My Younger Sister Is a Genius Chapter 80

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EP18 – That older brother and that younger brother (3)



The first weekend since Sooyeon Yoon entered Seolwon Arts High School. After returning from Ji-yoon Lee’s academy, Soo-yeon Yoon lay down on her sofa as usual and called out to Ha-jun Yoon, her older brother.

Then Hajun Yoon stuck his head in his laptop, huh? I ask back. Seeing that, Sooyeon Yoon rolled the candy in her mouth and slightly stuck out her lower lip.

If this is the image of Hajun Yoon that you see the most on this sofa, that is it. My brother is sitting on the floor, leaning on the sofa, and working on his laptop.

I know it can’t be helped since I’m busy with work.

Isn’t it okay if I pay a little more attention to it?

Aren’t you curious about how I am doing at school now and what I hear? Su-yeon Yoon sighed, “Whew,” and then spoke in a slightly dissatisfied voice.

“Hey. “Oppa, how are you usually doing at school?”

“Why all of a sudden?”

To Yoon Soo-yeon’s somewhat unexpected question, Ha-jun Yoon answered with a slight frown. Hmm, I want to make the melody development a little brighter here.

Should I put down my laptop for a moment and play some guitar?

“No, teachers keep asking me, ‘Are you really Ha-jun’s younger brother? really?’ “He said something like this.”

At Yoon Soo-yeon’s words, Yoon Ha-jun’s body, which was about to fold his laptop and bring his guitar, stiffens. And he scratched the back of his head with a shy expression.

No, whatever.

It’s not that I don’t understand the teachers’ reactions.

If Ha-jun Yoon is a student who usually sleeps during class, Su-yeon Yoon is a student who takes classes more passionately than anyone else. Of course, she is bound to be surprised by her teachers.

“Um, no. what. “I’m so busy because there’s so much to do.”

“But that doesn’t mean you just sleep during class, right?”


Hajun Yoon did not answer.

Just a dry smile.

And I was confident in that sight.

You really just slept.

“Have you heard anything else besides that?”

Ha-Jun Yoon folded his laptop and looked at Su-Yeon Yoon and asked. And Su-yeon Yoon smiled at the sight of her brother finally paying attention to her.

“I heard similar things in practical classes. “The nuances are different, though.”

“What do you mean?”

“After all, Hajun is your younger brother. Something like that?”

It has a positive meaning, not a negative one, like teachers who teach handwriting classes. At those words, Hajun Yoon nodded and spoke as if it was natural.

“Well, because the practical skills teachers like me.”

“Yes, it seemed like that.”

The first practical class I took. In a temporary class where her teachers are appointed, Sooyeon Yoon is receiving enthusiastic love calls. The reason for this is that she is Yoon Soo-yeon’s talent, but also that she is Yoon Ha-jun’s younger sister.

When I told him that I was Yoon Ha-jun’s younger brother, I had expectations.



“No, I feel like I keep getting evaluated as my younger brother.”

“It’s nothing.”

Suyeon Yoon shook her head. I don’t know about others, but Yoon Soo-yeon didn’t just dislike the evaluation that she was Yoon Ha-jun’s younger sister. She says it was Yoon Ha-jun who led her to the path of becoming a singer, and above all, the songs that Yoon Ha-jun makes are the best.

“So how are your classes at school?”

“Hmm, I guess it’s the same as middle school. “Something doesn’t feel real because there are only practical classes once a week.”

“In the second semester, you get it twice a week, and in your second year, you get it three times a week, so just be patient. “But you can freely use the practice room or recording studio.”

“Oh, that’s great! So every day after class with Yeonji, I practice in the practice room.”

“Yeonji is your friend?”

“huh. From the same middle school. Why did I say this last time? “I have a friend who is an idol trainee and he has a kid who is going to Seolwon Arts High School with him.”

“iced coffee.”

When you say it like that, it feels like I’ve heard something?

Well, I don’t remember exactly.

“Have you made any other friends?”

Yoon Soo-yeon frowns at Yoon Ha-jun’s words. They’re different friends. Perhaps because it is the second-best admission, there are quite a few kids who approach me to become friends.


“very? “There are some kids I’ve become quite close with, but for now, I’m keeping my distance from them.”


“You talked pleasantly at first, right? But every time we talk, what are you going to do at the event? Is there anyone you work with? Would you like to work with me? “There are a lot of kids asking this question.”

It is said that there are already kids who are trying to keep them in check or asking them to work together at events. Since they are kids who came with a purpose, I am not happy about them.

So Yoon Soo-yeon is intentionally keeping her distance from him.

“I’m going to sing the song my brother wrote at the event anyway. “It’s annoying because it feels like something keeps coming together.”

“Well, all kids are like that.”

Most kids who enter Seolwon Arts High School have strong egos. Since it is a prestigious arts high school, the fact that you were admitted is proof that you are talented, and as a result, you have a lot of pride.

“And above all, the chief is very unlucky.”


