My Inventory is Abnormal Chapter 451

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– Volume 19, Episode 8

Episode 452

Zeke continued talking.

“The same goes for giant monsters. There is an area called the Silence Zone, so you can go to where the Watchmen’s Kingdom is.

I can’t. I can’t go beyond the boundary.

To do this, you must pass through the silence zone.

“I have to go.”

“It’s probably not because of their size, but giant monsters make loud footsteps, right?”

” yes.”

“There might be giant monsters that fly in the sky?”

“When a giant monster moves its wings, isn’t it more than an acceptable noise? It’s no use. And in the first place, giant monsters instinctively consider the Silence Zone to be dangerous, so they never approach it.”


So, is the Voluf tribe located on the outskirts?

The safest from giant monsters are the sentinels on the other side of the border.

That’s it?

“Why is the watchman wandering around here?”

“Originally, what they are supposed to do is to periodically come and check to see if anything unusual occurs here or not, but as you saw earlier, the watchmen’s intentions have been corrupted. “They are doing great harm to innocent people like us and other races.”

“Are the watchmen particularly strong compared to other races? “Why do you keep getting bullied?”

“They may be strong, but in the end they

“Because the size of the kingdom they belong to is so big. They can’t handle the aftermath, so they have no choice but to suffer. And… … their race’s unique abilities are also exceptional in battles between multiple people.”

“Controlling that arrow?”

“It doesn’t have to be an arrow.”

“It’s okay.”

I didn’t really feel it at the time because I defeated those with unique abilities in a battle of pure magic, but

It seemed that the watchman’s unique abilities would be very powerful in war.

By the way, I asked Jake a few times and he gave me too much information.

I’ll have to sort it out slowly.

First, Prime, which he knew to be an area where many giant monsters appeared, was nothing more than a passageway to the other side of the border.

There is also a silence zone between the other side of the boundary and the passage, where if you make a sound loud enough, you will disappear without anyone noticing.

It would either disappear or move somewhere unknown to him.

‘If Tapagol is by my side, I have one more life, but will I still disappear?’

I didn’t really want to try that.

Anyway, because of the silence zone, the giant monster cannot go to the other side of the border.

The sentinels on the other side of the border seemed to be the losers of the area.

Seeing them come all the way to Prime and harass other races, it seems like they aren’t the kindest of people.

Now that I think about it, I have another question.

“Zeke. “Then why are so many giant monsters gathered in Prime?”

“ah. You didn’t tell me that. “The reason why watchmen come here periodically to check for singularities.”


“There is one more thing the watchmen must do. “Prime, that is, digging up mushrooms that can only be found in this passage.”

” mushroom?”

“yes. It is not found often. Even giant monsters are eagerly looking for mushrooms… …

“Why are the giant monsters looking for me? “Do you want to eat?”

“That’s right. Do you know why a giant monster is a giant monster?”

“It happened because I ate those mushrooms, really?”

“… … That is the reason.”

That explains why giant monsters are concentrated in the Prime area.

“If you eat just one of those, you’ll become a giant monster

“Can you grow as big as a field?”

” yes.”

“But there are no small creatures here besides the players? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a small monster or beast before.”

Since there were quite a lot of giant animal-type monsters, it was surprising that there were no small creatures.

“Oh, the watchmen are deeply involved in that too. They feed mushrooms to the beasts and monsters they catch and bring back, creating giant monsters.”

Yujun opened his eyes wide at Jake’s words, who seemed to know a lot for a common citizen.

“You feed it and raise it yourself? Watchmen? why?”

“I don’t know why either. “But one of my friends in town says he has seen watchmen do just that from time to time.”

“You didn’t see it in person?”

“Yes. I tried my best not to get involved with the guards, so I tried to stay out of town. This time, it was because of my uncle.”

“Then the first giant monster was born by the watchmen?”

“I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not. There’s also the possibility of spontaneous generation.”

I feel like I’ve learned something big.

However, I wasn’t scared.

In the first place, he tended to like this situation.

There’s some grand conspiracy going on, and we’re ruining it in a nice way.

So the followers who drank continued to stay

Haven’t you been doing harm?

“What happens if you eat that mushroom twice?”

“They are called prime mushrooms, and if you eat them twice, they grow bigger than before. But it’s not something that’s really noticeable. Instead, the power becomes incomparably stronger.”


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“Are low and intermediate levels also divided according to the number of times?”

“That’s the way it is.”

That’s probably why there are so many giant monsters of higher level or higher in the Prime region.

Now it seemed like all my questions were being answered.

But it does raise new questions about the watchman…

That’s something you just have to figure out gradually.

“Can I have the synchronization bead?”

“Well, of course.”

Yujun put the synchronization bead he was holding in his hand into his inventory.

[Current synchronization rate 120%]

[Inventory synchronization begins.]

Even after this synchronization is complete, items will not be transferred from non-paying players.

So far, I’ve received it every time I’ve acquired a Synchronization Orb.

‘Let’s get just one more.’

Since I hadn’t received any item transfers recently, I was thirsty for items.

And it wasn’t just any item, it had to be an item for non-paying players.

Now he has become unsatisfied with most mythical items.

That’s what it means to be human.

Once you have something good, you want more.

“I have another question.”

“Say anything. “If it helps my fellow descendants of the Heavenly Demon, that’s fine with me.”

Are we now taking care of not only our descendants but also our descendants’ colleagues?

It was a blessing for him.

“Knight of the Sun. They also use giant shoes. Could it be related to mushrooms?”

“… … “The Knights of the Sun have become gigantic?”


Jake’s expression became serious.

” why?”

“Actually, the knights and the watchmen were originally enemies. But… … A while ago, a rumor spread that they had made some kind of deal. What is this?

“These rumors were mostly unfounded and had no source, so I ignored them… but it seems they were true.”

