Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1235

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Episode 1236

The teleportation magic circle is ready.

Because Whiteland was not a world rich in mana like the continent to begin with, it took longer to install than expected.

Kizen headquarters agents mobilized all sorts of props, including magic stones, to complete a teleportation magic circle that could barely fit two people.

“Then please.”

Since the maximum number of passengers was only two, the headquarters agent who had come to deliver the news had to remain in Whiteland for the time being.

Simon and Lethe nodded and greeted their colleagues in Whiteland.


Simon, who had lost his memory, coolly turned his back.

“I’ll take care of it and come back soon.”

Lete waved her hand brightly and then looked at Kamibares and Arendi, who were the most trustworthy.

“Please take good care of The City while we are away.”

“Yes! Leave this to us!”


Kamibares folded his arms as if he was sorry that he couldn’t go, but he couldn’t help it since those two were the ones who had requested it on site.


Then Simon opened his mouth. When Kamibares turned his head, Simon rolled up his sleeves and showed his collarbone.

“I want one.”

At that moment, Kamibare’s face turned bright red.

Slap! Lethe, with her veins protruding from her forehead, ran towards him, grabbed him by the ear, and dragged him towards the teleporter.

“I can’t live like this! I can’t take my eyes off of it even for a moment!”

“This is nothing special.”

“The Pollentia family is crazy! What would have happened if our gentle teacher hadn’t gotten married? Seriously!”

After a brief bickering, the teleportation magic circle was activated.

Simon turned his head one last time and looked at the Agent Undead Alaze.

“Was it Molgulla? You’ll need resources from Yellowland to complete what you’re trying to make. Aren’t you going with me?”

[Molgula production in progress.]

Alazee replied with a plump face.

[Resources needed now, check to see if they are loaded in The City. Additional Fertilium needs to be secured.]

Simon nodded and said he would get it.

Simon and Lete, who had finished all preparations, boarded the teleportation magic circle. The two closed their eyes as they felt their feet lift off the ground. * * *


Unlike Whiteland, where snow falls all year round, this is a desert area where the sun shines all year round. As soon as the two people finished teleporting and opened their eyes, they witnessed a truly spectacular sight.




The sight of sand monsters writhing with their teeth sunk into the transparent barrier.

Countless sand monsters of all sizes were spread out on the ground. And in front, priests of the Holy Federation and agents of the Dark Union were holding out while forming a barrier.

“You’re here!”

“I’m sorry, but I need your help right after I arrive!”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

Lethe’s expression became clouded as she waved lightly at the priests.

‘This is too much for humanity.’

All those things scurrying around in the distance were sand monsters.

A vastly greater number than even the Northern Army that attacked the city.

Behind them was a small village, with residents and refugees huddled together, shivering and waiting for death.

‘And I heard that it’s morning all year round.’

It was dark all around as if it was early evening.

Desert monsters swarming against the dark sky. The combination of the desert and darkness was somehow terrifying. It gave me goosebumps in a strange way.

“Then shall we have some light fun?”

Simon, now armed with Pier’s Bone Armor, strode forward, holding the Greatsword of Destruction. Lethe grabbed his shoulder.

“Just a moment. Let’s make a plan instead of rushing.”

“What is the plan… … .”

Simon paused and became lost in thought.

“Why are you like that?”

“I think Hersheba wants me to go.”

Simon immediately opened a subspace, and a staff suddenly emerged from it.

Captain of the 7th Corps Mira Unit.

The undead Hersheba, whose body is trapped in the lich and whose mind is trapped in the staff, has finally appeared in Yellowland.


Golden sand rippled above the staff and it transformed into a long-haired woman.

[I’m used to it.]



She spread her arms wide and pretended to inhale. Even though she was made of sand, the way she breathed seemed so natural that it gave Lethe a little goosebumps.

“You’ve changed.”

Simon approached Hersheba.

As expected, the owner seemed to have noticed some change. Lete quickly asked.


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“What has changed?”

“You’ve become more beautiful.”


Lethe’s fist landed right on Simon’s back. Simon fell sideways, and Lethe groaned and clenched her fist.

“Take it easy, kid.”

“This woman is really… … !”

Even as such chaos unfolded beside her, Herseba was still looking around to see if her concentration had been broken.


That’s when trouble struck. Sand monsters began to break through one side of the barrier and surge inward. The villagers’ terrified cries echoed.

Simon is holding the Greatsword of Destruction and is trying to approach the monsters.

[Stop, kid.]


Hersheba raised her arms.



A golden wall suddenly rose high before their eyes. Simon stepped back in surprise, and the others also opened their mouths and looked wide-eyed.


Geheim, the secret weapon of the Ancient Undead, is related to the emotions of the Ancient Undead.

And the source of Hersheba’s Geheim is ‘longing’.

The power to build golden buildings, fortresses, and cities outside of your own dungeon, recalling your longing for home.

Simon, who had lost his memory, did not fully understand Hersheba’s longing. Nevertheless.


Walls and buildings rise from the barren plains.

Hersheba was building cities with greater ease than ever before. Wherever she gestured, golden structures rose up and castles rose up.


In the blink of an eye, a city fortress was created that could house everyone safely.

“How did you do it?”

