My Younger Sister Is a Genius Chapter 223

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EP31 – In the past, present, or future (4)

Kim Tae-young and I arrived first and were watching a movie together, and Han Go-yo, Jin So-hyang, and Yoon Su-yeon, who had left later, also arrived.

“… … “What are you two doing?”

And when the three arrived, they looked at Taeyoung Kim and me and frowned mercilessly.

Seeing that, Taeyoung Kim and I quickly stood up and waved our hands.

“Wait a minute, this must be a misunderstanding.”

“Yes, we were closer together than usual, but we didn’t have direct skinship. Look at this. “You didn’t even touch a single piece of cotton, let alone your body?”

“I understand that, but why are you doing that?”

For some reason, Suyeon’s voice is much colder than usual.

Instead of answering the voice, I pointed with my finger to the white screen that was playing something.

There, a ghost that looked so scary that it was painful to look at was clicking its jaw. The sound gives her goosebumps again and she covers her ears.

“Oh my god, were you watching a horror movie?”

“No, I said let’s sing, but Hajun said we should watch a movie. So I was wondering what movie to watch, and I saw this because it was number one right now… … .”

“Did I know it would be this scary?”

“Then you can just turn it off.”

I close my mouth when silence speaks as if it is pathetic.

No, that doesn’t mean… … .

“I have some self-esteem issues… … .”

Actually, I wanted to turn it off right away, but Taeyoung Kim said, ‘I’m not scared of any of this,’ and pretended like nothing happened, so I just watched as if nothing had happened.

Now that I think about it, I shouldn’t have done that.

“Uh, what good will there be if I lose to my friend?”

“You can honestly say that you are scary. Why do you keep asking ‘Are you scared? Are you scared? Hey, I’m not scared at all? It’s not?’ “Is it like this?”

“There is no such thing as a fool.”

I have nothing to say. But this is what a man’s pride is all about. And since I watched it almost to the end, I have no regrets.

Although it seems a bit scary when I sleep at night.

No, actually a bit much.

No, very much.

“Do you have anything to eat instead of that? “We are hungry now.”

“Oh, I knew you would, so I brought you meal kits. “It’s okay because you just have to throw it all in and boil it.”

What on earth did you bring with you to make you say that?

Feeling a bit of fear, we headed to the kitchen, but fortunately, tteokbokki welcomed us.

“Oh, Taeyoung, that’s a very sensible choice for an oppa.”

“I know.”

“Hehehe, right? Plus, this isn’t just tteokbokki. “It’s a very popular chicken tteokbokki!”

The women cheered at Taeyoung Kim’s words.

After cooking tteokbokki and having lunch, as Kim Tae-young strongly requested, we packed various appetizers and drinks, went to the living room, and started watching a movie together.

Not the horror movie you saw earlier, but a movie where Americans shoot guns and destroy everything in their cars.

Okay, okay. This is a movie.

When I watched a horror movie earlier, I felt stuffy and clogged, but watching this movie makes me feel like my insides are being opened.

After watching the movie, we had karaoke time.

I was curious about how good the Bluetooth microphone that Taeyoung Kim boasted about was, but when I actually used it, I found out that it was really good.

Even if there is no karaoke machine, you can still enjoy the game quite satisfactorily. Well, that doesn’t mean the sound quality is as good as karaoke.

After the karaoke, it was time for dinner.

For dinner, we decided to grill meat on the barbecue grill on the terrace, and although it was cold, the atmosphere was quite nice.

“Up until now, I felt like I was just going to a multiplayer room to have fun, but playing like this makes me feel like I’m here to have fun.”

“I know.”

“But can I eat this much? “I don’t think this is a calorie joke.”

“oh! No talking about calories! “I had forgotten so much, but if you say that, it gets on my mind again!”

Han Go-yo and Kim Tae-young nodded at Jin So-hyang’s words.

Guys, you must have been under a lot of stress because of maintaining your body. Well, even for Sooyeon, she had to completely fast from the sweet foods and carbohydrates she loved so much during her promotion period.

It was so pitiful to see Suyeon eating only salad without sauce.

My heart still hurts.

“Eat a lot.”

Cut the sirloin grilled to medium rare and give it to Suyeon. Then Suyeon smiled and put the meat into her mouth.


“Yes, good taste.”

Seeing Suyeon eating meat with a bright smile makes me feel better.

Yes, living by eating things you like is how people live.