“The knights didn’t just come to Prime to dig up mushrooms?”

“What’s even stranger is that the watchmen tolerate it.”

“It’s not like the knights couldn’t touch it?”

“The guards you just dealt with were literally nothing more than thieves who committed robberies. The ‘real thing’ is so strong that even the Knights of the Sun can’t handle it lightly.”

“Then it is more likely that the guards knew and tolerated it, or gave it to them directly?”

Zeke nodded.

Then Jane intervened from the side.

“Players can also become huge. However, the effect is slightly different from when a monster eats mushrooms… …

“How do you know that?”

“I tried it too… …

Zeke was most surprised by her words.

“What? Are you crazy?”

“Oh, why are you mad? I’m talking about when I was little.”

“I didn’t know?”

“Because I kept it a secret.”

“So what happened?”

Yujun stepped in and said.

I had no intention of letting the two of them argue.

Because his time was more precious than gold.

“Every time I used Giantization, my stats were reduced by a percentage. At the time, my level was low, so it wasn’t a big hit… … Abilities are permanent

“I think going down is a huge penalty.”

“Exactly how much will be reduced?”

“It’s 5% at a time. And all abilities are lost like that.”

“Can you still use giantization now?”

“no. “After using it exactly three times, it couldn’t get any bigger.”

“It’s almost a one-time ability. The side effects are also big.”

“that’s right.”

“But you are the only one who has ever eaten that mushroom

“You don’t have any enemies?”

This time Zeke responded to Yujun’s words.

“That’s not it. “There were several children among our tribe who consumed Doprime mushrooms.”

“I guess you knew all about the effects?”


Did the Knights of the Sun also take that penalty and use giantization?

Well, it was too fraudulent an ability to be used without any penalty.

‘In the end, only Tapagol was able to grow large without any side effects.’

In fact, I could see with my own eyes that Tapagol, who was quietly listening, was quietly relieved.

It seems that he felt somewhat uneasy about the fact that there were many giant monsters and that knights used giantization.

‘It’s cute.’

But why would the watchmen cooperate with the knights?

It must have been because he clearly received something.

What can knights give you?

Are the watchmen and the queen unrelated?

What happens to the queen?

“Do you know that a Chaos Knight will soon appear in Caesar?”

“I know.”

“That Caesar will be destroyed?”

“I’m anxious too, but I think it’ll be okay because there’s a watchman.”

“Can the Watchman stop the Knight of Chaos?”

“If they give it their all. And if the Knight of Chaos targets the kingdom, the sentinels have no choice but to do their best.”

Does Zeke simply think highly of Watchmen?

Or maybe he looks down on the Knights of Chaos.

No matter how you look at it, it seems impossible to stop it with the strength of the sentinels.

‘Well, I guess it shows as much as I know.’

He does not know the might of the Chaos Knights, nor the true power of the Watchmen.

So there was a high probability that Jake was making a more accurate judgment.

At least Zeke would know more about the Watchmen than him.

“Is there any way to blockade Caesar?”

“I do not know.”


What I want you to know is this

It’s greed.

“Thank you for the beads. “Thank you for answering all my questions.”

“What is it? I am glad that it was helpful. Is the descendant of the Heavenly Horse also satisfied?”

“Me, me? Of course!”

Paranette answered with an awkward tone and posture.

I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw that sloppy guy.

When have I ever been treated like that?

“I have one last question left.”

This could be said to be the most important issue.

“I heard you get strangely tired if you stay here for a long time. “What is the reason?”

“Oh, that’s because you first set foot here. You can think of it as a stage of adapting to the passage and prime.”

“If I keep going like this, I won’t die or anything, right?”

“Yes. It would be easier if you think of it as a kind of motion sickness. It is a few times worse than that.

“It may be worse, though.”

“Is it getting better? Or is it getting worse?”

“Yes. We’ve been talking for quite some time now, and you and your companions are still fine, right?”

“That’s true.”

“Then it’s resolved.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

* * *

“What are we going to do now?”

Manuela asked after brother Zeke left.

“There’s still a lot of time left until the Knight of Chaos appears, so should we go and take a look?”

“Are you really going to go to the other side of the border or something?”

“huh. As expected, it’s Manuela. “I know.”

“They say you have to pass through the silence zone.”

“We must go as quietly as possible. Let’s recall the paranoid.”

“What about Tapagol?”

“You should keep him by your side because of the title effect. Even more so in the Silence Zone.”

This fraudulent title that Tapagol has.

– King of the Undying (Transcendence) – Grants one more life to nearby allies. Increases health and magic regeneration speed by 50%.

There was no reason to reverse recall Tapagol.

If you don’t make it huge, there’s nothing to make a loud noise about.

Paranet, on the other hand, was a bit uneasy.

The weight of the guy wearing the equipment was beyond imagination.

It still is.

Even if he moved just one step, it made quite a loud noise.

“Paranet. The time has come to enter.” Paranet recognizes his fate

He nodded.

“The silence zone is close, so let’s prepare here in advance.”


If I hadn’t encountered Jake and the Watchmen and intervened, I would have entered without knowing the danger of Silas John.

In some ways, luck may have played a role this time too.

Preparation is nothing special.

Take off your heavy gear and go out in light clothing.

The group changed into equipment optimized for the silence zone and began to move.

Although the group’s specifications were significantly lower due to equipment replacement, there were no problems.

Even if you encounter a giant monster along the way, you can just let Tapagol deal with it.

It didn’t take long before we arrived at the silence zone.

I could tell at a glance that this was different from the existing passageways.

Prime was all blue land, but from the Silence Zone onwards it was just plain green.

Because the earth has appeared.

There was no vegetation, but there was a stretch of desolate land that could hardly be called a road.

My inventory is weird


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