My Wife Waited in the Wheat Fields Chapter 48

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Two days later, the day of the banquet dawned.

If you were to explain what happened between Elric and Tyria… What else could there be?

Elric ended up having to endure an uncomfortable sleep due to the bed arriving a day late.

Could it be explained if I had endured the feeling of my entire body being tense at the sound of her breathing?

Meanwhile, Tyria, who was sleeping well, is resentful of something else.

Anyway, the hardships were over.

Eventually, the bed arrived, and Elric didn’t lose sleep because of her breathing for the rest of the day.

Of course, I had nightmares of the battlefield.


“Master, please start preparing quickly.”


It’s just time for lunch.

But Elric’s head tilted because Rdio was already talking about preparations.

“Isn’t a banquet dinner? Why from now on… .”


Only after saying this was Elric able to recall the imperial banquet.


“… Ah, that damn leader.”


That’s what the banquet was like.

In order to look better than others, I had to put on new clothes, put on makeup, and do my hair for hours, and it was a difficult task to just stand in that hall.

How annoying was this process at banquets I attended in the past?


‘I have to do that one more time…’ .’


I already felt like I was shaking, but what could I do?

There is no other way to stop it.

In the meantime, Rdio said.


“The wanted people have arrived just now.”

“hmm? Wanted?”

“The people who will be responsible for the leader.”

“Shouldn’t we leave it to the maids?”

“Whew! Talk about big trouble! Isn’t this a royal banquet? This kind of work should be left to the experts! “If it were our maids, wouldn’t it be overwhelming for you, Madam!”


Rdio cheered loudly and showed its firm will.

It seemed like he was attaching great significance to this banquet, and Elric laughed at that.

From Elric’s point of view, he thought that Wibin’s harvest festival and banquet were not much different in that people gathered together and made a lot of noise.

Of course, I knew it would have a different meaning to Rdio.

Elric knows well that he has always tried to accustom himself to an aristocratic life.

So Elric said.


“You went through a lot of trouble arranging people yourself. “Then can I meet them?”

“yes! “It’s about time.”

“Good. “Let’s go.”


Elric stood up.

That’s how we arrived at the first floor.

There, even though they were women, there were quite tall people smiling with thick makeup on.

Their eyes turned to Elric.


“Hello… .”




“… peel?”


They were rattled.








Wolyoung, a group of assassins called the Reaper of the West.

In an industry that kills even the marquis of the empire without a word, there have been only three failed missions in their sad history.



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The first is to assassinate the Baron of Disha, who is on a trip abroad.

The second is to assassinate a commander who was on the battlefield.

The third son assassinates a certain Yeong-sik who is about to get married.


It was a very insignificant failure compared to their status, but from their perspective, the events were like a disaster.

To put it another way, it was fear. To put it another way, it was a nightmare.

It had to be that way.

This was because the mission failures had one thing in common.


-As of today, there is one restriction on all requests Wolyoung takes on.


There was one man in all three missions they failed.


-Swordmaster Kasha, completely exclude any missions that have even the slightest connection to him.


Sword Demon Kasha.

The seven powers of the continent and the strongest individual among all living creatures.

The man whose notoriety soared through the sky on the western battlefield was that man.


During the assassination of the first Baron, Kasha happened to stop by the town and murdered all the Wolyeongs who were on a mission at the time.

Assassination of the second commander. Unfortunately, Kasha was a mercenary in the unit operated by that commander, and as a result, one of Wolyeong’s battalions was annihilated.

And finally, an even more absurd death blocked Wolyoung’s path. Isn’t it true that Yeong-sik, who is getting married, was Kasha’s close friend? Who would have known that Kasha, who was said to never leave the battlefield, would come to her rear just because of her wedding.


Anyway, only after that happened did Wolyoung start avoiding Kasha.

From the time of new recruit training, I had him memorize his appearance to the point where I could draw it with my eyes closed, and if it was a battlefield related to him, I evacuated all of the Wolyeong troops in the area. Also, considering that it might get out of his sight, one day I asked Kasha to please stop bothering us. There was a time when a sword was given as a gift as a gift.

How funny was the answer that came back that day.


-Then you shouldn’t have made a fuss in front of me. Why do you blame me for your deaths?


He was a terrible person without blood or tears.

Of course, I know how double-faced it is to deny those words from the assassin’s point of view, but Wolyoung that day was a victim that no one could deny.

Anyway, the Wolyoung executive who went to meet Kasha that day felt skeptical about the work and even left the industry.


Anyway, since such a thing happened, the name Kasha the Sword Demon was considered an abomination in Wolyeong, and it became a name that no one would utter.

When he was said to have gone missing on the battlefield, all branches suspended business for a day and held a banquet.


After that, it was a success story.

Since there is no kasha, it is Wolyeong’s version.

As the war intensifies, assassination missions become more frequent.


It has expanded its influence endlessly throughout the West, and now it is time to expand its business to the East.

I came this far after asking for a pretty good sponsor… .