When Simon asked, Hersheba still spoke with a blank expression.

[I don’t know either. Should I just say that it feels like it’s been restored to what was there originally? I… … .]

She looked around once and spoke in a trembling voice.

[I feel like I’ve been here before.]

“Oh, by any chance… … !”

At that moment, the frightened residents came closer to Hersheba one by one. The oldest among them spoke.

“Are you the Queen of the Desert?”


Hersheba tilted her head, pointing at herself, and Simon and Lete exchanged quizzical glances. * * *

After arriving at Yellowland, I finally heard about the current situation.

Savior Ciel returned to Yellowland through the portal from the continent’s ‘Cave of Beginning’.

As she began to gather her forces, sensing that an attack on the continent was imminent, Bahil and Aleister of the Dark Union and Broderick of the Holy Federation arrived.

Their surprise attack left Ciel in danger of being captured in the city before she could properly build her army, and she eventually escaped the palace and entered one of the 16 ‘Tombs of Death’.

And open all the tombs of the dead at once.

The monsters that poured out from it began to sweep across Yellowland as well as the people from the continent.

Rescuing the kidnapped inhabitants of the continent was also an important mission. Broderick deployed the sacred fortress to protect the city center of Yellowland, and Bahil, realizing that the aggression of those sand monsters was related to sunlight, cursed the sky and turned Yellowland into night.

Although we were unable to make it a completely pitch-black evening due to lack of preparation, the aggression of the sand monsters was greatly reduced.

While Bahil was buying time, the continent’s allied forces prepared a counterattack, but Ciel began to control the troops herself, attacking the city center of Yellowland.

It was at this time that Simon and Lethe arrived.

“Who would say they’re twins? They do similar things.”

Lethe was impressed.

“You don’t care if your own city’s people are harmed. On the contrary, we, as outsiders, are supposed to protect the residents.”

“You must be struggling ugly to survive.”

Simon said with a chuckle.

Anyway, Simon, Lete, and Hersheba, who had managed to block an attack thanks to Hersheba’s efforts, were walking towards a nearby ruins following the oldest man in the village.

The old man looked up at Hersheba and said.

“… … How did you get into such a state?”

The old man shed tears when he heard that the territory he ruled had become a dungeon, the residents had become mummies, and Herseba herself had become a lich with only her heart left as a life vessel.

Hersheba simply shrugged.

[This kind of appearance is also quite pleasant.]

“Come this way.”

An empty desert some distance from the village.

There you can see ruins buried in sand, with only the roof remaining.

Four of them went deep inside, carrying torches.

“Look here.”

The old man pointed to one side of the wall with a torch.

There were many pictures drawn. At the very bottom, people in the desert are kneeling and worshiping with their arms raised. Then, a little later, there are clouds, and above them, people on the ground are worshiping in the sky.

And at the very top. Simon and Lethe shouted at the same time.


A picture appears of a long-haired woman, who appears to be Hershey, looking down on everything.

[Is this me?]

Hersheba swept the wall with a complicated expression on her face.

Soon the old man began to explain about the Queen of the Desert.

The Desert Queen was the one who established a dazzling desert civilization.

During her heyday, her influence was so great that the Queen controlled the deserts of not only her own world, but several other worlds as her territories.

One of them was Yellowland. Unlike Whiteland, Yellowland is said to have been inhabited by people in the distant past under the care of the queen. No matter how hot and scorching the desert is, it has become an environment where people can live thanks to the support of the dazzling technology of the desert civilization.

But at some point, the desert civilization suddenly disappeared without a trace.

With the disappearance of the ruling desert civilization and its queen, the five remaining desert territories fell into chaos and shock, and they too were eventually destroyed or absorbed by other forces.

Only a small number of people survived in Yellowland, but new people appeared in this place where the desert civilization disappeared.

-I am the new queen of the desert.

They were the twins of Decision and Summer.

Among them, the twin sister Ciel took over this world and declared herself the Queen of the Desert, using people to secure resources here. She also brought people from other worlds here to use as labor.

Despite resistance from the natives, for some reason she was able to use some of the powers of the Desert Queen: creating and controlling sand monsters.

She prepared for the coming war by creating countless sand monsters from the ‘Tomb of Death’ in her own way.

[Okay, wait a minute. This is a little confusing.]

Hersheba said, spreading out her palms.

[So before I died, I was the Queen of the Desert, and this was my territory too?]

“Yes, that’s right.”

[What the hell has been going on?]

“I’m also good at that… … .”

“It feels like civilization has been attacked by someone.”

Lete spoke instead.

“Whether it was a suicide mission or some other reason, civilization was eventually destroyed, and you, Herseba, were left as an undead. Fortunately, you can still use the powers you had while alive, so you can fight by luring your opponents into your own dungeon, your territory.”


“I don’t know the whole story, but if that’s true, then.”

Simon crossed his arms.

“If we defeat Ciel and find out the source of the Queen’s power she uses-”

“A sword that can turn the current situation around!”

Both people nodded.

If the key to Whiteland was the North God, Gyros.

The key to Yellowland was the desert queen Hersheba.

“Get ready, Hersheba.”

Simon said.

“This is an important level-up event. Let’s go get back what was taken away.”

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