My Younger Sister Is a Genius Chapter 92

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EP19 – Two self-respecting geniuses (8)





“I’ll go again.”


“Starting again.”

Again, again, again, again!

Kim Han-ol felt distant and gritted his teeth as he heard Ha-Jun Yoon’s voice repeating the same words over and over again, like a broken radio. How many times has this been re-recorded?

Has it been about two hours since your first recording, when you came into the booth and sang from start to finish? During that time, Kim Han-ol continued recording without stopping.

Despite this, we are still unable to get beyond the first verse. shit. Kim Han-ol bites his lower lip. If this happens, you may end up being late for your date today.

‘That’s not possible.’

But Hajun Yoon doesn’t seem to have any intention of giving the OK that easily. Is it to maintain discipline, or to show the producer’s authority?

He does the same thing as the video CEO Seo Hoon sent me that I saw before going into recording, but I really don’t like it.

Should we just give up our pride and show a little humility?

So are you satisfied?

“So, a little more empty. As if there was nothing. “I have to call you.”

But when I see that person talking smugly, I don’t feel that way at all. In the end, Kim Han-ol couldn’t hold back and answered in a sharp voice.

“That’s what they call it.”

“Where are you going?”

Ha-jun Yoon asks back as if he is dumbfounded by Kim Han-ol’s answer.

Are you calling empty-handed?

Does anyone hear it and feel excited about having fun?

“Mr. Hanol, are you so full of anticipation when you feel empty and empty? Oh, how will I fill this void? Like this?”

“······That’s not it.”

“Please listen to what I recorded just now. Oh, there’s nothing recorded, so there’s nothing to listen to.”

Kim Han-ol keeps silent at Ha-jun Yoon’s secret. Because I was a high school student, because CEO Seo Hoon asked me to do it, and because I was still a producer. He treated me somewhat well.

Slowly, I’m starting to get annoyed.

And the same goes for Hajun Yoon. It’s been 2 hours since we started recording, but is it possible that we haven’t recorded a single verse yet?

I am now tired of shouting “again” and “emptiness” and “emptiness” for two hours. In the first place, Ha-jun Yoon is not asking for infinite retakes in order to suppress the momentum or maintain discipline as Kim Han-ol thinks.

I keep asking because I really don’t like it and there’s no improvement. However, Kim Han-ol is just singing without thinking about Yoon Ha-jun’s request.

There is no way the progress is going away.

“What on earth does that feeling of emptiness and emptiness feel like?”

In the end, Kim Han-ol, unable to hold back his emotions, asked in an argumentative manner. However, this is not a question just for the purpose of arguing, but because I really do not understand.

For Kim Han-ol, the feeling of emptiness and futility is a very unfamiliar feeling. Kim Han-ol always tries to live happily. Of course, he gets annoyed when he doesn’t sing.

Still, I try to package the pain as joy. Because the most important thing to Kim Han-ol is fun. Therefore, to him, emptiness and emptiness are feelings that he cannot understand.

Hajun Yoon frowned at that question. For two whole hours, he explained about emptiness and nothingness and even gave examples, but I couldn’t understand it at all.

“Have you ever felt empty?”

“Yes, there is none. So, why don’t you show me a demonstration?”

Yoon Ha-jun closes his mouth at Kim Han-ol’s words.

Want me to demonstrate?

Kim Han-ol laughed at Ha-jun Yoon’s inability to answer easily. Look at that. Just talk nonsense. You can’t say anything when asked to demonstrate.

So, it’s all about maintaining discipline…

“Yes, I will show you.”


“It shows. “Please leave the booth.”

After saying that, Hajun Yoon stood up. Seeing Hajun Yoon like that, Kim Hanol looked embarrassed. No, you really want to show me?

Kim Han-ol comes out of the booth with a feeling of doubt. And as if crossing the street, Hajun Yoon entered the booth. Hajun Yoon let out a sigh as he entered the booth after a long time.

As expected, this booth has its own unique smell wherever you go. Should I call it the smell of an enclosed space? Ha-Jun Yoon smiled lightly at the smell that was unfamiliar but at the same time very welcoming and said to Han-Ol Kim.

“Please play the song.”


