My Inventory is Abnormal Chapter 38

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– Volume 2, Episode 14

Episode 38

“Do-all! Charge!”

“Tear down the wall! “Knock it all down!”

“The enemies are made up of weak races!”

“Strong warriors are not afraid of magic!”

“I can end this war alone! But do you know what gives you a chance? me

“I don’t even know!”

Surprisingly, all these words were shouted by a large man alone.

The man’s identity was ‘Culterum’, the commander of the Oman camp.

He was of the orc race.

However, its body was three to four times larger than that of the larger orcs.

As a result, the orcs also followed him.


Kulterum had no plan.

There’s just a wall in front of you and there’s an enemy, so you just have to beat it down.

With that thought in mind, I have led the player army all the way here.

Some races rebelled against Culterum’s orders,

“I will personally kill anyone who does not follow me!”

Arrogance itself.

“I will give a huge gift to the person who acts on my behalf!”

No one knows the identity of the gift because Culterum did not tell it.

However, if you do not follow the advance, Culterum will actually kill you on the spot.

The players in the Oman camp had no choice but to follow him.

“What is this?”

“Aren’t we at too much of a disadvantage?”

“The commander has turned!”

“I’m also an orc, but… … “The commander is so reckless.”

“This is not arrogant.”

The Omani camp players were very dissatisfied.

But even though Culterum is strong, it is too strong.

Even if dozens of players attack at the same time, it is no match for them.

So I actually felt reassured.

“If it’s that level of force… … “Wouldn’t you win if you just fought on the side of the castle?”

“I know… … . “It’s really strong.”

“You fools. Then the commander over there

Are you weak? “We have to think about fighting without a commander.”

“uh… … ? “Then you won’t lose, right?”

“You will lose. “Because the commander is stupid.”


On the other hand, the sloth camp thought they had a chance of winning.

Because everyone knows that Mercury is much more advantageous.

In addition, many races with magical abilities were stationed here in the sloth camp.

What do the Oman faction players do?

As they got closer, the sloth camp players began using magic.

The colorful supernatural abilities that decorated the sky fell towards the Oman camp.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak! Kwakwakwak! Quack!

The explosion, created by dozens of magic spells, erased about 400 orcs who were charging in front from the world.

Not to mention the Oman camp, the players on the Na-tae camp were also surprised.

This was because they had never experienced such a large-scale war.

“If you have enough magic power, don’t be afraid to pour out your magic! “The priority is to reduce the enemy’s strength as much as possible!”

Among the elves, an older-looking one shouted.

At his words, the players prepared their magic again.

Ugh. Ugh!

The Omani camp, which was forced to advance by Culterum, hesitated for a moment.

“Anyone who stops will be eliminated immediately!”

This time, Kulterum’s shout did not have much effect.

Dying from magic or dying from Culterum is not much different.

three! Suddenly!

“You frustrating guys!”

Culterum raised his huge glaive high.

Dozens of different types of magic flew at him from the castle wall.

Culterum injected magical energy into the glaive and swung it with all his might.

It was like a baseball player hitting a ball with a bat.


Even though there was a collision, the magic did not explode and began to fly towards the place where the magic was launched.

“… … “What!”



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“Are you ready for the shield spell?”

“I used up all my magical energy on attack magic!”

I think the magic will reflect back

The sloth camp players who failed to do so were hit by the magic they used.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak! Kwakwakwak!

The upper part of the castle wall collapsed.

“Khahahaha! You guys are like mosquitoes! “I guess they used magic!”

All players, including the Sloth and Arrogant camps, gaped at the sheer majesty of Kulterum.

The Omani camp was not without magic or long-distance attack methods.

This time, the Omani camp used magic and long-distance skills.

Quack! Quang!

The sloth camp, left defenseless after receiving an unexpected blow from Culterum, suffered even greater damage.

In an instant, eight hundred men were lost.

It is said that the Oman camp also suffered a lot of damage, but if the damage was the same, the bones of the defenders were bound to hurt more.

“What happened? “Why is that commander fighting at the forefront?”

“What is our commander doing? “Help me!”

The leader of the sloth camp, ‘Narsha’, just watched the situation without even blinking.

In a way, she was faithful to her role.

Yujun, who was frequently using the Frozen Field magic, took a deep breath.

“After all, magic doesn’t suit me.”

It was so frustrating to just stand still and use magic.

However, it was too much of a burden to jump down the castle wall right now.

Above all, I didn’t have the confidence to deal with that Kulterum.

Yujun looked at Hong Yeji.

“Can’t we get our commander to deal with Kulterum?”

“hmm… … I don’t know if they will listen to that. “Let me tell you something.”

Yeji Hong ran to Commander Narsha.

Narsha was startled when someone approached her, but when she saw that it was Hong Ye-ji, she opened her mouth with an annoyed face.

“Why again?”

“Again? “This is my second time.”

“What’s the matter?” “Just tell me what you want.”

“Help me.”

“You know what the commander over there is talking about.”

“… … That may not have been the promise I made earlier. I’ll just watch. “That was exactly the deal we made.”

“… … To be cruel. “Do you mind if I spread your weaknesses?”

“That’s right. Not everyone will die

All you have to do is defeat Roman. “The other camp will take care of killing them.”

