My Inventory is Abnormal Chapter 353

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– Volume 15, Episode 10

Episode 354

If there had been an operator, there would have been a warning that it was being misused.

That’s right, if you kill the undead that have risen again, you will still receive experience points.

The same goes for contributions to peace.

‘This event was thrown out there for blatant abuse. Did the system not think of something like this?’

You could even call it abuse.

I didn’t even feel any remorse.

‘I can’t be the only one who does this.’

Of course, the number will not be large.

How many players can afford to take it easy against a powerful horde of undead?

‘Let’s try sucking honey one more time.’


The undead tried to distance themselves from each other as if they would not be subjected to the same fate this time, but Yujun’s magic was able to destroy their opponents’ lives.

It was one step faster than Gak.

Because will is the manifestation of magic.


Although the damage was less than before, there wasn’t much of a difference.

Undead who suffered the same thing.

The lichs hesitated.

I’m having a hard time deciding whether or not to revive the undead that just turned to ashes.

Liches were the smartest among the undead.

Raise the undead here again

I know that it’s no use trying.

The Liches resurrected the fallen undead from battles with players from the Holy Empire, not from this vicinity.

‘I thought you’d do it one more time.’

Yujun moved towards the collapsed wall, licking his lips in regret.

There was also the option of aiming for where the Bone Dragon was, but it wasn’t the time yet.

Above all, Yujun truly felt the sweetness of the contribution copy bug.

The moment of fighting against the Bone Dragon

I had a feeling that it would be a long way from making a significant contribution to peace.

He wanted to enjoy this moment a little more.

[Peace contribution increased by ‘2’!]

[Peace contribution increased by ‘3’!]

[Peace contribution has increased by ‘5’!]

System messages kept appearing before my eyes.

When it became annoying, Yujun closed the message window and focused on the battle.

At some point, a huge curtain was placed over the undead army, perhaps to guard against Yujun’s magic.

You couldn’t even use magic in here.

Only the undead could do it.

‘It’s clear that it’s not the Lich Lord who makes this.’

He killed all of the Lich Lords.

It would be the ability of one of the two undead at the rear of the undead army.

It doesn’t seem to be a bone dragon.

It seemed like the guy with his entire body wrapped in a cloak, whose exact origins I couldn’t tell was creating this wide barrier.

Even with Yoo-Jun’s skills, this barrier could not be analyzed.

It seemed to be unfolding through some mysterious ability, different from the magic he knew.

‘It would be awesome if I could use that as is.’

It was just a shame that, in addition to the experience points and contribution to peace, I couldn’t even acquire that barrier.

It wasn’t that I was too greedy.

All the barriers I’ve seen so far were things that could be analyzed and learned if I took the time.

This was the first time I had no idea how to approach something like I did now.

‘Let’s build up our contributions to peace.’

Yujun first figured out the location of the group.

Manuela and Yenil were using magic high in the sky, accumulating peace contributions.

They were not attacked by the undead thanks to the strong barrier installed by Yujun.

When blind attacks occasionally came, the barrier steadily blocked them.

To that extent, it could be seen that the contribution to peace was being made very peacefully.

I was fighting with the Paranet Death Knights, and Paranet’s

The power was overwhelming.

The Death Knights were staggered by a single sword strike he swung, and if they were hit by the body slam he often cast, they were shattered.

Since Paranet was quite large, it felt like watching a fight between soldiers and generals.

Paranet’s growth was amazing.

“Dad, I want to fight too!”

Harp also raised his eyes and said, as if he was stimulated.

“wait for a sec.”

Yujun placed his hand on Harp’s chin and poured healing touch into it.

“Umm… … Is it tasty.”


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“Don’t eat it, but try spitting it out when you breathe.”

“Together? all right. “I will try.”

A harp that responds immediately without even asking a question.

If the Harp’s Breath and the length of Healing Hand were compatible, there was no need to mix Healing Hand with Cold Wave.

And the healing touch of the harp

I was somehow confident that I would get along well with Les.

“After pressure……

Harp opened his mouth.

It was amazing every time I saw it.

How can that small mouth grow so big?

Highly concentrated energy has gathered.

Yujun didn’t know how much to use, so he applied the healing touch generously.

As expected, the healing touch was well mixed into the harp’s breath energy.

Woof-! Woof!

There was a strong vibration.

This is a phenomenon that did not exist when the harp only shot breath.

I was worried that it might explode if I kept it in my mouth, but those concerns were put to rest for a moment as Harp’s breath stretched forward.

Ping- Kwaaaaang!

The breath fired at the place where the undead were most concentrated completely devastated the place.

The place where the breath swept away is devastated

There was nothing left, so much so that the expression “field” would not be enough.

Because it was an attack with a healing touch, the undead touched by the breath had no chance of resurrection.

[Peace contribution has increased by ‘5,700’!]

[Contribution to peace… … .]

[Your level has increased!]

[Your level has increased!]

[Your level has increased!]

The breath of the harp was so large that the eyes of the players on the battlefield turned to where the breath was fired.