Kim Han-ol nodded at Ha-jun Yoon’s actions and played the song. He was trying to find fault, but he was really trying to sing.

What on earth is that person thinking?

Are you looking down on the song?

Since he made it, he can sing it best? If that’s the case, he should be a singer-songwriter and not a professional producer.

With that in mind, Kim Han-ol plays the song. Hajun Yoon swallowed his saliva as he heard the song he made playing through the headset he was wearing.

How long has it been since you sang in a professional booth like this? Although I have recorded by myself a few times for guide recording, it has been a very long time since I sang in front of someone.

Before starting to sing in earnest, Ha-jun Yoon gathers his emotions and recalls memories. Empty, empty. nothing. He didn’t even feel inferior.

My last memory from my past life.

-Every day with nothing.



Kim Han-ol opened his mouth blankly as Yoon Ha-jun started singing. What is it, him? It’s more than you think. Clearly, in his previous life, Ha-Jun Yoon was a failed singer.

There are many things. Because he doesn’t have the charm that only he has, his voice is average. By making the same songs after repeated failures.

However, that does not mean that Ha-jun Yoon’s singing skills are lacking. Singing style, pronunciation, theory, stage. And many other things besides that.

Because there is nothing special, because there is no weapon of one’s own.

I steadily built up those basic skills.


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Ha-Jun Yoon sings in a low, relaxed voice.

Hearing that voice, Kim Han-ol bit his lower lip repeatedly.

Throughout the recording, I felt like I knew what emptiness and nothingness Hajun Yoon was talking about. And at the same time, the reason why Hajun Yoon continued to ask for retakes.

I have no choice but to admit it.

Hajun Yoon did not simply request a retake to establish discipline. He asked for a retake because he wasn’t confident enough, because he wasn’t satisfied with his song.

Kim Han-ol, who was absentmindedly listening to Yoon Ha-jun’s song, picked up his cell phone and sent a call to his date. He contacted me saying he wanted to cancel today’s date.

§ § §

While Ha-jun Yoon was working with Han-ol Kim, Chae-rim Seo was waiting for Ha-jun Yoon at the company. He obviously asked me to avoid working with Hanol Kim.


Since the work has already started, what can I do?

I hope the work ends smoothly.

With that in mind, Seo Chae-rim entered the cloud using her cell phone. At the same time, her very familiar nickname welcomed me.

『Drop pop』.

A channel composed by Hajun Yoon and sung by Suyeon Yoon. That channel is now on the main homepage. To be more precise, Catch’s 『I AM BAD』 sung by 『Drop pop』.

“The number of views will probably exceed 1 million at this rate.”

It is absolutely not easy for an amateur to get this number of views on a cloud channel. That’s how much recognition 『I AM BAD』 sung by Yoon Ha-jun’s younger sister, Yoon Soo-yeon, received.

And not in Korea, but in a foreign country.

Seo Chae-rim enters the song and checks the comment window.

Seo Chae-rim was then greeted by comments written in English rather than the familiar Korean language. This is truly the most commented comment ever. In addition, there is a comment from a singer who is not that famous but is currently working as a singer in the United States.

‘It’s worth it.’

From the arrangement to the voice of Yoon Soo-yeon singing the song. Overall, it fits well with 『I AM BAD』. What’s even scarier is that 『I AM BAD』 is gaining popularity solely through word of mouth, not through anyone’s promotion.

As a result, this song is gaining popularity in many ways. However, Yoon Ha-jun and Yoon Su-yeon, who sang this song, are not aware that the song they uploaded has become so famous.

This is because after uploading 『I AM BAD』, I lost interest in the cloud channel. If my schedule had been a little freer, I could have at least checked.

Both of them are crazy busy right now.

“It’s a shame.”

Seo Chae-rim’s regret is not that Yoon Ha-jun and Yoon Soo-yeon do not know that the song they sang was a huge hit. What she doesn’t know about Seo Chae-rim is that the two of them don’t know that this song was a huge hit in the first place.

What Seo Chae-rim regrets is the reality that the two are too busy to take advantage of this. If the two of you have some free time, you can probably make full use of this.

