My Inventory is Abnormal Chapter 73

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– Volume 3, Episode 25

Episode 73


In the blink of an eye, the two assassins fell down.

Yujun bound the three assassins running behind him with binding magic.

Although I couldn’t see it, I felt something heavy wrapped around a thread of magic.

An arrow of light that appeared in the air pierced the heads of the assassins.

‘Magic is really comfortable.’

It is not just magic, but EX+ grade ancient magic.

It was definitely different from regular magic.

Destructive power, speed of magic expression, magic efficiency, versatility.

It couldn’t be compared to just magic.

‘Plus, I can choose and use attribute magic at will.’

It seemed like I made a good choice about ancient magic.

‘It wouldn’t be a bad idea to replace it with a magic-related item later.’

The assassins couldn’t even touch Yujun’s hair.

After that, he only used ancient magic to deal with assassins.

“He seems like a completely different person.”


“yes. Originally, I only saw him using a sword. “It’s something new.”

“why? Strange? “Just use the sword?”

“No, no. You look great now too. By the way, master.”


“Can I use space movement magic here?”

“You have to be able to use it. But you can’t move to another class. This is the 9th precept. Then you can only move within the 9th plane.”

“Oh, I see.”

“So your abilities are needed in the 8th Realm.”

“yes? “In the 8th plane?”

“I’ll find out later.”

First of all, the priority is to deal with the attacking assassins.

Quang! bang!

The arrow of light ended the lives of the bound assassins.

[Your level has increased!]

“The level keeps rising.”

“Contrary to what they look like, their level is really high.”

“It looks really weak.”

It was around the time I killed 50 assassins.

[The northern entrance to the 8th realm has been opened.]

[Please move to step 8 within 10 minutes.]

A hologram window appeared.

Anyway, why does the system guide the way to the first world?

‘I think he’s become much kinder than when he played the game. Well, it doesn’t matter.’

There was nothing bad about it.

“master. Can we get there in 10 minutes? “It looks quite spacious here.”

“It’s quick because I know the way. “There is an easier way.”

“What is it?”

“Use space movement magic.”

“I don’t know those coordinates… .”


“Are you sure you meant coordinates?”


“How do you know that?”

“Because I remember.”

The player’s memory surpassed the criminal’s common sense.

“As expected, you’ve been here before.”

“yes. So do it quickly.”


Paranet’s magical power was sufficient.

Yujun and Paranet moved to the end of the 9th Realm in an instant.

There was an entrance right in front.

“It really exists.”

“Then would I have lied?”

“I didn’t know you knew the coordinates, which are not even close but right in front of you.”

“I heard you came here.”

“Kiya, I trust you as expected!”

Even when he challenged the Abyss in the War of the Gods, he used space movement magic to shorten the attack time.

Since I had ventured into the abyss not once but many times, it was natural to know the coordinates.

[You have entered the 8th realm!]


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[Acquire 15 undistributed points.]

[Your level has increased!]

[Your level has increased!]



“Does this give you unallocated points every time you go to the next floor?”

“It gets bigger and bigger.”

“They give you these points for free.”

“It’s not free. “You came through the assassins.”

“ah.… ”


“Coordinates. “Do you have any magic left?”


” let’s go.”


A bright light enveloped Yujun and Paranet.

[This is a maze.]

[Finding the entrance to the 7th world… … .]

Yujun went straight into the entrance.

[You have entered the 7th realm!]

[Acquire 20 undistributed points.]

[Your level has increased!]

[Your level has increased!]

[Your level has increased!]

“You’re crazy.”

“This is why you come here.”

“But can I beat those guys just by getting a few undistributed points?”

Yujun smiled at Paranet’s words.

“Undistributed points? “This doesn’t even count on the compensation axis.”


“You will receive the real reward later.”

Yujun looked around.

A long time.

The 7th Realm was very different from the 10th, 9th, and 8th Realms.

“welcome! Two minutes. Where are you from?”

A creature with half the height of Yujun.

It was a ‘wandering fairy’, also known as the mascot of the abyss.

These guys are often seen starting from the 7th realm, and they act as a kind of guide.

“I came from the continent.”

“If it’s a continent, what about the current world? Wow, it’s been a long time since I had a guest from the current world. I think it’s been thirty years. Of course, it’s been 30 years since I’ve been a guest from this world.”

“You’ve been doing this for a long time. “You’re still alive.”

“Others say we are a fleeting thing, but I am different. “There is a secret to living a long life.”

“I’m not curious about that. “Can you guide me to Sheta Village?”

“customer. Sheta Village has long since disappeared.”

“what? Live? “Are you saying it’s ruined?”

“This is a town that has just completely disappeared into the abyss. “After that incident, no one survived.”

“What about that incident?”

“That’s um. “I think I can tell you if you give me some points.”

“Are you saying you want to get paid for the information?”

” yep!”

The wandering fairy smiled and answered.

“How much?”

“Hmm. This is not top secret information, so I’ll only receive 3 million points…

” ruler.”

Yujun gave 3 million points to this wandering fairy through a point transaction.

“…Wow, you’re a hot customer.”

“Explain what the incident was.”