Of course, Yujun was standing there.

“Is it Shin Yu-jun again?”

“I heard that that divine beast shoots its breath like a dragon. “That was true.”

“Isn’t it a real dragon?”

“Have you ever seen a dragon that looks like that?”

“Well… … . But if it’s a dragon, wouldn’t it be able to change its form?”

“That’s just a rumor. “There are no dragons.”

At the mention of there being no dragons, the player pointed in one direction with his finger.


In the direction the finger was pointing, the Bone Dragon stood so tall that it could clearly be seen from a distance.

“There is a dragon.”

“Maybe… …

Players were also wary of the Bone Dragon.

It was so obvious that I couldn’t not notice it.

It was difficult to go and catch the dragon that I saw because I was anxious.

No, it was impossible.

In any case, the number of undead was drastically reduced by Harp’s breath.

‘Just looking at the range, it’s incomparable to my Fire Blast.’

Yujun looked at the harp as if he loved it.

The harp that met his eyes smiled bashfully.


Isn’t this too cute?

Although Yujun usually liked animals, this was the first time his heart ached this much.

He was strong and cute, but that wasn’t all he had.

The harp grows with you.

In short, it means that you don’t need to worry too much about vocalization.

It was a shame that it couldn’t be equipped with items, but even without it, the potential of the harp was limitless as it could fulfill a role that was much more than that.

Now, it felt like the weight on my shoulders had lifted, and I even felt a little empty.

Maybe Harp is more than just a soul mate to him.

Before we knew it, the sun had set and darkness began to come.

The environment is being created in which the undead can become more active.

Before that, the best thing to do was to reduce the number of undead as much as possible, but it was not easy.

Fortunately, thanks to Yujun’s several weak moves, the players of the Holy Empire no longer retreated.

However, as the battle went on for a long time, the players’ fatigue inevitably piled up.

The undead were the opposite.

As the night went on, I became stronger and stronger.

Resurrection by the lich also occurred faster than before.

The magic regeneration speed of undead mages and lichs has also increased.


The lichs laughed, making phlegm boiling noises.

He looked so carefree, as if the death of the Lich Lords was no big deal.

Not very shaken by the death of an ally

This was also a characteristic unique to the undead.

Yujun glanced at the message window.

‘Contribution to peace is 90,000… … ‘

The undead army is still alive and well.

Thanks to the large difference in scale from the undead army that had attacked the village, the peace contribution rate was steadily increasing.

The heavily armored giant Tite, boasting tremendous defensive power, opened his mouth.

“No more support coming?”

“If you were me, would you come?”

His uncle Tyderan answered, taking out a water bottle.

As befitting a giant’s possession, the water bottle was also huge.

The lukewarm water flowed down Tyderan’s neck with a gurgling sound from the water bottle.

Rather than relieving my thirst, I was satisfied with just rinsing out my rough mouth.

“Even the Emperor knows that if this place collapses, it’s the end?”

“You don’t know anything? “Now the emperor is almost a puppet.”

“What is that… …

“It’s moving according to the will of the followers of the drinker.”

Although what Tyderan knew wasn’t exactly accurate information, just knowing that the Holy Empire was being manipulated by the followers of the demon was enough to know quite a bit.

Tighted gaped.

“So you’re saying that support isn’t coming?”

“I don’t know. But if it were me, I would have overexerted myself and sent it. If this place is breached, it’s all over with the Demon Lord and everything else.


“What on earth are they that are running around poking around everywhere? Why can’t the various kingdoms just join forces and kill them all?”

“You’re only 11 years old, so you probably don’t know, but the sect already has influence over the entire continent. Whatever you do now, it’s already too late.”

“Uncle, then the continent will be destroyed?”

“It’s already ruined. Look at the Holy Empire struggling because it can’t even stop the undead. Does that make sense? If it was a few years ago,

“It’s something you can’t even imagine.”

“Two more guys are coming. “You stop them.”

“What about your uncle?”

“We have to stop him.”

A single, huge Death Knight was walking towards where Tyderan and Tyted were.


To be precise, they approached by slaughtering the players.

A completely different appearance from Paranet,

It felt a bit more nimble, but the size was similar.

The Death Knight advanced without hesitation towards the Tyderan and Ty Ted.

The goal was to target two giants who were strong enough to stand out among the players.

The Death Knight arrived in front of Tidelan in an instant, and thrust his sword towards Tidelan’s axe, which was swinging with terrifying force.

Surprisingly, Tyderan was pushed back in the fight.

Tyderan’s axe bounces, and Death

The knight’s feet moved.

The foot flew upward and smashed Tyderan’s head.


“Hey, uncle!”

As Tite looked at the scene with a blank expression, Death Knight cut off Tite’s neck.


It was the moment when two giants, who had dealt with hundreds of undead, died in vain.

The Death Knight looked for his next prey.

He raised his head and looked at the two wizards who had been hovering in the sky for a while.

A faintly visible barrier surrounds them.

The Death Knight’s red eyes glowed.

My inventory is weird


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