Of course, it is impossible to enjoy that kind of happiness as long as you live as a celebrity, but I sincerely want Sooyeon to be happy.

After eating meat and cleaning up noisily, it was already 11 o’clock.

For normal students, it’s not time to get sleepy, but it’s time to feel a little tired.

But who are we?

These are people who live in a different time zone than ordinary people.

It may seem like there is something to it when you say it like this, but in reality, it’s just that everyone’s day and night has changed these days.

During the activity period, everyone was so busy that we couldn’t sleep all day and night, but now we’re just playing around, so day and night have changed.

“Okay, now the highlight of the day! “It’s a card game!”

Taeyoung Kim took out a card from her bag as if she had been saving it all this time and placed it on the floor while saying that.

No, the card game is fun, but would you say it’s the highlight?


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While I was thinking that, Taeyoung Kim unfolded a large piece of paper and laid it on the floor.

Then he said with a suspicious smile.

“Tsk, tsk, this is no ordinary card game. This is a truth game version of a card game where if you lose you have to answer a question. By the way, if you don’t answer, you have to cover yourself with a blanket and get beaten?”

“Why don’t you just say out loud that you want to beat me up?”

After saying that, I sat down without thinking.

That’s why I didn’t know at the time. Jin So-hyang and Han Go-yo’s chemistry is very different from usual.

* * *

The cards are shuffled.

It’s not as flashy as it looks in the movies, but it’s still pretty. Taeyoung Kim handed out the shuffled cards one by one.

The rules of the game were very simple.

The person with the highest number is the winner.

The winner can ask any of the losers a question, and if he or she answers the question, he or she will be allowed to go, but if he or she cannot answer, he or she will be kicked.

And the winner is given +1 point, the loser who answered is given 0 points, and the loser who failed to answer is given -1 point.

After about ten rounds like this, the final result is produced, and the person with the highest score can ask any question he wants to the person with the lowest score.

And at this time, the person with the lowest score can never avoid answering the question. You must not lie.

Although this is a matter of conscience.

Anyway, the first cards were dealt out and the results of the first hand came out soon after.

The winner of the first round was Sooyeon Yoon.

Suyeon Yoon looked around, wondering who she should ask a question to.

Then everyone swallowed their saliva with nervous expressions, and Yoon Soo-yeon, who was smiling as if she was happy, spoke to Yoon Ha-jun.

“Oppa, how much did you receive in the last settlement?”

Ha-jun Yoon blinked because he had no idea that Soo-yeon Yoon would ask him a question, especially one about money.

‘No, are we talking about settlement money here?’

The others also looked at Hajun Yoon as if they were curious about that question.

Hajun Yoon scratched his cheek at that burdensome gaze and then spoke honestly.

“Roughly… … “Like this?”

“oh my god!”

After Hajun Yoon finished speaking, everyone looked surprised.

Of course, everyone here right now is making way too much money for their age.

Since everyone, including Jin So-hyang, has never been a trainee before, they don’t have the money to settle the bill with the company, so they receive whatever they earn.

But even so, the amount of money Hajun Yoon was earning was beyond imagination.

“Wait a minute, that’s a 4-month settlement, so if you divide it by 1 month… … .”

“Plus, you get that consistently. “It’s not a one-time appearance fee like ours, but a copyright fee.”

“This amount is possible because it continues to be ranked in the charts, and if it goes down the charts, it will decrease significantly.”

Anyway, Hajun Yoon answered and now the second round has begun.

The cards were divided again and the winner this time was Kim Tae-young.

Kim Tae-young was wondering who to ask a question to, then looked at Yoon Ha-jun and asked.

“Is there someone I like right now or not?”

As soon as Taeyoung Kim finished her question, the surrounding atmosphere changed. To be specific, the atmosphere of Han Go-yo and Jin So-hyang changed.

Yoon Soo-yeon cleared her throat as if she was uncomfortable, and the two were looking at Yoon Ha-jun with more concentration than ever.

Feeling that strange pressure, Hajun Yoon thought for a moment and then raised his hand.


So Ha-Jun Yoon got under the blanket and had to be lightly beaten by the group.

After that, the game continued. But for some reason, Ha-Jun Yoon did not become the winner.

Han Go-yo and Kim Tae-young became winners once, Yoon Soo-yeon three times, and Jin So-hyang four times.

And the only ones who received penalties were Kim Tae-young and Yoon Ha-jun.

Kim Tae-young was hit three times and Yoon Ha-jun twice, so the score is now tied between the two.