“… … “Tch.”

Hong Ye-ji withdrew due to Narsha’s stubborn attitude.

Hong Ye-ji, who soon returned to Yu-jun, shook her head.

“They say it doesn’t work.”

“As expected.”

“Did you expect it?”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Well, but… … “The situation is not that good.”

“Iknow, right.”

“Will the commander not go to the end?”

“It’s easy to think that will happen. “Rather than just expecting something.”

“When are you going to jump in?”

“You’re doing it right now.”

Frozen Field, a grade A skill.

Damn. Damn it!

The magic he uses is also causing considerable damage to the Oman camp.

“Aren’t you better at using a sword, Yujun?”

“I’m worried about the commander over there. Honestly, I don’t even know what level I am. “It seems like he’s very strong.”

“… … “Seeing as he was deflecting all the projectile magic from earlier, it seems like the amount of magic he possesses is no joke.”

Culterum’s ability may not be all-purpose, but it could not block debuff magic or magic that spreads to the floor.

It only blocks projectiles.

Even so, Culterum’s strength was extremely scary.

“charge! charge!”

Thanks to Culterum’s activities, the Arrogant camp has already reached the sloth camp walls.

Even though they killed over a thousand people, there were still many players from the Oman camp left.

Still, by refraining from using projectile magic as much as possible, the damage to the sloth camp was greatly reduced.

There is a significant difference in power, but that is not the case.

It was then.

Culterum jumped over the castle wall in one go.

He wielded a huge glaive and began slaughtering the players of the sloth camp.

The formation built on the castle wall collapsed.

Quang! Quang!

No one was a match for Culterum.

In front of him, numbers had no meaning.

The sloth camp players were swept away in a heap.

Yujun took out his sword.

It’s time to stop playing magic.

We must stop Culterum before the damage to our allies increases.

‘Can I stop it?’

To be honest, it was an act close to foul for Culterum to fight with players who participated in the race competition.

Yujun stood in front of Culterum.

“huh? “Aren’t you going to run away?”

Culterum looked with interest at Yujun, who suddenly appeared.

“Are you strong?”

Yujun asked calmly.

“What have you seen so far? “Can’t you see that there’s a mountain built here with the corpses of your allies?”

“But why do you only select the weak and kill them?”

“It’s right in front of you, so all you can do is kill it.”

“There’s a stronger guy, why don’t you fight him?”

“Then I guess I can just kill you and go see him.”

“I know where it is.”

“Am I afraid? Human, you say

“That’s a lot.”

“You look like you’re not confident? “Our commander is over there.”

Yujun pointed to a place with his finger.

“Hahaha… … That’s stupid, that’s stupid. If you’re trying to provoke me, I’ll gladly respond! Sloth camp commander! “Come join me right now!”

Culterum suddenly lost interest in Yujun and set out to find the leader of the sloth camp.

‘After all this has happened, are you going to just sit back and watch?’

Yujun looked towards where the commander was.

She was at the highest point of the castle wall.

As promised, Narsha, who was only looking at Yujun, distorted her face.

“There you are! Beastman girl! Stick with me! I don’t judge based on appearance alone. “You give off the scent of a strong man!”

Yujun saw that and breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Now I can move with peace of mind.

‘There must be.’

The Culterum issue has been resolved.

Then there was no longer an opponent for him.

Yujun jumped down the castle wall.

I paid no attention to the orcs who were just climbing the castle wall.


Dozens of magic flew at Yujun, who landed stably.

As Yujun reached level 182, he had distributed all of his accumulated undistributed abilities.

Especially focusing on agility.

Huh! Quang!

His movements were nothing compared to before.

He moved quickly and dodged all fire and brain attribute magic.

Before I knew it, I cut down the approaching Orc warriors with my sword.

In an instant, four orcs who lost their heads collapsed and collapsed.

No one in the Oman camp could read the trajectory of Yu Jun’s sword swing.

The sword was that fast.

Suddenly! Suddenly!

Yujun had been moving non-stop ever since he came down to the foot of the castle wall.

“What is that person?”

“Is that the commander over there?”

“I avoid them all… …

“Isn’t this faster than Kulterum?”

“If you fight as a commander, your strength will only be lost! Everyone climb up the wall!”

From the Oman camp’s perspective, Yujun was like the enemy team’s Culterum.

No matter what attack I tried, it didn’t work, and the moment I got close to him, I lost my life.

Battle machine.

The Oman faction players felt fear as he slaughtered his allies without showing any sign of fatigue.

Hong Ye-ji assisted Yu Jun by shooting arrows, which is her specialty.

And the enemy targeting Hong Yeji lost his life to Paranet standing next to her.

The war went on without much change.

Yujun, who killed over 500 players alone, felt his stamina slowly decreasing.

Even the enemies knew that.

All the players who did not climb the castle wall rushed towards Yujun.



“Use Corpse Explosion! “Let’s reduce the number.”

“All right!”

Since Paranet’s magic power is limited, corpse explosions were saved as much as possible.

Now was the right time as the enemies were concentrated.

Bodies were strewn around.

There could be no better environment for Paranet than this.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak!

A huge explosion of alcohol hit my ears.

my inventory is weird


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