Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 198

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 198

As Hector raised himself up with a vicious force, Walter asked with a gentle smile.


gentle charisma.

There was no aggression in Walter’s smile, but there was a certain dignity that could not be taken lightly.

Hector stood up from his seat and muttered something about Professor Kisen. There were countless conflicts going on in his eyes in real time, but eventually his eyes returned to normal.

“You’ve been very rude, Professor.”

Hector lowered his tail.

‘……As expected, I thought this guy would come out like this.’

Simon was relieved inwardly.

Hector was famous among the students for his reckless and violent personality, but his reputation was good for his respectful and dignified behavior towards the faculty and other adults. He’s actually a pretty smart guy.

“I’m not Professor Keygen yet.”

Walter scratched the side of his head as if embarrassed.

“The Moore family will take responsibility for the clean-up so that nothing else comes out. If you go back to Kizen and punish it, I will gladly accept it.”

Hector turned his back and trudged away.

Simon looked at him quietly.

The reason why Hector was decisively different from other students who were destroyed by fiery personalities, such as Malcolm in Exception No. 10 and Andre the third prince, was that he knew when to lower his tail.

The onlookers, who seemed to know that the fight was over, quickly dispersed, going their separate ways. Walter and Kamibarez were chatting.


However, a very expensive-looking golden fountain pen fell on the floor.

Simon bent over and picked it up.

‘How did you read this?’

A word was imprinted on the fountain pen in fancy cursive.

‘…… Judah? I think it’s a person’s name, but who is it?

Right then.

Simon turned his head, feeling the hairs on his body stand on end.


Walter, who had been treating the students so graciously and kindly, was suddenly glaring at us with bloody eyes, like those of a terrifying monster.

Simon, who was flustered, blinked once, wondering if he had seen it wrong, and Walter returned to his usual soft smile.

“Oh, thank you. I must have dropped it on the floor earlier.”

When Walter held out his hand, Simon bowed politely and returned the fountain pen. Walter asked in a quiet voice as he took the fountain pen.

“Did you see?”

……What do you mean?

The word Judas on a fountain pen? Or those creepy scary eyes from earlier?

Simon opened his mouth.

“You must have received this fountain pen as a present. Professor.”

“Why do you think so?”

“Because it said Judah. ​​I heard that it is customary to have one’s name engraved on a luxury fountain pen like this.”

Simon said that and observed Walter’s reaction. But he just smiled.

“It’s a keepsake from the deceased. I inherited it.”

“Oh, I see. Excuse me.”

Walter put his fountain pen out of his suit pocket and reached out.

“Student. What did you say your name was?”

Shaking Simon’s hand, he replied.

“Simon Pollentia.”

“You are a bright student. Please take good care of me in the future.”

The two shook hands and smiled at each other. Kamibarez was looking at him proudly.

“Professor! Simon is in the same group as me!”

“So, isn’t that the anonymous boy you always talk about?”

“Oh, professor!”

Kamibarez blushed. Walter’s eyes turned to Simon.

“I’ve heard a lot about you from Master Shilaji. Since I took over all the research results on SM-1 blood you have, you will be able to receive hematology education normally from the second semester.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Simon nodded.

than that

‘this person. When are you going to let go?’

When the handshake ended, Simon tried to let go of the other person’s hand, but Walter held on.

Simon may be a little rude, but it’s like an explosion of power at once and it’s out of his hands. Then he naturally bent his knees and pretended to tie his shoelaces.

“I’m sorry. I was clumsy in front of the professor…”

“Hmm? The string seems to be loose. It’s okay. They were fighting fiercely earlier.”

At that time, Kamibarez glanced at Walter and said.

“Professor! Simon didn’t mean to fight, he just…!”

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to punish you for something that happened when I wasn’t a professor.”

After saying that, Walter reached out his hand to Kamibarez this time.

“Do you have a better place to sleep? Come to our quarters. We want to continue discussing Ursula’s blood, which we talked about before.”

At those words, Kamibarez lightly grabbed the hem of Simon’s clothes with both hands.

