Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1230

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Episode 1231

Lethe stretched out her arms toward the night sky.

In response, a star in the night sky twinkled in the shape of a cross and began to fall, ignoring perspective.

<Lethe Original – Vega>

The power to bring down stars from the sky.

It was a powerful weapon that was worthy of the name of the Saint’s Power.

[What a mysterious technique.]

Hieromir opened a space above his head to absorb the stars falling from the sky, then opened another space in front of him to send the stars flying towards Lethe.



At this moment, Lete threw herself at the flying Vega without any hesitation. The moment Vega touched her body, it did not explode but was absorbed by Lete and took the form of armor.

<Lethe Original – Altair>

Lethe, clad in her star armor, shot out like a meteor and kicked Hieromir.

Oh my god!

Hieromir took a defensive stance, but was pushed back by the difference in strength. Countless buildings and factories passed by, causing widespread destruction where he struck.

The two began to engage in a melee as they were pushed back. Hieromir uncrossed his arms and swung a straight punch at Lethe’s face. Lethe turned her head to dodge, and then elegantly turned in the air to strike Hieromir again.



A building that was as big as a huge building began to collapse due to the two people’s fight. Hieromir’s eyes moved quickly as he heard a short scream.

[The Holy Federation of the Religious Empire. And the Priests who serve the Goddess.]

While he was fighting Lethe, he clenched his fist and slammed it into the building. Part of the huge building quickly cracked and collapsed around his fist.

Lethe easily stepped back to avoid the falling debris, but Hieromir caught one of the huge fragments falling on his head with his own hands.

[I respect you priests.]

As Lethe bent her knees in preparation for a throwing attack, Hieromir suddenly rolled his pupils to the side with a creepy grin.

He was looking at the residents of The City who were hiding behind the building in the distance.

[A life that has nothing to do with anything. A life that has no effect on oneself whether one lives or dies.]

Hieromir hurled debris at the villagers.

The fleeing residents opened their mouths without even being able to scream.


Lethe appeared like a flash and created a barrier in front of them, taking the fragments instead.

[And yet, you protect all lives. No, you have no choice but to protect them.]

Hiermir smiled, revealing his teeth.

[Because that’s ‘faith’, right?]

“It’s like you’re exposing the very bottom of my character, scratching it to the bone. Very.”

As she said this, Lete turned around and gestured to the villagers to run away quickly. They ran away, bending their backs and holding their breath.

[I’ve heard that faith is the most important foundation for the manifestation of divinity. So you would rather save your life than get enraged and punch me in the face with that cute little fist again.]

Hieromir picked up another huge piece of debris and hurled it, crashing down on the ground as he dashed towards Lethe.

Lethe blew up the star, shattering it into pieces and colliding head-on with the charging Hieromir.


The two people grabbed each other’s arms and exerted strong force. The mere struggle made the earth tremble.

[That is the action that is in line with your beliefs, and you priests are strong because you truly believe in and follow that action. I understand. And I respect that, priest!]

As he spoke, Hieromir opened a hole in the sky and began to shower debris from the collapsed buildings upon the fleeing residents.


The white dragon Lan, who had shot out of Lethe’s sleeve, personally spread barriers everywhere to protect the residents.

[But you’re being pushed around by necromancers because you’re openly revealing these weaknesses. Isn’t that right?]

Lete frowned sharply.

“Keep your mouth shut while you’re fighting, you little shit.”

[Perhaps because of such experiences, the priests have changed. No, do beliefs change with the times? Those who follow war as the will of God! Those who believe in satisfying their own selfish desires! Even those so-called ‘fanatics’ are said to be a social problem.]

Hieromir smirked, running his tongue over his lips.

[Good intentions for the group will inevitably be overshadowed by evil intentions for the individual. In this way, good priests like you will gradually disappear, and those who are filled with only malicious beliefs will seize power. The empire will collapse and one day fall!]

“That kid knows so much about imperialism.”


Lethe kicked his leg roughly and hit him in the jaw with her fist.

Hieromir took a few steps back, chuckling, as if he had been hit hard enough.

“Is this really how your kingdom is shaped?”

[I made it this way because I knew it. A world that revolves solely for the benefit of one person.]

He lifted his fingertips.

[Freedom and happiness, oppression and unhappiness. A world where you can live a life where everything is presented to you without having to distinguish between them or worry about them! That is my salvation!]

Chaaaa …

The meteor shower stopped as Lete was rescuing the residents, and in the meantime, the airships in the sky were finally able to fire their Coral cannons.

Hieromir raised his arm and absorbed all the firepower of the main gun.


Lete glanced back. There were hundreds of residents running away. Not all of them had left yet. The fact that he had stopped them in the middle and mentioned something about faith must have been a threat to them not to ignore him.

‘This is the worst thing I’ve ever dealt with.’


As expected, Hieromir fired his coral cannon in the direction of the fleeing villagers.

<Broderick Original – Seraph Aegis>

Lethe held out with powerful divine magic, spreading out both arms.


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However, the firepower of the city’s strongest weapon, the Coral Cannon, was too powerful. The barrier was about to break.

“Ran! Hurry up!”


She quickly created a star with her fingertips and sent it flying at Ran.

The moment it touched Ran’s body, the small Ran quickly grew larger and wrapped itself around the residents with its tail and body, forcing them out of the path of the light.

‘I can’t stand it anymore!’

Lethe lifted her defensive spell and fell to the ground. A flash of frosty purple passed over her head. Her back was soaked with sweat.


