It says here!”


With the excitement of coming out alone with Simon, Kamibarez’s wings fluttered nonstop. Seeing this, Simon laughed a little.

“Then shall we depart?”


I came outside of Rock Island, but it was only a one-day performance evaluation. 8 hours left.

The two of them talked while walking. Kamibarez continued reading the mission book.

“The poisonous monster we need to hunt is the Desert Scorpion.

“5th grade?”

If the risk was level 5, it was the same level as the ‘grester’ who fought in the 3rd BMAT sea.

Of course, the danger level of the monster went down drastically because it did not come out of the underwater cave, and the danger level of the desert scorpion increased because of the poison.

It couldn’t be said to be the same strength, but in the end, being classified in the same class like this was extremely dangerous.

“Now it seems that you have arrived at the Scorpion haunt.”

Simon pointed to the sign. The two of them were standing at the beginning of the desert, with signs reading <Beware of scorpions!> or <Extremely dangerous!> all over. There were also many skull mark patterns.

Simon was walking, watching his surroundings, when suddenly something caught on his foot. An old human skull was buried in the sand.

“It’s spooky.”

Kamibarez covered his shoulders. The two of them moved slowly, one step at a time.

“Once Scorpion comes out, I’ll make an antidote or whatever.”

Simon, who had been saying that, abruptly stopped talking.

One side of the flat sand began to rise slowly.


Simon hastily picked up Kamibarez and threw himself. A large tail rose from his sand and slammed hard against the floor.


The sand sprang up like a fountain. Just looking at it, it was a huge devastation.

When Simon, who dropped off the Kamibarez, looked back, the tail had disappeared without a trace. I could see that the sand was mixed with a green liquid.

“It’s poison. Let’s be careful Kami!”


A tier 5 monster. Much faster than I thought.

While the two of them were looking around, the sand began to rise again from one side.

Kamibarez, who found it first, shouted.

“Simon! Right!”

Simon noticed that his left foot was on the floor and strained his eyes.

‘Open the gate!’


At the same time as two blades rose, the scorpion’s tail came down.


Two tentacles and one tail collided in the middle, releasing a huge roar.

hit and run. The Desert Scorpion, whose attack was blocked, tried to hide in the sand again.


At that time, a small pool of blood rose up around Scorpion as if besieging it. Cami Varez, eyes closed as if concentrating, waved his arms gracefully.

<Blood Thread>



A line of blood gushed out of the pond and grabbed the Scorpion’s body. Scorpion tried to go into the sand with all his strength, and the line of blood became tight.


Kamibarez let out a hard moan and stumbled.

“I’ll help you, Kami!”


The emerald-colored smoke that stretched from Simon’s ten fingers flew like a rope and wrapped around the Scorpion’s body.

“one two-!”

Simon and Kamibarez bent their knees at the same time and pulled their arms hard. The scorpion, wrapped in green and red strings, stumbled and lost its balance and fell to the ground.


Scorpion struggled violently. Like a blade, his sharp front claws swung openly, severing several strands of Cloud and Blood Threads.


And Simon, who was nervously connected to Cloud, felt extreme pain.



The scorpion’s forepaw brushed Simon’s shoulder. Simon, who backed away and avoided him by a hair’s breadth, put his shoulder on his shoulder.

‘Ugh, poison…!’

The desert scorpion, extremely excited, rushed straight at Simon.


Simon and Scorpion collided in the center and clashed. Pushed back in the power struggle, Simon’s legs were pushed away leaving long marks on the sand.

‘Jet-dark eruption in the body!’

Black sweat began to drip from Simon’s body. He managed to stop Scorpion with his stronger physical specs.

The panicked Scorpion raised its huge tail and tried to strike Simon down.


Kamibarez cleverly wrapped the blood thread around the tail only to prevent movement.

“Nice Cami!”

Simon opened the subspace while holding onto the Scorpion. Skeletons came pouring out, mounted the stopped scorpion, inserted a spear between the gaps in the carapace, and slashed it with a sword.

The Scorpion struggled with a painful sound.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes! I finished it in advance!”

Power filled Simon’s eyes.

‘Open door! With the maximum number!’

oh oh oh oh oh!

Six Overlord blades rose from the ground and lifted the Scorpion’s body into the air. Meanwhile, Simon staggered back and cried out.


Kamivarez raised his arms above his head, eyes bloodshot red.

A flower among the magical flowers of the blood system.

<Major bleeding – overflow>


A large amount of blood gushed out of the monster’s wound that the skeleton had just given.

Red rain fell from the sky.

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