“Thank you for the invitation, but it’s okay! I decided to stay with the members.”

“Um, that’s right.”


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Walter lowered his hand and smiled wistfully.

“Then, let’s see you two at Kizen. This city has been in trouble lately, so take care of yourself.”

“Yes! See you in Kizen!”

“Go in, Professor.”

Walter waved to the two of them, then turned and walked away. Simon, who had been lowering his head, raised his gaze slightly.

That’s the new hematology professor to replace Shilaji.

‘……Judah. Why do I feel like I’ve seen that name recently?’

“Why is that, Simon?”

“Oh, no. Just think about it. Meilin will be waiting for you. Let’s go buy a quill.”


* * *

The two bought quills and packed a lot of food for lunch and returned to the clock tower quarters.

“Meylin! d!ck! We’re here!”

Kamibarez ran into the living room with a shopping cart in his hand. However, the dorm was empty.

“Uh, where have you two gone?”

“what’s the matter?”

Simon, who had followed, asked, changing into slippers.

“I can’t see Meylin and d!ck.”

Simon put the side dishes in his hand in the kitchen and went to the bathroom, but the two were nowhere to be seen.

“Did you go out for a while while doing your homework?”

“I see.”

Simon, exhausted from fighting Hector, threw himself into the soft sofa. I felt like living a bit now.

“Get some rest! I’ll prepare a meal for you until you get back.”

“No, I’ll help you too.”

Simon rose from the sofa again.


As Simon stood up, his eyes widened as he looked at the floor.

Simon, frowning slightly, knelt down and began to slowly sweep his hand across the floor.

‘The soil and traces of footprints.’

In this accommodation, you have to change into indoor slippers, but there is dirt. Simon began to examine the floor carefully.

There are traces of forcibly erasing footprints. However, it seems that it was not all cleaned up in a short period of time.

Did Mei Lin and d!ck have a reason to erase their footprints? Besides, both of them woke up and put on slippers.


Following the trail of erased footprints, it led to the terrace. Simon went out onto the terrace and took a sharp look around him.

Only one side of the railing on the terrace is left with traces of dust as the dust has completely disappeared. It is a trace of something like a string hanging over it.


Realizing that something was wrong, Kamibarez also came out to the terrace.

“Your expression is scary. What’s going on?”


Simon looked at Kamibarez with a hard face.

“I think there was an intruder in the house.”

* * *

Dim lighting, humid air, and somewhere musty.

Merlin sighed deeply.


she was caught

My arms were tied behind my back to the iron chair, and my legs were tied to the ropes, so I couldn’t move.

Somehow, the situation feels like deja vu in Death Land.

The anger that I had been suppressing began to rise slowly.

“Oh, it sucks!”

As she screamed, the men around her flinched and turned around. Seeing it or not, she gritted her teeth annoyedly.

‘I’m really going to win everything by myself!’

Simone and Kamibarez went out, Meirin was doing her vacation homework while pecking at d!ck. d!ck, who was studying outside the terrace saying he was frustrated, suddenly said, ‘Billion! and a scream was heard.

Mei Lin was surprised and went to the terrace, but it was already too late. Before I knew it, those rugged, muscular men were breaking into the terrace on ropes. As if it was hit properly, d!ck was rolling on the floor even though he was wearing a keyzen uniform.

ensuing engagement.

Mei-Lin single-handedly took down eight unknown men and took a picture of the matchless, but there was no other way as the intruders took off d!ck’s school uniform and put a sword at his throat.

In the end, I was dragged to this unknown place.

‘If only it wasn’t for that worm!’

Her gaze was directed downward. d!ck, also tied to the rope and lying on the floor, was wriggling like a caterpillar.

I was laughing and talking nonsense as if I had been poisoned by something strange, but it was really, really pathetic.

“It’s good to be relieved. It’s a nerve-disrupting poison, and they say it will recover in an hour or two without any side effects.”

I heard a little awkward continental language. Meilin, who was tied to her chair, raised her head to see a man walking this way in the dark.