If so, is it Jeong Jin-hoo?

“If you say they keep other kids in check, should I say Jeong Jin-hoo, the kid who entered school at the top of his class, looks down on me? “Something is off.”

Sooyeon, who rarely uses bad words, came out of the mouth, saying things like unlucky and dirty. That means it’s really unlucky and rude.

“Hmm, you are the top student, so you, the second student, are below me, or something like that?”

“I guess so. Also, is there something about that aura? There is such a thing. Please consider it an honor to be able to talk to me, as you are the second-highest admissions student. This feeling? Ji is the king, what is it? “When I see you ignoring other kids’ stories, I want to slap you in the back.”

When did our Sooyeon become so extreme? Next, Yoon Soo-yeon quietly said, “I really don’t like it anyway,” and Yoon Ha-jun nodded.


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I only heard Soo-yeon’s story, but I think I understand why Lee Ji-yoon asked her to break Jeong Jin-hoo’s head. Even just hearing the story is unlucky.

“Let’s give him a shot during the event.”

“Yeah, I think so.”

Suyeon Yoon nodded. Hajun Yoon looked at that and turned his head again to look at his laptop. The first event is the freshman concert in June.

Hajun Youn is currently making a song for that time. A song that can break Jeong Jin-hoo’s head and make Yoon Soo-yeon a senior.

§ § §

[I will contact you when it is my turn to film the music video. As I said last time, I plan to make the music video for this album by combining all the songs into one music video.]

“So you’re planning to put all six songs in one music video?”

[yes. I plan to film each song for about 40 seconds and only film the highlights into a music video and then stitch it together. Passing turns naturally using space and props.]

“Then Goyo and I will be the last in line.”

[that’s right. So I’ll contact you then. I plan to work with Taeyoung this weekend, so I will be able to work next weekend or the weekend in two weeks.]

“The album will only be released after filming and working on the music video, so maybe a month at the earliest?”

[That’s correct.]

In a month, it will be a week after Star Kingdom ends its airing.

The timing itself is pretty good.

Soon after, Hajun Yoon hung up the phone and turned his attention to the TV. It’s been two weeks since we finished filming Star Kingdom. The first episode is finally airing today.

Since filming took almost two weeks, the first episode would have already been edited. Is it because it is a pilot program that lasts at most 3 episodes?

It will be aired after all pre-filming has been completed. Well, it’s possible because it’s a contest program, not an audition program.

“So, your brother appears in this program?”


“Oh, I’m looking forward to it. I’ve contacted all my friends now. “My brother is coming out.”


I heard you made almost no friends at Seolwon Arts High School?

Are you intentionally keeping your distance?

When Yoon Ha-jun looked at him with that gaze, Yoon Soo-yeon spoke in an absurd tone.

“You don’t have any friends at Seolwon Arts High School. “I usually have a lot of friends.”

“iced coffee. “Friends from middle school?”


Well, I’m jealous. I don’t even remember middle school. There are people I think are friends from middle school who occasionally contact me, but I don’t know who they are, so I just give simple answers.

“Didn’t you tell your friends?”

“I knew it without you saying it.”

After meeting Jin So-hyang while filming, she found out about it herself. Han Go-yeon and Kim Tae-young know exactly the airing date, probably because they heard it from Won Seong-min.

Of course, Seo Chae-rim’s manager Jeong Jae-ho, who followed her throughout the filming period, must have told her. Other than that, she has no one else to talk to.

“Mom also boasted to her friends. “She’s on my son’s TV.”

“There won’t be much volume anyway.”

Hearing the words of his mother, who had the most expectant expression among the family members gathered in the living room, Ha-Jun Yoon said, licking his lips.

Actually, Hajun Yoon doesn’t have high expectations. A total of 7 teams participated in Star Kingdom. If the time of 1 hour and 10 minutes is divided into 7 teams, it only lasts 10 minutes.

There are even 5 members of Blue AKA. Even within those 10 minutes, you have to occupy your own space. Moreover, Hajun Yoon is not an official member of Blue Aka.

I am a guest producer who was outsourced.

As a result, the volume is bound to decrease.

In the worst case, there is a possibility that your entire story will be edited out and only your face will appear briefly.

‘The higher your expectations, the greater your disappointment.’

That’s why Hajun Yoon didn’t have any expectations in the first place.

“Ah, here we go.”

Soon after, the Star Kingdom broadcast began. Star Kingdom’s logo appears on the TV screen, and the announcer-turned-MC who was leading the stage looks at the camera and looks at the camera.

-A competitive contest with their own genre at stake! The kingdom of stars, Star Kingdom!

Wow, that sucks.

I don’t know who wrote the script, but the dialogue is so bad. Should I say that it makes me cringe to hear it? Still, other than that, the rest is great.

The direction that introduced the team and the way the team members appeared were enough to fill the so-called ‘bong’ that made the heart swell.