Still, in July, Sooyeon Yoon signs a contract with MM Entertainment. So let’s just wait until then. Seo Chae-rim thought of various things in her head and made a humming noise.

Seo Chae-rim has no intention of ending MM Entertainment at the level of a simple small business. I plan to make it an entertainment that is recognized all over the world.

Of course, in its current state, this can be dismissed as delusion rather than ambition. But Seo Chae-rim’s grand plan is already underway.

Ha-Jun Yoon has been recruited, and Go-Yo Han will soon sign a contract.

And in a little while, Yoon Soo-yeon will also sign a contract.

Hajun Yoon, Goyo Han, and Suyeon Yoon. In addition, if Seo Chae-rim signs a contract with the people she is considering, it will be enough to lay the groundwork for the future.

“What are you doing?”

At a time when Seo Chae-rim was thinking about the future, the door to the recording studio opened and Yoon Ha-jun came out. Seeing this, Seo Chae-rim looked somewhat worried and asked Ha-jun Yoon.

“Is the recording going well?”

Yoon Ha-jun chuckled at the sight of Seo Chae-rim asking a question straight away without answering his own question. I guess he was quite worried about himself.

Well, considering Kim Han-ol’s notoriety, I can’t help but be worried.

“Yeah, whatever. “It’s going okay.”

Still, nothing as bad happens as you think. No, on the contrary, the work is progressing quite easily. The first two hours seemed a little timid, but after Ha-Jun Yoon sang and demonstrated himself in the booth, he still calmly followed what Ha-Jun Yoon said.

Also, I guess I felt something from Ha-Jun Yoon’s demonstration, and the recording progressed a bit.

“So is today’s recording finished?”

“No, there is still a long time left. “We plan to proceed for another 3-4 hours and proceed with the rest tomorrow.”

“I heard Kim Han-ol did that?”

“Yes, for now, he wants to continue working tomorrow. “I guess I want to finish recording quickly and have fun.”

Hearing Hajun Yoon’s words, Seo Chae-rim snorted as if to say, “That’s possible.” I guess I’m the type of person who, if there’s work to do, gets it done and then plays.

“I guess I’m not as bad a person as I thought.”

“Iknow, right.”

Of course, there’s a bit of an arrogant side to it, but that’s typical of geniuses. Well, there are many other problems as well.

Still, if you don’t express it while working, that’s enough for now.

“So what were you doing, senior?”

“Oh, just a moment. “I have something to talk to you about.”

“Because of that singer star?”

Seo Chae-rim nods at Yoon Ha-jun’s words. Hajun Yoon frowned slightly at that sight. From the company’s perspective, the story is that they will push Hangoyo.

Well, I feel a little sad, but I know that there is nothing I can do about it. Sooyeon hasn’t signed a contract yet, and more than anything, the company will notice that she’s openly pushing the two of them.

“are you okay.”


“Yeah, whatever. “Because Suyeon has me.”

So, won’t it work out somehow? Seo Chae-rim looked somewhat surprised to see Ha-jun Yoon smiling while saying that.

Was Ha-Jun Yoon the type of person to make such confident boasts? No, that’s definitely not the case. Although he is scary when working, Ha-Jun Yoon is basically very scared.

They worry, feel anxious, and have no confidence in whether the song they made is good.

“Is something wrong?”

“no. “Specifically?”

After saying that, Hajun Yoon closed his eyes while drinking a drink prepared in the break room. It’s unfortunate that we didn’t receive a big push from the company, but it doesn’t really matter.

Even if you don’t get a push, you can still get good grades with Suyeon’s talent. Moreover, Hajun Yoon knows the whole story of the singer star.

What songs do they prepare and what songs do they sing on stage?

I know all those things.

Normally, this would not be particularly helpful information, but Singer Star is both an audition program and a contest program. If you know what stage your opponent is on, you can take advantage of it.

Of course, it’s a little bit cruel.

“So that’s it?”

“No, there is another one.”

In response to Yoon Ha-jun’s words, Seo Chae-rim said that and picked up her cell phone. Then she closed the Internet window she was viewing and opened the Gallery app to find some photos.

“I want to show you something.”

Seo Chae-rim, who found the photo she wanted, said so and showed her cell phone screen to Yoon Ha-jun.

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