He’s the one who subdued d!ck.

“Who are you guys!”

Merlin shouted.

“You dare to kidnap Kizen students? Where did you guys come from living in a ghetto? Or did you get hit with arrows as a group?”

Some of the men twitched their eyebrows, but the man who approached Meilin stopped them.

Like the other men around him, he also took off his top and painted strange patterns. However, his skeleton was monstrously large, the patterns on his body were more ornate, and his head was covered with a whole lion’s head skin.

Without a doubt, this person was the captain, Meirin predicted.

“My name is Wichasha Wahamrata. And we are the ‘Hoopa’ people.”

“Whether it’s the Hoopa or the Lunga! Loose this!”

“I’m sorry, but I say I can’t honor that request.”

Wichasha looked down at her with calm eyes.


At his words, men in the dark approached with strange objects. Witch Shaa was handed a red cloth-like object and looked down at Meilin.

“It won’t take long.”

He held up the red cloth and stretched his arms over Meirin’s head. Mei Lin closed her eyes tightly.

‘……Please come quickly! Simon!’

* * *

ha! ha!

Simon and Kamibarez were running down the street gasping for breath.

I heard a report from travelers passing by the clock tower.

The information that large men wearing robes were coming out of the clock tower in a group. d!ck and Mailyn would have been kidnapped by them.

“What the hell is going on?”

said Kamibarez, weeping.

“Why d!ck and Mailyn…!”

“I have no idea.”

There are no clues. There were too many cases.

‘What am I missing?’

Simon first decided to calmly organize the information he had obtained from coming to this city.

First of all, the abductees broke the unwritten rule that all members of the Dark Alliance must not touch Keyzen students.

It is highly likely that the crime was committed by an outsider, not by Langersteen’s residents or gangsters. I hate to think about it, but in the worst case, the possibility that it could be a fanatical priest lurking in the city cannot be ruled out.

And one more important piece of information.

-Beware of men with strange patterns painted on their bodies.

Kazan’s voice came to mind.

Kazan is not a person who just runs around saying anything.

Why did I tell you to be careful of men with patterns on their bodies? Aren’t they the ones who came out of the clock tower?

When Simon’s accident reached that point.

“Oh, by any chance…!”

Kamibarez suggested a new possibility with trembling lips.

“That one that appeared in the newspaper…! Could it be related to the murderer who is making a fuss in Langersteen these days?”


I’m not sure, but that guess was a bit odd. Simon opened the subspace and took out the newspaper he bought earlier.

The scene of the incident was stark.

Walls are smashed, and people are dead in the middle of the street with their arms outstretched.

A crime that seems a bit accidental. He didn’t even try to hide his tracks.

However, the men who kidnapped the two were different. He dared to go up to the clock tower and kidnapped d!ck and Mailyn and erased the traces of his coming and going.

I feel like these two kinds of events don’t mesh well.


At that time, Simon’s eyes widened as he was looking at the photo of the murder scene in the newspaper. If you look closely, you can see a messy pattern painted on the victim’s belly.

‘no way!’

Simon stopped.


“Wait a minute Kami.”

Simon ran into a nearby general store and bought all the Langersteen magazines for a few days. The front pages of all the newspapers contained the scene of an unidentified murder.

‘My prediction was correct.’

There were differences in size and color, but all of the victims had that strange pattern painted on their bodies. The murderer was not a lunatic who killed anyone recklessly.

‘So you only killed those men with patterns on their bodies.’

It was the men with patterns on their bodies who told Kazan to be careful, not the muddled murderers these days.

This certainly weighs on the possibility that the men kidnapped d!ck and Mailyn.

Then, what is the identity of these men?

why was he murdered

Why did you kidnap the two more than anything? For what purpose are you doing this?

‘Should I find Kazan first?’

However, finding Kazan in this vast and complex city was to find a needle in the desert.

And since Kazan is also chasing the men now, there is no need to try to find Kazan first.

‘Now, then, what’s the best way to move?’

Simon’s brain spun quickly.

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