She woke up and gathered her divinity to prepare for her next attack.


Before I knew it, Hieromir had disappeared from sight.

My mind almost went blank at the thought of losing him for a moment, but I calmly turned my head and looked at the brazier tower in the distance.

‘The destination is obvious anyway!’

Lethe led the starlight and jumped in place. She quickly rose into the air, stepping on the walls and pipes of the building, and flew at full speed towards the furnace tower.

At that moment, the air opened in the direction she was flying, and a battleship suddenly appeared. The battleship deployed a barrier.

“Get out of the way!”


Lethe overcame the force and turned the ship’s course, then moved forward again. In the distance, Hieromir can be seen breaking through the wall and entering the furnace tower.

She also entered the furnace tower, completely destroying the wall.


She threw her fist with such force that it matched the speed at which she was flying. Hieromir turned around and blocked her punch with his open palm.


Hieromir was pushed back a little, but he held on with all his might and said:

[A step too late.]


Her head suddenly turned.

Suddenly, the heart-shaped metal structure that had been located at the center of the brazier’s tower was gone.

‘no way.’

Her head immediately turned to the other side.

In the sky of the city.

A heart-shaped structure suddenly appeared.


The heart-shaped structure slowly melted away, and the fierce purple light inside it began to rise.

Davina’s voice came into my head.

-I hate to think about it, but Hieromir might open it up with the intention of destroying the city he built.

Lethe, who had stepped back, shouted.

“If you do something like that, you won’t be safe either!”

Hieromir just calmly rubbed the back of his neck.

[Surely Coral has the power to kill me. I could either die or survive. But-]

He chuckled.

[You who enter the city will ‘certainly’ die.]

“… … .”

[I admit that your army is stronger than mine. But rather than retreating from the city, let’s all reset together.]

He spread his arms.

[It would be faster to rebuild the city.]


There’s no stopping it now.

The heart-shaped metal has completely melted and a new purple sun has risen in the sky. It is still in its early stages, but the outer walls of the surrounding buildings and factories have already begun to melt.

‘It’s too early to give up!’

Lethe jumped out of the building, leaving Hieromir alone. She was headed towards the direction of the coral sun.

‘I never thought the day would come when I would be writing this star!’


She stretched out her arms. The night sky shook violently, and soon a new star appeared with a dazzling light.

<Lethe Original – Nova Somnium>

Lethe guided the star’s direction. Soon, the blue liquid star began to ripple and unfold, crashing into the coral sun and enveloping it.

The highest level of sealing magic of the priests of the Holy Federation.

<Divine Seal>


Surround the coral sun with Nova Somnium and seal it with the Divine Seal.

It was a stopgap measure, but it was necessary to prevent everyone from melting away immediately.


The internal thermal energy was so strong that the liquid star was about to evaporate, spewing out a huge amount of water vapor.

She closed her eyes and gathered her strength.



The coral sun ceased to amplify, wrapped in countless bands of divinity. She held her two hands up in front of it, maintaining the seal, sweat dripping down her body as she panted.

‘It’s dangerous if you’re disturbed even a little bit!’

She turned her head.

The surrounding area was covered in a hazy mist from the liquid star.



For a moment, the vapor cleared, and another coral sun appeared in the southern sky.

Lethe’s face turned pale.

‘The second coral sun?’

Hieromir, who was walking out from near the nearby factory rather than the furnace tower, spread his arms.

[There’s still one more prototype! No one can stop me!]

The second coral sun comes into operation as Hieromir grins.

The one on the top of the furnace was the original, this one was smaller and was just a replacement, but it was more than enough to melt down an entire city.

The heart-shaped metal melted, and the purple power that was clearly revealed grew stronger and stronger.

‘Can’t stop it!’

Lethe stretched out her arm and cast a sealing spell on the other side, but it was too far.

As the city began to melt away from the south.

<Gyros Original – Winter’s Grasp>


This time the second sun was covered in ice.

The coral’s light gradually created heat and melted the ice, but it kept freezing solid again.

[You said Hieromir? I sigh at your shallow talk.]

The one who stopped the second sun was none other than the 7th Legion’s undead agent, Gyros.

He was walking towards the second sun using his skills.

‘You and all, get in the way!’

The veins on Hieromir’s neck stood out in anger.

Then his gaze turned to one side. It was Lethe, who was sealing the first coral sun.


Hieromir leapt from his seat and flew into the sky above Lethe, firing his coral cannon in rapid succession.

[If I kill you in the end!]

Hieromir’s fist was raised.

[Isn’t it all over, Saintess!]

Lethe, who had no choice but to close her eyes tightly, was about to have his huge fist slam into her.

“What ends?”

As the voice that froze the world rang out, someone touched Hieromir’s shoulder.

A blue-haired boy appeared, tearing through space.

As Lethe’s face brightened, Hieromir’s expression hardened.

<Legion Flag – Biwol>

Oh my god!

Hieromir was hit by the Greatsword of Destruction swung at full power, and was sent flying, destroying several buildings before crashing back down to the ground, his entire body torn apart.


He looked at my chest.

There was a huge sword wound, and blood was dripping from it, but it was not recovering.


And in front of him, Simon, wearing a piercing suit, landed lightly on the collapsed remains of the building.

[As expected, Simon Pollentia.]

Hieromir staggered to his feet, his hand away from the wound.

[You can ‘definitely’ kill me.]

“… … .”

Simon, who was carrying the Greatsword of Destruction in one hand and slung it over his shoulder, glared at him with a sinister glare.

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