‘… ‘Why are you there?’


Why is Kasha here?

Danal, the head of Wolyeong’s Ferdin branch, felt the hair on his entire body stand on end.

Since I was dressing up as a woman, I was glad that I came out wearing mask-level makeup.

If I hadn’t done that, wouldn’t my embarrassment have been revealed?


‘why? why?’


I thought about it, but couldn’t find an answer.

It was just Ferdin who had come down from the headquarters to carry out a mission, and in the meantime, he was out assassinating as a pastime. Why, here, was none other than the swordsman Kasha.




Could this be possible?

His disfigurement is clearly recognized from the first stage of Wolyoung’s new recruit training.

Danal, who had been in charge of the training, was able to draw Kasha’s appearance without turning a blind eye to it.

No, aside from that, Danal had seen Kasha in person.


– Junior, I will stop doing this.


This is because on the day he went to negotiate with Kasha, he was the successor to the executive who had quit being an assassin out of skepticism.


“Well, I heard they are experts, so I wouldn’t worry too much, but please avoid being overly dressed up. “He doesn’t want to attract attention.”


Kasha sat down and smiled bitterly.

Danal felt goosebumps running down her back.


“Let’s get started. “Isn’t there a lot of time until dinner?”


The lieutenants who went on the assassination together looked at Danal, not knowing what to do.

Even in the midst of mind-numbing fear, Danal regained some of his sense of reason by reflecting on the training he received as an assassin.

It was a woman’s voice.


“Now, could you please wait a moment? First of all, we have to organize our tools again… .”

“Well, take your time.”


Seeing him smile brightly, Danal immediately turned around and huddled with his lieutenants.

Click, click, sign language was passed over the spread out makeup tools.


-Neutralize all poisons.


All the cosmetics here are poisonous.

And Kasha is a character who is impervious to poison in the first place. If she does something to him and attempts to assassinate him, it’s all over.

Perhaps because of their survival instincts, the deputies spent less than 3 seconds neutralizing all the poison.

Danal nodded in satisfaction.


-We don’t know. Let’s just put on some makeup and leave. You haven’t seen that person today?


That’s not all.


-Withdraw the Ferdin branch. Why did no one know that that damn bastard was from here!


As of today, the Wolyoung Ferdin branch is closed for business.

No, I will definitely kill the count before I go.

If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have had to go through this humiliation!


The adjutants nodded with twinkles in their eyes.

Only after that did Danal turn around and start greeting Kasha with a smile.


“Okay, then let’s get started!”

“You seem very nervous.”

“This is my first time taking on the role of a nobleman!”

“Relax. “I won’t eat you.”


It was truly unbelievable.

Danal smiled and his leader along with his lieutenants began.

The process itself was silence.

Would it be understandable if Rdio, who was watching the scene from afar, exclaimed, ‘This must be the seriousness of master craftsmen handling the famous sword of the century!’

With the determination to live, the three assassins of Wolyeong devoted themselves to decorating Kasha using all their makeup skills.

After a few hours, Danal felt exhausted and took his hand away.


‘Okay, it’s over… !’


Although it is not a suitable moment for such sentiments, Kasha’s makeup was more perfect than ever.

The most ideal result that can be seen in the field of makeup was presented before them.

Danal and his lieutenants exchanged glances.

We shared our pride and our relief that we are now alive.


‘Guys, when you retire, let’s go do makeup.’


Name it Survival Cremation.

This combination will be able to reach the top of the industry.


“Is it over?”

“yes! “The Baron’s original version was so cool that we didn’t have to do much to fix it!”


Half empty words, half sincerity.

Danal said that and started organizing her cosmetics.

It was that moment.


“Rdio. “I have something I’d like to share with you for a moment. Could you please leave my seat?”



Click, the butler closed the door and left.

The three assassins felt a strange sense of anxiety.


‘no way.’


It couldn’t possibly be like that.

I tried so hard to deny it, but why do my ominous premonitions always come true?


“Assassins these days have really good makeup skills. “You guys also have a hard time making a living.”


Kasha said this while looking at the mirror with a satisfied expression.

The deputies trembled.

The tremors were also contagious to Danal.




Where did you get caught from?

While thinking, Kasha made eye contact with Danal through the mirror.

Smiling, his eyes drew an arc.


“Wolyeong, your mana exercises were so impressive that I still remember them. It had been a long time since I heard that light breathing, so it took me quite some time to decide. I’m sorry. “I must have been disappointed because I didn’t recognize you.”


It’s over.


“haha… .”


Danal laughed helplessly.

Now the woman’s voice has been forgotten.

Is there anything else he could have done?




He knelt on the floor and bowed his head.


“… “I see you, old man.”


The adjutants followed suit and bowed their heads.


“See you, old man.”


What can’t I do to survive?

Since running away is nonsense, it is best to at least beg for your life.


“Have you been in high spirits so far?”


Danal made bright eyes like a puppy looking up at its owner.

romance, fantasy,

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