My Younger Sister Is a Genius Chapter 208

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EP30 – My younger brother was a genius too (3)

The results of the preliminary meeting were very satisfactory.

Of course, there are still a lot of things to fix, but I think this is enough to achieve the desired results.

But in order to do that, there is something you must do first.

It’s about casting people around you.

The broadcasting station does the actual casting, but I can at least ask them to appear. In addition, there are things that children must do for peace of mind.

For that purpose, I must definitely tell the story.

Then who do you talk to first? … .

“An entertainment program starring my older brother?”

“It’s entertainment, but it’s not variety. Of course it’s not real variety.”


“There are entertainment shows called mockumentaries and situational dramas.”

Of course it’s Suyeon.

Although the situational comedy analogy is a bit strange, there is still some overlap.

Suyeon makes an interesting expression as I continue my explanation.

And when all the explanations were over, there was a smile on his face.

“What, this is going to be so much fun!”


“Yep! It’s like the climax of a movie! “I absolutely love it.”

“So you’re helping me?”

“of course! No, even if you don’t want to come out, I want to ask you to go out! “I will definitely do it!”

Okay, with this, Sooyeon has been cast.

“So you want me to act?”

After Soo-yeon’s casting, the next casting is Goyo.

The reason I do this program is silence, and the most important thing is silence.

“If it’s acting, it’s acting. But you don’t have to do it completely naturally like actors. If anything, acting would be more fun.”

Anyway, what I film is mockumentary.

It is not a plausible mockumentary like that shown in movies or TV, but a mockumentary entertainment show that is blatantly fake.

If you think about that, it might actually be more fun to act out a fuss.

Goyo thought about my words for a moment and then nodded.

“If it keeps me from immigrating, I will.”

“Doing this doesn’t mean you won’t immigrate. This is helpful in any way. “There are a lot of things you have to do to avoid immigrating, including suing.”

“Then why are you doing this?”

“If we do this, we can turn public opinion on our side. You can clearly draw a line with your mother. “The witnesses are the public.”

Yes, this is precisely why I announce the story of silence so loudly.

Not just for this time, but to make sure that Goyo’s mother doesn’t approach Goyo in the future.

That’s why I’m trying to publicize the story as loudly as possible.

“But is that really possible?”

He asks cautiously, as if the silence is unsettling.

I don’t think it’s because you don’t trust me. I think I’m scared of my mom.

Well, if you were completely ignored since childhood and an older adult looked at you with cold eyes, it would be traumatizing.

“If it becomes a hot topic, the court will try to process it quickly. “What your mother committed was child abuse.”


Goyo nods his head.

Then he let out a very deep sigh.

“I will believe it.”

That’s what he told me.

* * *

After Goyo and Suyeon’s recruitment was over, recruitment of other children also began.

Recruiting the main cast members, namely Taeyoung and Sohyang, was very easy.

Sohyang is an idol, so she has a lot of experience in entertainment, and Taeyoung was born into a gwanjong, so she really likes this kind of thing.

In fact, both of them just spoke, but nodded without listening in detail.

When the casting was over, PD Kim Yong-jang was contacted again.

This time, instead of a preliminary meeting, let’s have a formal meeting to sign an appearance contract.

-You must not come alone this time.

After saying that I understood to producer Kim Yong-jang, who spoke jokingly, I headed to the broadcasting station with Jae-ho.

He said in a brusque voice when he saw Jaeho smiling, wondering why he was so happy.

“What’s so fun?”

“You caught all the programs, including entertainment. “It’s fascinating.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t appear on TV at all.”

“That’s true too, but every time that happens, you make a forced expression, right?”

“Did I make that look? Surely, even in front of the TV?”

“You don’t even monitor your program?”

When Jae-ho asks the question as if he is astonished, he looks embarrassed and then makes a shameless expression.

No, I’m a bit busy so I might not be able to monitor it.

Of course, being busy is an excuse, but in reality, I can’t see you because I’m embarrassed.

“More than that, the company will be really happy that I’m appearing on a variety show, right?”

“Okay, let’s die then. In particular, Ha-jun Yoon’s public relations department said they were praying and wondering what was going on.”


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“What is Hajun Yoon’s public relations department?”

I asked as if I was dumbfounded by such a ridiculous name.

Jaeho then responds with a surprised expression, as if he didn’t know that either.

“You don’t know our company’s official job position department?”

“Don’t joke around.”

“It’s not a joke, it’s real. Originally, there was only one public relations department and no separate teams, but since Sooyeon and you are doing so well these days, we split into teams. Team Han Go-yo, Team Ha-jun Yoon, and Team Su-yeon Yoon. Something like this.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“weird. “I think I told you this last time.”

Then I must have forgotten.

That’s not important, so let’s move on.

No, wait a minute.

But is there something strange?

“If you think about it that way, isn’t the Goyo team the worst department? “I still continue to release songs and take pictorials, but Goyo doesn’t have anything like that.”

“Goyo still does the minimum amount of activity. For your information, that minimum amount of activity is twice as much as yours.”

“Is stillness active?”

“Well, it’s just simple interviews, filming, or radio. Still, I’m more active than you. Plus, this time I became a radio fixture, so I had something to write about every week.”

“I didn’t know that.”

I thought he was just not going to school because of family problems, but I never thought he was engaging in such activities.

Well, the radio goes well with silence.

The voice is very good, and the tension itself is calm. It’s a voice that’s perfect for the night time.

“For your information, the busiest person in our company is Sooyeon’s PR team. “I heard everyone is so busy that they have to work overtime and even stay up all night.”

“Well, I guess I should keep my broadcast appearances to a minimum, just to feel sorry for the employees.”

“Instead, I heard that if you join Suyeon’s team, you get paid a lot of money.”