Soon after, the announcer-turned-MC introduces Blue Aka and Blue Aka appears on stage. Of course, I don’t see myself there. In the first place, that part was filmed when I was not around.

I just introduced the team, but 35 minutes have passed. There are 35 minutes remaining. Considering the remaining time, it is highly likely that your face will not appear in today’s episode.

Hajun Yoon decided that way, and indeed. As expected, the remaining time was spent on team work. And since the 35 minutes had to be divided between 7 people, each team only got 5 minutes each.

Moreover, Blue Aka’s order was the last. In other words, in the 1 hour and 5 minutes that have been aired so far, Ha-Jun Yoon’s face has not even had his nose removed.

Then yes.

“If this is the case, will your brother appear in the next episode?”

“I guess so?”

Considering the content of episode 1, the content of episode 2 can be roughly predicted.

Work in progress, and mid-rehearsal.

That will fill up episode 2.

Then, in Episode 3, the program will end with a final practice and a stage competition. After all, no matter how much you think about it, the chances of taking up the space yourself are extremely small.

While thinking about that, I look at the TV. The members of Blue Aka introduce themselves and begin their work in earnest. However, there is something strange about the work.

“Was the work atmosphere always like this?”

Work does not proceed properly.

Won Seong-min worries alone, and the Blue AKA members laugh as if they are not interested. In the meantime, only Won Seong-min suffers.

Now that I think about it, I think Won Seong-min said that the other members are not interested in this. Won Seong-min’s appearance is shown on screen, and subtitles such as ‘a task that is rarely done’ are inserted.

Something looks very serious.

And at that moment,

“Ah, it’s my brother.”

I appeared on the screen. Ha-Jun Yoon sighed and cleared his throat when he saw himself wearing his school uniform and making a somewhat foolish expression.

It’s not my first time appearing on TV, but I don’t get used to it every time I see it. Besides, aren’t you a high school student right now?

Naturally, it feels more awkward than usual.

Plus, there’s something strange about the scene. The BGM that plays and the subtitles are the same. He is portrayed as a hero who appeared to solve Won Seong-min’s agony.

“Oooh, cool!”

Su-yeon said that while making a fuss.

And at Soo-yeon’s fuss, her mother nods.

“I know. “My son is so cool, right?”

Hajun Yoon scratched his head in embarrassment at the two’s reactions. Well, definitely. Even in Yoon Ha-jun’s eyes, he looked quite handsome on screen.

Is this the BGM?

-Let’s get to work right away, then.

Hajun Yoon speaks on TV. And as he continues to work with Won Seong-min, Yoon Ha-jun corrects the parts that Won is confused about.

It doesn’t end there.

I make arrangements on the spot and modify this and that.

The song that sounded awkward became natural.

Won Seong-min’s expression, which had been stiff until just a moment ago, brightens.

Of course, in reality, a few days had passed since then, so the facial expression did not change that drastically.

However, after cutting and pasting it through editing, it looks like Ha-jun Yoon solved all the problems that were bothering Won Seong-min.

-Now let’s start recording.

At the same time, the subject changed. Won Seong-min’s concerns are resolved, and Blue AKA’s work is carried out under the leadership of Yoon Ha-jun.

It’s as if Blue Aka didn’t bring in Ha-Jun Yoon as a guest producer, but rather Ha-Jun Yoon brought Blue AKA as a band to work with as a producer.


Hajun Yoon, who was looking at it, made a dumbfounded noise.

Is it okay for this to happen?

If you just watch the video, it feels like I’m the main character.

The screen switches while Hajun Yoon is looking at the screen with a dumbfounded expression. The camera screen turns while showing Hajun Yoon wearing a school uniform from the front.

Ha-jun Yoon’s side, and finally, behind Ha-jun Yoon. Soon after, Ha-jun Yoon’s appearance disappears from the screen, and the screen is captured as if it were Ha-jun Yoon’s first-person perspective.

And there were members of Blue Aca.

-Let’s go.

Hajun Yoon’s voice is heard, and the members of Blue AKA nod their heads. And the broadcast ended. Hajun Yoon blinked.

Obviously, Ha-Jun Yoon’s screen time is very short.

In the entire 1 hour and 10 minute broadcast, Ha-Jun Yoon’s face only appeared for 2-3 minutes. Hajun Yoon’s solo episode will be shorter than that.

However, what I remember after watching this broadcast was Yoon Ha-jun’s portion, which only lasted 2-3 minutes. It’s clear that a lot of effort was put into directing and subtitles.

In addition, that appearance was still present in the trailer that followed.

No, on the contrary, it has become stronger.

He furrows his eyebrows and looks at the members with sharp eyes rather than his usual drowsy eyes, scolding them. A male student wearing a school uniform is harassing people who are 10 years older than him.

And interviews with Blue Aca members.

“I’m dying.”

“Working with him makes a difference.”

“Still, he is a trustworthy producer.”

The trailer ended with the final interview with Won Seong-min.

And at the same time, Hajun Yoon’s cell phone started vibrating like crazy.

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