“Some madman entered the abyss and made a mess. I gave up on implicit rules. The madman massacred the inhabitants of Sheta village. “Not a single person survived.”

“I guess you were strong?”

“Although he was strong, he was meticulous. “I killed them one by one while everyone else was sleeping.”

“What happened to him?”

“I heard that you have been captured by the high-ranking messengers of the Abyss and are being tried.”

“Do you know your name?”

“well. Until then, I… .”

“What punishment will he get?”

“For having done something like that, I will have to spend the next few hundred years atonement. “In a bad place.”

Yujun nodded.

This is not true.

There was something like a trial in the abyss.

“good. “Then which village can I guide you to?”

Paranet tilted her head at Yujun’s words.

The guy came up to Yujun and spoke in a whisper.

“master. Can’t we just go by ourselves? Do you really need guidance? .”

“I can’t go. The terrain here changes periodically. “Knowing the path I took is useless.”

“But does he know?”

“Wandering fairies have an excellent ability to find their way. That’s why I act as a guide.”

Above all, if you move here without knowing the way, you could disappear without even a mouse or a bird knowing.

If you are even a little bit off the road, your whole body will be torn to pieces.

Graded shield magic in 3 seconds

Enough to break it.

So the help of a wandering fairy was essential.

“hmm. These days, the power of the pressure barrier has become stronger. Hmm.”

“What I want to say.”

“I think I need to get paid a little more… .”

The wandering fairy looked at Yujun Lee.

Yujun, who was looking at the guy expressionlessly, opened his mouth after a while.



“Tell me the price first.”

“Then it’s big. Oh, fifty million points.”

“good. “Guide me.”

“yes? Right away? “Don’t you bargain?”

“You can’t say that. I don’t want to waste time, so let’s go quickly. Or should I at least threaten you?”

Yujun thrust his sword.

The wandering fairy shook her head in disgust.


“Thirty million.”

“Why, why did it decrease?”

“Because you came forward.”

“…All right.”

Yujun gave 30 million points to the wandering fairy.

“Can I guide you to the nearest village?”

“What is the size of the village?”

“It’s not too big, it’s not too small, it’s just right. “It’s not a bad place to start.”

“What is the name of the village?”

“This is Croc Village.”

“It’s Croc. “Go there.”

It happened to be a place I knew.

A village I visited at least once while trying to conquer the Abyss several times.

There was no reason not to go.

“I’m leaving. “You must follow along.”

Yujun nodded.

The wandering fairy started walking with excited steps.

“That guy. “I don’t like it.”

Paranette whispered.


“I just don’t like what they’re doing. “Don’t you act as if your weak strength means anything?”

“I’m just a guide. “Don’t be so red.”

“I’ll have to scold you later.”

“Just stay still.”


“My ears are bright. there undead

minute. Please be very careful with your words and actions.”

“Huh, what does this dwarf say?”

Paranet was indignant at the words of the wandering fairy.

“I can clearly see what will happen if I make a bad decision and take the wrong path. Phew, don’t provoke me.”

Paranet looked at Yujun in bewilderment.

“I told you to stay still.”

“All right.”

“After all, people with a lot of money are wise.”


Paranet huffed.

“If you bother me any more, I will kill you, so don’t worry.”

Yujun quietly whispered.

Paranet nodded, looking at the wandering fairy walking in front of her.

As expected, the wandering fairy was good at finding her way.

I went straight ahead without getting lost even once.

“Oh right. I didn’t introduce myself. “My name is Balbalnu.”

The wandering fairy suddenly turned around and introduced herself.

“okay. Balbalnu. “How much is left?”

“I think it’s only about half a day’s walk to the village. In fact, you can shorten the time by walking faster. Safety is above all else, so I will maintain this speed. “Are you okay?”

“Does not matter.”

“Please be a little more careful from here on out. “Even if you take just a few wrong steps, you will be affected by the pressure barrier.”


Temporary contingency plans have been prepared for emergencies.

So Yujun wasn’t too worried.

It was in the midst of moving forward like that.

“Now, just a moment. Please stop.”

The wandering fairy suddenly took a step back with an embarrassed look on her face.


“The landscape is changing. To make matters worse, there is also a 7th layer ruler.”

“ruler? “He’s nearby?”

“yes. “It’s very close.”

Perhaps because of the pressure barrier, there is no sign of a ruler at all.

“Why, when the terrain changes, even the ruler smells it? “I am so unlucky.”

The wandering fairy, Balbalnu, frowned.

“But you still have to get what you paid for.’’

“of course. Why do you think I survived for so long? This is because we can respond quickly to unexpected situations. “We are the elite of the elite.”

“Tell me how.”

“first! Please stand still. “You must not move until the terrain has completely changed.”

At that time, Paranet looked at Yujun.

“Do you happen to know the coordinates here?”

“In the 7th layer, due to the pressure barrier,

I can’t use liver movement magic. The reaction is huge. “The moment I use it, my body might explode.”

Of course, this is speculation.

It was like that during the War of the Gods, but there is no guarantee that it will be like that here either.

‘There is no need to risk your life.’

Yujun opened the inventory.

Preparation plan just in case.

It was in inventory.

‘Because I can’t just trust in wandering fairies.’

my inventory is weird


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