In that situation, the last card has now been dealt.

“Oh my.”

This time too, Hajun Yoon did not take first place. The card given to him is Diamond 1. In fact, he is in last place. And the same goes for Kim Tae-young.

Although the shapes are different, the number of cards Taeyoung Kim received is 1.

So then, who is the winner of this round? It is Han Go-yo.

“Ah, if this goes on, the final winner of this game is Goyo.”

Then, the winner of the game was decided.

If Yoon Soo-yeon had been the winner in this round, the score would have been tied, but with Han Go-yo, Jin So-hyang became the final winner with 4 points.

Then all that remains is to decide on a loser.

Taeyoung Kim and Hajun Yoon look at each other. Kim Tae-young passed the answer three times, and Yoon Ha-jun twice. Looking at it this way, Taeyoung Kim is in last place, but she got one point thanks to one winner.

On the other hand, Hajun Yoon has never won, so the score is tied.

Now everything depends on Han Go-yo. And without even thinking, Han Go-yo turned to Yoon Ha-jun.


Seeing that, Taeyoung Kim clenched her fists and shouted.

Looking at Kim Tae-young like that, Yoon Ha-jun said as if it wasn’t the case yet.

“If I answer this, you two are tied! “Then it’s a league game, right?”

“If there is a tie, it will be decided by rock, paper, scissors.”

Ha-jun Yoon nodded as if he was satisfied with Soo-yeon Yoon’s answer.

Then Kim Tae-young looked at Han Go-yo and spoke very earnestly.

“Quiet, please. Ask me a question I can never answer! please!”

Han Go-yo smiled at Kim Tae-young’s words without replying.

Seeing that, Taeyoung Kim thought, ‘No way.’ He looked at Han Goyo with a questioning expression.

‘Are you planning on helping that guy, Hajun Yoon? Well, from Han Goyo’s perspective, it would be more beneficial to get points by helping someone she likes. No, wait a minute. Then isn’t it a matter of just asking me a question?’

While Taeyoung Kim was thinking that, Goyo Han opened her mouth to Hajun Yoon.



“Who do you like better, me or Sohyang?”

As soon as Han Go-yo’s question ended, silence filled the surroundings.

No one is talking. Everyone has a straight face except Han Go-yo, who not only did not speak, but also asked a question.

Only Han Goyo is smiling.

Jin So-hyang, one of the parties to the question, was looking at Ha-jun Yoon with an unsmiling face, and Ha-jun Yoon looked at the two with an embarrassed expression and then closed his mouth.

“There is no answer. Is it okay to think that I will be punished for this?”

Kim Tae-young and Yoon Su-yeon nodded at Han Go-yo’s words. And Hajun Yoon also nodded.

His judgment was that it was better to be right than to answer that question.

Unlike before, the penalty was carried out very quietly, and the game was now over.

First place was Jin So-hyang with 4 points, and last place was Yoon Ha-jun with -3 points.

All that’s left is for first place to penalize last place.

“The penalty for last place is that they have to answer the question asked by first place, right?”

Jin So-hyang asks Kim Tae-young to confirm something.

Taeyoung Kim nodded to that question. And Hajun Yoon felt an indescribable ominous feeling.

‘No way, that’s not right?’

Before asking a question, Jin So-hyang looked at Han Go-yo. And at that gaze, Goyo Han nodded her head instead of answering.

There was no mind-reading or anything like that, but Ha-Jun Yoon could now tell that the two had something in common.

And Jin So-hyang looked at Yoon Ha-jun and opened her mouth.

“Who do you like better, me or Goyo?”

Same question as Han Goyo.

But this time, you must answer unconditionally.

Han Go-yo and Jin So-hyang look at Yoon Ha-jun. I look at his lips. Waiting for those lips to open.

Seeing the two of them swallowing their saliva and making stiff expressions with their fists clenched, Yoon Soo-yeon got up from her seat.

“Uh, I’m sleepy so I guess I’ll just go.”

“I need to get over the sadness of my heartbreak in my room.”

And when Yoon Soo-yeon was seen leaving the place, Kim Tae-young also said the same thing and left the place.

Now, the only people left in the living room are Jin So-hyang, Han Go-yo, and Yoon Ha-jun.

Seeing Jin So-hyang and Han Go-yo only looking at him, Ha-jun Yoon kept his mouth shut for a long time and then very slowly opened his mouth.

“I am… … .”

My younger brother was a genius

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