“Health is more important than money.”

No matter how much money you have, what good is it if you die? At my cynical words, Jaeho let out a deep sigh as if he had lost.

It’s heartbreaking to see Jaeho with more wrinkles than when I first saw him, but what can I do when I don’t really want to appear on TV?

Then, we finally arrived at the broadcasting station.

After getting out of the car with Jaeho, we headed to the conference room where we were supposed to have the meeting.

“Oh, hello!”

As I entered the conference room, PD Kim Yong-jang, wearing the same clothes I saw last time, greeted me.

No, that person. Didn’t you change your clothes?

Or how many sets of those clothes are there?

“hello. “This is Ha-jun Yoon’s manager, Jae-ho Jeong.”

“Oh, it’s Director Jeong Jae-ho. I’ve heard a lot of stories. “My name is PD Kim Yong-jang.”

I look at the two of them politely exchanging business cards.

This is not good for freelancers.

Unless you make a separate business card, there is nothing to do in this case because you don’t have a business card. Should I ask you to make a business card too?

“You may have heard the story from Ha-jun, but we expect episode 10 to be season 1.”

“Are you planning to make it a season?”

“That’s the plan. As you know, things don’t always go as planned. “If the viewership ratings are low or there is not much response, it is likely that season 1 will end.”

“That too.”

“In my case, I would like to proceed with the season system because of the positive response. Wouldn’t it be fun to do it once a year? In particular, I really want to start filming as soon as I turn 20. “As minors become adults, they try all the things they want to do.”

“That’s a good plan.”

Jae-ho nodded with a very satisfied expression on the vision that PD Kim Yong-jang spoke of.

Well, from Jaeho’s perspective, it would be a good thing if seasonal entertainment shows were introduced.

After that, PD Kim Yong-jang and Jae-ho talked about various things. Most of the stories were about me, but looking at the two of them talking and smiling at me felt strange.

Should I say I feel uneasy about something?

“So does filming start right away?”

“yes. Of course, we have to have several meetings before that, but we plan to film all of those meetings as well. It would be easier to think of the meeting as a pre-photo shoot rather than a meeting. At that time, you can film it as the main character producer Yoon Ha-jun, not as a secondary character.”

I nod my head at PD Kim Yong-jang’s words.

After that, I started adjusting my schedule. Well, if I say schedule adjustment, it means I am adjusting to the broadcasting station’s schedule.

The only schedule I have is to work on songs.

“We will be filming everything as we work, so you can work comfortably. “For that purpose, we divided the secondary characters into the main characters.”

Nod your head.

It’s nice that filming is fast.

‘Is it okay to start filming already without the planning being completely completed?’ You might think so, but since only the meeting portion is filmed in advance, it should be okay.

“And as for the production cost, it hasn’t been confirmed yet, but I think it will be a lot higher than expected. Of course, there will be quite a few PPLs coming in as well.”


“There are a lot of companies that want to give PPL to Ha Jun.”

I can’t understand at all.

Was the company’s hobby just throwing away money?

I blink because I don’t understand why they want to do PPL on me.

Then Jaeho let out a light sigh and spoke to me in a whisper.

“You know that commercial you did, that home appliance company.”

“Oh, there?”

The company Jaeho is talking about is one of the best companies in Korea. But the reason I rejected the advertisement there was because the conditions were much stricter than I thought.

Additionally, perhaps because my reputation was low at the time, the pay was cheaper than I expected. But I never thought they would want to hold me there so much.

If you want to get it that way, spend a lot of money.

“PPL is expected to come in, from monitors to speakers and even cell phones. Of course, water and beverages will also be provided.”

“I’m not very confident, but I will become a slave to capitalism.”

If they give you money, you should do your best. Jaeho looked very satisfied with my answer and nodded.

“If Hajun doesn’t mention much, I will force him to mention it.”

“Then thank you.”

After talking about many other things, the meeting ended.

I got up from my seat and was about to go back to the car, but after sending Jaeho out first, I spoke softly to producer Yongjang Kim.

“But is it okay to do something like that in entertainment?”

“It’s more of a mockumentary than an entertainment show, so it’ll be okay.”

“Still, I’m worried that the emotion code will be too strong.”

“Sudden new waves can be a problem, but you can do it by intermittently adding such effects. Do not worry too much. “As a father myself, I can never forgive child abuse.”

“Then please take care of me.”

After saying hello, I left the conference room.

Then Jaeho, who was waiting outside, looked at me with a suspicious expression and asked.

“You don’t have any strange plans, do you?”

“A strange plan? “What is that?”

He blinks with an innocent expression that says he doesn’t know anything.

Then Jaeho said with a grim expression on his face.

“You always do things that exceed expectations.”

“Accidents don’t happen.”

“That’s right.”

Well, since it’s about finding peace, it’s probably a good thing from Jaeho’s perspective.

After skipping the story, I got in the car and went home.

Now everything is ready… … Hey, I’m not the one. For final preparations, we need to recruit all the students in the class.

Although I spoke to the class president in advance.

Can I convince them?

It’s a bit awkward to give a full-on speech in front of the class, so how can you entice them with a great song and filming?

Additionally, you have to think about what kind of song you should make. This is my first time singing in unison like this. I can’t quite get a feel for it. Shall we listen to some musical songs?

Hmm, I think the musical style would be good.

However, you should not make a song that is too sad. This is the last festival and event of my school days while also seeking silence.

If possible, do it in a flashy way, so that everyone feels good when they hear it. And at the same time, we need to create a song that anyone can see is the climax and that can tell the story of silence in the midst of it all.

“… … “Can I do it?”

I’ve only just thought about it, but I’m already feeling sick at the ridiculous level of difficulty.

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