Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1218

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Episode 1219

The battle for Savior Ciel, who remained in the Cave of Beginning, was also unfolding fiercely.

Above the sea, there was a pyramid-shaped triangular structure directly controlled by Ciel, and inside it, strange sand monsters were constantly pouring out.

In response, the Dark Alliance, the Holy Federation, and the Neutral Zone fighters fortified the Cave of Beginning and fought fiercely.

Meanwhile, the Saint of Judgement, Danawa, and the Crow Agent, Quinter, personally led their subordinates and entered the structure.

Meanwhile, the flow of battle was unfolding so quickly that the joint command center was in chaos. All sorts of discussions and orders were being given out while looking at the unfolded mana screen.

“The number of injured has increased to 20!”

“There are too many monsters coming out of the structure!”

A necromancer who had been watching the situation spoke to Lorraine while carrying a backpack on his back.

“Second Commander, the scale of the battle is bigger than we thought. It would be better to request additional support from all over the continent even now… … .”


Lorraine, in her uniform, shook her head coldly.

“Because the Rune League is concentrating its power, the defenses of other regions are already weak. This may be a desperate measure. If we concentrate more troops here, other regions may be put in danger.”

If that happens, the Rune League itself, which took too much power, might be blamed. The barely-built symbol of peace and cooperation would be shattered.

“We have to fight somehow with the available forces.”

Lorraine stood up.

“I’ll say it again, the nature of this battle is not one of annihilation. The goal is to force the Savior to use the ‘portal’. If the Savior escapes, that dungeon will become useless.”

Fortunately, there were no civilian casualties.

There is ample justification to continue the fight, Lorraine said in a charismatic voice.

“I would like to emphasize once again that the 3rd Corps fleet must be even more thorough in its naval defenses.”



Serne, who had been waiting, covered his mouth and snickered as if he was being treated unfairly. Lorraine pretended not to see him and became lost in thought.

‘Why can’t the Savior escape through the portal yet? If he’s afraid of other people interfering, he should be fine now that he’s in the dungeon. Do he need permission from another superior?’

In fact, it was true that the longer the battle went on, the more anxious I became.

Nephthys also said that the time of the world Simon went to would be different from the time of the continent. If time here flows relatively quickly, there would be no problem, but what if it flows slowly?

An hour here could be a day or a week there, and in the meantime the Savior might somehow find Simon and put him in danger.

‘We need to surround them more strongly so that they can only escape using the portal, and so that monsters cannot leak out. But with the current strength… … .’


A man came running towards Lorraine, panting.

“Two vessels without access clearance are heading towards the Sand Dungeons! They have requested communication!”

Lorraine’s eyes widened.

“Who the hell… …! Connect me now.” * * *


A single ship waving the flag of the Dark Alliance was quickly moving through the waves.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

Elisa of the Ghost Fleet ran around the deck, shouting loudly. The rest of the Dark Alliance representatives also prepared for battle, checking their equipment and undead.

Hector attached the dragon’s wings to his back, and Ezel helped Chatel put on her equipment.

And on the deck, Meadow and Maylin, the leaders of this Dark Union representative team, were holding the crystal ball and watching with tense faces.

There was a brief connection tone, and then a woman’s voice was heard.

-This is the 2nd Commander of the Joint Headquarters! Unauthorized vessels are not allowed to enter the scene. It is dangerous, so retreat immediately!

“Ah! Lorraine! Is that Lorraine’s voice?”

Meyrin said with a bright face. The other colleagues also heard Lorraine’s voice and rushed over.

“I heard the whole story from Lord Meadow! Simon is on a secret mission? Let us fight too!”

-… … Lord Meadow.

Lorraine muttered regretfully for a moment, then continued her explanation as if she had no other choice.

-I’ll talk about the operation later. It’s too dangerous, Meyrin. You are the heroes who brought victory to the Dark Alliance. If anything happens before the closing ceremony…

“Even if there’s only one person missing, we’re lacking power!”

Mayrin swung her arms.

“We have a legion commander here, and the Federation kids have a saint! Are you just going to let all this power rot away while waiting for the closing ceremony? They can all fight! Simon must be tired from the Rune League, and he’s fighting!”


“This is Meadow. If anything goes wrong, I will take full responsibility.”

Then Supervisor Meadow intervened.

“The Rune League is not over yet. Strictly speaking, the time has not yet passed until the end of the competition, and the siege has raided the Rune League while it is still in progress. We have a duty to fight back.”

Lorraine’s worries seemed to be felt even beyond the crystal ball. Then, the voice of the Holy Federation’s commander discussing the same contact was heard.

The remaining representatives waited with tense faces.

-Okay, I understand.

At Lorraine’s words, the representatives of the Dark Alliance simultaneously cheered.

-However, infiltration into the dungeon and fighting the Savior are not permitted. I’ll ask you to limit yourself to dealing with nearby monsters.

“Leave it to me!”

Communication was cut off, and everyone prepared for a new battle.

The Holy Federation also prepared to go into battle, as if they had received permission. Tergon No. 3 and Rebaim No. 4 changed into new battle uniforms, and Diana No. 5 and Hamiel No. 6, who had been eliminated rather quickly in the Rune League, also stepped forward.




The sand monsters in the dungeon, who were heading towards the Cave of Beginning, turned their heads when they saw two ships approaching.

The monsters were getting closer and closer.

“We can finally go out!”


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“My body was shaking just from watching it on the screen.”

Reserve members of the Dark Alliance representative team who were unable to participate in the Rune League.

Malcolm, Jamie, and Fitzgerald took the lead with their energy flowing.

“Then should I try it too!”

Of the Hound Kids, only Ivy Goldbean joined.

Within seconds, long, worm-like sand monsters burst out of the triangular structure and came closer to the ship with their mouths wide open.

Phew oh oh oh oh!

Spirits poured out from the Holy Federation ships.

The spirits, with their eyes bulging out as if they were wearing tablecloths, raised trumpets and flutes.

“Solis Hymn, 1st Movement!”


Number 6 of the Holy Federation, which had relatively little activity.

The Angel’s Orchestra’s Hamiel waved his baton and spoke.



As dozens of spirits blew their trumpets, powerful divine sound waves spread out, tearing the monsters apart.

An overwhelming range sonic attack that even covered the Dark Alliance. Meyrin, who was watching, let out a sigh of admiration.

“Well, I guess there’s a reason why you were chosen as a representative.”

The sand monsters burst out one by one, turning into normal sand, but there were so many of them that they were rushing in. So the Dark Union candidates prepared.


First up was Jamie Victoria from the Department of Curses.

Giant letters symbolizing curses in words popped out and spread out like a barrier. When the monsters that were trying to avoid Hamiel’s sonic attacks touched the letters, they sagged as if they had lost their strength and began to fall into the sea.


<Summon Behemoth>

Malcolm, Fitzgerald, and Ivy also joined the attack. Their relatively brisk firepower melted the monsters away, and the triangular giant structure came closer and closer.

“He’s a big guy!”


Part of the wall of the structure was destroyed, and two crocodiles made of sand approached with their mouths wide open. Then, someone jumped up from the deck.

Number 4, it was the giant of healing, Rebaim.

<Great Hill>


Her body grew even bigger as she healed, becoming a giant. Her huge fist struck the sand crocodile, slamming it into the wall.


And then, Chatel, who was flying with Ezel’s wind magic, climbed onto the head of the second sand crocodile.

<Dominance of the territory>

Chatel instantly took control of the crocodile’s body made of sand and ground and made it his subordinate. He was seen moving it himself and overwhelming the monsters in the dungeon trying to escape.



Then, two powerful forces took flight from the deck. The Dark Union side transformed into a pitch-black dragon, while the other side transformed into a female cherub.

[Don’t hold my ankle.]

[No way!]

Hector fired a breath of darkness, and Lisa swung her claws like swords.

The legion commander and the saintess’ offensive continued, burning and cutting down monsters.

“Let’s go too!”

“Let’s go!”

To help Simon. To do my part here.

Other representatives also poured out and joined the offensive. * * *

When a large-scale battle is taking place on the continent.

A similar situation was unfolding in The City.

Hieromir, who lost Simon’s group and the revolutionaries due to the interference of the zombie butler and Mako, immediately began harsh oppression throughout the city.

-Kill everyone associated with the traitor.

Hieromir’s warships flew across the sky, and the streets were filled with searchers, creating an ominous atmosphere. The searchers who had gone outside to look for Simon and Lethe were also returning to the city one after another.

The searchers dispersed and searched the back alleys, dragging out and torturing anyone connected with the underworld and the arena.

The revolutionary army, unable to stand by and watch, also armed itself and began to counterattack, and numerous battles broke out throughout the streets.

When Hieromir heard that, he said:

-Bomb it.

-Ha, Haona, this area is a large, densely populated residential area… … .

-Are you going to make me say it twice?

Hieromir chuckled.

-You can kill as many people as you want. Just bring them back from another dimension.

The battleship began to pour its main gun fire on the residence.

Countless people died. The reports were not properly verified and the area was bombed.

Hieromir declared, hanging the people he had killed as examples from all over the factory chimneys.

<It’s all because of the traitors.>

<Because of them, you innocent people are voting for traitors. If you want peace, find the traitors and bring them to me.>

Hieromir’s most effective way of ruling the city so far.

Hatred between each other.

But this time, the revolutionary army did not back down.

<There were no traitors from the beginning.>

<You became a traitor because you were looking for a traitor without a superior! If you hate us without a reason, let’s give you a reason to hate us!>

Oh my!


The revolutionary army resisted to the end, hanging banners and writing graffiti all over the underground alleys. Hieromir suppressed them even more brutally.

Hieromir bombed the city, killing and torturing its people, shouting, “It’s because of the traitors!”

The revolutionary army shouted, “There were no traitors,” rescued those who had been taken away, and evacuated them after finding out information about the bombing.

In the past, the public opinion war would have ended in Hieromir’s victory.

But not anymore.

The atmosphere was gradually changing.

“People aren’t so stupid that they’d fall for it again after being fooled so far.”

It was the same whether there was a traitor or not.

The long years of voting. The hatred, persecution, and reporting of each other.

Hieromir has been playing the people against each other for too long.

-let’s fight!

The atmosphere was changing. The approaching turnout voting season also contributed to the residents’ extreme stress.

And then eventually.

“Hieromir! We’re in trouble!”

His staff reported to Hieromir.

Vote to find a traitor.

However, there were reports that a large number of people threw away blank ballots.

“… … .”

This is an act that directly goes against Hieromir’s system.

Hieromir looked at the blank ballot paper and laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

“This, this is really dangerous! There is an atmosphere of rioting! Now we need to use conciliatory measures to appease the residents… …!”

“So what can they change?”

Hieromir smiled crookedly.

“I am here.”


“I am stronger than all of them combined. Even if they come to their senses, nothing will change. That is the way it is.”

Hieromir got up from his seat, took a look outside the window, and then turned around.

“We don’t need those who have turned their backs on us. We will eliminate them all, bring in new humans, and rebuild the city once again.”

The order for large-scale destruction was given.

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